MTL - My Cold and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 4235 I took it away

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Not far away, in a crystal-transparent cage, You Tianxia was watching the figure uneasily.

The burly man turned his head to look at You Tianxia and said with a smile, "Thanks to you, I can lock in eternity. It's really hard for you."

" really took over the tyrant!"

You Tianxia knocked on the barrier angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

"It's just something I created, and I should be honored that he can use it for me."

The God of Creation seemed to think of something, "By the way, I just want to give it a try. How much power can this body exert on me, I'll use you to make a knife..." Before You Tianxia could react, the surrounding isolation barrier had been shattered.

He immediately thought of using his movement technique to escape, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found...weird! His body has become uncoordinated?

Originally, his every step, every inch of movement, was like divine assistance and natural breathing.

The emperor-level movement moves through time and space, and it is easy to do... But at this moment, it seems that all the skills that I have mastered have become unworkable?

" could this be..." You Tianxia Yunzui cultivated and wanted to try again, but before taking a few steps, he fell clumsily to the ground! Not far away, is the hero king Dugu sword holding a sword. The eyes behind the mask are full of jokes.

"My emperor's power... Could it be that..." You Tian couldn't believe it, could he have been taken away from the emperor's seed?

But after he carefully confirmed it, he found that there is still in the body! "Child, what kind of existence do you think the power of the emperor is?"

At this time, the God of Creation walked up to You Tianxia and said with a playful smile, "Is it really above everything?"

"..." You Tianxia's face was pale, and a desperate guess appeared in his mind.

"Actually you already guessed it, didn't you?"

The God of Creation spread his hands, "All of this is just given to you by me. Since it was given by me, naturally I can take it back."

"Look at you, poor little fellow, don't you feel very sad to find out that the emperor is just a plaything that depends on people's handouts?"

You Xia shook his head, "Impossible... Impossible... Could it be that all the power of the emperor originally belonged to you?

! "

"With me, we can have everything in the big world, naturally, including all the emperor species."

The creator **** said with emotion: "So, the more you know, the more you know, it may not be a good thing."

"Look at you, if you didn't come here, at least you would still feel that you are the best run in the world."

"It's better now. It turns out that the power that I am most proud of so far is just a charity, how cruel."

You Tianxia's eyes flickered, "If the power of the emperor is all yours, why did you send them to countless corners of the big world in the first place."

"If the Sword God didn't have the Emperor Seed, it would be impossible for the fifth wife to escape the catastrophe again and again."

"You simply can't control all the Emperor Seeds, you are lying!"

The God of Creation showed a cold light, and said lightly: "The reason why I dare to share the power of the emperor with you is very simple...because, they are completely useless to me..." At the same time as the voice fell, a high temperature to incandescent The flame will travel the whole world! "Ah!—" You Tian let out a miserable wailing, and this flame quickly burned his body and soul! "Cang...Cang Yan!?"

You Tianxia's eyes showed a look of horror. The God of Creation was clearly using the power of the Shenlong bloodline. Is it a coincidence, or is he really from the Shenlong family! ?

But what makes You Tian even more desperate is that the absolute variable bound by the Eternal Great Emperor to him is invalid! ?

Without the power of the Eternal Emperor, You Tianxia couldn't bear such damage at all.

At the last moment of his life, he could only stare helplessly and unwillingly at a crystal coffin in the distance.

There, is the biological mother he has never met.

And he was dead.

After forcibly burning You Tianxia, ​​the God of Creation showed a satisfied look on his face.

"Yes, I haven't encountered such an excellent body for a long time, and I can finally do something."

He turned around, took a few steps, and his body quickly changed shape, turning into a handsome but unidentifiable blond man.

The physical characteristics of the tyrant have disappeared.

When he stepped out again, he directly passed through countless voids and came to an ancient Xingyu.

In front of him, a seemingly endless ocean of energy is actually a giant **** that includes hundreds of millions of star worlds - the Eternal Emperor! "Thanks to your son, it's much easier to find you."

The God of Creation had a relaxed smile on his face. Although he was like dust in front of eternity, he was extremely calm.

Eternal sitting on the throne of the starry sky, overlooking this man, his expression does not show any emotional fluctuations.

"I finally know... Who are you..." Yong Yong looked at each other deeply, and said through voice transmission.


It's hard for me to explain this issue myself, but you can talk about it." The Creation God said with a smile.

"'re a dragon, right?"

Eternal said quietly.

The God of Creation was a little disappointed, "So, you just said this... I thought, with the wisdom and intelligence of your Eternal Emperor, I should have guessed that the Creation God of the Dragon and the Temple is the same person."

"Isn't that obvious?

If I'm not a dragon, how can I never show up, yet have the whole picture? "

"The temple, the academy, the Shenlong royal family, there are shadows of me everywhere, but you didn't realize it until now. It really makes me regret."

Eternal asked: "Dragon, what do you want?"

"What do I want?"

Long smiled, "I want you, kill the Sword God, can you possibly do it?"

"It's too late to kill him, he has become a climate", the Eternal Emperor said.

"Killing a person, you don't have to do anything to him, but controlling the people around him can still kill him."

"The dignified creation god, the dragon, is actually just a despicable villain," Yong Yong laughed.

Long said contemptuously: "Little guy, it seems that you still don't understand, whether it is despicable or upright, everything in your mind right now, right and wrong, good and evil, loyal and evil, all your values ​​are just given to you by me. "

"Don't use what I teach you to define me. You are just a bunch of dolls and clay figures that I made up at random. You are not qualified to evaluate me as a creator."

Eternal disapproval, "If this is the case, why don't you go directly to the Demon Dragon Emperor of Absolute Beginning?

Or... this Demon Dragon Emperor is stronger than you expected? "

Long Mu showed a chill, "It seems that there is no need to continue the conversation."

The next second, the Eternal Emperor let out a groan! Immediately after that, Eternal's incomparably huge body began to fall apart! Countless astral energies, frantically stripped from the eternal body! ! "Your emperor's power is absolutely variable, I will take it away."

Long Wanwei said with a smile: "I would like to see how long you can survive in the big world full of enemies without the power of the emperor."