MTL - My Dad Is the Galaxy’s Prince Charming-Chapter 155 Your family name

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Far away, Yao Si saw a huge shadow rising from the sky, and higher and higher, less than half will have occupied half of the sky. Until the big green appeared in front of her eyes, she saw it, it was actually a tree, a huge tree.

And it is growing in all directions, and the ground is also shaking.

Yao Si took a sip of cold air, "Run!" Pulling the love feathers, he ran back.

I don't know if it was because of the appearance of this big tree. I couldn't get out of it. I actually rushed out. The original quaint courtyard has become a ruin, leaving only a huge tree squatting on it.

"What happened in the end? How is this tree going?" Yao Si asked as he gasped.

"It's a tree thunder king tree!" Lian Yu looked back at the big tree that was still crazy. "I put the tree heart in the rainbow pool before, so I solved the limitation of the rainbow pool. But I did not expect it to suddenly I grew up."

"What Wang Shu?" Yao Siyi, isn't the tree heart the ship before her? What time has it become a king tree?

"Wang Shu is the tree of the king, and the president will grow into a tree of the thunder tree." The concern of Lian Yu looked at the tree road behind him. "It was originally my brother."

"Hey?" Reclining, are you not a feather? When did you have a brother of the Tree Lei family, "Your mother... Your name?"

"This is a complicated matter." She was even more anxious. "My dad is the younger brother of Shuleihuang twins. I am also a twin with my brother. But when he was born, he was a seed. He has not been aware of it for so many years. It just grew into a flower of Wang Shu. But I didn't expect it... just put him in Hongchi, and he suddenly grew up."

Therefore, the reason why Lianyu can be completely immune to the fog of the heavenly star is because she also has the gene of the tree thunder.

"What do you do now?" Can't let him continue to grow?

"Sisi don't have to worry." She patted her chest and looked confident. "He didn't have consciousness, but he was also my brother. Just he just didn't recognize what I am, as long as I reverted to the original, he wouldn't hurt me. of."

Said, she looked confidently forward, the huge wings grew out of her body, the body instantly pulled up, the blink of an eye turned back, and the first look of the huge queen, a wing, suddenly burst into a while The whirlwind, surrounded by the red pool that had become ruined, the tree that was originally mad, was also stopped by the wind.

She is loud, "I am a sister, I am a sister. You are obedient..."

Snapped! A loud noise, the words have not finished, I saw that the big tree suddenly raised a Teng Man pumped over, the original body of the love feather that was shouting, suddenly shook into a normal size, directly drawn Go out.

Yao Si: "..."


I faintly heard the sound of the flag falling.

By! Say good, nothing?

I haven't recovered yet, and the tree has once again raised the tree vines and swept it toward the love feathers that have returned to their normal size.

Lying in the trough!

Her heart was cold, and she rushed straight to the past, and the people on the ground rolled on the ground.

With a bang, I saw the place where she was lying, and was directly pulled out of a ditch that was one meter deep. Yao Si only felt cold and stunned, pulling a queen who had been stupid, rushing to find the ground and hiding, until he left the attack range of the tree Teng, he was relieved, and the cold sweat slammed out. Good insurance, just if she is slower, it is estimated that both of them are meat patties.

"Sisi..." Lian Yu looked at her with some sorrow. I didn't know if it was scared or scared, and my face still looked like I didn't react.

She was so angry that she had a sigh of relief. "Are you sure you are a brother-in-law?" Seeing this tree did not recognize her sister's appearance.

Lian Yu didn't answer, just looked at her eyes. It seemed that something was flowing slowly. The nose sucked and sucked. It was only half a grievance. "It... it used to be very obedient, really!"

"I have done it." She pointed to the tree a few meters high in front of her. "Can't you do it? He can't recognize you now. It seems that he can only go in and find the heart of the tree. Now the pool has been completely The tree is covered, do you know the other way?"

"There is something..." Lian Yu nodded hesitantly. "But it is dangerous."

"You can't manage that much, let's talk about it in the past." If the younger brother of Lian Yu really grows into a tree like Shulei, the whole planet will be finished, and it will be trapped in the fog...

She didn't dare to think about it anymore, followed the love feathers around the back of the house. It may be because the tree is too big, and they are not chased by the tree vines along the way.

Lian Yu took a green door with two tall people, and it was covered with green roots. It was different from the young roots of Lian Yu’s younger brother, but with a muddy root. The roots were dark brown. It seems to have existed for many years.

"This is part of the restriction system. It is the rainbow pool. But... this is the root of the tree thunder, it needs a strong heat weapon to get in, and it is immune to all wood abilities." She is a little embarrassed, "by My wood abilities can't get in."

"Do you have a woody ability?" Yao Si asked.

"Of course! In addition to the feathers, I also have the pedigree of the tree Lei." Said, love feathers reached out, the palm suddenly grew a bud, "so we must first find some weapons..."

"No need!" She interrupted her directly, reaching out to the door and letting out the newly added abilities in the body. The flames of the sky suddenly appeared, forming a fire dragon, and directly burning the dense roots into a pile of black ash.

Lian Yu’s sister’s eyes widened, and she smashed the black ash of the floor and smashed her. The whole person was stunned. “ will be are not... ..."

Hey Hey hey! only make people have children, and the expression of Mary Su’s power is swollen at first sight?


Her "small reverse" ability is sometimes very reliable?

"Advanced!" Yao Si directly broke the pile of black ash and went in. There is actually a road here that leads directly to the ground. It may be because of her fire abilities, all the way, all around is dark.

Unexpectedly, the inside is not dark, but it is getting brighter and brighter, and the light blue light can be seen in front.

"The surrounding system seems to be completely ineffective..." Lian Yu touched the black stone wall and pointed to the front. "Hongchi is there."

Yao Si walked two steps, and there was a blue water column in front of him. He couldn’t see his head at first, and rushed straight upwards. There was no gap between the passage and the water column. The magic is that the water did not overflow to this side. Instead, go straight up.

Read The Duke's Passion