MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-v2 Chapter 915 Liu Bei into Jiangzhou

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"Come on, hurry up, hurry up!" The terracotta warriors and horses in the Yizhou mountain forest are marching fast, and they give up all the heavy materials, all of which are lightly loaded, in order to speed up the journey.

‘Yes, General, we, we can’t run! "A thousand people will speak to this general.

"Can't run?"

"Yeah, can't run!"

"Is it going to be exhausted?" The general was still looking at the thousand people.

This thousand people will have a bit of horror in their hearts. After all, with their own bosses, if they are not good, they must wear small shoes.

But looking at the Lord's eyes that look like laughter and laughter.

He still nodded. "Yes, it’s too tired, it’s going to be exhausted!" They started from yesterday, and when they finished eating, they set off immediately, and there was no rest in the middle.

How can I live?

"Then you will stay and rest!" The general suddenly said to the thousand people that he would smile.

I thought that the thousands of people who would be reprimanded would not have thought that their Lord would talk so well, and his face nodded his face. "Thank you, General, thank you General!"

"General, I will pass on the order, let the brethren, rest for a while!" This thousand people will pass the order.

"No need!" The general said this way.

"Well?" Thousands of people will not understand, but he will widen his eyes when he is random.

From his neck, a blood flower was drawn from the neck of the aorta, and blood spewed out.

This is not an enemy. It is not a mistake, and the sword that has opened his neck is in the hands of this general.

"General, you, you!" The thousand people will point to the general's anger and can't speak, and more is an expression of disbelief.

"Since you are exhausted, let's stay and rest!" said the general, smiling.

This thousand people will only have the aorta broken by this general. It will not die at all for a while, and it will twitch over there, and it will be low at the beginning. Now it can only become miserable. The blood quickly spread over the ground.

The general poured the blood on the corner of his mouth and put it in his mouth with his tongue. He smiled and looked at the people there. "The slaves promised to go to the big brother. They must arrive at Chengdu before dawn. If they fail." The slaves will be spanked by the big brother. The slaves are afraid of pain. If the slaves of some people are beaten, then the slaves will only ask you to go to sleep! Hehehe!"

This general laughed out the charm.

All of the people are swallowing their mouths. This is a kind of fear. A thousand people will, how to say that it is also a general, but killing is killed.

The fascination of this general is also more and more moody.

"If you don't let the slaves be embarrassed, the slaves will reward you with your good deeds!" said the general who went directly to the war horse and continued to move toward Chengdu.

This general believes that everyone has guessed it, not others. It is our Zhang Fei, Zhang Yide.

Now Zhang Fei has already broken through the boundaries of the refining warrior, reaching the peak of refining the gods, and even he is going further and further on the road of refining the peak of the gods.

Even Lu Bu may be difficult to compare, after all, the lonely Yin is not born, the lonely Yang is not long.

Only the true yin and yang reconciliation can reach the supreme realm. On this world, no one will be like Zhang Fei. I am willing to take away my own thing and completely reconcile the yin and yang.

"Yes!" The army continued to move.

Above the road of the army march.

Liu Bei and Pang Shiyuan are talking.

Such a long-distance attack, even if Liu Bei himself is riding a horse, it is very exhausting, not to mention those who rely on two legs to act. "Lord. Hold on for a while, then hold on for a while, we will fall. Fengpo!"

Pang Shiyuan was angry with Liu Bei on the side.

Liu Bei is old, and he has not had the same kind of spirit.

Or Liu Bei has now entered middle age.

The ancient thirty-nine self-proclaimed the old man, Liu Bei is the block, the old man in the old man.

The wrinkles on the face and the quality of the body are not as good as one day.

Liu Bei is not willing to serve the old. But I have to be old.

Shaking his head, smashing the tiredness in his mind, took over the kettle that Pang Shiyuan handed over there, and took a cold water directly on his face.

Finally, the exhaustion was cleared a bit.

"Luofengpo!" Liu Bei could not help but see Pang Shiyuan. The name is unlucky. Pang Shiyuan was not known as the Phoenix chick.

This place is really a barren land.

