MTL - My Classmate is 200 Million Years Old-Chapter 96 pursue

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"I used to hate somebody" Elge went to look for "enemy" in the afternoon to recharge.

Xuan Mo, who was hated by such a small and small cargo, didn't take it seriously. Instead, she was in a good mood because Ergo had confessed about her in the Scorpio galaxy for so many years.

Ergo seems to have let go of his burden. He knows clearly that Xuan Mo doesn't care if he hates her or not. Besides, it is the people in the entire league who hunt Ergo, but the Scorpio galaxy is so strong that it gives them more suffering. In fact, Xuan Mo's life did not directly participate in the Ergo war. For Scorpio stars, the encirclement of the Ergo civilization is a "recreation", and a general like Xuan Mo is disdainful of such pastimes.

The two continued to sit together and talk about the universe. Suddenly, Ergo spoke sharply: "Xuan Mo, did you call me last night, is there something wrong?"

"Well, I heard that many countries also have stones and experiments with living bodies, but I don't feel any fluctuations."

Ergo thought about it and said, "The Star Gate can only be activated with other energy sources after activation of mental power. Have you ever tried it with mental power?"

"That's right." Xuan Mo tried it the first time he saw the stone. At that time, the stone was still glowing. I did not expect to activate the stone.

It was unfortunate that in a few unknown countries, he had sacrificed his life in vain but nothing happened.

"The stone exploded during another country's experiment. Any ideas?"

"Exploded? How did it happen?"

"It is said that the energy was charged randomly and it exploded."

Singing on her forehead, singer Ail whispered to herself, and said for a while: "It doesn't make sense. How can humans have the ability to blast a stone, they can't even activate it."

"Humans can't develop mental power?"

"They haven't qualified their brains yet. How do they develop their mental strength?" Ergo's theory is very full. "I said, you have been here for so long, and you haven't figured out such simple things?"

"It's not that I didn't figure it out, but I didn't think about it." Xuan Mo shook his head. "They have their own evolutionary trajectory."

"You are really, extremely rigid and boring! You can dominate your power!"

"Can you play Blue Star as a ball when you dominate?"


"So, why are you so tired?" Xuan Mo smiled, "Do you know why Elgo is annoying?"

"It's not because we're using that technology!" Ergo had a complicated expression.

"No, but also because you can't help it."

"Can you say that again?!"

"You didn't understand that time ago? Where did your cleverness go ?!"

Ergo suddenly found that he thought he was clever, but he didn't seem to be taking advantage of his mouth. What was even more decadent was that the other party was still an ancient Scorpio.

Xuan Mo looked at the charge almost, and asked, "Are you settled now?"

Elgor paused for a while and said, "I don't know, how to settle down? Why suddenly ask this?"

"It's nothing. This semester is about to end. We're going on a winter vacation. I'm going back to h."

This is a big problem. If Ergo doesn't want to maintain the prototype, he can stay here by himself. If he wants to keep it, he must go back to Xuan Mo. Xuan Mo can't stay with him here and he can make money even if he is in this business It ’s not like he can afford a house by himself. Now he lives and eats in the shop.

At the end of this semester, I went back to the New Year. Xuan Mo didn't feel much about the New Year, but Xuan Mom called several times to express that she missed her badly.

Elgo considered it before long and decided, "I'll go back with you."

"Okay." As for how he lives in City H, she didn't think about it.

Jinshilou's research has fallen into a bottleneck. It is said that several countries have learned that the country Z, which is currently the most resource- and manpower-constrained, has the fastest progress. Recently, several countries have sent representatives to discuss cooperation.

At first, it was a few relatively good countries, but later it was some developed countries. The half-dead research that Zhao Jinglei took over encountered such a situation that attracted international attention, which made his superiors pay attention. Recently, he was too busy to die or live. Time grabs Xuan Mo to participate in what.

So Xuan Mo devoted himself to the final semester examination.

The academic style of China Defense has always been rigorous. Almost most people are diligent from beginning to end, but Xuan Mo entered the self-study classroom for the first time near the end of the period.

It was already dark when she entered the self-study classroom. The classroom was full of late-students. She looked around and found that there was no space at all, and the twins who had directed her to come here were helpless to her hands.

