MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-v2 Chapter 938 Ghost god

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Sun Ce wants to ask again, but Lu Bu on the other side is not willing to say, Sun Ce can only put all the doubts into the stomach.

"Well, if you want to break through, come on!" Lu Bu grabbed Liu Wei, and now Liu Wei has no sense of his own, Sirius Lu Bu, Qi Yan Zhang Fei, and Liu Wei of the broken army.

The momentum of the three people is not rising.

Lu Bu's strength is the strongest, Zhang Fei is second, and the strength of the second-rate peak of Liu Wei's district is not enough here.

So soon Liu Yan’s face showed a painful look, whether it was the body or the mind. If he continued this way, his body would inevitably collapse.

"Sun Ce Guan Hai!" Lu Bu shouted at the two men.

Sun Ce and Guan Hai knew what Lu Bu had to do, and killed the wolf. No matter which one of the three people came out, it was brought to the blood of the corpse. Three people were together, and there was a vision of heaven and earth in Chengdu. .

Liu Wei’s strength is not enough, and it can only be filled by two of them.

Sun Ce and Guan Hai looked at each other and nodded firmly. They put their hands together on Liu Wei’s body.

"Angang Ang!" Liu Yuyang raised his head and yelled out loud.

His strength is not enough, but with the addition of Sun Ce and Guan Hai, they are able to match Zhang Fei.

"Boom!" Liu Wei's body was the first to break through. He had the lowest strength. He was originally at the peak of refining, but this time he broke through the first among the three.

Refining the martial arts, this kind of realm can say that you have stepped into a first-class sequence.

Anyone who can walk this step is not a winter practice, but also has a full talent from a young age. Otherwise, even if he is poor, his life will be blocked outside the refining god.

Liu Wei broke through.

This is not counting, and soon the momentum of Liu Wei has changed again.

"The peak of refining the gods!" This is a dumbfounded pair of those who have already stepped into the refining of the gods.

Is the Nima refining peak so easy to break through?

When Lu Bu was shut down in the tiger prison, the world’s 800,000-strong army couldn’t help him, and then the peak of refining the gods was Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong, who was half-baked in the earth, also picked up the banner of the city.

After that is Sun Ce. Sun Ce died of the Oolong horse and broke the overlord gun.

The most tragic thing is Zhang Fei, and there is no life.

This yin and yang reconciliation hit the peak of refining the gods.

However, now Liu Wei has suddenly risen to two levels in strength, and has reached the peak of refining the gods from the peak of refining. Even the generous people can't help it.

Zhang Fei over there is a look of resentful expression looking at Liu Wei, but fortunately, Liu Wei has no sense of the present, if there is, then it must be a chill.

"Hey!" has the strength to refine the peak of the gods, Liu Wei also has the qualification to fight with Zhang Fei Lu Bu over there.

Liu Wei actually opened his mouth. The first one sent a provocative meaning to Lu Bu.

"It's time!" Lu Bu disappeared directly, Zhang Fei was subconsciously alert, and Lu Bu's speed was almost invisible.

Lu Bu appeared behind Liu Wei.

"Wen Hou?!" Guan Hai and Sun Ce are struggling to support.

"What are you doing for Wenhou!" Guanhai actually saw the sword in the hand of Lu Bu slashed to the main official Liu Wei.

Guan Hai’s eyes widened, and he saw Lu Bu’s high-lifting sword, and fell down and chopped on Liu’s body.

Blood splattered out.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Liu Wei angered and yelled at Lu Bu, but in the hands of Lu Bu, everything was futile.

"Zhang Fei. I want to win me, this is your only possibility!" Lu Bu shouted at Zhang Fei over there.

Zhang Fei responded, and the blood on Liu’s arm was splashed on Zhang Fei’s face.

Zhang Fei did not miss the swallowing of these blood.

The blood thing is not to look at the quantity, but to look at the quality. Now Liu Wei has the strength to refine the peak of the gods, plus the identity of the broken army.

When his blood collided with Zhang Fei’s blood, he slowly blended.

"Hey!" Zhang Fei's state of mind and Liu Wei hooked together.

"Ah!" Sun Ce suddenly got amazed because he found himself breaking.

"Position!" Liu Wei Sun Ce can understand the potential.

