MTL - My Darling Sick Beauty-Chapter 29

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Countless vines are entangled on the ancient trees.

The afterglow of the afterglow leaked from the gaps in the branches and leaves, and sprinkled in front of the eyes, like a dazzling piece of gold.

There are few such quiet moments in the Palace of Spirits.

Even if there are only two true monarchs living here, there are often little demons who serve and come and go, so there are chirping birds and the sound of all things growing. It is the most spiritual place in the demon world.

But now, the bright red prayer flags are fluttering against the wind, and the surroundings are solemn and silent.

Qing Lin stood in the Ten Thousand Spirits Palace, wearing a dark blue robe. She carried her hands on her back and looked down at the pure fire beads on the spiritual platform.

The residual clouds gathered, and a thick cloud was projected from the outside world.

The news of Lie Zhen's return to heaven and earth has spread to all walks of life, and soon, there will be people willing to come to offer condolences and farewell. And this pure fire bead will also be put back into the Sixiang Dan furnace to breed new seeds of holy beasts.

The inheritance method of the demon world is different from other all walks of life. When they combine with any race, they will not be able to give birth to pure and pure holy beasts. Only after death, the orbs that the holy body has been transformed into are put back into the four elephants Dan furnace. Only then will new true monarchs be born gradually to take over the duty.

It is precisely because of this that only two true monarchs will always appear in the demon world at the same time, and the next one to emerge from the Sixiang Dan furnace is Baihu or Xuanwu, or a new Vermilion Bird, it is unknown.

There was a light rain outside the hall, the soft sound of rain falling through the forest and hitting the leaves, and the soft sound of raindrops falling into the umbrella.

The Ten Thousand Spirits Palace is framed in mid-air by countless ancient wooden vines, and it is more than ten feet high.

Qing Lin turned around as if feeling a sense of it, swept away her consciousness, and suddenly found the carriage of the Demon World War Horse parked under the ancient tree. She frowned, then slowly released it, took a few steps out, The door of Wanling Palace jumped down.

She met her old friend.

That umbrella is very ordinary, with blue lines painted on the surface of the umbrella. The wooden umbrella handle was held tightly by a slender hand. The snow-covered hair was gathered and penetrated by a simple hosta, and a fluffy cloak was draped over his shoulders, completely covering his thin and slender figure.

It was the first time that Qing Lin saw him after that incident.

She stretched out her hand, took Jiang Zheliu's hand, took the umbrella handle from his palm, raised the umbrella higher, and blocked it above him, and whispered, "Why are you here?"

"It seems that the others are not leaving fast enough." Jiang Zheliu said, "Or, they dare not come to the Wanling Palace to express their condolences."

Qinglin didn't answer his second half sentence, but said: "...Although Danxin Guan is not far from the demon world, don't you feel dangerous when you come here?"

"I was about to tell you." Jiang Zheliu glanced at the bracelet on his wrist, "Don't touch me, you will get hurt."

Qinglin followed his gaze to look at the bracelet covered with the seal script of the demon race, and said, "Liezhen told me about this, I know."

Qinglong Zhenjun is much calmer and more mature than that Suzaku bird, but since the height of the holy beasts coming out of the Sixiang Dan furnace is fixed, even if she is a female cultivator, her height is also the same as Liezhen, more than Jiang Zhe. Liu is a little taller.

She has black hair and blue eyes, and her eyes are that blue color. Under the eyelid, a fine dragon scale appeared, shiny and elongated along the end of the eye. Due to the influence of Qinglong's body, her body temperature is quite normal, normally a little lower, like the temperature of lake water at room temperature.

"His holy body has been turned into a pure fire bead." Qing Lin said, "You...don't be too sad."

Jiang Zheliu smiled and said, "Do I look sad?"

"No." Qing Lin lowered his head and approached him a few inches, his blue eyes met those dull dark pupils, "You are the most deceiving."

When she said this, her words suddenly paused, as if she felt something incredible, she turned her head and got closer, took a deep breath, and when she almost touched Jiang Ziliu's shoulder, she suddenly Paused.

"You..." Qing Lin turned her head and almost subconsciously took a half step back, but she still held an umbrella for Zhe Liu, so she didn't move, "You are too..., give the Four Signs and Divine Beasts some way to survive, I am full of thoughts now. It's to take you back to the nest and hide it."

"Go back to the nest." Jiang Zheliu glanced at Wanling Palace, "I can't go up."

