MTL - My Darling Sick Beauty-Chapter 24

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Chang Gan was dragged out by his little uncle and beaten because of the art of spreading the word.

Xiao She was forced by prostitution. Wei, and realized what it means to be honest, arrogant, and arrogant. He couldn't expose it... He thought about the pain, and handed over the difficult task of delivering medicine to A Chu.

But no matter who it is, the atmosphere between the two is still very subtle and weird, with an indescribable aura wafting around.

Jiang Zheliu has always been peaceful, but he didn't really think too much about his unpredictable temper, how he annoyed the little devil... According to his usual way of life, it would not be so troublesome.

Wen Renye's wounds recovered quickly. The physique of the Demon Race has always been strong, and it can be restored to its original state without much rest. It's just that the two are still in a state of seemingly cold war, and they rarely talk to each other.

The culprit of the Cold War lay quietly on the table, and the wooden table was arched to the point of sprouting with vigor. Wen Renye stared at it all day, but he didn't touch it, as if the treasure that he took so much effort to retrieve was just a stone that could be thrown around.

Ah Chu's eyes, nose, nose and heart, how dare to touch this baby. When he was sitting beside the bed blowing the cold medicine cup, he suddenly heard Jiang Ziliu's low and slight voice.

"There are flowers blooming."

Ah Chu moved for a while, then turned to look out the window, and sure enough, he saw green creepers and vines outside the window, and a twilight flower was lying on the window lattice, stubbornly drilling into the room.

"Yeah." Ah Chu said, "After a while, when we go back, we can grow some flowers in Zhongnan Mountain, and we can also raise some small animals. Those mountain spirits and wild monsters will like my brother very much."

Jiang Zheliu took the medicine cup, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay."

His voice was peaceful, with an unusual softness to it. His hair trembled with the breeze outside the window, and there was a faint smile on his lips. Even when he was talking about such a promising topic, it seemed that he was about to be blown away.

A Chu's words were stagnant for a while, and he couldn't say anything. He stared at the other side for a moment before saying, " will get better, don't worry."


"That's right," A Chu was so anxious that he couldn't understand, "that is, you are the most favored person in this world, you will definitely get better, you have to believe me!"

This is too abrupt. Jiang Zheliu listened quietly, got a few inches closer to the other party, and asked in a low voice, "Why do you want me to trust you?"

His beauty attack at close range was a triple crit. A Chu felt that his blood strips were quickly emptied, and there was only a layer of blood skin that was struggling to support him. He stammered and stared blankly at the curvature of his lips in front of him. , I almost told all of this old bottom line.

At the moment when his willpower was worn away, he found that his body lightened, he was lifted up by the collar of his back jacket with one hand, and he simply threw it out the window.


The deer, who had not yet woken up from the beauty, slammed into the green creeper, and was rubbed by Xiyanhua who climbed to the window.

So fragrant... A Chu was stunned again.

It's not the fragrance of flowers, but only from the outside, especially in the pile of plants, that the milky white fluttering blue stone has been placed in the house for less than two days, and the celestial spirit body of the immortal brother is just as sweet. A wonderful little cake, the witch who bewitches all beings is probably nothing more than that...

A Chu was wearing the protagonist filter for the immortal brother, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, he clap his hands and climbed up from the window, turned into the small kitchen to find Chang Gan - and complained about the bad behavior of the big devil together.

Just as the friendship between the deer and the snake was gradually heating up in the spit on Demon Zun, Jiang Ziliu felt that he was being stared at by the other party.

Wen Renye seemed to have finally lost his temper.

It's just that Jiang Zheliu was too calm, so even if the little devil was anxious, he still didn't do anything too outrageous.

The night was getting darker, the wind was blowing through the window, the bead curtain outside the door collided gently in the breeze, and the sound was broken.

Jiang Ziliu's work and rest is not very healthy, but his unhealthy refers to the fact that he sleeps too long. Just when the moon was dark and the wind was high, a pair of sinful claws touched the bed and wrapped around his shoulders.

Although Jiang Zheliu can sleep well, the quality of sleep has not been very good, and he has already noticed it when the other party approaches. He was tightly enveloped by this soft but distinct pine and cypress breath, and even let the demon hold his wrist with one hand, unable to hide.

Wen Renye slowly approached him.

