MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-Chapter 7 Breakout

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The night is getting deeper, the moon is empty, and the chastity is incomparable. Such a poetic and artistic time should be when the moon is drinking, the beauty is helping, and the poetry is in love.

However, in the hustle and bustle of this former Xuzhou, it is still in the **** hurricane.

There are fires everywhere in the city, and the city is full of killing voices everywhere.

Lu Bu is sitting next to Liu Wei, Liu Wei can rest, but he can't rest, the fire in the city, killing, every scream of screams, every fire represents the men of Lu Bu's hands. I have been sleeping in this ancient city.

"How long?" Liu Wei suddenly woke up, he was very tired, busy during the day, came to the world and killed another day, tired he did not want to move, but did not move, he did not want to die! He still has a little life,

"It's already awkward!" Lu Bu calmly said.

"When is the time?!" In ancient times, according to the heavens and the earth to support the time of 12 o'clock to allocate time, this time is from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Liu Wei remembers that when he rests, the day is not dim, so that time is about five o'clock, now it is seven o'clock. More, rest for more than an hour for nearly two hours!

"We should act!" The sky has already darkened, and even if there is a fire in the city, it is hard to tell.

"Go west door to break out!" When Lu Bu stood up, he would inform Gao Shun and Zhang Liao that he was stopped by Liu Wei.

"Can't go to Ximen!" said Liu Wei.

"Why?!" Lu Bu did not understand, the East Gate is the Baimen Building has been broken, the North Gate is Gaoshun's camp handle, now Gaoshun is in this way that the North Gate is also lost, the South Gate is followed by Was broken, only the West Gate, there is Chen Gong where it can still hold for a while!

"When you go to Simon, you are completely looking for death!" Liu Wei does not know the art of war, but he knows the psychology of the people. He has been smashed into four gates and has already been attacked. It is inevitable that the city will be broken. The last one left. The door is no longer a tough, but credit! Breaking the credit.

Cao Cao’s battle was carried out, bringing the generals Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan, Xia Houyi, and Xu Yang, Lu Wei and Li Dian. Plus the peach three brothers! It can be said that the stars will be gathered. But there are only four doors in this squat! It’s not good at all, so the rest of the game is definitely a good place to grab credit.

"Let's go to the East Gate and break out from the East Gate~!" Liu Wei made up his mind.

"Do you have crazy in the East Gate?!" Lu Bu shouted. "This East Gate is the white gate building. It is the place we just lost. Because I am here, this East Gate is also the place where the Cao thief sends the most troops and the strongest military force. How to get out of the East Gate! Don't walk West Gate!"

The book said that Lu Bu was just used by himself. Originally, Liu Wei did not believe it, but now he believes that the opportunity to explain Liu Wei is not vetoed. No wonder that Chen Gong’s first-class adviser added his own superb power. There is a camp, and the state iron ride can be lost so thoroughly.

However, there is a way to deal with Liu Wei, a person like Lu Bu!

This kind of person, Lu Bu, actually said that it is a hedgehog. If you follow his thorns, absolutely nothing will happen. If you touch it in reverse, huh, huh, then you are waiting to be tied with blood. Let's go!

"Lv boss, do you want to take revenge?!" Just like this, let Lu Bu's original disapproval of the mouth loosened.

"Revenge?!" Lu Bu's eyes sparkled, and in this darkness, a sparkling chill.

"Yes, revenge, being bullied by the Cao thief is so miserable, but also Wei Songling, Hou Cheng, the three traitors, you are so dingy away? Do you not want to cut the three traitors and then give the Cao thief What awkward?!"

"What to do!" Lu Bu is the most direct, Lu Bu is a hero, but he is also a villain, the most important feature of the villain is that you must report.

Cao Cao brought him such a big pain. You said that he might not return it. He also had Hou Chengwei and Song Xian’s three traitors. People have such a characteristic. The hatred of traitors is always better than that. It is much bigger for the enemy, such as the traitor during the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Daxie special, big book, not to dig up the traitors and grandsons for three generations is absolutely not to give up.

"Spreading the East Gate!" Liu Wei said his thoughts. "Cao Jun is indeed the most powerful force in the East Gate Baimen Building, and the most powerful, but you must not forget, it is only in the defense of Lu Bujun!"

"What do you mean?!" Lu Bu asked.

"Oh, we are now Cao Jun, the nephew of General Xia Houyuan, Xia Houde's lower hand, you said that Cao Jun will stop us?!"

"Yes!" Lu Bu remembered this. Liu Wei let Zhang Liao's soldiers change into Cao Jun's clothes. It was really difficult to distinguish them under the darkness.

"Cao Jun has already broken the squat, and the whole Xuzhou has a hand at hand. Then, according to the temper of Cao Cao, how can you not feel the pride and enjoy the feeling of the victor, so he will definitely have a feast in the iconic building of Xia. To celebrate the arrival of Xuzhou, this iconic building is the white gate of the squatting! "In the romance, Lu boss can be killed on the white door."

