MTL - My Dad Is the Galaxy’s Prince Charming-Chapter 195 Return of the king

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"What do you mean?" He was also unbelievable. "Do you want to break the contract?"

It’s not just him, even the other blood races that have just passed through, but also the face of the big prince, the blood family really do not have words.

"I was only a little suspicious..." The child named Yuan Zhen was quietly speaking and his eyes were bright. It seemed to suppress what was very excited. "But I saw you and I am sure. This world environment is similar to our universe. And there are two contractors in succession, and there is a race as strong as ours. There is such a coincidence, unless...the world is our twin world!" His eyes are brighter and he turns his head and shouts at everyone. "What does the twin world mean? Everyone knows this, so... our contractors must be here! How can such a world give up!"

When he said this, he was quiet for a second.

The next moment, the huge cheers, rang out one after another. The eyes of all the **** people, like the big prince, emit a shining wolf, that is... the light from a single dog.

What glory, what promise, what single-headed, what ethnic dignity, instantly fed the dog collectively.

Yao Si’s heart sinks and is finished!

The original force they pretended was based on the fact that the other party did not understand the world, and the report submitted by 蔺珑 was not detailed. Although they have speculation, they are not sure whether they are twins. What is more important is that he did not tell them that the blood family of this world is actually derived from Wang Erma. Therefore, they only tried to pretend that the blood family is stronger than them, and they want to let them know.

I did not expect this big prince, but directly from this point, I determined that this is the speculation of the twin world. There are contractors and the same race. Is this not a twin? She suddenly had the feeling of moving a rock to her own feet. It was really a dog!

Mom, this thing is going to be cold!

What is the child, the most annoying!

"The world must be ours, no one can stop it." The big prince shouted and turned to look at them. The eyes had completely changed. If there were some taboos before, it has now become a must-have. Crazy, "For the contractors, grab them!"

The next tens of thousands of blood races rushed toward them, and the heavenly powers rushed to the side like money, and instantly illuminated the entire dark starry sky.

"Come on!" The mystery that Xuan Xuan had not fully recovered, all of them were released in an instant, forming a huge wall of light standing in front. Turning a hand, opened a space transfer exit, and then pushed her inward.


"Back to the red star."

He only had time to confess, and he turned and flew over the blood of the sky, and all kinds of abilities blew around him.

"Come on, or it's too late." He went to the transfer space and stretched her hand. He is most aware of the desire of the blood family for the contractor, that is, the meaning of their existence, no one can stop it. This matter has lost control. A big battle can no longer be avoided. "If you live, he will die."

Yao Si tightened his hand and turned to the transmission space, yes! In addition to her mental strength, she is a spicy chicken. Staying here just makes Min Xuan distracted, pure blood blood family can not be killed by the same family, but kill her but can. As long as she is alive, Xuan Xuan will not die. Can't waste the escape opportunity he made for them, she must go, protect herself, calm down...


The wall of light made by Xuan Xuan was instantly cracked, and thousands of abilities of light were directed toward him. The picture seemed to be fixed in an instant. She watched the power sweeping his body, and the bright red thorny color re-stained the black blood on his clothes. More and more light, like the raging tide, devour everything, some straight to his arm, some sweeping on the leg, and some straight to the chest...




Laozi fights with you!

She only felt a bang in her mind, and what reason, logic, and all TM were stuffed into the dog's mouth. In response, she has already appeared at the side of Xuan Xuan. The emotion of anger at the moment rushed to the apex, and there was a crack in the bottom of my heart. There was a broken picture in my mind flashing from my eyes. She subconsciously released all the energy and mental energy in her body.

Everything is slowed down like a slow motion. She can even see clearly that the closer and closer ray of light, with a deep sense of killing and death, is directly at the chest of Xuan Xuan. .

Some of her conditioned reflexes, reaching out like a pinch, grabbed it with force.


Just caught it... caught it... lived...


The light formed by those abilities, like solid ones, converge on the palm of the hand. She is almost subconscious, like a ball, pulling **** this side.

I only heard a loud bang, and it was extremely small like what was dialed out. The light in his hand suddenly turned into a little bit of radiance disappearing, as if it did not exist.

All: "..."

The blood family and their little friends were shocked, and the scene was quiet as a chicken. Even the three people forgot to drill back from the transmission space.


I don't know who spit a blood. For a moment, like the switch that was turned on, most of the blood races began to spit up blood one after another, all of them pale, like the ones that were hit hard and fell down.

In a moment, tens of thousands of blood races have fallen.

Her mind, which was stunned by anger, suddenly cooled down.

Just... what happened?

"My...power, how come?"

"I don't feel the power, why is it?"

"She... she can really abolish people's abilities."

"What is the energy just now? Good... terrible, my legs are soft."


Yao Si looked at her own claws subconsciously. Just as she grabbed a lot and tried to pull it out, was it their power!


what happened? She hangs a bit too big!

"Just the energy..." The child-like big prince read a sentence, unlike other frightened blood races, he seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly brightened, with excitement and excitement, talking to himself. "Yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this energy. Only those who can control my abilities are..."

His figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of her.

Yao Si was shocked and reflexively hugged the side of Xuan Xuan.

Dead child, what do you want to do.

He suddenly squatted down on her knees, one hand on the chest, looking up at her eyes, "We finally found you, Her Majesty!"

Yao Si: "..."

Xuan Xuan: "..."

What the hell? This is... the latest posture of begging for mercy?


Read The Duke's Passion