MTL - My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker-Chapter 5734 Fanwai-Mu Xingchen promises you a peaceful life

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Chapter 5734 Fanwai-Mu Xingchen Allows You to Be Peaceful

In the suburban forest.

A simple man in Tsing Yi is sitting under a short tree and eating dry food in his hands.

At this time, only listening to the "Ding Dang Dang Dang" sword exchange sound, came faintly from the outside.

The sound is getting closer.

Three or five burly big men chased each other and retreated towards him while playing.

"Haw, Haw." A small wooden bird flapping its wings, twirling around the man's shoulder, yelled in his mouth, "Mu Xingchen, Mu Xingchen."

Mu Xingchen sighed, raised his hand and patted the head of the little bird, and slowly climbed up.

There is no peace in eating, and there are people fighting here.

I saw those three or five big guys, who didn't know who was fighting whom. They always felt that they were fighting in chaos. The swords in their hands were not long-eyed. That was when they saw others.

Half a quarter of an hour later, three fell to the ground and yelled, and two were still fighting there.

Mu Xingchen gnawed on the buns, and it was a bit overwhelming, so he asked, "Have you finished playing?"

"Shut up!" The two strong men who were chopping each other turned their heads and yelled at Mu Xingchen.

"I also want to shut up, but you are so troublesome, it's really disturbing and clean."

Originally he still thought, lying down to make up for sleep after nibbling the bun.

Now being disturbed by these guys, I am afraid there is no chance.

"You guys, just shut up if you shut up! There is so much nonsense,"

A big man in the fight, holding a machete, scolded fiercely in his mouth, and the machete in his hand cut towards the neck of the other party.

Seeing Mu Xingchen, his fingers moved slightly, and a ray of fire meandered along the front.

Suddenly hit the big man's knife!

With a bang, the big knife of more than one meter in Han's hand fell to the ground.

Everyone looked startled and looked back at Mu Xingchen in panic.

They came over in an instant, and the person looked at him in a rough cloth and a servant look, but in fact he was a rare master.

Like their little babies at the bottom, they can be pinched to death with one finger.

However, he just lashed out at people's crossbrows and had a bad attitude.

Thinking of this, the big man was frightened with cold sweat.

"Puntong" fell to his knees, and the big man shouted again and again, "A good man spares his life, a good man spares his life."

Mu Xingchen could not help being speechless. Does he look like a bandit bandit?

"Shut up and die," Mu Xingchen sneered coldly.

"Yes yes, yes!" the big man was sweating and asked with trembling, "I don't know your origin, the villain should be guilty of death, and offended your lord. Life."

Mu Xingchen had no plans to do anything, just to see that the other party's behavior was a bit too much, and then he tried to stop it.

Seeing that this man was scared like this, there was something wrong in my heart.

So he said lightly, "What the **** are you fighting for?"

Those men who have lost too much blood due to fighting, look at me, I look at you.

All the injuries were not light depending on the situation, and there was some blood on his face.

It was the man with the big knife that fell to the ground and said, "We picked up a prefecture-level medicinal plant in the forest."

Later they fought to fight for this rare prefecture-level medicinal material.

In fact, the price of prefecture-level medicinal materials in China is not too high.

But for ordinary farmers, this is definitely a precious medicinal plant.

After selling it, it has been very fruitful and can help improve family conditions.

The man continued, "After we saw this prefecture-level medicinal material, no one would let go, and no one could talk, so in the end..."

Mu Xingchen couldn't help being speechless, so in the end they reached an agreement and simply used fighting to solve this matter.

Who can stand there alive in the end, who is the master of this prefecture-level medicinal herbs.

Family masters such as Mu Xingchen were difficult to imagine before, and there are still people in the world who are desperately trying for a prefecture-level medicinal material.

But for most of the past six months, he has traveled all the way across the territories of the three continents and has chosen to walk in remote places.

If you do more things and see more, you will know that some people are suffering.

There is always a gap between rich and poor in this world.

This kind of thing is not under his control.

He just wanted to get out and walk around, to learn more, besides...

He reached out and stroked the little birdie next to him.

At this time, the small bird was very hot and called Mu Xingchen Mu Xingchen.

He suddenly thought of what Sikong Fuling said that day.

[Mu Xingchen, if I die in this battle. I hope... that one day you will think of me, not completely disgusted and disappointed in me. I hope that you can at least think about the dilemma that we were in the doom. 】

In fact, he really wanted to ask the Sikong girl: Are you tired in this life? If there is an afterlife, would you want to meet someone you like earlier.

Perhaps because of their different positions, even the little flame that had a little affection was born by the two at the time.

I don’t know if I regret it. Mu Xingchen no longer wants to remember.

Mu Xingchen waved at the crowd, took a bite of the bun, and turned away freely from the woods.

He can't control so many things. Since they want to use this method to resolve disputes, let them go.

As for yourself, you still have to take whatever path you should take.

There are too many injustices in the world. He can't reach for everything, and he should take care of boring things.

Now he just wanted to accompany this little bird to walk around.

Maybe it will stay in a small village, and the fisherman will farm for a lifetime, and maybe...

It doesn't stop anywhere, wherever you go, it's the end.

All of this is a foregone conclusion. In front of him, he just wanted to walk around like this.

[Brother-in-law, can I please you one thing? Help me make a small machine bird, the best kind can store a ray of soul inside, can it? 】

At the beginning of the final battle, Wan Arrows sent out all the time, and Si Kong Niang Yiwu turned back to countless arrows for her elder brother.

In the end, her body was crippled and there was not much left, leaving only a touch of soul.

Mu Xingchen put this incomplete soul into the belly of the little bird.

Every day wherever he went, he could hear her screaming cheerfully: Mu Xingchen Mu Xingchen.

However, she always only calls these three words...

But even so, he wished enough.

Stretching his hand and touching the little bird on his shoulder, Mu Xingchen smiled and moved forward.

Sikong girl, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely be older than you, and find you first.

May you be peaceful forever, and will never force you to make any choice...


(End of this chapter)