MTL - My Classmate is 200 Million Years Old-Chapter 103 King Worm

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The so-called concealment is nothing more than finding a slightly wide, not so ugly place in the bone pile.

The hidden people looked at the wall loosening a few times, and then suddenly held out a hand, the hand was claw-shaped, struggling like death.

Next was his head, full of dirt and all kinds of dirt. The man opened his eyes and looked around, and slammed into a pair of dark eye sockets.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The sharp screams and the sudden gunshots mixed together, and the silent masses instantly gained a lot of popularity.

Are they women? Xuan Mo had no other ideas, but Zhao Jinglei and others were a little confused. In this kind of scene and task, the appearance of a woman is obviously a bit abrupt. Of course, they will never admit that they despise women.

The screaming stopped abruptly, and the woman covered her mouth and crawled forward desperately, looking back and forth from time to time, the gunfire continued to come, and there was a roar of people.

With a bang, the entire wall suddenly fell, and the fire of the gun flashed, flashing on the stacked skulls, the atmosphere was vicious and ferocious.

Xuan Mo tightened her body. Although it would be dangerous to use her mental strength, it was only a means, but not all. She still had a fighting instinct and absolute technical self-confidence. It would not matter if she killed a worm.

But the fire was shining, but it was a standing figure. Just standing for a while between the mounds, stiffly crossed over.

That's right, it's a stiff step over.

The gunfire was getting closer, but apparently did not catch up with the man who was chasing and escaping here. This man's movement was stiff, weird and dark in the dark, but strangely stable and fast, turning a blind eye to the bones on the ground, straight Chasing the faltering woman.

Xuan Mo clearly saw that several hidden teammates were trying to get closer and wanted to discuss a countermeasure in one place.

The woman climbed a long way, her leg seemed to be sprained, with a weird twist. She closed her mouth and was afraid to come out, panting carefully under the cover of the gunfire, it seemed that she did not want to let herself pass Loud sound.

Sure enough, the man who followed was slightly hesitant and started to listen.

Suddenly, a clear rattling sound exposed the woman's position. The woman hurriedly raised the hand that broke the bone, but heard a click, the gravity concentrated, and the bone fragments scattered under the other hand were also broken.

Now, without hesitation, the man strode over, stepping on the woman's back, bending over and reaching out

"Yeah, the dish !!!"

The sharp screams once again penetrated the eardrums of everyone, and at the same time as confirming the identity of the person, it also caused people to be tangled. Can these old neighbors not be at peace? Do n’t make up for everything? Why do you bring such a girl in this situation? Do what you love?

As the woman screamed, she threw back everything she could touch, her skull, thigh bones, ribs, hip bones, and pelvic bones, and she threw one corpse after another, but the man stepped on her. Nothing else.

Xuan Mo and Ergo were judging what the creature was, right in front of it.

Obviously, this completely human appearance proves that it must not be a Porto Fire King worm, worm is a worm, let alone three thousand years, or three hundred million years cannot become human. In order to prevent this thing from discovering itself, they deliberately gathered all the breath including Spiritual power, but it still stagnated in front of them.

Do you have any plans for this woman, or do you really feel the abnormality ahead? For whatever reason, Xuan Mo felt that such a stalemate would not be beneficial, because everyone knew that he and Elgo were hiding here. In case they could not help but jump out to save a alien with a bear, it was a great joy Already.

The creature stepped on the woman's feet and immediately heard the moan between the woman's throat and the scream of bones between her chest. The woman pressed for a while, she couldn't bear it anymore, and stunned, and then the creature started slowly Come forward.

Getting closer

Xuan Mo sighed, just when he wanted to shoot, but suddenly heard a gunshot, the creature turned sharply, and rushed to the gunshot behind him silently. There was a smoky bullet on the whole piece of armor on the back. Just popped up, faintly smelled a scorched breath.

"It's a king worm! It's a king worm!" Ai Erge stood up fiercely, his face changed greatly. "You leave! Hurry! Go to the wall! You are not the opponent of this thing!"

But it is too late to ignore the imminent attack of Elgo and Xuan Mo, and the monster has already caught fire with the monster. Although they claim not to have many weapons, the most basic self-protection and the formation of a firepower network are still Yes, at this time, even when the monster was attacked in this way, it did not make a sound. It stood standing with dozens of guns in it, and it was wearing extremely old armor. This group of people who were influenced by many loved the monster's identity. Ergo is also ok!

"Don't worry! Isn't it just a zombie! I've done a few!" I yelled unintentionally.

If there was blood, Elgo sprayed long ago, and he held his chest in his hands, resentful, and suddenly thought of an important question: "Why do we have no guns, and they do !?"

"Yi Fei, there is no Ling Yun." Xuan Mo calmly, looking at Ergo quite ignorant, had to explain, "Did not understand? We have not been treated as combatants, what do we want to do with guns?"

"" Aierge would like to express a little **** spiritual power to express surprise, "I haven't treated you as a fighting force. The blue star is crazy!"

