MTL - My Darling Sick Beauty-Chapter 2

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Lingxiao faction.

The whole place is full of the pillars and mainstays of the current world, but the atmosphere is condensed like magma, making it hard to breathe.

Zhu Wuxin sat in the head and told everyone about Jiang Zheliu's departure, and then he kept playing with Jian Sui'er of Ling Xiaojian, waiting for an answer.

The silence grew tense.

Until finally someone couldn't help it, slapped the sword on the case, got up and scolded: "Xian Zun is injured so much, you dare to let him go, you are not doing it all in your heart, you are fighting for power and position, and you are not allowed to be senior brother!"

The more Jin Yujie cursed, the more anger he felt, he took back the seven-star sword that was slapped on the table, pointed at Zhu Wuxin, and said coldly: "Senior is so generous, I can't repay it. The Lingxiao faction doesn't raise seniors, I raise them!"

No one who followed him dared to persuade him. Only one person in the seat shook the folding fan and faintly agreed: "There is no need for your peerless sword pavilion to compete. With Wang Wenyuan here, Tianji pavilion should welcome Immortal Venerable back and cultivate and heal carefully."

Jin Yujie was too lazy to care about this magic stick, and stared straight at Zhu Wuxin with a pair of tiger eyes, and said, "Senior Jiang protects Ling Xiao and destroys his cultivation in order to save the world, and he still won't get a good end. You, junior brother, still have one point. Conscience, just tell me where Immortal Venerable is, and I will pick it up naturally."

Zhu Wuxin slowly clenched the long sword in his palm and hooked his lower lip: "Although my brother has no cultivation, he can be regarded as the most learned person in the world of self-cultivation. Pavilion Master Jin is really thinking of my brother when he said this."

His brows froze, and his words became even colder: "The Lingxiao faction has paved the way for all beings in the world. You don't want to repay, but slander me. This sword was handed over to me by my senior brother, and the young pavilion master really wants to be the one who gives the sword Can't it?"

The Lingxiao Sword was handed down by the head of Lingxiao in all dynasties. Only by wearing the Lingxiao sword can others be called "Lingxiao Zhenjun". Treasures have souls, and naturally they will not remain in the hands of those who rob them.

Jin Yujie was not afraid of him, but was concerned about his status as a junior brother of Jiang Zheliu. Killing him made Jiang Ziliu unhappy. He was so angry that he slashed into the ground with a sword and said, "When I find Immortal Venerable, if you stay Senior is a little mean, I will kill your head immediately!"

The ground was made of black iron mixed with cold stone, which was extremely hard. It was still cracked by the Seven Star Sword, and the cracks were densely penetrated and cracked, like a spider web.

Jin Yujie immediately drew his sword, turned around and left. The unparalleled sword pavilion monks who were behind He Xi and thanked him also turned into murderous aura and left the Lingxiao faction.

Except for Wushuang Jiange, the other factions were also not satisfied with such a result, but they were not as impulsive as Jin Yujie, who was young and vigorous, and was greatly favored by Jiang Zheliu, so naturally they could not bear it.

With the departure of Wushuang Jiange, the other factions also left one by one. Only Wang Wenyuan of Tianji Pavilion was still in the same place, waving the fan in his hand at will.

"The pavilion master won't leave?" Zhu Wuxin stood up slowly.

"I want to ask the Sect Master again, where is the Immortal Venerable."

Zhu Wuxin has been suppressed for a long time, and his mood is even worse at this moment, and he said coldly: "Where is my senior brother going, do I still need to inform all immortal friends? This is a matter of our Lingxiao faction, and I advise you not to interfere. What's more, I Senior brother doesn't like being disturbed by others."

"There is no other meaning." Wang Wenyuan stopped shaking the fan and said, "I look at Shenzhou, and this catastrophe does not seem to have really passed."

Zhu Wuxin made a move, and even his eyes stopped: "What did you say? But my senior brother has clearly..."

"Hey—" Wang Wenyuan got up to leave, and said lazily, "Maybe the loss of Jiang Xianzun is the real beginning of this so-called catastrophe."

He didn't say more, put away the folding fan in the cold night of heavy snow, glanced at the north thoughtfully, and then led the Taoist boy behind him to leave.

Heavy snow fell into the temple.

Zhu Wuxin stood where he was, watching the fine snowflakes melting on the temple, without saying a word for a while.

weather like this...

Those who cultivate the Tao, once they build a foundation, do not know the cold and heat, but if their cultivation is destroyed, they do not know whether they will be invaded by the cold and heat and damage the body?

Zhu Wuxin was fascinated for a long time, and when the disciple around him called, he suddenly came back to his senses and took a deep breath.


This kind of weather really hurts the body.

Jiang Zheliu Xuezhong wiped the teacher's tombstone clean, feeling the chills in his body. He talked to his teacher for a while, and told him how the children who were raised at the time are now cultivated, and told him what Zhu Wuxin had done, and how the Lingxiao faction became the leader of the four sects...

