MTL - My Classmate is 200 Million Years Old-Chapter 69 consult

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The capital, Huasheng Group headquarters, a conference room full of people, very quiet.

On the large front screen, Xuan Mo directs the whole process. In the picture, she leans on the police car, pressing the map with one hand, and stares directly at the bank. When she issues the order, her eyes are not blinking. The instructions did not seem to think at all.

"Prying the window open is relatively a relatively risky action. If there is really no way to do it, the problem lies in it." A young voice said, as soon as the remote control was pressed, he stopped at Xuan Mo just issued the command On the screen, "This command is very intriguing, let the sniper aim at eleven o'clock, and immediately aim at the hostages after shooting, combining the orientation of the window and the mastery of time." The introducer frowned. "In my opinion, this is not like Organizing the rescue, but starting from the window, laid the entire bureau for the robbers and soldiers to play. "

"She didn't hesitate in tone. It seemed that at the beginning when the window was open, there would be a chance for the soldier to rush in and ambush, and soon the robber would have doubts and went to investigate. At this time, the robber would forget that he had Out of the sniper's dead end, the best angle is the eleven o'clock direction of the sniper. "

The sound was paused and a little excited: "The most amazing thing is that the principal is an experienced person. Even if he hears the gunfire, he will be very cautious and try to turn back quickly after looking at the situation clearly. However, the point is that at 11 o'clock After the robber died and fell to the ground, he was just blocked by his desk, causing the main criminal to look at it subconsciously. This move immediately prolonged his turn back and expanded his flaws, prompting the sniper to succeed in another blow, and Had it not been for her order, a sniper who had just been successful in sniping would not necessarily have such a quick response to pay attention to the situation of the principal offender. "

"The two orders laid out the overall situation, controlled the whole audience, and reduced casualties." The introducer sighed. "The pen is coming from me, and my introduction is over."

There was silence below.

"This girl must have some unknown ability." A middle-aged humane, with a Chinese face and a certain tone, is unbelievably Wu Shu, the head of the seven districts of the city. "The specific ability is not known yet. In the case of damage, it is impossible to control the situation so accurately outside the field, but it is impossible to say something through the eyes. "

"Why isn't it possible?" A voice suddenly interjected, "Anything or something is never science fiction, but the future."

Uncle Wu frowned when he saw the speaker, stopped speaking, and sat down.

"Zhao Jinglei, you have a wide range of knowledge. Tell me, what is Xuan Mo's ability?" A female voice inserted, with a little sarcasm.

Zhao Jinglei smiled: "Now, naturally, I have to ask her direct person in charge." He said, looking at the person sitting at the end, "A ghost, right, you are the most in contact with her. What do you want to say? "

A ghost was so embarrassed that he was summoned to the capital for a meeting. He thought it was a good thing. I didn't expect that it was a heavy-weight person's meeting against Xuan Mo. Why was that girl so restless! "I have nothing to say, what I know is exactly the same as what you just introduced, there is nothing redundant."

"It is said that you will be half annoyed every time you talk to her?"

"Rumors, rumors, hehe." A ghost wiped his sweat.

"So, what do you feel when talking on the phone, about her character and the like."

"Anyway, it's a weird one." Agui's answer can be said to be very irresponsible, but he really can't think of any adjectives. "The biggest feeling is that her thinking is weird, say arrogant, she is not brazen, Say it's ridiculous, but very low-key. "

"Then do you think it's possible that she could be pulled into District Seven?"

"Impossible." A ghost is categorical, "I personally believe that she is not suitable for the seven districts. She is too easy to be remembered. Not only is her appearance, but all aspects show that she is not suitable for low-key people like us. I have analyzed the work. In fact, her personality should be considered low-key, but she cannot be low-key in all aspects, as if Yao Ming is standing in the crowd even without a word. "

"Well, I see." Zhao Jinglei turned to look at the most seated person. "District chief, I think we should still fight for it, let me do it."

"Jing Lei, even if you win her into the seven districts, you will not be able to partner with you, you are so high-profile." The middle-aged man known as the district chief said a little bit.

"Even if you don't fight for it, give me permission to let me know her." Zhao Jinglei persisted.

"Then you are free. Anyway, she won't be admitted to the China Defense University anytime soon. By then you will be alumni."

"No, it's seniors and sisters." Zhao Jinglei smiled.

In the final sprint after the midterm exam, Xuan Mo's life seemed a bit hard for others.

On the one hand, there are various examinations and tests under the pressure of the college entrance examination, and on the other hand, Xuanma's thigh is seriously injured and her daily life is inconvenient.

The inconvenience of a single-parent family was immediately revealed at this time. She didn't want to trouble the elderly parents. Xuanma didn't tell them about it, but when there were no men in the family, she wasn't sure Xuan Mo could carry the entire family.

After learning about this, Lu Jianhua decided to find someone to ask for a nanny for his mother and daughter. It was really honest and good, but it resolved the inconvenience of life, but the work was troublesome.

Xuanma runs several high-end clothing stores, and she carefully takes care of a group of old customers and long-term contracts. It was at the peak of various commercial activities. She was hurt, not to mention that employees could not be found and the business was yellow. A few pens.

This can't count on outsiders, but it can't make Xuan Mo in the college entrance examination more stressful. Xuan Ma almost got gray hair at the hospital. She dialed Lu Jianhua's mobile phone several times but didn't press the call button. The two have no marriage relationship. He is also very busy himself, and there is really no reason to take care of his own business again.

After thinking about it for a few days, Xuanma bit her teeth and rested at ease. Anyway, she wouldn't go bankrupt for so many months, and she should take her leave.

