MTL - My Classmate is 200 Million Years Old-Chapter 92 Assault

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On the second day, Xuan Mo was in a good mood to go to the competition. The sports meeting lasted only two days, so the event was very full. The first day of the preliminaries was all preliminaries. The next day was a variety of competitions. The crowd around the stadium was very excited.

Xuan Mo touched her chest. Under the nourishment of her mental strength, the cracks in her chest had gradually healed, but there were still faint traces. She squinted and smiled. Whether it was an enemy or a friend, there was someone who had a connection with the alliance. At first there was only one gold stone that was not attractive. Like a little Elsing star now hits him, is he afraid he will not attract a large army?

Thinking about the 200 million years of waiting is about to be brought to fruition, it is inevitable to feel relieved, but it is more disturbing. After so many years, she is now in the major leagues, what is it?

At this time, the four by one hundred relay is about to start. Generally, sports games will put this type of competition to the end, but in order to stimulate the atmosphere, this game is first compared in the morning.

The men's game is going on. It's extremely bloody, the audience is yelling, the women's screams are mixed, the blue star is too long for peace, and too few activities can arouse bloodiness.

She is lining up with the other three girls in the class for a record. The three of them are chatting and chatting. The other three are half-pushing. No one dares to say that she can run. From time to time, Xuan Mo was ranked as the most important fourth stick and sprint position.

However, the problem of the four-person relay is that although the strongest is usually arranged at the end, the first few sticks are also extremely critical. In case the front is too bad, the last class will not catch up with scudgers, and generally lose. Even if everyone knows that responsibility should be shared equally, in the end, the worst thing is the fourth best.

The three girls did not know what Xuan Mo would think, so they sent a representative to discuss: "Well, Xuan Mo, should we arrange a place?"

"You arrange it." Xuan Mo didn't have that mind at all.

"This way, you must be the fastest, we want to rank you fourth, but in case we are too different, if you can't catch up, don't have psychological pressure, it's not your fault."

"What can't keep up?"

"That is, if, because of our reasons, you can't catch up with others in the end, maybe someone will blame you, you don't have a psychological burden."

Is this a vaccination? Xuan Mo felt that there was too much worry. He frowned and said, "Let me go last." Seeing that the girl was still not at ease, it was rare to comfort and said, "As long as you guys Try your best, I can't let you lose! "

Shocked by Xuan Mo ’s powerful aura, the girl nodded blankly, and then took a look at the caring and the other two together for two days, and faintly heard what a domineering and handsome person described

Lu Yuchen is here again. He didn't bring all the melatonin this time. He just took a few cans of Red Bull and gave it to Xuan Mo and her three teammates, and then laughed: "Mo Mo! Yesterday was so exciting!"

"Did you find the car?" This morning, the car at the entrance of Jinshilou was just driven away. It was blocked by the mental force and did not last for a long time. It was also fun. As the daylight came on, a car suddenly appeared in front of it. The three soldiers on duty "piaji" stayed on the spot.

This is one of the reasons why Xuan Mo is in a good mood.

"I don't know, I only know that our teacher didn't come today, ah haha!" Lu Yuchen pulled Xuan Mo's hand and shook it vigorously. "Don't stand still, you need to shake your bones and relax, relax, wait for a while. Will cramp! "

Xuan Mo drank a few mouthfuls of Red Bull and Ren Yuchen shook, and suddenly asked, "Are you out of class?"

Lu Yuchen's expression froze, and he relaxed: "It's okay that the lesson is meaningless."

"Abandon class?"


"Ah, everyone is a student, so I don't know how to say haha." Someone hit haha.

Xuan Mo drank the Red Bull in a few mouthfuls, and shoved the jar to Lu Yuchen, saying solemnly: "I'm going to the entrance, and I have never missed a class, especially in your profession, if you take one more class, it is one more A chance to live! "

Looking at the back of Xuan Mo, Lu Yuchen is tangled. He has been tangled by Xuan Mo's words, but he does not feel a bit heavy like he does now. He does not deny that the police is an unsafe profession, but she also did not say It ’s the same as the special forces. What a chance to survive is that cold sweat is scared!

