MTL - My Classmate is 200 Million Years Old-Chapter 99 Flee

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After the Ergo thing was done, now that he has a job, Xuan Mo is a busy egg hurting the party. At the request of Ala Lei crying and grabbing the ground, Xuan Mo spends almost every afternoon in an Internet cafe room and helps love Ergole recharges, and also helps the Thunder team to fame.

The return of the king of abu has caused a sensation on the domestic platform to a certain extent. Several foreign teams that have played against Xuan Mo in the competition also occasionally come to play soy sauce. Xuan Mo has never understood low-key and modest, killing God and killing Buddha. Buddha, there is no word about being killed in the country, and being killed by all the people in the foreign country can cause a burst of cheer.

Soon, the Thunder team had another shocking expert egg born. This person is not like abu. There are only two games in the afternoon and evening, but the resident team must play every battle. He is not a full-field control type, but like other The team also cooperates in the post-war period, but this person first has invincible hand speed, and the second style is secretive. If abu uses the whole field for group battles, then the egg is a real individual technical master.

It's as if a team member of the Thunder team's official website said: There is an egg, it doesn't hurt!

Elgo became a new treasure for the Thunder team, and they had money to take and live and play. Elgo was not tired, and Xuan Mo had no other concerns. Ten years later, the new year came.

Xuanma always works until the last minute, and the 30 year old finally rests. This is the first year of the mother and daughter who is 30 years old. Xuanma does not plan to bring Xuan Mo to her hometown for the New Year. Think about the next three days. Free, but could not think of things to do, the two could not help but be relatively speechless.

The house was empty, listening to the sound of firecrackers outside. It was strange and indifferent. Xuan Mo and Xuan Mom had a computer and played computer while eating New Year's Eve. Lu Yuchen followed his dad to his grandfather's house to celebrate the New Year. When I came back to pay New Year's greetings, I was told for an hour, and I regret that I didn't care much about Xuan Mo recently. Then I remembered that Xuan Mo would be lonely.

Xuan Mo put the phone on the phone and put it aside, Xuan Mo responded, but Xuan Mom was very happy to snicker.

Brother Lu finally hung up the phone, Elge phone came, Xuan Mo didn't think about it, and answered the phone directly.

"Xuan Mo! Marshal! Keep me!" In my ear was a whisper, "I have nowhere to go, a cyber cafe on my own is so scary!"

"How come you are alone and you are not open?"

"I haven't had anyone until now. Ala Lei said that he had planned to take a vacation beforehand, so he vaguely revealed the intention of not opening the door to the New Year's Eve with regular customers here. As a result, none of them really came, and I left the room alone!"

"That" Xuan Mo said before she said, "Momo, was the Ergo that bought clothes with you last time?"

I didn't expect Xuan Mom to remember that at this time, Ergo knew that Xuan Mo had a sound reinforcement and quickly pleased: "Aunt Xuan! Happy New Year, Aunt Xuan!"

"Why don't you go home, this child? How sad it is to be alone, or come here," Xuanma said, "you don't need to bring anything, you can change your clothes, come here, the New Year's Eve is still hot!"

Elgo was overjoyed, but did not forget the attitude of the final boss, he asked carefully: "Xuan Mo?"

Xuan Mo is very doubtful about how a woman like Xuan Mom survived to this day. She has an alien daughter who is so heartless and heartless that Xuan Mo is very happy and worried. Now she knows nothing. When one comes in, does she think she is the Saiyan who can defeat all?

But now that everyone has spoken, she doesn't twiddle, she said directly: "Then come on."

"Oh yeah!" Ergo hung up.

I thought Ergo would appear gleefully, but Xuan Mo just opened the door, and it turned out to be a sad face.

"What's wrong?" Xuan Mo brought Elgo into the room and changed his shoes. Alge said reluctantly to Xuan Mom and sat silent at Xuan Mo's computer table.

"what happened?"

"Someone is jigsaw."


"I felt the fluctuation just now. It is much stronger than last time. It should have been issued by a large stone, but it is still not strong enough. It is estimated that someone assembled a few stones." Erge smiled wryly, "Xuan Mo, you are still old Against me, the people who are really likely to attract the Alliance are likely to be the Blue Stars. "

Xuan Mo narrowed her head and lowered her head. It was too strenuous to extend her mental power directly to the capital, but she was too directionless through the Internet. For a while, she didn't know what to do, but Ergo was right.

At this time, Xuan Mom warmed up and came out to greet Elge for New Year's Eve dinner. Elge might have to think about Xuan Mo for a long time, and sat down at the dining table with a sound.

Xuan Mo's mental power spread unconsciously, and suddenly she saw a person running and went straight to her apartment building. He went straight upstairs, counted the rooms, and came to her doorstep.

Without waiting for him to ring the doorbell, Xuan Mo opened the door directly and asked gloomily, "Why are you here?"

There was an unexpected person at the door-Ling Yun.

His image was very embarrassing, he was panting for breath, and there was only a small suitcase in his luggage. Seeing the disheveled clothes, he seemed to be in a hurry.

"Xuan Mo," he panted, and looked around nervously. "I didn't tell you something, would you let me in now?"