"Why should the Lord care?" Pang Shiyuan was still free and easy, falling down the phoenix slope, falling down the slope, he was going to drop the phoenix, and she was Pang Shiyuan, but with the words of Liu Wei’s child, it was just a big turkey. .

Without feathers, nothing, it is not a turkey. What is it?

Countless times of failure, Pang Shiyuan’s proud heart was also bowed down, and even himself laughed at himself.

It is precisely this kind of self-deprecation, but it is that Pang Shiyuan passed through this phoenix **** twice, but nothing happened.

"Shi Yuan, you can rest assured that if my great cause can be achieved, it will certainly not live up to you!" Liu Bei seized the hand of Pang Shiyuan said.

"Lord, don't worry!" Pang Shiyuan nodded, he was not so vulnerable.

"When I arrived at Luofengpo, I asked people to send messengers to contact Zhaohao!" Liu Bei said to Pang Shiyuan, and now Liu Bei is considered to be a one-on-one.

Since Liu Wei does not associate with him Liu Bei, then he will not be aligned. You Liu Wei is doing the first day of the conversation. I am able to enjoy the fifth day.

If you don't form an alliance with me, then I will kill you. Of course, relying on the strength of Liu Bei alone, naturally, I can't do it, but if I add Zhao Wei from Yunnan, there is Zhang Lu in the Han Dynasty.

The two together with his Liu Bei will be able to destroy Liu Wei.

As for who died Liu Wei is the owner of Yizhou, that is another matter.

Whether he is Liu Bei, Zhao Wei or Zhang Lu, it is not to let Liu Wei easily invade Yizhou, only three joint, when Liu Bei can have a foothold and a line of vitality.

"Lord, it is not yet time!" Pang Shiyuan shook his head.

"Isn't it the time?" Liu Bei stunned, and now he will not contact Zhao Wei again. When will it be, the army of Liu Wei has been ready to go. I can invade Yizhou at any time.

"Lord, if you send the messenger to go to Zhao Wei now, except for being bombed and looked down, there will be no second possibility!" Pang Shiyuan said to Liu Bei over there.

Pang Shiyuan is not joking. Whether it is an enemy or an ally in the world, everything is about watching strength.

If you have the strength, you will have a place. If you have no strength, even if you are more proud. Even if you are in a good position, it is inferior to be born again.

When the 18th Road princes met Dong Zhuo, wasn't Liu Bei being used as a pawn? If not Cao Cao, I am afraid that Liu Bei is not qualified to sit.

The current Liu Bei is also like this. Only the disabled army will lose more than 10,000 people, and that Zhao Wei, even if it is only a small prince, but at least occupied a place in Yunnan, now it is hit the Jianning line. It is necessary to break through to Chengdu.

Will such a prince take care of your Liu Bei? Why? After you Liu Bei is the Jingjing King of Zhongshan? By your Liu Bei is the left general? Still rely on it.

"Shi Yuan, how should we do it??" Liu Bei asked Pang Shiyuan. Now he is Liu Bei, but all his hopes are on Pang Shiyuan.

Pang Shiyuan did not answer immediately, but looked at the distance and pointed to the direction behind the falling phoenix slope. "Take Jiangzhou and send troops to Chengdu!"

This time, it was really an army with no amount of Liu Bei. It passed smoothly from Luofeng Slope. After detouring to Jiangzhou, the sky gradually became brighter. The place near Jiangzhou City near Yong’an County was heavily guarded.蹭蹭 防 防, but this rear, but it is like a smooth road, even with a bright whistle, there is no whistle.

Liu Bei’s army is in nowhere. Soon after, I arrived at the back of Jiangzhou. There was a white belly in the sky. The gates of Jiangzhou City slowly opened, and it might not be the sunrise.


"Drive, drive. Drive! Eight hundred miles in a hurry, eight hundred miles in a hurry!" A horse in the avenue of Chengdu Prefecture is running fast. The man above the horse slammed and slammed the **** of the horse.

On the pavement of Chengdu, many new people avoided the flash, and countless booths were overturned.

For a time, the city was in a mess.

In a carriage, the scribe opened the carriage's curtain "Zhou Cheng, why not go?"

Zhou Cheng is the name of this groom.

"Fare back and drive the adults!"

