MTL - My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker-Chapter 5743 Fanwai-seven flowers spring is infinitely good

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Chapter 5743 Fanwai-Seven Flowers Spring is infinitely good


After the crackling sound, the hall that was originally the song of Yange and Yanwu suddenly became silent.

I saw a woman with chaotic rings scattered around, grabbed another woman to get out of the box, and rolled down the stairs all the way.

"Bang" hit the next pillar.

Startled two men and women who were laughing and joking, leaning back quickly.

"Gu Daozhen, you bitch, dare to break in and rob me!"

"Your Gu family has been defeated. Do you understand? You dare to rob me! Do you know what status my Mu family is now? Aw, dare to hit me in the eye! I will kill you."

"Grandma Ergu, Grandma Ergu!" There were two servants and servants crying and screaming.

"The little face is paralyzed!" I don't know who shouted, and seven or eight private rooms in the building opened at the same time.

A group of handsome men with handsome looks and thin clothes fluttered down.

The face was paralyzed in an instant.

Exclaimed, "Oh, how long haven't you been here?"

"Your little conscience. Why haven't we been here for a long time to come and sit down?"

"Qiao Qiao, I hate it. I don't know if people have missed each other for three days, so I missed it!"

Lord Qiaoqiao gave them a blank expression.

Then he waved his hand and shouted with a black face, "Come here, drag her back!"

Immediately someone stepped forward to grab Mu Dongni, and he persuaded him very funny, "Oh, my second-aunt grandma, please don't be dead, the queen's mother came to catch you personally, and don't hurry me go back."

Grandma Ergu said angrily, "I, I haven't finished listening to Mengmeng's tune, don't touch me, don't touch me, I have to talk to Mengmeng for a knee-long talk, Bingzhuye night talk, one night, ah... "

"Mengmeng! Mengmeng." Granny Mu Dongni, the second aunt, grabbed the pillar next to her, shouting at the heart and tearing her heart apart.

Qiao Mu froze with a small face, and rushed at a few hands and feet to pull the second aunt's grandmother, angrily, "Not yet! Hurry to pull her back, what is it?"

It's humiliating not to choose a good day, this Mu Dongni is so uncomfortable.

Who asked her to find fault in Chunyi?

I don't want to pick a place when finding faults.

Don’t know this place, is it covered by Master Jojo? ?

Mu Dongni groaned angrily, "Niece, grand niece! How can you treat your dear aunt like this?"

"I really just came to listen to Xiaoquer today! Who knows the old woman Gu Daozhen."

"It's her, it's her! Yaxing, who bothered me to listen to the dream play! Do you think this woman should be damn? Anyway, their family members are almost dead, and it doesn't matter if they kill another one."

"Nephew, you help your aunt kill her, kill her!"

I kill you noisy goods!

Qiao Mu looked at her blankly, "Long word."

"You hurried back to me now, I don't care too much about you! If you take another step later, be careful that I am angry."

Mu Dongni shivered.

This little nephew is not simple to get angry.

Where did she dare to face Qiaomu, nodded quickly, crawled up and walked out.

Unexpectedly, Gu Daozhen rushed forward two steps, kicking her leg against her back.

Mu Dongni stumbled forward and stumbled a few steps, and fell to the ground with a snap.

She screamed in a hurry and screamed, "Gu Daozhen, you old woman, you dare to hurt someone behind your back."

Qiao Mu swept away with a cold eye, and someone rushed over to twist Gu Daozhen's two arms directly behind him.

Gu Daozhen shouted angrily, "What do you want to do? What have I done? You want to treat me like this."

"I tell you not to mess up! This world has Wang Fa. Empress Tang Shenzhou came to visit the blue mansion. Huh! I don't know what your majesty will think about it."

Mu Dongni said angrily: "What? Which eye do you see here is a blue house? I tell you this is a restaurant, not a blue house. Don't slander my favorite dream, I will kill you!"

The two little beautiful men next to them wept, "How can you slander us like this guest? We are not in the skin business here, we are a serious restaurant."

Seven little flowers in red, green, orange, yellow, blue, blue and purple ran to the side of the tree, and wept with a small face, crying: "Qiao Qiao, somebody slanders us. Hit our face! What do you say? Well?"

