MTL - My Extraordinary Achievement-Chapter 531 Diamond League

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There is a big gap between Huaxia's overall fighting and fighting level and the five fighting kingdoms of the United States and Russia, but there is a lot of room for development, potential, and a huge market.

From the perspective of recent years, the fundamentals have improved, and there must be many problems, but the prospects are optimistic.

In some fields, such as the junior level, they have caught up with the higher international standards, and a group of excellent athletes have appeared, such as Xiong Chaozhong and Zou Shiming from junior level boxing, Cai Zongju from Huaxia, who is ranked the highest in the world boxing, and Qiu Jianliang from free-kick boxing. , and Zhang Weili, who won the first UFC gold belt before. There are more boxers who have also gone out of the country and onto the world stage.

From the perspective of market expansion and commercialization, overall progress is being made, and high-level competitions are slowly increasing. There has been a lot of fighting craze in China, but so far there has been no sign of world-class competitions. In addition, there are bad games in these competitions, and things such as consuming the enthusiasm of the Chinese people, deceiving the audience, and overdrafting integrity often occur, which greatly undermines the development of Huaxia Fighting.

There are also some parallel importers and liars who are very ostentatious in the market. Most of the ordinary people can only see these people who are jumping, which greatly creates a bad impression of ordinary people on fighting.

Another important point is the mass base. The good thing is that more and more people are approaching the gym and paying attention to fighting. The number of fight clubs in first-tier cities is increasing year by year, and the second and third tiers are also following up quickly. The downside is, of course, that the national base is far from enough. Physical education, competition selection and other links are lagging behind.

Most of the money Meng Fan took out this time was used for infrastructure construction and basic education. Especially in the latter part, although he does not have much contact with people in the fighting world, he always has some, and most of the people he contacts are willing to tell the truth to him, so he has an understanding of the current situation of practitioners related to fighting fighting. There are a lot of people who don't eat well. From the perspective of solving the root cause, in addition to competitions, it is to improve the salary level of education work in combat.

As for the venues and competitions, this one is not worrying about money, especially after Meng Fan's second-ranking scene, coupled with this trip to the UFC, China's existing market has been greatly activated, and he is willing to spend money. There are no small number of people who open stadiums and hold games.

All Meng Fan has to do is to bring in some big bosses and supervise them to clean up the pool. This was clearly stated when Meng Fan established the foundation. Maybe some people don't care or regard Meng Fan as an unworthy person. It is seen by a fat man who understands the market, but there are also people who have come into contact with Meng Fan and know his character. If you really want to find out something, it is ugly to point at the nose or even publicly point at the nose to curse.

Of course, these things must be difficult. Meng Fan also thought about it because he can get better, but there are some things that should be done or have to be done, and even to a large extent, they have to do it because of the infamy. He has a heavy sense of responsibility for Huaxia Fighting and Fighting, but when the realm of strength reaches this ideological realm, it will rise with the tide.

At present, it is fortunate that some people will support him and are willing to support him, and some people support him only for fame and not for profit.

After going back and forth for several days, Meng Fan didn't go back to Hangzhou. He held a few video conferences about the animation park and the film and television company. Besides training, he spends most of his time with Wu Tong, sometimes at home, sometimes with her to the Forbidden City, where she restores ancient paintings and he teases cats.

In the blink of an eye, in May, Meng Fan is about to start a new competition. He wants to compete in the IAAF Diamond League, which he has not participated in before. It can also be regarded as his first world-class tour of shot put and javelin.

The Diamond League is a global track and field series launched by the International Athletics Federation in 10 years. The event was upgraded from the original Golden League, expanded the project, and added twice the original event site, with a total of 14 stations. About four months before and after, this year starts from May 10th and ends on September 6th.

According to the regulations, the contestants participating in this series must be in the top 20 of the year in each event. Meng Fan participated in the Asian Athletics Grand Prix before and got the qualification.