But there were no special people around Ling Yun, Xuan Mo stopped in front of the door: "This is thirty years old, what have you done this year?"

"I, I'm there, and they threaten me with my family." Ling Yun said, "They want something, but I can't give it."

"Does it matter to me?"

"Off, it's about you."

Xuan Mo narrowed his eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

Ling Yun smiled bitterly: "I really thought that there was no follow-up. Who knows people are waiting for me to take a vacation. I have been hiding around since the winter vacation. Now I can't hide it. I came to see you. There is a large part of it all for For your sake, would you let me in first? "

Xuan Mo thought for a while, let him go, Ling Yun rushed in, and closed the door with someone following him.

Xuanma saw another handsome guy appeared and stared at her: "Yo, what happened this year? Is the peach blossom at the beginning of the year?"

"Hello aunt, I'm Xuan Mo's senior. I happened to be traveling nearby. As a result, something happened, and I couldn't go back, so I had to come to her." Ling Yun seems to have been brewing for a long time. True and false.

Ergo didn't know about Ling Yun. At this time, when he saw him, he saw Xuan Mo's not so good expression, and looked at him curiously.

At first glance, Ling Yun saw that Ergo was sitting there and looked at him with a smile, not knowing why he shook his body, and then sat far away under Xuanma's greeting.

Xuan Mo narrowed his eyes. At first Ling Yun only told her that he saw the red light, and then he didn't talk about it. However, judging from his performance, he didn't seem to tell him clean, otherwise he would not be afraid of Elgo.

She sat quietly next to Ling Yun, suddenly approaching his ears and said, "You seem to know him." "Hehe, Erge, I know"

"So, what about red light?"

Ling Yun was stiff and had nothing to say.

At the end of the meal, Xuanma casually explained two sentences and went back to bed. The three people sat for a while, Xuanmo waited for a while, then put a soundproof cover on the room, and looked at Ling Yun: "Okay, no one will listen Here, say it. "

Ling Yun held hot tea in her hand and began to explain.

After seeing the Houshan incident, naturally he would not go to the police or anything. Instead, he went online on the first reaction, and told what he saw at the international authoritative astronomical forum he frequented, as well as pictures to prove that. It is the built-in function of that astronomical telescope, which is very clear.

Of course, he kept his mind and did not put all the pictures on it, but focused on Houshan, and the red-light alien escaped from humanoid to light and then took only a bunch of clothes, which was out of some selfishness. He removed all photos related to Xuan Mo.

He didn't really expect others to believe it, because things that seemed more reliable had been uploaded on the forum. He just wanted to gossip, or come up with a little limelight, and he dared to upload so many because of so many years Fortunately, no one believes in the forum.

But who knows, soon after things were uploaded, the nightmare came.

The next day, his post was deleted.

This naturally aroused his vigilance, so he did not go to the Bamboo Bamboo Appeal like other people, but paid close attention to the development of the forum, and found that no discussion about his posts appeared. After putting aside a snack for a while, he himself himself When I woke up at my home in the capital, I found that my room was turned over.

"The group of people is professional enough. I suspect that they have taken photos to recover in advance, but what they don't know is that I set up a regular movement for my bedside robot to take one step every hour. I just walked to the alarm clock at 7 am Then fire the gun and ring the alarm. "Ling Yun said with pride and ridicule," But that morning, my robot only reached the four o'clock position, and my calculations could never go wrong, so I immediately checked Four weeks later, someone was sure to come in and search. "

The pride immediately turned into a bitter smile: "I was all cold at the time, and even hated myself for discovering these so quickly. These people were fortunately just investigating. If they came to kill me, I would be even more involved. My pity is important I never put it in such an obvious place, those people could n’t find it, and they could n’t take me, but I did n’t know what they wanted or who they were, and I even suspected that my actions were discovered by aliens "He looked at Xuan Mo, and then looked at Ergo, Ergo biting a piece of fried shrimp and rolled his eyes in disdain.

"Later in the forum, someone directly contacted me and told me that they wanted another photo. I knew how much mistake I made, and I only put up an attack on an alien who was later knocked down, but I didn't put the opponent Who they are, what they want is the identity of the opponent. They even told me that they knew who I was and where the place was. They kept watching me. If I act lightly, they will. "

"That's why you have been at school and dare not act alone?"

"Yeah" Ling Yun sighed. It was not until a few days of observation that he found that his school had extremely deterrent protective powers. The patrolling military police, instructors, and teachers were not vegetarian, and they could completely block the outside world. Snooping, give yourself a safe place, so as not to affect your parents.

But he still couldn't rest assured. His great fear kept him under the illusion of being monitored and targeted at all times. At that time, he didn't get in touch with Xuan Mo, and he didn't know who to suspect, sandwiched between the mysterious organization and the aliens. There was nowhere to ask for help in the cracks, he even wanted to die.

"Later, I noticed that Ergo was good with you. Don't blame me for being too sensitive. After a red-light alien disappeared, a red-haired and mysterious human suddenly appeared next to you. I was stupid and knew what happened, and then you contacted After I knew it, the only thing that threatened me was the mysterious organizations outside the school who didn't dare to come in. I didn't tell you more at that time because I felt safe and I didn't bother you. "

Xuan Mo knew: "Unfortunately, it's winter vacation."