After the gun rang, Xuan Mo watched his class' first stick running very desperately, faintly side by side with others, but after turning to the second stick, they were gradually overtaken in the straight, it seems that the second stick is not good at straight lines After sprinting, when the third base was turned, it became a penultimate girl who did not find that the third team of the other teams began to be full of tall girls. Only their team was quite "Loli", and Xuan Mo returned. Be the highest of their team.

For the fourth batch, Xuan Mo was the third last to get the sticks. She didn't have a slight buffer and went directly to the high-speed sprint stage. At this time, the fastest person has completed almost one-third of the journey. Xuan Mo's eyes were almost the same as before. She took a big step with a cold face, catching up with the fastest speed that her body could reach, and caught up with the first place in the mountains and tsunami, followed by the naked eye. The invisible speed changed the speed and made a desperate sprint, but it was not as inhuman as rushing overtime, maintaining a distance of five or six meters from the second place and easily crossing the finish line.

There is no school record and no widespread suspicion. Only a few people are talking about it. The sprint in the first half of the first place just caught up with Bolt. There is only such a point.

Immediately after the relay Xuan Mo ran the last 800 meters, it also started to rush a few steps to lay the first place, and then hurriedly suppressed everyone at the end to the end.

Her consistent strategy is to seize the high ground and suppress it all the way!

In the afternoon, there is no need to say anything about the single-player finals. Xuan Mo's competition was not spared. Although her department and department did not win the most prizes, she did win the highest prize rate.

In the words of the monitor, Xuan Mo also comes out here every year, and every semester scholarship can earn her extra points!

Xuan Mo didn't care what the scholarship was. She was pulled out again by Lu Yuchen that night. After the Games, the school was closed for three days. She didn't want to keep guarding Jinshilou.

The little threat from the El Gore star was nothing to her.

Lu Yuchen has been desperate to play with Xuan Mo alone. This is the pain of public figures. Wherever there are stars and moons, he is the same kind of brother. He can only allow them to bring their girlfriends together. .

They chose a cheap and good self-service barbecue restaurant, where there are good parties and lively, and the payment is aa system, there will be no economic disputes.

Xuan Mo sat at the far corner and landed on Yuchen with the other side sitting opposite. Aka and Lu Yuchen ’s baby-faced brothers also ensured that she was not bored. The other side of Lu Yuchen was reserved for the next person. Come, but all smiled strangely and vacated the position.

"Hey, why don't you sit beside me?" Lu Yuchen was confused and aggrieved.

"Hey hey hey"

The jingle sounded again, and someone came into the store. Lu Yuchen turned to look at him, and frowned. At this time, there was only one place beside him on the long table he had booked, and the person could only sit next to him and Xuan Mo watch him. Not right, looking back, it is a female human, it should be quite beautiful, big chestnut waves, white-skinned melon face, and also very stylish, she came over with a smile, and said softly: "Oh, sorry to come Late. "

"It's all right, Sister Yingxi, sit!" Ye Zhenzhen on the side patted the empty spot.

"Then I'm welcome." Yingxi sat down, nodded and smiled at Lu Yuchen, and saw Xuan Mo, who landed at Yu Chen, reached out, "Hello, you are Xuan Mo, my name is Yuan Yingxi , Your brother's friend. "

Xuan Mo glanced up and down and turned her head back: "Wash hands before eating."

"" Yuan Yingxi Xi retracted his hand, saw a few people around with strange expressions, and laughed again. "So, where is the bathroom?" The direction of the sound wave was obviously to Xuan Mo.

Xuan Mo shrugged: "I'm here for the first time."

"" In the end, Ye Zhenzhen pointed the way to the bathroom, and Yuan Yingxi left with a smirk.

Vaguely heard Ye Zhenzhen and her boyfriend Xiao Wu bit their ears: "Brother Yu's sister is too shameless, do all sisters have brotherhood?"

Xiao Wu is a very cold boy, and he is rather impatient and whispered: "Eat you, brother or sister or brother and sister who are not talking about it right there."

Ye Zhenzhen was surprised: "Is the truth the brother Yu?"

Xiaowu refused to listen to her anymore.

When Yuan Yingxi returned from washing his hands, the small party had begun in full swing. Lu Yuchen shuttled between the food cabinet and the dining table like a bee. He was excitedly grilling various foods. He didn't eat a bite, but the Xuanmo bowl was already full of food.

