MTL - My Cold and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 4289 big move

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"What do you unserstand?"

Huang Yimeng came back to his senses and said puzzled: "Even if you have read similar books, it doesn't mean it's not a coincidence!"

"Not to mention that the author and name are different, and even the story in this book is not exactly the same as you, not to mention that you only read a few hundred chapters?"

Huang Yimeng said, turned the book to the end, and said, "Look, this book has come to an end. The protagonist and his loved ones ended happily after saving the world."

Ye Fan shook his head, "Of course it's impossible for this book to retell my life experience perfectly, otherwise, the old foodie wouldn't leave only one 3B on purpose."

"For me, just verifying some key information in it is enough."

"What have you verified? I think you are delusional!" Huang Yimeng still didn't believe it.

Ye Fan knew that explanations were useless. If explanations were useful, and if they were so easily persuaded, then those other creators would not give up hope and die silently in this world.

"Miss Huang, thank you for your help this year. But what I'm going to do next is very dangerous."

Ye Fan said sternly: "So, let's end the guiding relationship between us."

After speaking, Ye Fan turned around and walked out of the office.

Huang Yimeng froze in place. After a while, she looked at the table that was smashed by Ye Fan...

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Huang Yimeng quickly chased after him.

As soon as Ye Fan came out of the library, he saw Huang Yimeng running out.

"Don't try to get rid of me! Dangerous is dangerous! I want to see what you understand!" Huang Yimeng's face was determined.

Ye Fan said seriously: "You may die."

"Die...die...die die!"

Huang Yimeng muttered: "Anyway, I have elder sister and elder brother, and there is no small child below..."

Ye Fan smiled and said nothing more.

Half an hour later, the two came to a skyscraper in the center of the city.

Huang Yimeng had a headache, but in front of her eyes was where she went to work...

"Why are you coming to the headquarters of Wutai Group? It's off-duty time now, let alone you, I can't even go in."

Ye Fan ignored it and walked directly towards the gate.

The security guard at the door immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"What are you doing here? Do you have a pass?"

Ye Fan replied, "I'm going to destroy the Wutai system."

"Huh?" The security guard thought he had heard it wrong.

"Brother security! Do you know me? I'm Xiao Meng from the newcomer guidance department... This person is crazy! I'll take him away!"

Huang Yimeng hurriedly pushed Ye Fan away.

But the girl found that Ye Fan was like a mountain and couldn't be pushed at all!


The security guard suddenly understood and said irritably, "No wonder your brain is sick, hurry up!"

Ye Fan ignored it and walked in.

"Are you looking for death!"

When the security guard saw that Ye Fan had crossed the cordon, he immediately smashed it down with an electric baton!

But Ye Fan didn't know how to jump forward with one footstep, and with one elbow, the security guard was knocked into the air!

Huang Yimeng in the back was stunned! The big man who was about 1.9 meters was sent flying like this! ?

The security guard was attacked and immediately alerted all the patrolling team members, including even the security robot, who quickly moved towards this side.

"Alert! Alert! There are intruders!—"

Seeing groups of security guards and robots running over, Huang Yimeng's face turned pale, she knew that things were going to end badly!

"Let's go now, it's still too late," Ye Fan said lightly.

Huang Yimeng was stunned, this guy is still very leisurely?

Even if you really want to destroy the Wutai system, it shouldn't be so leisurely, shouldn't you rush into the building as soon as possible?

Ye Fan wasn't in a hurry and walked slowly towards the building.

The security took out an anesthesia gun and shot at Ye Fan.

However, Ye Fan's movement was like a wandering dragon, keenly aware of the situation in all directions, seemingly unhappy, but escaped all attacks.

On the contrary, the security guards shot in a panic, and many accidentally injured themselves.

No way, the security had to come up to melee one by one.

But with one punch and one kick, Ye Fan easily beat all these rigorously trained professional security guards until they couldn't get up.

"Let the robot come on! Don't be merciless!"

The security team leader realized that something was wrong and simply gave a death order.

Robots are far more efficient than humans, and they cooperate very well.

But Ye Fan's speed suddenly accelerated, his figure was like a gust of wind, galloping back and forth, using the strength of his legs to forcefully smash the core blocks of these robots!

A group of security guards watched the various extreme actions of the "inhuman" as if they were watching a science fiction movie!

About ten minutes later, there were hundreds of people lying all over the building.

The defensive security robots also lack arms and legs.

"Ye Fan! Stop for Lao Tzu!"

At this time, Han Fei brought dozens of sheriffs to the scene!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Han Fei drew his gun without hesitation and pointed at Ye Fan.

"After more than a year of peace, it turned out to be a big move! Okay, you kid, you have a little bit of ability to train a body of tendon!"

Han Fei sneered: "But I don't know, in front of bullets, can you not be bad as King Kong?"

Ye Fan looked back and said, "There are fewer people with you, so call for more helpers."

Han Fei's face was gloomy, "Ye Fan, the newcomer, you trespassed into the federally controlled area and caused serious social harm. I have the right to kill you directly!"

Ye Fan didn't say anything, just walked towards Han Fei silently with a calm expression on his face.

This kind of contempt made Han Fei's teeth itch with hatred!

"It's just an internet addiction mental illness, courting death..."

Han Fei no longer hesitated and shot Ye Fan directly!


The bullet slid past Ye Fan's body and went off!

Han Fei felt incredible, and quickly fired another shot!


Still off!

This time, Han Fei couldn't hold his face anymore, and fired several shots in a row!

But Ye Fan seemed to have predicted the trajectory of all the bullets in advance, and smoothly avoided all attacks! ?

All the sheriffs present were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and even forgot to help shoot.

"how is this possible…"

Han Fei found that the magazine was empty and was about to change the magazine, but found that Ye Fan had appeared in front of him! ?

"Don't tremble, I'll wait for you to change."

Ye Fan smiled and looked at him, not in a hurry at all.

Han Fei was furious, he quickly finished changing the magazine, and was about to raise his gun...


Ye Fan grabbed Han Fei's wrist and broke his wrist. The pistol was taken away by Ye Fan!


Han Fei let out a scream, but was immediately slapped again!


Ye Fan slapped Han Fei to the ground and stepped on his head with one foot!

"Inspector Han!"


A group of sheriffs nearby suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do.

Han Fei's eyes were full of horror, his head was stepped on by Ye Fan, his lips were purple, and he kept shaking.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in killing the weak."

Ye Fan said, raised his gun and shot at several public security administration buses not far away, just "bang bang bang"!

The fuel equipment of these buses were all blown up, and even if there was a safety protection layer, they all exploded into flames!

For a time, a huge explosion sounded, causing the whole city to start a commotion!

"Ye Fan, what are you doing?"

Huang Yimeng didn't understand at all, if Ye Fan just wanted to destroy the Wutai system, why did he make such a big noise?

Ye Fan said lightly: "It's nothing, I just want to subvert the world." "..."