Xuan Mo said that it doesn't matter: "If you have the Tangte Xingqun No. 2 Spirit Pulse Ripple Gun, will you envy people for gunpowder?"

"What tang, what pulse ripples" Ergo wondered a moment, suddenly showing the expression of wanting to laugh or not, "That, guns more than 200 million years ago, can only be placed in the museum, right? And maybe not only History books, or you living fossil know "

For the first time, living fossils have been so accurately defined. Xuan Mo stared blankly at the situation ahead before reacting: "Then you are fresh, you are up, I am old, and I am watching." After all, it really depends on Beside the corpse mountain, looking at Ergo.

For the convenience of battle, everyone has turned on the overhead lights. They desperately shot the monsters, but found nothing. The monsters stepped firmly against the impulse of the bullets. No matter where the bullets were, they could be ejected after they went deep. .

When they approached, people could see the monster's appearance, a broken skin, a pair of eyes that were wide open but without eyeballs, and even yellow things were moving in the eye sockets. Every time a bullet hit the monster's head, There will be yellow semi-solidified liquid spilling out.

"Is this **** a zombie ?!" Someone yelled, "Non-combatants quickly withdraw! As far as we can! As long as we break!"

Broke your sister! How do you break the body? !!

Even if there is no order from Xuan Mo, Ergo intends to enter. He doesn't know why this monster has the unique flavor of the Porto Fire King insect, but as long as it is a creature with the Porto King insect, it is not a mess.

If there are still several races in the major leagues that can fight with Scorpio, the Zerg must be among the best. They are even older than Scorpio, have more fertility, and are superior in combat effectiveness.

Several **** battles in the major leagues have Zerg figures. Scorpio people are naturally the main force. They even exchanged territories with races in several neighboring Zerg areas. They automatically take on the role of hesitation, and no longer receive the border planet for help every time. It was later dispatched, but once found, it went directly to the battle, stifling every Zerg attack in the cradle.

The peace of the major leagues for many years has contributed to the Scorpio. Almost every Scorpio has participated in wars against the Zerg. Xuan Mo, Marshal Abu Dorui, and several classic battles have been achieved by the Zerg.

But because of the existence of that border, Scorpio also has a very stern and rigorous military school in peacetime. Each new combat force is invested in the military school set up on the front line. After a short training, it is directly combated, and the Scorpio star is completely retained. Overall combat effectiveness.

The Zerg have also made them, and Scorpio has never denied this.

Ergo didn't consider why Xuanmo couldn't go, because at this time the monster was close to his teammates, and several soldiers had already held the dagger in their hands and were ready to fight.

"Cessation of fire!" He yelled, without waiting for the reaction from the other side, the Spirit Shield silently stretched out, blocking in front, he rushed up, hugged the monster from behind and rolled away.

The monster still did not make any sound, but it was struggling silently and with great strength. Elgo was not a professional warrior. At best, he was only an Ergo librarian who had undergone universal training. Now he wants him to stand alone against a Zerg high. The double-high monster with high intelligence and strength, his winning face is not great, he can only clenched his teeth to grab the monster and fight with it.

The Zerg and Scorpio galaxies have been immune to spiritual attacks for so many years. The Ergobooks naturally know this. At this time, they can only protect themselves with mental energy and strengthen their own strength. And the monster rolled into the bone mound and rolled out again. The two "human" postures were not aesthetically beautiful, and they were hard to separate.

To kill the Zerg, it is either breaking or knocking on the door. Now that there is nothing that can break the goods on hand, Elgo can only use enough energy to probe the person in front of him and look for their neurons.

Zerg neurons are like the human brain and heart. They cannot survive if they die. They are usually hidden under the hardest carapace near the abdomen. They will change positions slightly during continuous movement. Most of them Everyone chooses to directly bombard the place with large-caliber weapons and directly crush the neurons, but there are also strong men who can insert the bare nails directly from the abdomen and directly crush the neurons. Ergo has used this method to deal with ordinary zerg, but he I don't know if my hardened hands can penetrate the guy in front of me.

And where is his neuron? !!

After all, the spiritual tentacle broke through the monster's weird harassment gas field and explored. If there had been various imaginations, Elgo could stay directly on the spot!

What flesh and blood, what are they! No wonder the bullet burned to its armor would smell like a worm. This monster is clearly the Porto Fire King! It made its shell like clothes in the mass grave, and then stuffed its internal organs and other important organs into this skin! The small skin pack can't hold so many huge things, so its organs are all squeezed into a pile! And those things used as bones are clearly trimmed limbs! As for neurons, they are hidden in a position similar to the human heart, protected by the two hardest shells on the front and back of the chest, and the difficulty rises sharply.

No wonder this guy staggers and acts stiffly, like a fat man who eats braces. This product is more than braces. It's crowded in the body!

Ergo imagined that if he punched Wang Zong fiercely, would there be any internal organs sprayed out of his mouth, thinking about it, and desperately hitting his chest, directly in front of the neurons.

Wang Zong immediately realized that he had met his opponent. If Elgo had acted like a weird and stupid daring, then he can fully understand that he understands himself, but for his true body, Wang Zong cannot see come out.