Although the strength of the body is disappearing, as long as the realm is realized, as long as the person is still alive. So now there is no blood and how.

"It's enough!" Lu Bu stopped Zhang Fei from continuing. If he went on, Liu Wei would lose too much blood.

Zhang Feiyi is still not finished, but it is indeed enough. If he goes on, he won't get other benefits, just a little bit of addiction.

"Sun Ce, Guan Hai, you two left with Han Yang!" Lu Bu said to Sun Ce and Guan Hai on the side.

The two men nodded in unison, and the wound of Liu Wei’s arm had stopped the blood. The two people are very excited, and both of them have realized the territory. The time left is needed. As long as the time is enough, it will certainly be able to go to which step.

There are no other blocks:

"Zhang Fei!"

"Lu Bu!" The two looked at each other and their faces were full of excitement. "War, fight, fight!"

Lu Bu can be described as a true **** of war, and on the other side, although Zhang Fei can not compare with Lu Bu, but after getting the blood of Liu Wei, he also broke his own limit.

The two had no scruples at all, and the two sides exchanged wounds.

"Boom!" Lu Bu was shot from the two people's station circle, but he did not care about the wounds, and once again screamed.

"Fast, refreshing! Come again!" Lu Bu once again killed the station circle.

"Drink!" Zhang Fei's spear penetrated into Lu Bu's body, and his face could not help but reveal a happy color. "Lu Bulu Fengxian, let you be a **** of war, how is the wolf, you are self-restraint, today, this Chengdu capital is your life. The place of funeral!" Zhang Fei's strength was not as good as Lu Bu at the beginning.

However, Lu Bu has improved Zhang Fei's strength in a hard life. Now Zhang Fei can be said to be the combination of the broken army and the seven-man in the battle against the Sirius.

"Yes!" Lu Bu was confident and smiled, and his face was unruly. The current Lu Bu is the original Lu Zhan.

"Lord, it hasn't been so happy for a long time!" In the army of Liu Wei, there are naturally old people who have followed Lu Bu. They are thinking about how long Lu Bu has exposed such expressions.

From the breakout of Xuzhou, Lu Bu was much less when he shot himself.

More of him is sitting in the rear as a commander, but don't forget, Lu Bu's strongest is his martial arts.

"If it is Zhang Fei, you only have that. It is too disappointing!"

"What!" Zhang Fei felt that the eight-snake spear in his hand could not be pulled out. It turned out that it was stuck in the bones by Lu Bu, and the bones on Lu Bu could really not be much worse.

"That's it!" This time it was Zhang Feifei's turn out. Even the Zhangba snake spear in his hand was lost.

Lu Bu did not let him go even if Zhang Fei was going to be flew out, and he continued to press it.

One foot was on the belly of Zhang Fei. The sea **** is also behind Zhang Fei.

Directly put Zhang Fei into the ground.

Where the road surface of the mud land can withstand such an attack, the whole person has fallen into it.

"Ah!" Zhang Fei looked at Lu Bu with a red eyes. Even if he didn't like this, he couldn't compare with Lu Bu. He refused to accept it.

He screamed at Lu Bu "Lv Fengxian. You forced me, you forced me, I must kill you, kill you!"

"Well?" Lu Bu saw Zhang Fei's momentum weakening. "No!" Lu Bu shook his head. Zhang Fei had the power of seven scorpions and broken army. Even if he was defeated, his body was murderous. How could it be weak?

Lu Bu turned to Zhang Fei's hand.

"Zhou Ba snake spear!" Just now Lu Bu took advantage of the Zhangba snake spear to throw the past, Zhang Fei was in his hand, and now Zhang Fei is actually pushing his body toward the Zhangba snake spear.

"Lub. If you can take this trick, then I will take it!" Zhang Fei looked at Lu Bu on the other side, his body was lowering, and the eight-snake spear in his hand was rising.

"The murderer!" Lu Bu saw the meeting, he understood it, Zhang Fei was converting his son's Zhangba snake spear into a murderer.

There are only two things that can become a murderer in this world. One of them is Hessian, which is the handed down jade, how many heroes compete for him. The husband is guilty of sin.