Yang Ni quietly walked to the door full of guilt: "I'm sorry, Mo Mo, when we called you from cultivation, we also said that we could take your place. Who knew that she could hear it, but she would come without saying, but now She came again, we only occupied one place, and it was not good to reject her. "

"There's no place to say that?" Xuan Mo nodded again. "Let's go back to the bedroom, it's the same everywhere."

"Don't let me go! If you don't mind, squeeze in with us. Let's sit on the side and just move a stool next to it. I heard that you got a perfect score in the mid-term math test. Yang Jia and I have already been counted. Tortured to death, help us. "

Xuan Mo and the twins are in two hospitals. The twins even know how much she takes the exam. How many people are watching her? Xuan Mo couldn't help crying and laughing, he nodded, sitting on a temporary stool by Yang Ni, and took out a few books.

Zhang Yike also knows that she has occupied Xuan Mo's position, but she is very face-saving, she refuses to say anything, just immerses herself in the problem.

The twins were watching math and asked Xuan Mo when they encountered a problem.

Now Xuan Mo is very accustomed to the Blue Stars, or people from Z countries, to answer mathematics in a fast and smooth way. Some questions may even have strange opinions. Of course, the twins are basically incomprehensible.

At the end of the evening self-study, the four returned to the bedroom together. When washing, Zhang Yike answered the phone in bed with a sweet voice.

"It's her boyfriend. She has been in the same class for more than a month." Xuan Mo brushed her teeth, Yang Jia came to wash her hands and said quietly.

Xuan Mo felt strange, she didn't ask anything.

Yang Jia seemed to see her doubts, and laughed: "I know you don't know, how have you cared about us, every time you come back to bed." The tone is ridiculous, but seems to understand Xuan Mo's person, "You That's fine, less right. "


"A lot of girls in the school have a lot of news. If there are more monks and less meat, the meat will be fragrant. If it were not for the twins of Yang Ni and me, most people would not get in, maybe there are boyfriends."

She is now the gossip queen

"Hey Momo, why didn't you eat the grass around the nest? You can make a large group of boys sad!"

"Xuan Mo brushed his teeth and started washing his face.

Yang Jia squeezed a facial cleanser: "But I told you, that Elgo is really invincible, but the girl still has to be responsible for herself, and they know it is fun, you must not be serious with him, Otherwise, it's you who suffers, but people, Cowboy, you can't play with him. "

"I can't play him?" Xuan Mo couldn't laugh or cry, "I didn't play with him."

"Are you serious ?!" Yang Jia was anxious, "That's no good! Feelings like this, whoever is serious loses! How can you be so confused? People must be looking at your good girl, deceiving and beautiful, also, There is money! Playing you like a monkey! "

Xuan Mo felt that Ergo could not live peacefully with himself because his skin was beautiful or he had money or something. He gave him a hundred dogs and didn't dare to treat himself as a monkey, so he was quite sure Yang Jia and himself There was an ideological error, and she could only listen to her in a hurry without saying a word.

Seeing Xuan Mo indifferent, Yang Jia began to mobilize the masses. First, he asked Yang Ni, and then Zhang Yike was brought in again to express her concerns and opinions. So the three girls surrounded Xuan Mo.

"Mo Mo, get separated from Ergo as soon as possible. You can't control it if you want to play, but you can't do it if you are serious. We can't just watch you cheated. Believe me that's right, chase you Even if one guy pulls one out casually, his looks are a hundred times better than him in every other aspect! "

"Mo Mo, rich girls and poor boys have always been just fairy tales, you can't fall into it!"

"Mo Mo, I'm here. When in love, you have to be on the door. Otherwise, once the status is not equal, the contradiction will sooner or later. If the other party can bear you for a long time, it is definitely an attempt!"

Xuan Mo drinks water like a mountain ~ ~ Take care of things, change clothes, and go to bed, all three women seem to be addicted and still chattering.

"Stop!" She said.

The three thought she had an idea and looked at her with wide eyes.

Xuan Mo brush's bed, whispered: "Sleep!"

"Hey" Yang Jia was quite reconciled, but there was no way. The three of them were still doing their own thing.

Near the end of the period, many competitions were nearing their end. As the last climax before death, the finals among many students also started vigorously, giving people a place to relax after the review.

Lu Yuchen was playing too hard a while ago, now he can only nest in the school desperately reviewing, but Ergo does not know where to find out that the school is entering the critical period of the review, and even consciously did not disturb Xuan Mo while charging, he was not from The civilized system that regards martial arts is more important than Xuan Mo for any examination and study.