The wounds on the little devil's body have already healed, and only the palm of the hand that was scalded by the Suzaku fire still has a few traces left. Jiang Zheliu was pressed by his wrist, but he didn't panic at all, even a little sleepy, and asked in a low voice, "You can't sleep?"

...why is this guy so calm.

Wen Renye is a self-proclaimed ruthless and ruthless devil who kills without blinking and eats people without salt. He is the ultimate villain template in this story of the real world. As a result, Yue Heifeng touches his bed, and this person asks indifferently. Is he unable to sleep.

This is too shameless.

He held back for a long time, and finally answered aggressively: "Yes!"

I can't sleep... Jiang Zheliu has rarely encountered such a situation, but in the process of raising the master and the younger generation, he also had some experience, so he gave him half of the space and let the other party sleep next to him.

He wanted to rest in peace, but Wen Renye obviously didn't allow it. Lord Mozun held his wrist, and the breath sank down between his neck, the hot breath made his ears itch, and even the frost-white skin was a little red.

Jiang Zheliu was silent for a moment, feeling a little burning in his ears, he stabilized his voice, and said, "What's wrong?"

"Are you still angry with me?"

Wen Renye's question was a bit too much. Jiang Zhe and Liu Mingming were not angry. He was as calm as ice. He was cold.

Jiang Zheliu thought for a while, and then asked, "So you want it?"

According to the normal plot, the drama of ravaging, insulting, humiliating, and humiliating should begin, otherwise it will be a waste of the momentum of Lord Mozun.

It's just that Jiang Zheliu's voice was soft, and he could not hear any fluctuations calmly. Accompanied by the snow-like aura on his body, it spread out, and poked it straight to Wen Renye's heart, firmly making him restless. All pressed.

"I want……"

Jiang Ziliu waited for his next words.

It's just that Wen Renye's hand went around his shoulders, then wrapped around his neck, and put the pendant back on his body, with a small crisp click from the buckle.

The breath of the resurrection stone surged over, and it perfectly fit with Jiang Zheliu's heavenly spirit body, almost merging into one.

Jiang Ziliu didn't speak, he was hugged by Wen Renye, the other party pressed against his shoulder, and continued in a low voice: "You are not allowed to return it to me."

Jiang Zheliu knew that he couldn't move him, so he didn't take it off again, but he still sighed and said, "I don't want to waste your mind, I just want to tell you, don't do this kind of thing for me. , I won't like it."

He said it softly, even if the content was not very flattering, but it did not arouse the little devil's temper.

Wen Renye's voice sounded close to his ear, a little dull.

"I don't want to be angry with you, I just want to tell you that this is what I am willing to do, and it is not worth the loss."

The dark clouds outside the window were half dispersed, and the moonlight shone on the vines on the edge of the window lattice. It was quiet, only his whispering voice, persistent and sincere.

Under the moonlight, there was a faint chirping of birds.

The person beside Jiang Zheliu moved a bit, and seemed to have turned over, facing him. At the moment when the wind sounded against the bead curtain, the other person gently kissed his eyes through a layer of soft satin.

"If you really don't want me to be worth the loss," Wen Renye said, "then don't make me regret it, don't reject me."

"You... um..."

Jiang Zheliu just said a word, and he felt the familiar spirit sticking up, the other party's primordial spirit is thick and powerful, and they are so tight at the moment, they can easily spread out and hug him.

Every detail of emotion can be thoroughly perceived.

Jiang Zheliu was pressed too tightly by him, his fragile soul seemed to be wrapped and hugged, he carefully ironed it, and then hid it in his primordial spirit.

... Relying on the skill of God's friendship, I can make an inch.

The dependence of this technique is too strong. Jiang Zheliu was involuntarily surrounded by him. He couldn't even say the word "no". He could only hold his sleeve tightly and be held by the other party. arms.

After a brief blending, his body lost all strength, and his muscles and bones were all softened by the feeling of blending.


Jiang Zheliu breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "...I am not allowed to refuse in this way."

To Mo, these two words are almost a compliment to his thief's growth. Wen Renye wrapped his arms around his waist and spoke very close to him. He was unreasonable and strong: "Are you uncomfortable?"

...comfortable is very comfortable, the effect of the God Cross Body Rehabilitation is still very good, but it is a little too tired.

Jiang Zheliu didn't answer this sentence, he was a little sleepy, and after a while he said in a low voice, "Don't move around, be quiet and sleep with me."