Xuan Mo took care of Xuan Mom for a few days. She ran across the school at both ends, but she didn't feel any hardships. Her body was stronger than the iron. This kind of labor intensity was really nothing. The most annoying thing was to Xuan Mom. You have to find a fast restaurant when you buy food, otherwise you have to be late for class in the afternoon. Now that you have a babysitter, you can go back for a meal.

Xuan Mom was distressed by Xuan Mo. Although their home was not far from the villa area, they were not close to the city center. Xuan Mo preferred to crowd the bus rather than creak to ride a bicycle. When I had a meal, I would go back to school. I didn't even say a word. Although Xuanma was happy that her daughter was filial, after all, she felt so hard for her. After two times of seeing no effect, she could only try to raise her body.

Xuanma's little sister sometimes exaggerated when she saw Xuan Mo at noon, saying that she was filial, and Xuan Mo didn't say much. Ren Xuanma smiled proudly.

In fact, what is filial to God is not clear to Xuan Mo, nor does it know that her soul ’s biological parents feel that the child ’s honour is an insult to her own viability. Xuan Mo's previous annoyance was the alliance's routine family season. She ran to the family center of the Alliance Center to find her father's fight, and ran to the Alliance Frontier Station Battle Star Frontier Camp to watch her mother fight another. The old is obviously dead, and it is the same as the cockroach.

But when I got here, I heard some wind in my ears, and I saw Xuanma's injury was so weak, no matter whether it was family or something, even if she was a comrade in arms, she couldn't leave it alone.

He chopped his food casually, Xuan Mo looked at the time, and put down his chopsticks and said, "I'm gone."

"Full?" Xuanma put the meat into Xuanmo's bowl and put it in her mouth. "Okay, I'll eat it myself, be careful on the way."

Xuan Moen said, got up, picked up his wallet, glanced at Aunt Zhang, who was busy in the kitchen, and said, "Remember where I massaged you last night?"

"Remember," Xuanma waved her chopsticks. "I will press."

"When I don't know? I didn't press it."

Xuan Mom's face froze: "Is it all visible? Okay, okay, I'll just press my back"

Xuan Mo was too lazy to return to him and opened the door and went out.

Xuanma smiled and waited for her daughter to massage herself in the evening, but it was strange to say, since her daughter massaged herself from time to time, she recovered much faster than the Internet said, and her body was much more comfortable.

Xuan Mo returned to school, and it did n’t take long to sit down before class. The class teacher came in and issued a paper: "This is Chinese and physical. The others are still counting, and they will come out immediately. Please discuss with each other first. It's not important. The key is to know where Xuan Mo is wrong. You can also help calculate the results. "Let's take out two papers." Come, put your papers first. "

Xuan Mo took the paper and left it on the table. She didn't care what was spied on. The blue star's careful thinking is still harder to sort out than the dust of the alliance.

As soon as people left, Lu Yuchen immediately took the book and covered it with Xuan Mo's paper, and stared at him all around. Everyone who came over the probe was stunned: "Yu brother, you are too loyal to the dog, and they didn't say no to everyone."

"Look at it, look at your sister, look back, see how you cry!" Lu Yuchen said, glanced at the Chinese paper that had just been sent to him, and he twitched his lips.

The study committee who sent a paper to Lu Yuchen originally wanted to see Xuan Mo's results by sending a paper to Lu Yuchen, so naturally he didn't give face and screamed: "Ahaha, Yuge's Chinese is 70!"

"You have to take the 70 for the Chinese language, haha! Xuan Mo is now over a hundred!" Everyone laughed and compared each other.

"I'm seventy-two!"

"I'm eighty haha!"

"I'm sorry, I'm ninety-three, all kinds of bullies!"

"You peek at Xuan Mo again."

"How can it be a multiple choice question."

"Wipe! You're good enough to choose!"


Lu Yuchen looked at his seventy, one hundred and fifty papers with tears, half of them, and opened the book secretly. Under the perfect physical paper, the glittering one hundred and three points on the Chinese paper were broken. Hundreds, she, how did she do it? !!

Xuan Mo's impatient count came back, and no one dared to come up and ask her for her score. Although she knew the score of her eyes, she could never forget it, but Xuan Mo never missed a few times. , And Lu Yuchen despised it, no longer forced.

In the physics class, Lu Yuchen took the physics teacher's first meal. After the class was quite aggrieved, Lala Xuanmo said, "Hey, Momo, physics, you will let me recite the formula, and I will recognize it. Is there any trick in Chinese? Let me backlight all the text. "

Xuan Mo was silent for a while and came up with two books: "Remember this."

Lu Yuchen was careful of liver tremor when he saw the two books with the same amount of bricks, took it with shaking hands, read the first one, and almost fainted: "Classical Chinese Dictionary !? You memorize this !?"


"Is it all back ?!"

Xuan Mo couldn't understand Lu Yuchen's excitement, but honestly said: "Turn it over again." It really turned it over, over and over again.

"Oh, turn it over." Lu Yuchen glanced through Xuan Mo's Chinese papers, reading the full text of classical Chinese, some of the rare words, the teacher said wrong and do not blame us, then what is she right? Anymore? "

"All is invincible, how do I know." Xuan Mo turned a page of the book and thought for a while, "the next one, I advise you not to read it."

"For" Lu Yuchen glanced, and almost fainted. It was Xuan Mo's bound book. She estimated that she pulled off the reference answers of all the language reading books that she could touch, regardless of the size of the book. , Seems to be brand new, "You have turned it over again?"

"Well, once again."

"Xuan Mo, I" Lu Yuchen didn't know the word of self-defeating, and could only lower his head. "If I can't help asking you the learning tips in the future, don't tell me."

Read The Duke's Passion