MTL - My Dad Is the Galaxy’s Prince Charming-Chapter 137 Star sprinkles

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Yan Xuan's face was darker, and turned to look at the trepidation of Bai Yi.

"Wait a minute... I understand!" Bai Yi Er said, turned the sword in his hand, and did not hesitate to go up to his body, the next moment he flashed, perfect return to the resurrection point.

Yao Si: "..."

What the hell?

【Ding! The battle of the Dragon Slayer, the only survivor: the player "*#38", the singer of the singer was sent to the moon fairy to see it! The auditorium will be delivered, 5...4...3......]

"..." This relay has changed too fast, right?

and many more! For the other two are heroic killings, is she the only survivor? Still leaving the game? The system does not take such discrimination against low-level players, and there are! The two words that are shielded, what is it, say clearly, hello!

There is also Xuan Xuan in the eyes of the system, what gender is it! Why are men and women not jealous?

She didn't have time to vomit, and the scenery was changed immediately. It was directly passed to another place. The flowers in the ground disappeared. Instead, there was a red hall. It was all red everywhere, and the front wall was hung with a huge one. Hi word.

There is no one around, and there is only a red man in his body...

【Ding! The screen has been locked, please go to the church to complete the wedding. 】

At the same time, there is one more item in her taskbar: the task of knotting the knot.

"..." What happened just now? The plot is developing too fast, she can't react. Why did you suddenly become the wedding of her and Xuan Xuan?

"Where is this?"

"It should be an independent map of the game." The Xuan Xuan, who was transferred twice, was calm, turned and looked outside the house, only a piece of white.

“What?” She opened the system menu and found that the offline option is still locked. “Isn’t I really going to go out and go out?”

"Should... yes." He nodded.

Yao Si’s heart was tight, and it was only after the tension was felt.

Bye? ! She and Yu Xuan!


She looked up and looked at the person on the side of her body, just hitting the look he had seen, and between the flashing stones, she faintly felt that there was something screaming, and almost all of them recovered their eyes.

I didn’t have a flustered heart. I don’t know if it was too quiet. She could hear her heartbeat.

Obviously, I usually look at the face that I am used to, so she wants her heart to speed up and feed!

Calm and calm, this is just a game.

"Cough... 暮玄!" She coughed, took a deep breath, and pulled his hand. "Would you like... Let's try the task first?"

Illusion? How do you feel that Xuan Xuan’s neck is allergic? Is the game's anti-reality so high?

"Yeah." Yan Xuan has no opinion, and half of it seems to emphasize the nod and added another sentence, "Good!"

"That's a temple!" She took him straight to the middle of the big red hi word and walked over. The next time you hear the system's tone.

[One heaven and earth! 】

[Two worship high hall! 】

[couples worship! 】

They bowed three times as prompted, but the taskbar still did not see the words completed.

[Send to the cave! 】

"..." Hey, is the realness so high?

Once again, the scene was sitting on a bed full of hi-hat rooms.

[The groom can kiss the bride! 】


This is a combination of Chinese and Western customs. Does Chinese wedding have such a kiss?

But after not completing the task, she couldn't get off the line. She subconsciously turned her head and screamed. In a red dress, Xuan Xuan, he seemed to be shocked by this prompt. The whole person stayed on the bed and his neck was more red. And it is spreading to the face.

Yao Si only feels that there is something wrong in the bottom of my heart, then hehe... he won’t be allergic, but... blush?

This is what I am... sorry?

She only felt awkward in her mind, and the ghost made a difference. She said directly, "Would you like? Let's try one?" Anyway, it is not without friends.

He was obviously stiff, still the expressionless face, and he was half-shouldered and said, "Yeah." He returned very calmly, as if he had promised that he would only ask for a high-level request. The red color between the necks spreads more quickly, and the ears are red and bloody.

A little... cute!


I don't know how, her face banged, and it was red, and her heart seemed to jump out. Obviously nervous to die, a Mo Ming impulse suddenly surged up. The body is unambiguous like a hungry wolf like a sheep, and his hands are on his side, and he has already dyed a familiar face with strange colors, and instantly zooms in front of him. Ok... I want to eat him.

and many more! What is she doing? Forcing bed bugs? Say good relationship? !

But... this is not the first time. He used to kiss himself before, and then said that Xuan Xuan’s current look, looks like... very delicious! She is hungry! Don't worry if you want to eat!

So... She printed her head down directly, warm and soft, completely different from his somewhat cold look. It seems as if there is an unknown current passing between the lips, so she couldn't help but kissed her twice.

Perhaps their relationship can be improved.


Just about to get up, he suddenly stretched out and pulled him down. She only felt a turn, and the two changed their positions. The next moment, his lips were printed again, and they drove straight in, which was different from the kiss she had just licked. Xuan’s blazing and overbearing, as if to swallow her whole person, with a few eagerness and madness, but not scary, slowed down after half a meeting, leaving only full of pity and Difficult to linger.

Yao Si only felt that there was a blank in his mind, all his thoughts were empty, and there was a feeling that he didn’t know what day and night.

I don't know who ended the kiss first. The two separated and gasped and panted, the body was separated, but the breath was still dissolved. The red color on the face of Xuan Xuan had faded and replaced by passion. The aftertaste is even more... seductive.

"Would you like... another mission." She blurted out.

He breathed a stagnation, the red that had just faded, and it went up in an instant.


The lips are connected again, with less impulse at first, and the kiss is more lingering. The bottom of my heart seems to have ignited a fire, and I need to rush it out. The hand is unconsciously moving up the other side of the body. until……

【Ding! Detected player violations! Give players * #38, 暮玄 985425531 top grid number processing! In order to create a strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious game environment, players are required to adhere to the rules of the game based on the interstellar method, and quit the yellow ring! Thank you! 】

The next moment, the two were directly kicked off the line.

Yao Si: "..."

Xuan Xuan: "..."

Two people who resurrected the remedy: "..."

Your Majesty, Your Highness, what did you both do in the auditorium?

Read The Duke's Passion