"When people are most proud of the time, they are the most forgotten. At this time, how high can you say that his defenses can be?! I let General Zhang Liao fight before, and after the eight hundred traps, it is to see if there is any chance to directly impact. Cao Cao camp, Hou Cheng Wei continued and Song Xian, the three traitors will definitely be with Cao Cao, perhaps luck, we can kill Cao Cao to a one-off fixed, Cao Cao died, the whole of Zhangzhou, Xuzhou is chaotic, Lu The boss can replace it, even if it can't be done, we can quickly leave the city! Come back again!"

Listening to Liu Wei’s explanation, Lu Bu’s heart is getting more and more heart-warming!

The efficiency of Lu Bujun is fast, and the camp is the elite of the elite, and the other Lu Bujun who followed are also living in the dead, and the movements of the war can not be slow.

For a while, the "Cao Jun", who was carrying the Xiahoude flag, swung in the direction of Baimenlou.

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Xiabai Baimen Upstairs

Cao Cao’s feast of the feast is not to be arrogant! When Lu Bu was shut down in the prison, he regarded the 12th princes in the intangible character and was defeated by Cao Mengde. Not only was he defeated, but he also got his foundation. He might have his wife and wife, but he was coveted for a long time. It is.

"Congratulations to the prime minister, He Xixiang, the squatting has been broken, this Xuzhou is at your fingertips, Xuzhou can raise 100,000 troops in hand!" A scribe took the lead to congratulate Cao Cao.

"Haha, get up!" Cao Cao is very refreshed. Who are you worshipping on the ground? It is the original Lu Bujun's something, Chen Qun is also, this Chen Qun is a talented person, he does not need, I am Cao Mengde. Use haha.

"Today can break the ruin of Lu Buquan and take advantage of all of you. I am thankful for Cao Mengde here!" Xia, Xuzhou, this is the land of fish and rice, although it is a land of four wars, but it can raise 100,000 troops. .

He Cao Cao did not want to get Xuzhou twice or twice. He played Xuzhou in the name of his father Cao Yu. At that time, the owner of Xuzhou was Tao Qian, the old thing, the use of soldiers was not his opponent of Cao Mengde, but The affluent and hard-working of Xuzhou repelled Cao Cao back.

This second hit Xuzhou is now, he Cao Cao cultivated for a long time before relying on the Qingzhou soldiers to hit the squat, this is because this Lu Bu self-digging the grave, do not listen to the advice of the counselor.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The rest of the people bowed their heads and said they didn't dare.

"Hey!" A cold voice passed over.

Cao Cao shifted his attention and turned his attention to a bundled middle-aged scribe who had forgotten his head and forgot him. Cao Cao proudly looked at the scribe and said, "I don't know what the public office is!"

It is true that this middle-aged scribe who was tied is the first adviser of Lu Bujun Chen Gong Chen Gongtai.

"A despicable villain, if you don't listen to me first, how can you get this down!" Chen Gong's prejudice against Cao Cao has never stopped. It has become deeper and deeper in these years.

"Public Taiwan, public office, why are you, then you have to be with me, now you must have a seat at this celebration feast, even you can show your ambitions, you do not choose me Cao Mengde I thought it was a public platform. You can look at people and know people. Now it seems that it is just like this!" Cao Cao means that you are Chen Gongtai, your eyes are short and the mouse is a good future. You should not rely on Lu Bu.

"Oh, along with you? With you, killing innocents together? Why is Lu Bo extravagant? If you kill his family, even if he kills him together? Cao Mengde, you are really a wolf!" Chen Gong The more you speak, the more excited you are.

The following general counselors all said nothing, Lu Bo's luxury is the first time they heard that although Cao Cao is morally damaging, it is their lord.

"Stop!" Cao Cao's face changed.

"What's wrong, you Cao Mengde is also afraid? You Cao Mengde also wants to be famous?! You let me live, I still have to say that you have the ability, you Cao Mengde killed me with a sword!" Chen Gong sneered.

"Do you really think that I dare not kill?!" Cao Cao pulled out the sword in his hand. This sword is called Yitian, and it is called a fine soldier.

"Kill! As long as you don't kill me in Cao Mengde, I will say the last day!"

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Cao Cao looked at Chen Gong for a long time and suddenly showed a smile on his face. "Say, continue, oh, then!" A sword fell directly and cut the rope on Chen Gong.

"The public is thirsty!" Cao Cao ordered the wine to be filled with wine, meaning that you will continue to swear, and thirst, you will drink and quench your thirst!

Chen Gong took up the wine glass in front of the table and shook his head and said, "Cao Mengde, Cao Mengde, I really didn't expect your skin to be thick enough!"