So Xuan Mo was smashed by the twins and became the Three Musketeers.

In the past, twins were all twins. Zhang Yike and his boyfriends acted each other, but now the twins are outspoken that they need Xuan Mo's help in their studies, so Xuan Mo can be pulled by them.

This afternoon, Xuan Mo had just finished his professional class. After the lineup, the twins came to her. They asked her to go to a basketball game. They said that there were school men's basketball finals, and the department was the unit.

Xuan Mo's department seems to have played in the semifinals yesterday. The twins are now in the humanities department and the military command department.

Xuan Mo wasn't interested in seeing anything, but the twins persisted unexpectedly. She could only pass by. The classmates with twins had already taken the place and were in the front row.

Not long after the game started, Xuan Mo noticed a difference.

First of all, the twins often pointed her to a boy who was a striker in the humanities team. The long one should belong to the "cool" category, with few expressions, fierce style, and aggressiveness. It is said that the technology is very good and Xuan Mo does not understand basketball ,Unrecognizable.

Secondly, the people in the humanities department around her always looked at her if they were absent, and whispered countlessly, with her name and various inexplicable information in the lines.

Xuan Mo stared at Yang Ni next to him with a smile.

Yang Ni was embarrassed at staring, and said with a smile: "Hehe, Mo Mo, watching the game, you look at Ling Yun, how handsome!"

"You're handsome." Xuan Mo's tone was flat. "Really."


"What idea?"

"Rest assured, I'm a qualified roommate, and absolutely don't do things like pimping. I just, just ask you to be a stimulant!"


"Well, look, although Ling Yun is usually cold, but he is really handsome! This is the most worthy of all your suitors we reviewed!"

What Lingyun, what suitor, what are they! ? Xuan Mo was confused, but he understood a bit: "You said you were not pimping?"

"Okay, no one is forcing you. It ’s just that you are sitting here. Ling Yun ’s combat power is soaring! He usually does n’t show publicity, it does n’t matter whether he wins or loses. How many times have he come to him alone? "Yang Ni sighed." What a shy child, look at him and look embarrassed at you. "

Xuan Mo was almost knocked out by confusion and speechlessness. What's going on? !!

Looking at Xuan Mo's expression, Yang Ni once again realized the truth: "You don't even know that there is such a person?"


"Still," Yang Ni groaned. "You don't even know that a group like your suitor exists?"

Xuan Mo watched the movement of basketball on the court silently.

"Ah! We changed so many things and piled up a box at your table, where have you never thought of coming from ?!"

"Everything is meaningless" Xuan Mo tried to explain, but felt very weak.

"I've served you, how can any girl not even feel such a bold and numerous pursuit!" Yang Ni lamented, "My poor Yun Shuai!"

Xuan Mo worked hard to recall that she lived an incomparable pattern throughout the semester. During this period, she seemed to only focus on Jin Shi, who has a relationship with aliens, and Lu Yuchen, who has a relationship with herself. Later, she came to Ergo and played military training She didn't care at all about other people's events and games.

The people around her did not have strong strength to deserve her attention, nor did the behaviors that were particularly close to her attract her attention. The little things that the boys sent just caused her a short period of doubt. Later, when she found that there were too many things, she was too lazy to pay attention. To put it simply, she is living purely in her own world, who has ever paid attention to the attention and admiration of others.

Among them, the spiritual network's automatic filtering of peripheral irrelevant information is also included.

Well, if she pays attention to the so-called suitors, she may seem less overwhelming, but it will also make herself a lot of trouble.

She shrugged, so the suitor Shenma was really a cloud.

She didn't disdain, she didn't mean it, she didn't have a gap, she was simple, she couldn't notice it.

After dozens of minutes, during the intermission, the humanistic team members ran to the coach and squatted. Xuan Mo sat right behind the coach, listening to the coach's tactics.

The Ling Yun drank the water very seriously to listen to the tactics. He didn't look at it until he heard the whistle, looked at Xuan Mo, moved his lips, and returned to the field without saying anything. .

Yang Ni was very sorry: "Shy Yun Shuai!"

However, Xuan Mo felt that this human looked at her strangely, it didn't seem to admire anyway.

It was like fear of the emotion she had faced countless times.

Read The Duke's Passion