MTL - My Dad Is the Galaxy’s Prince Charming-Chapter 185 Leading to the new world

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In the end, Yao Si still had no time to register, because they received a newsletter, Bluestar had already been repaired, and he had to go back.

When I received the newsletter, Yao Si stunned. Didn't you find the contractor? What are you going to do? Did he and the love feathers go out again? I exchanged a look with Xuan Xuan. They quickly opened up the space transfer and went to the repaired blue star. It wasn't until I saw the love feathers and cockroaches standing side by side on the edge of the blue star. It didn't seem to talk about the collapse.

"Sisi!" Love Yu was the first person to discover them, and habitually rushed to her.

The two men present at the scene were black and face, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed the man back, and Xuan Xuan also pulled her behind her.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Lian Yu glanced back and dissatisfied.

"Xiao Yu." A sigh, not only did not go back like a poison, but looked like a peace of mind, the voice is soft and unspeakable, "You promised me."

“Are you promised?” Lian Yu turned a blind eye. “I just agreed for a while. For the time being, you don’t understand, let’s open it!”

蔺珑 This carefully released his hand, the tender and gentle look, the whole person exudes the sour smell of love, so that Yao Si can not completely match him with the poisoned tongue in the impression

"You are this?" Yao Si smashed the two men back and forth, only to find that the love of the heart has a **** imprint of her. Hey, it seems that the speed is very fast, so soon I will get it? Then what is he going back?

"Sisi, would you like to go with us?" Love Yu reached out to her, doing a hug for expression.

"Go?" Yao Si was surprised. "Where are you going!"

"Of course, I went back with me." A smug smug, declared the sovereignty to hold on to the love feather, but was photographed by the other paw.

"Do you find the contractors who are purely bloody, do you want to go back and report?" Yao Si did not understand.

"That's not it." He turned his head and looked at Lian Yu. The softness in his eyes seemed to overflow the water. "Where the general contractor is, let's go."

"What?" Why did he go back.

"My situation is special." He explained, "I came to this universe, except for the contractor, but with the task. Now with Xiaoyu..." He bent his eyes. "This mission naturally cannot continue." So, I have to go back and report the transfer."

"Do you want to take the love feathers to the world?"

"Of course!" He nodded hard. "I found Xiao Yu very hard, and naturally I can't bear her to leave me." He said that he looked down at the love feathers, as if the world only had the other person's eyes and saw her. A goose bump.

Sure enough, Wang, who has been single for too long, can’t stand it once he is in love. Love Yu is not aware of it, a habit.

"So, are you still coming back?" she asked subconsciously.

"Sisi..." Lian Yu’s eyes brushed up and looked at her with excitement. "I know you can’t bear me, I can’t bear you, my heart is always here. As long as you say let me Stay, then I won't go."

Yao Si’s mouth is pumping. “Then you still go!” The evil power!

"Sisi..." Her eyes were dark and her face was hurt. It seemed to be what she wanted to say, but she was interrupted by hurriedly.

"We will be back soon, that surname is awkward!" He looked up at Xuan Xuan, and his attitude became fierce. "You promised me at the beginning, will help open the passage, send me back to the original world, now it is It’s time to cash in."

Yan Xuan's brow wrinkled, and there was no nonsense. Just step forward and ask, "How?"

"As long as you use all the abilities, open a maximum space, and I will fix it myself."

“The biggest space?” asked Yao Si, “How big is that?”

He raised his finger to the blue planet in front of him. "It’s just like the blue star."

Lying in the trough!

This is too big, you want to transport the entire planet back.

"Hurry, hurry!" He was somewhat dissatisfied and urged, "I have contacted the family before I repaired the Blue Star. I promised to go back at this time. Don't hurt me late."

“暮玄?” Yao Si is somewhat worried. After all, it is really difficult to open such a large space channel.

Xuan Xuan lifted his hand and touched her head with ease. This was a step forward and raised her hand. In less than a moment, a black hole came out in front, and it expanded rapidly. Less than half of it would have passed over the entire blue star.

"The trough, so fast! You are really a monster." Envy and hate the words, quickly opened the light brain, the body suddenly appeared dozens of light screens, while constantly operating, while Yang Channel, "You insist on it, let the space keep this size."

Ten minutes later, I didn't know what he had ordered. Suddenly, on the blue star in front, a green light rushed out and directly shot at the center of the space where Xuan Xuan opened. With the bang, the green light began to spread at the hole, as if it had covered a layer on the passage, and the entire hole was covered in a moment.

"Okay!" he said with a surprise.

The next moment, the space hole that is as big as the planet, began to shrink at a rapid speed. It was half-time in an instant, and it was getting smaller and smaller. The center of the original black and green was gathered into white by more and more intense energy.

It was just a very easy way to maintain the space channel, and the brow wrinkled for a moment, and the forehead began to seep through the sweat.

"Xuan Xuan!" has been paying attention to her own daddy's Yao Si, the first time to find his abnormality, suddenly a tight heart, "What happened to you?"

"Do not worry, you can't die!" He rolled his eyes. "Do you think it is so easy to open the passages of the two worlds? At the beginning, I worked with the old man and used most of the abilities to come over. He is just an ability. If you consume too much, you will be weak for a few days and you will not be able to use your abilities. After a while, you will recover."

"Nothing." Yan Xuan looked back at her and comforted.

Yao Si just let go of his heart, but couldn’t help but look at a culprit with anger. "Don’t you say that you opened it with the old man last time? Why didn’t you do this, but let my family come here? ?"

"Where, if I want to work with him at the same time, who will operate the space converter." I glanced at her and pointed to the smaller and smaller hole. "I didn't see the green light, I have been there for a long time." Compressing the abilities in the converter, my current abilities are not much better than yours. Besides, if you killed my beastmaster, would you use it so much?"

"..." Ok, she said nothing fack.


Seeing that the hole in front is getting smaller and smaller, it is getting brighter and brighter. After half an hour, it finally turns into a hole about five or six meters in diameter, and it has become a pure white, and the glare is dark. It’s down.

Is this the passage through to another universe? !

Read The Duke's Passion