"Ha ha!" Cao Cao stood up and smiled and stood up. "The public station is not my Cao Cao skin thick, not my Cao Cao skin thick,

It is because I have put the vulgar ethics of this world into my heart. Everyone in the world said that I am a traitor, but I can take me as a traitor; those of you who are self-proclaimed gentlemen are also defeated by me. If the price of a gentleman is to be abused, trampled, destroyed, or even killed, I would rather be a traitor who can achieve his ambitions. Since ancient times, traitors like loyalty, falsification like truth, loyalty and treacherousness are not visible from the surface. Maybe you have mistakenly read me Cao Cao, but now I am wrong, but I am still me. I am never afraid of others misreading me... Public brother, in all fairness, do you think I am right? ”

Chen Gong has nothing to say, the Tao is different, maybe Cao Cao is right, or maybe he is right, who knows! Anyway, this city is broken, and Chen Gongtai is also ready to die.

Looking at Chen Gong was said to be speechless, Cao Cao smiled. If it really is to be counted, this Chen Gong is his first adviser! When he left for the sake of his own abandonment, Cao Cao was moved.

Just when Cao Cao thought about something, a commander ran in and "reported the prime minister, General Hou Cheng asked to see!"

"Hey?!" Cao Cao said, Hou Cheng has already dropped himself. He went out to find Wei Xuan and Song Xian this time. Wei Xuan’s hand was tied to Lu Bu, and Hou Cheng came back. So Lu Bu was also tied.

Cao Cao’s heart smiled and said to Chen Gong, who was drinking alcohol. “The old man of the public station is coming!”

"Let him come in!"

"Yes!" The commander went down.

"Hey!" Chen Gong sighed with a look that was all lonely.

Hou Cheng quickly stepped in and stepped forward toward Cao Cao. "Hang Cheng has seen the prime minister!"

"General Hou Cheng does not have to ask for more gifts. Today, Lu Bu, Lu Bujun will be removed from the world, so the general does not need to call himself a descendant. It should be the last!" Cao Cao touched the beard Waiting for a look.

"Yes, the end will obey!" Hou Cheng, this twenty-five aberdeen really eat this set, moved very much.

"Why Wei Lin and the two generals are not with you, they offer Lu Bu and the merits of opening the city gate. But this is the best way to remember the two generals!" Cao Cao never rewards, so Cao Jun The soldiers are also very busy for Cao Cao!

"Amount!" Cao Cao did not ask for a good question. The sweat on Hou Cheng’s face came out. "The last will, the end will!" The supporter could not speak.

"What's wrong?!" Cao Cao browed and asked.

"The end will know the mistake, but also ask Cao Yu to forgive sin, Lu Bu, Lu Bu broke off the rope and ran away!" Song Xian and Wei continued without telling Hou Cheng Liu Wei's existence, because it means that they are both idiots. Well! I believe in a person for no reason, and finally I was sold by others. This is not the second thing!

"Running?!" Cao Cao did not speak, and a black skin warfare would open. "Do you not say that, Wei Songxian has already tied the three surnames to the slaves? He also left his Fang Tianhuai, this can make him run you are really waste!" The door is extremely big, the spit heart is coming to Hou Cheng's face, Hou Cheng needs a grandson in front of Cao Cao but not in front of this war. The face has already seen a twilight.

"The third brother is not rude!" A big-faced Confucian came out and pulled the black-faced warrior. Yes, this is the peach three brothers. Don’t say that Liu Bei’s image is really good, kind and eye-catching, arms over the knee, if If you cry, you are really worried about the world.

"Ha ha ha ha, run well, run well!" The happiest place here is Chen Gong. If the wine just tasted as boring as drinking water, then it will become a sap.

"The dragon into the sea, let the tiger return to the mountain! Meng De, you Xuzhou do not want to be stable!"

"Hmmm?!" Cao Cao was gloomy, but he didn't talk. He didn't know that Lu Bu was a tiger. Once he let him escape, Xuzhou and even Zhangzhou would not stop. Lu Bu was originally doing nothing. Now, big deal is to take up the old post.

However, he couldn't afford to play with Cao Cao. He was asked by Lu Bu at the end of the three days. He wouldn't be calm, and don't say that he would dominate the world, and it would be good to be able to hold his own territory.

Cao Cao took a deep breath and didn't have the expression of anger burning, but said with a smile, "What is the sin of General Hou Cheng? This Lu Bulu Feng first is a tiger, can open the city gate and offer the red rabbit square painting." It’s a big deal, no need to blame!”

"丞相!" Hou Cheng was moved to a mess. "There is no such thing as a reassurance. Lu Bu is the most concerned about his wife. Wei and Song Xian, two generals, have already gone to the city of the state to bring the Lu Bujia, as long as they are in hand, Lu Bu It will be awkward!"

"Hey?!" Cao Cao really forgot, this Lu Bu is a man of the family, you don't say that Hou Cheng's strategy is really useful, if Lu Bu likes someone like his clothes like a person, changing clothes is more diligent than eating, He Cao Mengde can't do it!

So Cao Cao turned his attention to Liu Bei.

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