He seldom said so much, and by the time he felt cold, another half a foot of snow had piled up.

Jiang Zheliu stood up and turned to look at the thatched cottage built not far away when his teacher was buried.

Although it is a grass hut, the material is not grass, but some common constructions in the world of self-cultivation. It is rare in the world. Although the house has fallen dust, it is not unbearable.

Jiang Zheliu was really tired. He wanted to clean up the place tomorrow, so he just made some fires.

He sat on the couch in the grass hut and stared at the fire for a while, his eyes were a little flowery, he subconsciously looked away, and saw a bunch of chaotic weeds... and a pitch-black snake in the grass.

The little snake froze all over, as if he was also injured, the wound was dark red, and he looked only a little better than Jiang Ziliu.

Jiang Zheliu thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to pull the little snake to the side of the fire, and roasted the fire with the snake on the ground.

His cultivation base was completely destroyed, but his realm was still there. Although he lost the ability to resist the cold and heat, he was still able to fast. If such a serious injury does not die, and a long-term illness can be healed, the lifespan brought by the state will not be lost, but there is no magic at all.

Jiang Zheliu is very clear about his physical condition. He can't die if he dies temporarily. He can live for a few years, not sure.

But no matter how many years, it belongs to him alone.

Halfway through thinking about it, he was tired and a little sleepy. He probably closed his eyes and rested for a while, when he suddenly heard a rustling sound in his ears.

Jiang Zheliu frowned and raised his eyes, and saw that the fire was still burning, and there was a little monster with a wound sitting on the side of the little snake.

The little demon was about twelve or thirteen years old, and his demonic aura was not strong, instead, there was an extremely impactful aura. Black hair and black pupils, looking at him in panic at this moment, it seems that Jiang Zheliu will kill him in the next moment.

Jiang Zheliu stretched out his hand to add fire, but did not speak.

After a while, the little demon asked timidly, "Where did the gods come from?"

"I want to ask you." Jiang Zheliu took a branch and fiddled with Mars next to him. "Why are you here?"

The little demon stayed for a while, then burst into tears, he smelled a very fragrant immortal energy on Jiang Ziliu, instinctively felt that someone with such a strong immortal energy would definitely not hurt him, so he snorted and said, "Someone wants to kill him. I, they got lost, I... I ran into this place and hid."

Jiang Zheliu nodded and poked the fire again: "Why did you kill you?"

He often takes in little demons, there are many monsters under his door, and those little demons also say that he has an affinity for demons. It's just that I left the Lingxiao faction, and I never saw it again.

The little snake demon wiped away his tears and said, "My name is Chang Gan... I-I'm a half-demon."

Chang Gan's eyes reddened from crying, and he sat obediently: "My mother is a demon, and my father is a demon. The demon world does not allow half-demon to confuse the blood of the royal family. My brother gave an order... to kill me."

Royal blood? Jiang Ziliu glanced at him unexpectedly.

In the demon world, there are two true monarchs of Qinglong and Vermilion, and there are major demon clans. It is not unusual that there are many snake demons with the surname Chang. But the blood of the royal family in the demon world is very precious.

Jiang Zheliu said, "Who is your brother?"

He didn't have a deep memory of the Demon Realm, because he didn't have much dealings with him. He only remembered that many years ago, the Demon Realm Venerable Master had led the children of the royal family to the Lingxiao faction to meet, negotiated a contract, and never saw him again.

Chang Gan said: "My brother is Wen Renxi, and he is my half-brother. He wants to kill me behind his uncle's back."

Jiang Zheliu nodded, still unable to sort out the grievances and grievances of their wealthy family, but calmly roasted his hands, closed his eyes with his chin up, and said, "If someone comes to kill you, keep your voice down and don't. wake me up."

Chang Gan was stunned for a while, and pointed to himself stupidly, and then pointed to the other party stupidly.

Jiang Zheliu's hair was falling down, and the snow was white, but the fingertips were even whiter and colder than the hair. Even by the fire, the faint chill on his body was enough to stop him. What's more, there is still a **** smell on his body, and there is also a deep sense of sickness and bones, as if it will shatter at the touch of a touch.

Chang Gan originally thought that Jiang Ziliu could save him, but after realizing that the other party also seemed to be injured, he settled down in his heart. He didn't know where the courage came from, and whispered: "...I will run out, I won't cause you trouble."

Jiang Zheliu did not move.

The firewood burned, making a beeping sound.

It was still snowing outside the house, and the snow blocked the mountain, making it even more difficult for ordinary people to go up the mountain, and there were some wild beasts howling outside.

The moonlight poured into the window lattice and sprinkled on the feet. When it was almost dawn, Chang Qian woke up in a daze, not knowing when he fell asleep.

He looked up and saw Jiang Ziliu sitting not far away, warming the wine on the burning fire. The wine seemed to be medicinal wine with a hint of bitterness.