"En winter vacation" Ling Yun smiled even deeper. "I applied to stay in school, but someone tried to touch my dormitory the next night. I escaped, I did n’t dare to go home and had nowhere to go. I went around three cities. In the end, there was no way to be chased, only to you. I have seen your information before. "

"Do you still have what they want?" Xuan Mo was a little unclear. "My picture?"

"I don't know why they are attached to photos, but I know that they can do this for photos. If they are given your identity, it will definitely be very unfavorable to you." Ling Yun scratched his head. "It's not because I protect you. Sacrifice myself, but now that I have revealed that I have no reason to confess you, because no matter what, I feel they will not let me go. "

Hearing now that Xuan Mo is certain that this style of work is not in the seven districts or the National Security Bureau. It is estimated that it was a foreign organization that was stolen by Ergo as mentioned earlier.

Ling Yun has been able to understand the end of "know too much" recently. Seeing that Xuan Mo and Ergo are thinking, there is no desire to explore at all, but they are very rogue on the sofa: "I am relying anyway You guys, I'm a weak human, you have to protect me! "

"Go!" Ergo kicked him, "I still etgohome! Can you help me find a spaceship ?!"

"Hey." Brother Xiaoku was totally out of temper after being kicked. He couldn't get up holding the pillow on the sofa. He found a strong man to protect him and told all the secrets. He was suddenly very relaxed, and even looked at Xuan Mo's cold face. No matter how scared, the more you look at it, the more kind you are.

"I estimate that it won't be long before someone calls." As soon as Xuan Mo's words came down, there really was a call. It was Zhao Jinglei.

"Hey, Xuan Mo, Happy New Year." Zhao Jinglei said so, but his tone was not happy at all. "I'm so sorry to disturb you."

"Say, what is it?"

"Goldstone is stolen and we have only recently learned something that is bad for you."

"Do you think I stole it?"

"Of course not. I know you have a special feeling for Jinshi. Can you feel where it is now?" Zhao Jinglei sighed. "The **** just took advantage of our New Year. Now there is no trace of Jinshi, obviously they are preparing For a long time."

"I don't find a reason why I'm useless. Also, I don't feel the stone. It only emits special energy when it **** blood, but I haven't felt it recently." After all, she and Elgo are not the same. System, the last time Jin Shi sent a signal because she only felt it recently, but the one that Elgo said recently did not feel, obviously only the Elgo people and the special equipment equipped by the alliance can feel it, but Elgo has not yet Entering Zhao Jinglei's field of vision, she couldn't reasonably expose the trouble of Ergo to others.

"Recent breakthroughs have been made in the study of gold stones. Although some materials are quite unfamiliar, a new smelting method and material ratio have been found in it, which is enough to create a material that is lighter and stronger than titanium alloys. Great credit, but "Zhao Jinglei is distressed," We have been able to prove ourselves, but now we are back to the original point, he has been on a hunger strike for several days!

Xuan Mo was indifferent. She hadn't met with the OAU several times. The young man's enthusiasm for Jin Shi even made her feel dangerous, and it didn't matter much to her.

"Well, Xuan Mo, I don't force you. If you have any feelings, you must tell us, hey, this year will not be completed again." Zhao Jinglei hung up the phone.

Xuan Mo looked at Ergo, and Ergo shrugged. "I feel very vague, but I calculated it a little. It is estimated to be on an island in the Pacific. Do you have a boat? Is there an airplane?"

Xuan Mo watched the Spring Festival Gala expressionlessly: "First of all, don't interfere, and secondly, if you want to go, just swim over. I don't have any idea to help."

Ergo was aggrieved, and gathered her hands next to Xuan Mo and stared at her with sparkling eyes: "You don't let me touch, but let humans touch, you also hear this human being, human beings may be more dangerous than me! I ca n’t get anyone to start when I meet the Star Gate, but humans can! ”

Xuan Mo narrowed his eyes and didn't speak.

"" Ling Yun was asleep.

Lu Yuchen saw this scene when he came in. On the little sofa, Cool Brother slept sleeplessly holding the cushion, and Xuan Mo and Ergo sat together on the couch. She was watching TV and he was watching her. The scene is extremely harmonious.

"Boom!" The so-called anger rushed to the crown, Lu Yuchen's combat power soared by 3,000 points in an instant, and went up and ripped off Elgo and roared, "Why are you here ?!"

"Shh! Aunt Xuan is sleeping!" Both Ergo and Xuan Mo knew that Lu Yuchen was here, but they were too lazy to move. Who knew that when he came in, they would make a noise, and the conditioned reflex came according to the idea of ​​filial piety to his daughter.

Lu Yuchen was immediately embarrassed and angry. While secretly annoyed himself why he didn't think about it, he was even more angry. How could this guy think about it so quickly? Finally, he was shocked. He saw the parents? !! And it looks like they get along very well? !! And what's going on with that handsome product on the little sofa! ? Who is that? !! who is it! !!

What's wrong with Nima! ?

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