The two words "accompanying sleep" are quite impactful, and they immediately occupied Lord Mozun's mind. He rolled his Adam's apple, feeling that the entire Demon Realm had something to do with him.

Wen Renye held his hand, leaned over and kissed the long silk covering his eyes: "Okay, go to sleep."

The moon is quiet.

He crossed Jiang Zheliu's waist, and the waist under his palm was very narrow, like a willow branch that was light and weightless, silently perching in his palm.


The next morning.

If it wasn't for Chang Gan always staying by Jiang Ziliu's side, he would probably feel that the other party was really being held hostage by some big villain. He stared at his little uncle staring at the fairy brother with a blank face, and he never looked away.

He put the medicinal meal on the table, stabbed A Chu with his elbow, and whispered, "What happened last night? Are they reconciled?"

"I don't know either." A Chu looked over with stars in his eyes, "Maybe this is a sweet and sour love!"

Chang Gan: "...the tears of your excitement flowed from the corner of your mouth."

A Chu touched the corner of his mouth subconsciously, and was about to refute, but before he could say anything, the door beside him was knocked twice, and a ginseng doll in a gray-pink Taoist uniform showed a head from the crack of the door, and said a little anxiously. : "Jiang Xianzun, Guanzhu asked me to tell you, you don't want to go out today."

She raised her eyes and looked over, her words suddenly stopped, watching the big devil who was full of demonic energy embrace the beautiful and sick Jiang Xianzun to speak, suddenly there was a kind of "the words of those virtuous **** look like Right" illusion.

She stuck for a while, and then quickly said: "The spectator, please come out."

When Jiang Zheliu came together, he was told by the little devil to his ear about divine **** for a long time. Before he could sort out the content, he heard these words again.

...that doesn't sound right. It must not be a trivial matter to keep oneself behind closed doors and ask Wen Renye to come forward.

Jiang Zheliu held Wen Renye's hand, and calmly asked the ginseng doll, "What happened? Can you tell me?"

The female Daotong hesitated for a moment, thinking that the spectator did not tell her whether she wanted to say it or not, she hesitated and said: "...The day before yesterday when the True Monarch Suzaku came, there was too much movement... So now many well-known sects are waiting for the medicine hall, It is said that I kneel down and invite the Immortal Venerable to show up... can I feel at ease."

Jiang Zheliu was silent for a moment, and his eyebrows jumped, and he was able to think of the purpose of this group of people.

He held Wen Renye's finger and whispered, "Take me out."

"No, your eyes aren't good yet." Wen Renye refused immediately without thinking, "You don't need to pay attention to this group of people, and there's no need to show up."

"If they don't see me, they won't give up." Jiang Zheliu said, "If this group of people really knelt outside the Danxin Guan, can you really kill them one by one?"

"Why not?"

Jiang Zheliu was choked by the little devil's reply, and found that this person didn't care about the peace between the two worlds at all.

"If you slaughtered them one by one," Jiang Zheliu said slowly, "It can be said that you are the devil of the world, and it is not an exaggeration to be punished by the world, and I am the sinner who lured you to kill."

"Sinner, do you care about reputation so much?" Wen Renye looked down at him, "You have managed a reputation for so many years, and it doesn't prevent these ungrateful people from being ungrateful..."

His lips were pressed against a finger.

Jiang Zheliu's fingers were a little icy, but his voice was calm and calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"What I care about is your reputation."

How to be the co-lord of the six realms for those who are condemned by the world? Wen Renye occupies the right time and place, and should be the most promising person, and should not go astray because of this.

In the past, he thought that the demons were insidious, cunning, cruel and inhumane, but in the end he realized that the cold human nature he had experienced might not be a more frank and pure demon.


Danxin concept, pounding the medicine hall.

Ember Year's Taoist robe was loose, and his long hair was tied with a blue hair rope. He supported his chin and looked lazily at the group of people in front of him, with a somewhat impatient expression on his face.

There were about a dozen people in front of them, standing or sitting, of different ages, all of whom seemed to be on the stage, with wooden plaques representing a certain martial art hanging around their waists.

Among them, the one with the highest status is the pavilion master of the Unparalleled Sword Pavilion. Behind him stood an old man with a high level of cultivation. He could not tell the depth, and he carried a sword box full of gems on his back.

Unparalleled Sword Pavilion, Lanruo Temple, Han Dao Sect, Ten Thousand Gu Sect...