The highest intelligence in the worm is just the most ordinary citizen of the major leagues. They have a hard shell and huge power, but they do not have those advanced observation capabilities. It just felt that there was danger ahead. That is biological instinct. The Zerg has evolved into advanced sensitivities for tens of millions of years, and now, at most, it realizes that this guy is very threatening.

The worm will not roar. It can only fight back in a more brutal and treacherous posture. The two rolled around in the bone mound of the corpse, no one dared to shoot, and they did not want to leave their comrades to the unknown. Place, can only look at it.

"Unexpectedly, this foreign devil looked at the fine-skinned tender meat, it was quite fierce!" Some people commented that dozens of overhead lights were gathered on both of them, just like the spotlights on the stage.

"Yeah! Dare to fight with zombies, I thought it would be the kid who watched the robber too much." Talking about Ling Yun secretly, Ling Yun's ashes, holding in his hands the gun that I wondered who was coming He gasped, staring at the situation with red eyes.

"Hey! Little love! You can't move me!" Some people rolled up their sleeves and also planned to go up and get a response from the rest of the main combatants. In their opinion, the two men had no rules in the fight. Spattering and rolling like the rogue rogue is too weak.

Ergo hadn't answered yet. He noticed all the actions that would endanger him. When he felt the movement below, he reacted like lightning, lifted the king insect and kicked his leg to suppress it. The two went on fighting, but there was no sound behind them. Already.

Everyone thought silently, just now the zombie's feet seemed to kick Xiaoyang Devil. Xiaoyang Devil responded quite quickly, suppressed the precision, and the psychological quality was quite good. The problem is that the zombie raised his thigh and his thigh. Yet?

Everyone felt a sore knee when they thought of the calf that was completely bent forward.

Just then, someone exclaimed, "That woman wants to run!"

Everyone saw that it was the Japanese woman. She didn't know when she had stood up, holding her leg, holding the wall with her hand, and crookedly jumped to the passage when it came. Then, on the other side of the wall, the dark distance, the gun It's still ringing, but it's a lot slower. It's more a roar of people. The light of the gun reflects many figures.

Such a long time of shooting should reasonably be enough to slaughter the city, but if faced with the monster that can't be shot in front of the eyes, ordinary people can only do this. Not everyone has the consciousness of Elgo, and they directly jump to the melee. .

The woman had no lighting equipment, fell to the ground in two steps, and climbed up the aisle hard. She bit her lip tightly and kept silent.

Everyone watched her coldly while watching the situation.

The woman seemed to realize that she couldn't climb far, looking at strangers who were also yellow races here. Of course, she knew what position she was. She could only try to stand up while staring at these people.

The continuous hit of Elgo finally had an effect, and Wang Zong's powerful and unbeatable defense force was finally broken. The last punch fell, and his hand directly penetrated Wang Zong's chest and reached into a ball of semi-sticky Among the things, even if his hands are wrapped in spiritual power, he can still feel a severe burning erosion.

The fiery fire worms, on the surface, in dry places, are large and arrogant. They are simply invincible kings. Coupled with natural high-aggressive body fluids and a little fire-breathing ability, everyone will have a headache when they see them.

It's a pity that the tiger fell into Pingyang. They came to such a damp place, stayed for so long, and were stuffed into such a fragile body.

He finally felt the neurons with a bit of cold and tingling sensation.

Wang Zhe's struggle stopped almost instantaneously, as if the hair dryer was suddenly unplugged, and it felt quiet for a while, although the gunfire still roared.

It can be seen how intense the silent fight was just now.

Elgo stretched out his hand and shook off the yellow semi-solidified liquid full of hands. When Fang Ke just wanted to go forward to study, he heard a creak sound ringing on the ground. At a glance, he was startled, and it was stained The small liquid of the size of a small fingernail turned out a hole that was three to four centimeters deep, which was so corrosive that he had never seen it before. He hesitantly looked at Elgo's liquid-stained hand.

Ergo shivered and said casually, "This is why I came."

Suddenly, he smiled bitterly: "But there must be more in it. I can't move more than one. The strength of this cargo is too scary."

"What exactly is this?"

Ergo shook his head: "Creatures you can't understand."

At this moment, someone suddenly asked, "Where is Xuan Mo !? Where is Xuan Mo?"

The crowd was startled, and they looked around quickly. All the lights had just gathered on Ergo, and it was dark all around, and Xuan Mo often did not turn on the light. At this time, there was no shadow of Xuan Mo except the bones.

"She" suddenly, a small voice sounded, the woman cringed and pointed at the dark hole, "She just went in."

After being silent for a while, Zhao Jinglei said, "Miss, there is no benefit in cheating us."

The woman whispered, "She did go in. When the boy came out to fight the monster, I wanted to follow her, but she disappeared in a blink of an eye."

No one can, they do n’t believe that Xuan Mo will run alone, so the only possibility is indeed the road full of smoke and smoke, even if there are monsters, they ca n’t shrink back, because people in other countries have bad intentions. .

Hardened their scalp, they raised their guns and went deeper.

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