Qinglin turned her head and glanced at the carriage not far away. She could feel that there seemed to be two little demons inside. One of them wasn't a pure-blooded demon, but they were too weak and not worth caring about.

She raised her arms around Jiang Ziliu's waist, and only really touched him. Qinglin glanced at him from the side, then hugged him into the Ten Thousand Spirits Palace.

Although the Wanling Palace is built in mid-air, its scale is not small. It's not that Jiang Zheliu has never been to this place before.

After Qing Lin brought him up, he withdrew his hand, closed the umbrella, and placed it beside the temple gate.

The net fire bead hovered and rotated on a spirit-stopping platform, and there were bursts of fiery heat.

Jiang Zheliu took a few steps closer and stared at the fiery red spinning bead. He didn't speak for a while. After a short while, he sighed and asked, "What's going on, do you know?"

"He was injured at Wen Renye." Qing Lin said, "When I came back to recover, I happened to be out for a while to deal with the border of the demon clan. After returning, his aura was rapidly declining, and he fell one by one. , and soon...beads."

"Suzaku is invulnerable to all poisons. I don't think that level of injury can kill him."

"I think so too." Qing Lin said, "It's just that when I came back, he was already in a state of self-defense with his wings closed, and I didn't ask anything."

The two fell into a brief silence.

The soul of True Monarch Suzaku returned to heaven and earth, which is a good thing for the rest of the world. Before the next four-symptom mythical beast grows to this level, Qinglin is the only person in the demon world to support it, and it will suffer a lot in many cases.

But there are very few people in this world who can do this. To kill Suzaku head-on, in addition to Wen Renye, even his father Wen Renjian would probably have made a lot of noise, and it was largely impossible to do, other than that... other than that, What other way?

If you don't speculate on the demon world, you will only have the option of being plotted against.

"Conspiracy..." Qing Lin slowly closed her eyes and sat on the seat in the hall. She thought for a while before opening her eyes again and said, "Zhe Liu, what are your thoughts?"

Jiang Zheliu took a few steps closer, and slowly analyzed and selected in his mind, and said, "Let me see Jinghuozhu."

Qing Lin said: "Okay, I will wrap it with spiritual power and then hand it to you..."

Halfway through her words, she saw the slowly spinning bead approaching Jiang Ziliu like a joy, and the surrounding flames and heat all subsided, and she was as cute as a red jelly bean.

...The rebellion has become so fast, as expected of a celestial spirit body.

Jiang Zheliu reached out to catch the Jinghuozhu, and checked it carefully. With his extremely sensitive physique to spiritual energy, he could sense subtle features that others could not perceive.

He carefully rubbed the whole body of the beads, his movements paused for a moment, and suddenly said: "...Qinglin."


"Is the Lord of the Netherworld still locked?"

Qing Lin was stunned for a moment and said: "Yes, in order to save the young pavilion master of Wushuang Jiange, you almost smashed his chains... He Su was locked in the soul by the giant chain at the bottom of the Ming River. His body is Can't get out."

Halfway through, she suddenly realized something.

The two of them subconsciously felt that only Wen Renye could kill Lie head-on, but they didn't count the Lord of the Netherworld at the bottom of the Styx River, because the other party had been silent for too long, and he couldn't get out of the Styx River at all.

But the lack of the main body does not mean that He Xue does not have the ability to kill.

"The net fire bead is stained with the breath of Ming River water."

Jiang Zheliu returned the Jinghuozhu and said, "When I rescued Yujie, I came into close contact with the water of the Ming River, and it smelled of... decadence."

Qing Lin looked at him fixedly, and suddenly felt his throat dry and didn't know what to say.

He Susui's body is unfathomable, but it is limited by the River Styx and trapped in the underworld forever. But there are countless evil ghosts under his command, and their combat power is second only to the belligerent demon world.

"But how did he know that Liezhen was injured. According to the speed of news circulation, when it reached the Netherworld, Liezhen's injuries should be healed." Qinglin glanced at Jiang Zheliu, without waiting for the other party to reply, then Then he reacted, "...So, do you think there are ghosts in the demon world?"

Jiang Zheliu sighed and said, "It doesn't have to be the demon world. In short, you have to be careful."

Qinglin nodded, she turned her eyes to look at Luoyu outside the Wanling Palace, and said after a while: "Don't worry about me, I will investigate this matter, and I am not injured, and it will not make you more sad."

Jiang Ziliu turned his eyes to look at her, as if he didn't want to argue, but in the end he said softly, "I should try to persuade you not to be sad."

