MTL - My Dad Is the Galaxy’s Prince Charming-Chapter 1 Friend, you are dead.

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Yao Si feels that he has been a little bit wrong recently. People who have been unable to sleep well have not been able to sleep for a few days, but the spirit is surprisingly surprising.

The waist is not sour and the legs are not soft. Even the aunt who has troubled her for many years does not come. It is not difficult to go to the tenth floor. What is even more amazing is her appetite. It was originally as spicy as it was, but now I can see the red peppers on my stomach. At first she thought that the spleen and stomach caused by insomnia was weak, but after a few days she found that she was not only a pepper, she lost her appetite for all the food, just like anorexia.

All the foods in her mouth are shaped like chewing wax, which has lost the original taste, except for the food that has never been touched before.

"I said the girl, you stared at me, this duck blood looked for half an hour, can you buy it?"

"Ah?!" Sisi stayed, and the line of sight stuck to the red and bright booth was not coming back. "Buy... don't buy it?"

"This is hesitant to hesitate. If you want to eat, you can buy it." At first glance, the boss started to enthusiastically sell it. "You really have a vision, my duck blood is the best in the whole market. You are here. Color. You can't buy it anywhere else, and it's especially delicious."

"is it?"

"Of course, this blood is freshly slaughtered by the ducks that day."

"Yes... very fresh." And it's so sweet.

"Two pounds a pound, cheap and affordable."

"Yeah." Good fragrance, good fragrance.

"I don't have this store when I miss this village. My duck blood is very popular. If you can't buy it in the afternoon, you can't buy it." He said that he picked up a piece of duck blood and smashed it. I will buy it again."

"Really?" I want to eat.

"How about a sister, come two pounds?"

"But..." Sisi’s mouth sank. "I am allergic to duck blood!"

"...ha?" The boss stunned, the blood of the duck in his hand did not hold steady, and the slamming sound fell back into the water, splashing Yao Si's face.

"Sister, do you have a big brother? Duck blood allergies, why are you standing for me for a long time?" The things were not sold, and the boss was a little angry.

"I don't want to!" I remembered that this Yao Si was also a grievance. "I haven't slept for ten days, I haven't slept, and I can't eat anything else, I smell it."

"You tease me sister." The boss is not happy. "Why are you like insomnia for ten days?" It is very spiritual, and there is no effort to stand here for ten days. "Would you like it?" Do you look at other dishes?"

"I am telling the truth." She still couldn't help but stare at the duck blood in the water. "I smell the fragrance here outside the three streets."

"How is this possible, so far away, you are not..." He sang a voice, as if he had thought of something, and looked at her up and down, and flashed something in his eyes. Suddenly I changed my mind. "Sister, I have a fresher house, maybe you are not allergic to eat, or do you go with me?"

“Really?” Is there anti-allergic duck blood?

"You come with me." He turned and walked into the back compartment, and turned back and waved at her.

Yao Si followed in and only entered the door. The boss directly pulled the door curtain next to it, forming an independent space. The room that was still fairly clear was suddenly dimmed, and even the noise of the outside market disappeared. .

Yao Si was stunned and turned to look at the boss who suddenly became enthusiastic. "Big Brother, wouldn't you still be a part-time dealer?" This will not be a small "home".

The boss was happy with a look, and his mouth was pumping. "Hu wants to be a sister, I am not a bad person." He glanced at her with a slight dissatisfaction, and ignored her suspicion. He went straight to the right and picked up a cup. There was something left in a delicate pot from the side and handed it to her. "Come, sister, do you try this?"

"Is this?" Yao Si handed it up, only to see that the cup was filled with a half cup of fresh red liquid with no doubts, reflecting the dim light, such as the ruby ​​is dazzling, the rich musk rushes to the face, attracting her The taste stagnation for a long time has fully recovered, and some of the saliva has been uncontrollable, and the belly has also resonated.

So sweet...

She couldn't help but dry it. It was a salty, scented liquid. The entrance was soft and smooth, and the whole taste bud was soothed. The aftertaste was endless. It was more refreshing than eating a spicy meal. It was itch with teeth. It seems that something is more.

"You really..." The boss suddenly sighed long.

Yao Si came back from the peerless taste, only to find that he directly ate a cup of blood, and wanted to have another cup. The strange thing was that she didn't feel disgusted, and she was a little embarrassed. See the boss with some surprised look, put down the cup, coughed and asked, "Boss, this anti-allergic duck blood is good, how much is a pound? Give me ten pounds."

"Sister..." The boss did not move. She looked at her with some pity, as if she didn't know how to speak. "I just heard you say that I haven't eaten anything for ten days, and I have slept, right?"

"Yes!" Yao Si nodded. Is this related to her buying duck blood?

"Do you not feel a bit strange?"

"It's a bit." In fact, I went to the hospital for a thorough examination, and I did it three times. The result is normal. Even the doctor did not believe that she had not eaten and slept for ten days, and silently gave her a psychiatrist's business card.

"Then you know why you are like this?"

"I don't know." Yao Si shook his head and turned his head and looked at the mysterious person. "Boss, even if the anti-allergic duck blood is four pounds, I will buy it."

"I don't want to raise the price." The boss gave her a sigh of relief. "You don't want to know what happened to you?"

"Think!" It wasn't even the hospital could find it. "Don't you know?" she asked casually.

"You wait." The boss looked around and went to the door to pull the curtain more tightly. Then he came back and asked seriously. "Sister, I ask you, ten days ago, you have Didn't encounter anything strange?"

"What is weird..."

"Is it bitten, or injured?"

She shook her head, like her dead house, it was difficult to get hurt.

"Do you have strangers coming to you these days?"

"Only takeaway and express delivery."

"What about dreaming? Have you ever had any strange dreams? Or what can't you think of?"

"Do you dream of five million?"

"..." The boss said that he would sigh for a long time and secretly sighed. "Forget it, it is estimated to be an accident. Now it is no wonder that this troubled world..." He saw her eyes more pity, if she just looked away from the child. This will be the look of the lonely child.

Yao Si was seen a bit hairy, although she was indeed an orphan. "Boss, what can you say hello? What happened to me?"

The boss was just looking, pulling the two small benches on the side and motioning for her to sit down, and the brow wrinkled her facts.

"Sister, you are dead."



Read The Duke's Passion