There are also a few charming men with beautiful patterns next to them, looking for a rope to hang.

They walked back and forth in the hall, fluttering and looking for the pillars, "I am not alive, I am not alive, I can't live anymore. Being so slandered, should we shame? "

"That's it! Who is the man in the blue house? We are serious men and women!"

Qiao Mu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help being speechless.

During the noise, Fan Meng and Fan You walked down the stairs.

Fan Meng's eyes looked at Qiao Mu softly and smiled, "Come here?"

Arbor nodded and looked at him up and down.

Fan Meng looks pretty good today, and looks pretty energetic.

"They didn't disturb you?" Xiaomian asked coldly.

The little men beside this question cried out even more crying, "I'm bothered, I'm disturbed, but I'm disturbed."

"Now, the second-in-law grandmother of the Mu family, he named us as soon as he came and let us dream to play piano for him!"

"Also said that only when Mengmeng plays the piano next to her, can she eat our meals here."

"Then a short while later, this Gu Daozhen came again, quarreling, kicking and hitting, and fighting against Mu's second aunt and grandma."

"The two of them rolled upstairs and downstairs, which scared the babies."

"Uh huh, huh. It's really scary to death. I'm still puffing my heart up and down."

"Jiao Qiao, I want to drink tea."

Master Qiaoqiao quietly took a corner of his eyes, then nodded, "How do you want to punish them?"

A beautiful man shouted, "The two women have poor conduct and must all be driven out."

"Yes, let them not be allowed to come to our Spring House to eat."

"Yes. I really don't know if they are here to eat or to tease Mengmeng."

"It's terrible!"

The men and women nodded in unison with the enemy.

Qiaomu nodded his head and shouted at Mu Dongni, "Have you heard? You don't have to come here in the future, if I let you find you coming again, I will let Grandpa interrupt your dog legs."

Mu Dongni cried aloud, "Nephew! I'm absolutely sincere about Mengmeng. I'm willing to help him roll the nail plate of the frying pan on top of the mountain, and I'm not afraid of anything, but I can't see him."

"Niece, if you don't let me come to see my dreams, I really can't survive a day."

A group of beautiful men shook their bodies and gave her a silent look.

Master Qiao Qiao, with a cold face, suddenly stepped forward and kicked Gu Daozhen.

Everyone could not help but cover their faces.

How to do? After so many years, this product is still so cute.

When everyone thought she couldn't see Mu Dongni and was about to walk over to beat her, the goods actually kicked Gu Daozhen.

Now I want to come, why is Gu Daozhen innocent?

"You are not allowed to come in the future, if I let you find that you are here to make trouble again, I will put you in jail." Master Qiaoqiao raised his voice and drank.

Gu Dao is not good, he said sharply, "Is there any reason? Is there any other Fa?"

"Queen empress, although you have more power than the sky, you can't forbid civilians like us, come here to eat normally?"

Mu Dongni got excited, turned her head and shouted at her, "What's wrong with you? You're not allowed to come!"

"I tell you, here, the Queen Mother is the law. You shout your throat and there is nowhere to go!"

You said that the adult Qiao Qiao is like a bandit bully!

Can you speak well? Can I still have a brain before speaking!

Qiao Mu glanced at Mu Dongni angrily. "Okay, okay, let her go out together."

Mu Dongni immediately broke her face and gave Qiao Qiao a bitter look.

Qiao Mu didn't care about her any more, and he waved his hand and let them throw them both out.

She walked to Fanmeng and looked up at him, "You hurt?"

Fan Meng said with a smile, "It has been raised for so many days. Since the thunder fire was pulled out by you, the body has slowly recovered. It is almost okay."

"You just don't care about people like this in the future." Qiao Mu said silently.

"Is it always to open a restaurant and do business? I can't always catch customers." Fan Meng smiled grumpily.

Arbor was speechless.

Alas, these super gods like to stay here to open restaurants.

Forget it, they are just happy...

"Jiao Qiao, come with me." Fan Meng beckoned to her.

When the two arrived in the upper room, Fan Meng handed a letterhead to her. "Recently, the remaining corpses are being cleared. There may be underground bases in these places. I hope they can help you."