The series has a total of 14 stations, but players do not need to participate in 14 stations, there is no hard requirement. Likewise, not all events are available at every station. Each event will only appear seven times in 14 stations. Players need to go to each station according to the project, and the projects will be rotated every year. For example, Hushi Station, the only station in China, will choose eight events for men and women, of which the men's 110-meter hurdles are permanently reserved for Hushi Station.

There are bonuses for each station of the Diamond League. The bonus for one station is 416,000 US dollars, which is divided equally by the 16 projects of the station. In addition, each station will get points, the top eight can get points, and the accumulated points will get the opportunity to participate in the finals. The champion of the final won a diamond trophy and a 4-carat diamond ring, and won the world number one in this single event.

Meng Fan has signed up for both the javelin and the shot put. If he wants to get a good ranking in points, he needs to participate in more sub-stations. Not all of these two events are arranged in the same sub-station, sometimes This station only has the javelin and that station only has the shot put.

The opening match of the Diamond League on the 10th was also the first stop in Doha, Qatar. Just like last year, no players from China participated.

There are several reasons. First, the total number of athletes participating in the Diamond League in China is not large. Second, the overall strength is not strong. Third, the second stop is the Huaxia Shanghai Stock Exchange. Prepare for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Station.

Meng Fan did not have any concerns about preparing for the battle. Unfortunately, there were no javelin and shot put at the Doha Station. It was a coincidence that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Station won both of these events.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange was held on the 18th. At 1 pm on the 17th, there was a press conference at the Diamond League Shanghai Station. As a Chinese athlete, there were four athletes attending the press conference, Meng Fan was one of them.

There are also sprint twin stars Su Shen and Xie Shen, as well as female shot put player Gong Huang.

In terms of performance alone, the title of Emperor Gong is well deserved. Now the Huaxia track and field team has won gold points steadily and is at the top level in the world. It also has very good results in the Diamond League. Competitions and other events have also repeatedly won gold and silver.

These four athletes represented Huaxia at the Shanghai Stock Exchange Press Conference, which can really be said to represent the speed and strength of the Huaxia track and field team.

In terms of speed, the sprinting twins have performed very well in recent years, Su Shen has played steadily, Xie Shensheng still has potential to tap and make breakthroughs at a young age, and the twins have always maintained a very high level of competition while chasing each other.

In terms of strength, Gong Huang is still at his peak. As long as he plays stably, he can basically be delisted in various competitions. Meng Fan's words are a breakthrough point for the Huaxia track and field team this time, and it has also attracted the attention of the global track and field community.

"God Su!"

"Thank God!"

"Emperor Gong!"

Meng Fan greeted the three athletes enthusiastically, UU read and then sat down beside Gong Huang, chatting and waiting for the start of the press conference.

He knows all three of them. Relatively speaking, the one he is most familiar with must be Gong Huang, who is a project. He has often encountered them during training recently. From technical movements to competitive psychology and experience, Meng Fan has really learned a lot from her.

The press conference began with the speeches of the leaders of the organizer and the organizer, introducing some related matters of the event, and then ending the reporter's interview.

Finally, the athlete representatives spoke, mainly interviewed and talked about the story between themselves and the Diamond League. The other three have participated in the Diamond League and at least won the championship. There are many stories and details to share. It is Meng Fan's turn. It can be said that it is nothing.

The primary school student sat in a well-behaved posture: "Hello everyone, I'm Meng Fan, a rookie athlete of the Huaxia Athletics Team. This is my first time participating in the Diamond League, and also my first time participating in a world-class event, mainly with the mentality of learning. Come here. Instructor Ye told me, when you come to such a field, don’t always think about comparing with other players horizontally, you should compare yourself vertically, don’t care about other people’s results, work hard to improve your own results and strive to be the best It’s enough to be a better self. I think Director Ye is right, it’s enough to be a better version of yourself, and it doesn’t matter if you are ranked or not. Thank you, my speech is over.”

Continue to sit in a well-behaved elementary school student position with a smile on her face.

A group of reporters haha, iron god-like modesty.

Is it enough to improve yourself?

That's not bad!

The best results in shot put and javelin this year are in your hands!