"God." Chang Gan said cautiously, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Zheliu tried the temperature, and said casually, "I soaked you for treatment."

Chang Gan was stunned for a while, wondering if this was the other party's attempt to scare him, or if this icy immortal really wanted to catch himself making wine. What appeared in his mind for a while was not the first to be strong, but that he didn't know how to resist so as not to hurt him.

After all, this ill beauty looks like she can fall down when pushed. If she resists too fiercely, she will probably hurt him. From the outside, this person looks like it is made of glass crystal, and it will be damaged if you are not careful.

Chang Gan stayed for a while, and couldn't think of a reason, until the sunny day outside suddenly changed, and the snowstorm hit again.

In the next moment, a few ferocious demons crashed in, smashed the door of the house into pieces, and roared: "Changgan child, come out for me!"

The demons chased and killed so far, and Chang Gan immediately stiffened and his face was pale. When he immediately planned to escape again, he found that the exit at the other end was also blocked, and both ends were approaching step by step.

The demonic energy destroyed the window lattice, and the wind and snow that swept through it extinguished the sparks.

Jiang Zheliu warmed the wine for a while, moved the wine over, and raised his eyes to look at the mighty demonic energy at the door.

"Changgan, I'll kill today—"

Before the last word "you" could be said, the leading demons turned their eyes, and the words suddenly stopped, completely dumbfounded, and fell to the ground with a thud.

He got up from the ground and stammered: "Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang... Jiang Xianzun, me, me, me... I'm a good citizen, no, I'm a good demon, I..."

Jiang Zheliu raised his eyebrows in surprise: "You know me."

"Recognize, recognize, recognize..." The more nervous the demons were, the more they said bad things, and said with a sad face, "Hundreds of years ago, I saw you with the Lord. Knowing that you are here, I don't have the courage to give me eight hundred years. Dare to enter, come in. If I had known took him in, how dare I, I dare to mess around."

Jiang Zheliu didn't know whether the news that his cultivation base had been destroyed had reached the Demon Realm, so he responded casually, pointed to the door frame, and said, "You crashed it for me."

Tears of the demon race were about to fall, and he said heroically: "Jiang Xianzun, I did this all by myself, you can let them go."

The few young demons behind him also changed from prototypes to humanoids, from blue-faced fangs to young and nervous, one more youthful than the last.

Seeing that he was about to cry, Jiang Zheliu said lightly, "Fix the door for me, then you can leave."

As the leader of the demon clan was granted amnesty, he was about to give Jiang Zheliu a knock. He abruptly stood up, greeted the demon clan behind him, and began to get busy with a crackling.

Chang Gan, who was beside him, was stunned for a long time. He watched Jiang Zheliu drink some medicinal wine, then went to fall asleep on the packed couch, and looked at the great demons who were busy decorating.

...what, what happened.

After only half a candle incense, a small and simple house was rebuilt into a pine wood building with a two-story duplex structure. Even the furniture was knocked out several times. The table, reclining chairs, and bookcases with rolling shutters were all neat and tidy. .

The Mozu decoration team finished arranging, and did not dare to wake Xianzun, but glared at Chang Gan fiercely, threw his sleeves angrily, and walked away quietly.

Chang Gan: "...hiss." seems to be near a very special person.

The big demon took the demons behind him out of Zhongnan Mountain, and then began to chatter. The two young witches behind him whispered, "That's Jiang Xianzun, why are you here in Zhongnan Mountain..."

"What do you know, this is the place where the last generation of True Monarch Lingxiao was buried, and the Immortal Venerable came to visit the spiritual position of his mentor."

"Changgan that little thing, how can I have such a good life, I also want to be taken in by Immortal Venerable..."

"What are you thinking about, you are a demon, Jiang Xianzun likes demons but not demons, don't you know?"

"I know, but I am... I am..."

"Okay!" The big demon headed cut off the conversation between the two behind him and said irritably, "I can't catch up with Changgan on this trip, and I can't explain it to Master Xi."

"Master Xi is just using chicken feathers as an arrow. Your lord didn't say that he would kill Chang Gan. Your lord will at best ignore this person."

This sentence seemed to remind the leading Demon Race, he touched his chin and said, "Your lord is a half-step golden immortal, and Xianzun is also a half-step golden immortal... I heard that your lord has always wanted to meet Jiang Xianzun. , it's just that Immortal Venerable's whereabouts are uncertain, so..."

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Let's report to the lord." The great demon made a final decision. "With the power of our lord, even if it is True Monarch Lingxiao and the first seat of Xianmen, I can definitely fight... fight... uh..."

Under the doubts in the eyes of the demons, the leader gritted his teeth and said, "A draw!"

He had seen Immortal Venerable doing it, and he really didn't dare to boast.

When the lord was still the young lord of the devil world, he once asked Xianzun Jiang to fight, and then he was suppressed by a sword.

And the sword wound was branded on the heart of the lord, and it did not heal for a long time, forming a scar.

Read The Duke's Passion