The other party didn't have any corresponding answer, Jiang Zheliu didn't continue talking, but lowered his head and glanced at the blue dragon tail wrapped around his feet, coughed, and said, "You control it."

Qing Lin glanced at the protruding tail, and sighed: "It's really the nemesis of the demon clan, obviously you are too fragrant, but it makes me look like a rogue."

She complained, and the dragon's tail slowly converged. Qing Lin stood up again and said, "Would you like to stay in Wanling Palace for a few days? Just take a look and leave, as if I don't want you to come."

"I won't stay." Jiang Zheliu said, "I told the little devil to go back to Zhongnan Mountain and wait for him. I'm afraid that he should be anxious when he can't find anyone."

Qing Lin was stunned for a moment, put the title "Little Demon King" on his lips and tasted it. He shook his head and smiled, and said, "What's going on? I heard you say that, as if you were saying that Dao Companion is waiting for me at home. It's like going home for dinner, I'm like the buddy who stopped you from going home."

"Not yet a Taoist companion." Jiang Zheliu corrected.

"Okay." Qinglin took a few steps closer, and wrapped her arms around his waist, careful not to touch the aggressive ink bracelet. The aura around her was very soft, without the slightest sense of aggression, Jiang Zhe said. Liu's mood is stable, and naturally he can't inspire the hostility of the ink bracelet.

"I'll take you down." She turned her head, took a breath next to Jiang Ziliu, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Can you tell me why he can do it?"

Qinglin's body had a smell similar to rain, which was an extremely fresh breath.

"I know you're disappointed in us," she said. "But, is there just one chance? Or..."

"Friend." Jiang Zheliu interrupted her, his eyes calm, "The rain is going to get heavier."

Qing Lin spoke for a while.

Everything seems to have no result, no end, no answer.

She unfolded the paper umbrella, took the other party down from the Wanling Palace, and sent them back to the carriage. But instead of returning the umbrella to him, she watched the carriage leave and shook off the raindrops from the umbrella again.

Jiang Zheliu is still the same Jiang Zheliu from before, as if it will never change.

Things have changed.

That's still a good person, just not hers.

The rain is getting louder.

It still needs a certain distance for the carriage to drive out of the demon world. Even if the straight-line distance between Danxinguan and Wanling Palace is very close, it does not hinder the fact that the two live in the two worlds. Or the result of the addition of the Demon World War Horse.

Jiang Zheliu has no cultivation and has no ability to pursue it. But he knew that this had nothing to do with the little devil, and it was something to celebrate that the demon world and the demon world would not easily conflict over this matter.

And this is indeed Liezhen's last ride.

Obviously he is a white-haired man, why should he still send it to others?

As soon as Jiang Zheliu got on the carriage, A Chu changed it into this soft velvet cloak that was slightly soaked in the rain, and put on another light blue robe. He covered his lips and coughed a few times. He felt that he had been thinking too much recently. The headache was mixed with the pain in his body. He took the medicine a little slower, and then it came back again. The pain was unbearable, and it was as fragile as a crack porcelain.

But the medicine still works, plus the effect of the resurrection stone, although it looks a little worse in the past two days, it is still much better than when I first arrived at Zhongnan Mountain.

Jiang Zheliu took the warm tea handed over by A Chu, and listened to the small deer complaining and nagging. Just as he was about to say something, he realized that the carriage had stopped again.

He raised his eyes and saw Chang Gan got into the carriage, and said with a bewildered expression, "Brother... We seem to be lost..."

...He could actually hear the word "lost" from the half-demon's mouth.

Chang Gan's sense of direction has always been very good, and his cultivation is not too bad, and the road to the headquarters of the demon world is not difficult to walk...

Jiang Zheliu looked up at him, glanced out the window of the carriage, and saw that the turbulent rain was slowly weakening at this moment.

"Brother... I don't seem to be able to get out of here." Chang Gan scratched his head, "And the rain in the sky has become strange, with a... strange smell."

Jiang Zheliu took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said, "...Styx River."

The surrounding scene changed rapidly, like a space replacement technique arranged in advance. This space seems to be temporarily cut out, grafted on the correct road, and then directly changed into other exits.

Jiang Zheliu closed his coat and lifted the curtain of the car.

There are no longer lush ancient trees and vines in the demon world, and there is no trace of aura swaying around. The sky was dark, and there seemed to be something blocking all the light above. Only the ground was blue and glowed slightly.

There is a layer of transparent enchantment arranged around, and the evil spirits and ghosts running at the bottom of the Styx are lying outside the enchantment, leaning over with that cruel face at first glance.