"I haven't been driving this Yizhou already!" the young scribe said with a smile.

"Oh, oh, when you come back to the servant, there is just a horse on the road, and the Mercedes-Benz has gone. This has caused such panic! The villain is afraid of disturbing the adults, and this stops!" The groom is facing the youth. The scribe explained.

"This is the children of the family. The horses gallop on the roads in the city?!" The scribes frowned. On the way, people who came and went could accidentally install a person. This Mercedes-Benz horse can not recognize people. It must be seriously injured when it is installed.

"Looking like it, it seems to come from the direction of Jiangzhou! Shouting, shouting eight hundred miles?" Ma Fu Zhou Cheng learned the voice of people just shouting.

"Jiangzhou? Eight hundred miles? Eight hundred miles in a hurry?" The Wenshi suddenly reacted.

So rushing above the road, has not been intercepted by the people at the gate, then it must be the people in the army, the army, Jiangzhou, eight hundred miles in a hurry!

These three keywords seem to have specific conditions at once.

"What happened to Jiangzhou? Who is it? The main public? Jia Wei? Or other?" The scribes' minds suddenly showed so much content.

Waiting for the road to be cleared, the carriage continued to travel. On the weekdays, the half-hours are coming to the mansion. Today, it took more than two hours to get to the house where the scribes belong.

A large French word is shown in it.

"Adult, you can come back!" The butler immediately greeted him.

"what happened?"

"The general is waiting for you for a long time!" The butler pointed to a person who looked like a school in the Yizhou army and said to the scribe.

"Yizhou, the army of the priests, waited for Guo Chen to see the adults! The state animal husband invited the adults to go to the deliberation!" This school saw the scribes immediately fell down.

"I said, I am not driving this Yizhou, the general must not make a mistake!" The scribe said to the school on the other side. It means that I am not driving this Yizhou. I will not bring me to this Yizhou meeting.

"Falun is an adult, even if you are not an adult, you are not Yizhou, you are finally Yizhou people!" The other side will be shouting at the scribe.

The big man in his mouth is the law.

Law is just staying a bit, telling the truth, he is really not Yizhou people.

He came to Yizhou to escape the fighting in the Central Plains, but he has lived in Yizhou for so many years.

"I am not an Yizhou person, I am a Fufeng person!" Fa is right in front of this school.

"Fa Zheng is an adult, Jiangzhou has lost!" This school directly gave a blockbuster.

"Jiangzhou lost?!" The law was suddenly amazed.

Jiangzhou is the eastern barrier of Chengdu Prefecture, and then it is Chengdu Mansion.

"How can this Jiangzhou break?!" Fazhen really does not understand, who can and can directly win Jiangzhou, to know that two days ago, this Jiangzhou and Liu Wei have also come to each other.

It’s all over now between the two days.

Two days to break through Jiangzhou, is it the hero of the main public?

It is possible to say that Liu Wei’s terracotta warriors are possible, but how can this happen? It is clear that Liu Wei has not let Liu Weijun intervene in Yizhou.

It’s just to let go of it, and it’s just like this.

Can the Lord refuse to take the shot first.

"It is Liu Bei! That hypocrite Liu Bei!" This army is speaking to the Fazheng. "Liu Bei?" The law is even more confused. Now Liu Bei can only survive in Yongan County. Even self-protection has become a problem. How can he win Jiangzhou?

Before that, Cai Wei and Yu Yue disguised as Liu Bei’s army had already been known by Fa. "Don't you read it wrong?" Fazheng suspected that it was not the heroes of Cai Wei and Yu Yue.

"It can't be wrong! Someone saw that one of the generals used the Zhangba snake spear, which is called Zhang Fei Zhang Yide!"

If Zhang Fei’s image can still be pretending to be someone, after all, this spear and a big bear with a beard are still very easy to find.

But now it is different, Zhang Fei has become like this, and really few people can imitate Zhang Fei.

"What exactly is going on?!"

"Don't drive an adult, the protagonist, is waiting for you in the state pastoral office, for the sake of the protagonist, but also for the people of Yizhou, please go and see!" This Liu Wei's army is waiting for the right way.

He knows that the whole Yizhou can save Yizhou only one person. (To be continued.)

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