Because of the number of people who died in the Hess, and later became a handed down jade, and how many wars were drawn with it, those who died and were killed were counted on the Hess. If it is not the best jade stone, I am afraid that it has already cracked, but the color of the scorpion is also blood red.

There is another one who is the bronze man of Emperor Qin Shihuang, melting the weapons of the Seven Kingdoms and casting the bronze people.

Now Zhang Fei actually wants to forge a third murderer.

Not using others, but using himself.

"It's really awkward!" Lu Bu shook his head. This Zhang Fei was jealous of others, but he did not expect to be jealous of himself.

He even wanted to refine himself to the singer.

Use his own blood, with the momentum of the Seven Commandments and the broken army.

"Three brothers!" Liu Bei is also panicked. He even loses Liu Biao even if he loses completely, but he still has to be related to Yu and Zhang Fei, always when there is a comeback.

But now Guan Yu was arrested by Liu Wei, and he left a Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei had already broken through to the peak of refining the gods. He even understood the situation. For Liu Bei, a Zhang Fei could match the original two people.

But now Zhang Fei actually wants to smelt.

If Liu Bei loses Zhang Fei again, Liu Bei can't imagine it.

"Three brothers, come back!" Liu Bei yelled at Zhang Fei over there.

"Big Brother!" Zhang Fei also turned around and looked at Liu Bei over there. His face was struggling. His mind thought of the three of their brothers together. They thought that they had a relationship with Taoyuan and remembered them. Three smashing the Central Plains, killing the yellow towel, breaking Dong Zhuo, and then three people visiting Kanto, all of this is recorded in Zhang Fei's mind.

If Zhang Fei can do it, he can't go to the world. If it is a peaceful life, how good is it, the three brothers drink and have fun, the three brothers are together in the Taoyuan, casting a house, how good it is to marry and have children. It.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing in the world. Since Big Brother, you want this world, since Big Brother, you want to achieve your hegemony, then you can only support you if you are a brother, even if you die.

Zhang Fei’s will is firm, and he directly disconnected one of his arms.

The wound of the artery made the blood in his body surging more and more, and it was poured on the scorpion snake.

"Why!" Lu Bu shook his head. Zhang Fei’s heart had already had a obsession and could not return.

"Rub, it's all right, today is not your death or I am dead! Don't be afraid!" Zhang Fei paled, but his eyes were full of madness.

"Come on! This thing that makes me Lu Fengxian afraid is not there yet!" Lu Buzhen looked at Zhang Fei untamedly.

The weapon? ! What about the weapon, he is a dead thing after all, he can be proud of the world, will care about a weapon.

"Dead!" Zhang Fei was completely crazy. He only had one hand holding the Zhangba snake spear in his hand. "Blood the world!" From Zhang Fei's Zhangba snake spear, he jumped out like a fish. The blood dragon swallowed down to the ruble over there.

Lu Bu did not move at all.

Is this scary?

Everyone else has this feeling, because the aftermath of the blood dragon has caused many people to be scared, let alone in the central Lu Bu.

Seeing the blood dragon over there, I will swallow Lu Bu.

"Father-in-law!" Under the blood, even Liu Wei, who was lost in the side, was awakened. He opened his eyes and saw a blood dragon opened his mouth and swallowed Lu Bu. It is.

"Pass my military order!" Liu Wei wants to cry, Lu Bu was killed by Zhang Fei? Not to mention how big the morale is, just say how he confessed to Liu Wei, ah, Miss Lu, who still didn’t kill him, and there was a long time with Lu Bu, Liu Wei really put Lu Bu When treated as an elder.

Liu Wei will send his men and soldiers to rush to go up. He will kill Zhang Fei and avenge Lu Bu.

"Lord, there, look over there!" Sun Ce is much more sensitive than Liu Wei's ear, and he heard the movement there.

"Hey!" Lu Bu closed his eyes and let the blood dragon swallow him, blood is eroding his body.

Lu Bu did not bring a little feeling, he just held the sea **** in his hand.

The muscles in his hands swelled up, and Lu Bu's face was no longer like a human being, but filled with a ghostly haunt.

The whole person was like a dead, without the slightest breath. Suddenly, Lu Bu suddenly opened his eyes and sent these words on his mouth.



"God!" (~^~)