"This is the eldest son let us arrange in advance." Fan Meng sighed softly.

I didn't expect that such a stunning grandpa, now... actually sleeping in a crystal coffin and never waking up again.

"Does he know that there will be such a day?"

Fan Meng nodded, "He has guessed for a long time that Tian Yun will never last."

"We don't have much to do now, I hope this will help you."

Qiao Mu twitched the corner of his mouth, and wanted to show him a good smile, but his small face was still cold.

Fan Meng couldn't help but smile, his eyes narrowed down the window, his chin resting on one hand, and she smiled and looked at her, "Since it's here, I'd like to play a song for you?"

Before Lord Qiao Qiao responded, there was a chilling sound by the window, "What about playing a song? Would you like a striptease?"

"Whoosh, swish!" Two figures, one black and one white, appeared in the cabin.

"Yeah." Fan Meng said with a smile, "Your majesty came down to catch people."

Master Qiao Qiao jumped up at speed and rushed out of the door with his calf.

As soon as the door opened, the dark face turned around and grinned at her, "Queen empress!"

"Go!" Qiao Mu banged the door of the compartment with a bang, turned his head and glanced at the husband and the broken moon.

"Hehe." She smiled blankly.

Duanyue couldn't help being amused, "Huh? Is this the spring-filled building?"

"Yes, the food in this restaurant is very delicious." Master Qiao Qiao ran forward and glanced at her husband, "Husband, why are you here?"

"Oh, we just strolled around. I didn't expect to hear someone on the street saying that the queen's lady ran to Chunyi Manlou to catch Mu's second aunt." Duan Yue smiled.

"Yes, I'm here to catch Mu Dongni's goods." Qiao Mu looked at them, "Why didn't the rotten peach blossom come out with you."

"Downstairs." Mo Lian said blankly.

Qiao Mu raised his small hand, touched the hair on the temple side, turned to face him with the back of his head, "Then, I invite you to dinner."

This husband, too, is too stupid.

Fearing that she would run away, she would not only stay up late waiting outside the door, but also put rotten peach blossoms downstairs to block people.


What is she so afraid of!

She came here for serious business, but not for Huamei.

Somehow, why should she be guilty!

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!"

Just listen to a beautiful man chatting with him all night, "Oh, you little brother, what are you doing here! People want to see Qiao Qiao. I hate you!"

Stayed up all night and turned green.

Molian's face also followed green!

Chunyimanlou, these nasty little men, do you always say this every time you see his Joe? ?


I want to kill them!

Duanyue laughed aside and hurried forward to stop the grumpy guy, "Eh, eh, calm down, calm down."

"Boom boom."

"Jojo, no good, something happened outside~"

The little red flower screamed in a sweet voice, and there were several beautiful little men who were talking next to each other, and said with a tremble, "Yes, someone broke in and robbed and robbed!"

Mo Lian's handsome face was black all over.

Look, look! These "weak and helpless" Huamei guys look like this every time they see his Joe!

Three days later, he ran to the door to find his Joe, and wept.

The lying trough is more self-reliant than the group of self-reliance. The Feng people who are now mining are even more annoying.

Duanyue looked helpless, and shouted outside the door, "Please, among you, a dozen supernatural realms, can you rush yourself?"

"No, my hands hurt."

"It will turn around!"

"How can we beat someone when we are so charming."

I really want to kill you, thinking of the moon, and then hurried forward to grab the hand of Mo Lian, "Don’t be excited, don’t be excited, calm down. It’s okay, it’s okay. We will go to Skongxing tomorrow. I will never come back in a year and a half."

"Bang bang bang." The beautiful men began to cry outside the door.

"Jojo, you are going to Skong Star."

"That's our hometown."

"We are also going to Scorpion Star."

"Jiao Qiao, take us to Sky Star~"

Mo Lian gave Duanyue a dumbfounded look, "You see you said Sikongxing, these little bitch, you have to follow along!"

Wow, I'm so mad at this baby...

"It's okay, okay." Duanyue blinked and blinked, suddenly said the mantra of the Feng elder, Feng He, who is peaceful, "You will always be a husband!"

Mo Lian:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)