Jiang Ziliu heard the familiar footsteps.

He turned around, and from the gloomy shadow, he saw the cold light reflected on the ice sheath of Lingxiao Sword.

Wish Wuxin stood opposite him.

He had never seen such an expression on Wuxin's face, it was hard to describe, if he had to say it, it was like he was trying his best to find a toy that had been damaged. It was found that this toy had become a treasure in the hands of others, it had been transformed and carefully repaired, and it had become something he was not qualified to touch.

Jiang Ziliu looked at him quietly.

His eyes were dark and dull, as they had always been, with an indistinguishable chill that was entwined in strands.

Until Zhu Wuxin said in a slightly astringent tone, "Senior brother."


Jiang Zheliu responded lightly and said, "What are you like, making a deal?"

"Yes." Zhu Wuxin lowered his head and slowly clenched the Lingxiao sword in his palm, "I don't want anything, I just want you."

"What does he want?"

"He wants to get out of trouble." Zhu Wuxin said, "He doesn't want to be trapped under the Styx anymore."

Jiang Zheliu walked over step by step, and there was no turbulence in his tone, not even a trace of anger.

"What's the price? What method was used."

"Ghost cultivator's body possession technique." When Zhu Wuxin saw him at this time, he had the idea of ​​retreating, but he didn't, but still stood there, "He Zunzhu marked my soul."

He slowly spread out his hand, and there was a dark mark on it, which was a very complicated ghost repair logo.

This is simply indescribable, it's just crazy. Jiang Zheliu even felt that he was poisoned, by some worm, Qiwen, poison, or someone controlled his soul... As long as there is a little love for the cultivation world and the Lingxiao faction, it is still reasonable to have a little sense. Now, it wouldn't do such a thing.

Jiang Zheliu let out a deep breath, his voice hoarse: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"I know."

Zhu Wuxin looked up at him.

"Senior brother, I don't want anything, I just want you, you—"

After a crisp sound, his voice stopped abruptly.

He was slapped by Jiang Ziliu. No effort was spared at all, and bright red finger marks appeared on the fair and handsome face.

But Jiang Ziliu really didn't have any heavier strength. He looked around and turned around: "Go away."

Zhu Wuxin didn't move, he stroked the finger marks on his face in a daze, and reached out to grab the corner of the other party's clothes.


"I should have killed you."

Jiang Zheliu turned his eyes and looked at him coldly: "I should have killed you with a sword."


Demon Realm, Xuantong Giant Gate.

Blood all over the place.

The blood splashed on the bone armor, and the bright red flowed down the gap. Wen Renye raised his foot and smashed the head of the alien species in front of him, frowning a little anxiously: "Is this?"

Shi Binghen squatted down helplessly, picked and picked from the head that was smashed by the lord, and finally fiddled with a bright crystal from the brain of this alien.

"Yes, that's it." Shi Binghen said, "The records I found at the Longsitai show that the more powerful alien beings die, the more this transparent spirit stone will condense."

This transparent spirit stone can replenish human vitality. It's just that with this level of alien species, ordinary Great Demons may not be able to kill them. It only appears among the alien species that guard the treasure.

Wen Renye took the colorless spirit stone and put it in his hand to examine it for a moment. The premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. He suddenly covered his heart and suddenly felt extremely manic-depressed.

"Honored lord, is this thing just right to make up for the queen's body? I heard that the real world is very poor, so why don't we pick up the demon world and take care of it..."

Shi Binghen only said a few words, when he heard the Lord suddenly say: "I can't feel it anymore."



"Hey, a bracelet..." Shi Binghen said after a pause, his expression gradually changed, he realized what kind of bracelet it was, and stammered, "The one from the devil, the queen..."

He stared blankly at the lord's half face, which was wrapped in blood-colored bone armor. From behind him, a pair of long wings with bone spurs and countless inscriptions of the demon race unfolded. Horror atmosphere.

In the next moment, Wen Renye's figure suddenly disappeared, turning into a blood-colored streamer that broke through the sky of the demon world.

Shi Binghen blinked, slapped his thigh sharply, and looked around: "Why are you still standing there, keep up!"

The great demons who were beaten by Wen Renye for three days and two nights just reacted from their sluggishness, looked at the place where the blood-colored streamer disappeared, and then looked at Shi Binghen.

"My lord he..."

"It is estimated that something happened to the queen." Shi Binghen rolled up his sleeves, "Go, go grab your daughter-in-law with the Lord!"

Read The Duke's Passion