Others, both men and women, were stunned, and a few girls were even more upset, urging her boyfriend who was sweating barbecue: "Hurry up! Why are you so stupid!"

Xuan Mo has n’t had much desire for Blue Star ’s food since rebirth. Although she is accustomed to follow the Blue Star ’s habits, she ca n’t eat three meals a day, sometimes it ’s vegetarian, but she really wants her to eat Hasse. She was not interested, so she stopped eating each one, and waited until all the food she had had had been tried. The bowl in front of her was still piled with food.

Xuan Mo thought about it for a while, raised his hand and pushed the whole bowl in front of Lu Yuchen, and then split his hand to grab the barbecue clip in his hand and ordered: "Eat!"

Lu Yuchen was really hungry, and he was not polite when he heard it. He picked up a chicken leg and added some spices to his mouth, chewing as he said, "Momo, don't you eat? Are you full?"


"Ah? Don't eat it now, you will eat it when you rest!"

Aka was very uncomfortable, grieving: "You brother, you are inhumane, brother, I am so hungry!"

Lu Yuchen looked at a pile of burnt food in the trash basket next to him, looked at his grilled pitiful piece of luncheon meat, and smiled: "Haha! Technology is too poor to do anything!"

The people nearby were upset and protested. Lu Yuchen looked away, only to find that among the brothers he brought, there were not many barbecued ones, and most of them were eating meat that was burnt or half-baked.

"Hey, aren't you so stupid!"

"Who knows? Look at it. If you take a bite and find that it's not cooked, then you can just give it a shot!"

"Haha!" Lu Yuchen smiled, but the food he roasted to himself and Xuan Mo didn't mean to share it. "Yes, I won't share it, I will feed my sister!"

"Your sister eats all the noodles!"

"No, what if you're hungry again?"


"Aka, I can't finish roasting chicken legs, do you want it?" A soft voice sounded, and Yuan Yingxi said as he clamped the chicken legs in the baking tray in front of the Aka bowl.

Nei Niu touched by Aka: "Sister Yingxi, you are so good!"

Yingxi laughed: "I still have a lot, whoever you want, don't be polite." She just kept on grilling the meat just now, and the girl is careful and gains a lot.

"I need to!"

"I want it too!" The baby who was waiting to be fed.

Yuan Yingxi's roasted meat was divided into pieces. She continued to roast happily, and suddenly patted Lu Yuchen: "Brother Yu, my meat is almost finished. You can't hold it now, can you help me?"

Lu Yuchen nodded immediately: "Oh, what do you want?"

"Chicken wings and chicken legs, fish skin luncheon meat, and beef, please come on. Hey, you see so many people want to eat."

Lu Yuchen got up to pick up something, and Yuan Yingxi suddenly gave Xuan Mo's food mountain another eggplant: "Xuan Mo you taste it, my unique roasted eggplant."

"Oh, thank you." Xuan Mo ate, nothing special, but it was better than Lu Yuchen.

"how about it?"

"Better than him."

"Oh, thank you, I still have it here, don't hesitate."


Xuan Mo is full, and he is not interested in barbecue. Here, Yuan Yingxi supplies the whole table of meat, while Lu Yuchen is in charge of the general transportation. Several people feel embarrassed when they eat, and joking about them, saying what I ’m farming to weave Husband and wife both returned home

Yuan Yingxi's eyebrows were laughing, but Lu Yuchen looked reluctant, interrupting others' jokes several times.

Xuan Mo was bored. Looking at the phone, there was a text message from Zhao Jinglei. He opened the door and asked: "Xuan Mo, did you feel anything different near Jinshi Tower last night or this morning?"

At first, because of the death of the little soldier, she showed that she had a unique sensing ability for Jinshilou. The mysterious car apparently disturbed the people who studied Jinshilou. At this time, she finally remembered to ask her.

She had long considered how to deal with Xuan Mo. She didn't want to get involved in something as big as the Big League, and simply replied, "No."

This answer didn't seem to surprise Zhao Jinglei, he answered "Oh" and didn't have a text.

But Xuan Mo suddenly felt that such a simple answer also meant that the matter was not over.