Zhu Wuxin from the Lingxiao faction didn't come. I don't know why, but a female elder came on his behalf. Wang Wenyuan from Tianji Pavilion didn't come either. With Wang Wenyuan's reaction speed, he should have realized that he was poisoned, so he only sent two Tianji Pavilion guardians.

And Lanruo Temple, which has been avoiding the world, is the Zen master Mingjing.

The people in this big room represent almost all the existing forces in the cultivation world. Everyone is silent, and they don't know what they are thinking in their minds.

"Your Excellency Medical Sage." Famous sects respected the Year of Ember, at least in terms of face, "Immortal Venerable is here to recover from his injuries, we are all at ease, but because of some recent rumors, we are really worried..."

"Amitabha, the poor monk only glanced at him." Zen Master Mingjing said, "As long as you see that Senior Jiang is not in the way."

"It's the same for us." The female cultivator of the Ten Thousand Gu Sect manipulated the Gu worm in her hand, "This time it's really hard to rest assured."

There was a sound of echoing around, but the people from Wushuang Jiange and Lingxiao faction did not speak, Jin Yujie always stood in the same place, not saying a word.

The words in these mouths are either true or false, and perhaps some of them came because they were worried about Jiang Zheliu. Ember Nian observed from the side for a moment, and said, "It's not that I don't want you to see him, but Xianzun..."

Before he finished lying, the bamboo curtain that had fallen down was rolled up.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the shading curtain woven with thin bamboo was pulled up, revealing a snow-white hem of the Taoist uniform with patterns of pine and bamboo embroidered on it. As the bamboo curtains were completely pulled up, the room became more and more silent.

Most of the people here are seeing such Jiang Zheliu for the first time.

Even the sound of breathing gradually decreased, as if he was afraid of disturbing something. In the long silence, only the sound of the string of beads, which was interrupted in the middle and plucked again and again, gradually sounded.

Many people are looking into his eyes, but more people are afraid to look.

"I'm fine." Jiang Zheliu said indifferently, "Go back."

No one answered.

After a short while, the female cultivator of the Ten Thousand Gu Sect with the Gu worm silently lifted her hem and knelt in front of him, although she knew that the other party couldn't see it: "Senior's kindness for saving, all the ten thousand Gu Sect are grateful. , you are waiting for me like a mountain. This time, there is only one thing to ask, whether the Wenren respected the Lord can treat the seniors harshly, if this is the case, even if you die, we will not let you be wronged. "

As her voice continued, envoys from more sects raised their robes and knelt down, thanking Senior Zuojiang for their help. Most of them were from small sects, and they only listened to his words from a long time ago.

On the contrary, there was no movement from the Four Immortal Gates, and only Zen Master Mingjing from Lanruo Temple also bowed deeply.

Although Jiang Zheliu couldn't see it for the time being, his senses were still sharp. From the source of the voice, he felt that the female cultivator from the Ten Thousand Gu Sect gave a big salute. He lowered his hand to support the other party, and explained calmly: " There is no such thing, the venerable Lord Wenren is my best friend, and is my...friend."

He hesitated for a moment before the word "friend".

It was the first time that the female cultivator met Jiang Xianzun himself, and she could have a serious face, but when she touched his cold fingertips, she was immediately attracted by the inexplicable breath of the other party. , stayed in place, stammered for a while, and said: "Since, since this is the case, then there must be someone who spread this matter, Immortal Venerable..."

She blushed to the extreme, and a young girl's heart cracked loudly. She thought that the deer who were dead were all ramming along. Just when the pink bubbles on her body reached their peak, they were suddenly caught behind by Jiang Ziliu. A pair of purple eyes stared at him.

Murderous, it makes the hair stand on end.

The female nun woke up suddenly, jumped up and took a big step back, her back was soaked with cold sweat.

Not only him, but the moment Wen Renye appeared, many of the sights that stayed on Jiang Ziliu were forced back. Those sect messengers who were staring at their seniors and refused to turn their eyes were even more startled.

Everyone saw this Venerable Lord Wenren.

Originally, many sects trusted Jiang Ziliu very much and were very obedient. But as soon as Wen Ren Ye came out, the ferocious, evil-filled, salt-eating aura flourished, making people immediately think of the content of the rumored story.

They watched helplessly as the big devil took Senior Jiang's hand.

……why is it like this!

No, let him go! ! !

Read The Duke's Passion