After the meal was full, everyone was preparing to go back to school, and Xuan Mo was in the center of defense. The others were adjacent schools. After a short distance, they had to part ways. Lu Yuchen was not assured and insisted to send Xuan Mo back. I didn't wait for Xuan Mo to respond, but I heard Yuan Yingxi said, "Brother Yu, let me go and see with you. I haven't visited the China Defense Agency yet."

"China Defense declined to visit." Lu Yuchen didn't want to return.

Yuan Yingxi froze for a moment, and still insisted: "It's okay to look then."

It was decided to accompany.

Xuan Mo was impatient. He walked to the intersection and waved his hand. He just stopped a taxi and said to the front of the car, "I will go back by myself, and no one will send it."

Lu Yuchen was quite tangled, but there was no way but to watch the car leave.

Yuan Yingxi seemed quite worried: "Is she okay?"

Lu Yuchen didn't know what to say to the clinging woman, and sighed to chase after the large troops.

Xuan Mo returned to the dormitory, smelling the smoke of barbecue smoke, disgusting, decided not to go to the barbecue shop again, took a bath and went to bed, by the way, put a part of mental energy to monitor Jinshi floor.

But after a while, the phone suddenly turned on. A strange voice came out: "Is this Miss Xuan Mo?"


"Is your brother Lu Yuchen?"

Xuan Mo got up. She felt that her roommate was not asleep, and she raised her ears to listen, and she didn't lower her voice at the moment. She answered, "Yes, is there something wrong?"

"He was attacked on his way back to school. Now he is in the second hospital in the city. The situation is more serious. Some operations require the signature of relatives. Please come here quickly. Please bring cash in case you need it from time to time."

"Is there anyone around him, you can do surgery first, and I authorize that person to sign."

"The operation is still in preparation. It will start in half an hour. We learned that you are at the China National Defense University and you can arrive by taxi in ten minutes."

"But I can't get a car."

"Then please do your best as soon as possible, before the operation begins, if not, you can only use emergency measures."

"Okay." Xuan Mo hung up the phone, dialed Zhao Jinglei directly, and picked it up: "Xuan Mo, what happened, why do you always call in the middle of the night?"

"Send me to City Two."

"Is something wrong?"

"It's none of your business."

"You go downstairs, I'll pick you up."

As soon as he arrived at City II, Xuan Mo frowned.

She felt a familiar breath, and the owner of the breath stabbed herself last night.

The spiritual power covered all around instantly, she felt that the master of the breath was shrunk in the corner by her spiritual net, shivering, but gritted her teeth and resisted.

Still dare to resist? !! Wait! Xuan Mo sneered secretly. When he arrived at the emergency room, he simply asked about the situation of Lu Yuchen who had been selected. It seemed that it was not dangerous. He was slightly injured, so he signed and paid the fee. Now, when she saw Xuan Mo, she got up and stretched out her hands, as if to embrace, Xuan Moli ignored her and asked, "What's going on."

Yuan Yingxi found that Xuan Mo was not as frightened and fragile as he had imagined, so he had to talk about it intermittently. In fact, there were no details. They did not catch up with the large army, and the black light walked away. Suddenly Lu Yuchen called someone. , Rushed into the green belt planted with trees on the side of the road, I did not hear anything, when she trembled in to see, Lu Yuchen was already lying on the ground

"I didn't bring money, nor was it a relative, nor could the counselor be contacted, I whine." Xuan Mo hadn't moved much yet, but Yuan Yingxi made her eyes red.

"Okay, I know." Xuan Mo turned, and Zhao Jinglei yawned, "Don't worry, I will let the police investigate this matter seriously. I will never let go of the gangsters this year. The theft showed your brother last night. Arrived, the attack made your brother meet again today. "He suddenly opened his eyes." Did your brother see what you shouldn't see ?! It ’s just a suit and a car. "

Is n’t it? Seeing what should n’t be seen, Xuan Mo said he had to stay vigil and sent Zhao Jinglei and Yuan Yingxi back to school. Both of them were a bit uneasy, but they did n’t have any stand and left reluctantly. Xuan Mo sat down. After a while, when it was confirmed that the two had gone far, and the people walking in the hospital had no movement, they got up and went straight down.

Followed the breath all the way to a room, the room was full of air-conditioning, as soon as Xuan Mo opened the door, the pale and thrilling scene inside came into view

Hiding in the morgue.

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