MTL - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 50 Dilemma

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After the zombie fell to the ground, Li Ming took a dagger and stepped forward to find the zombie’s head and found a reddish crystal nucleus. An evolutionary zombie.

Without the threat of evolutionary zombies, ordinary zombies are relatively easier to clean up. The soldiers rushed and fired with guns, and the zombies fell down one by one. Zhanyun also took a micro-rush and attacked the zombie's head. Basically, one shot was no problem, and Li Ming looked at him.

"I am a policeman." Zhan Yun said a simple sentence.

Li Ming nodded and nodded a bit more for the exhibition cloud, which is also a public servant of the country.

Compared with Zhanyun, the other people in the Zhanyun team will be inferior. Most of them have never touched the gun before the end of the world, let alone to move and shoot. The low hit rate is almost invisible. It’s Su Ruizhe, and there’s no good way to shoot. But if you change to a pea bullet, you can damage it if you don't hit the head of the zombie.

It took seven or eight minutes to finally kill all the zombies. Li Ming asked several soldiers to collect the nucleus and took the others to knock on the door.

"The people inside please open the door. We are the national rescue team. The zombies have all been killed by us. Please open the door and leave with us."

When the voice fell, they saw a row of heads in the window upstairs, all of them were teenagers, and their eyes were full of hope and hope.

"It is the army! It is the uncle of the military to save us!"

Then there was the cheers, and then there was a running sound inside, and then someone began to move things that blocked the door.

It’s just that they used to block the door and didn’t know how many of them were. They moved for a few minutes and did not move. In desperation, Li Ming let several soldiers turn in from the window and help them move together.

Entering the teaching building, the soldiers were stunned. The students were full of hundreds of people, all wearing uniform school uniforms, and the hair was messy. It looked generally thin, but the spirit seemed to be OK. There are also a dozen adults who are moving things at the door. Some people look like teachers, and some people wear chef clothes. They should be school kitchen staff.

The desks used to block the students are the desks of the students. Like the pyramids, they stack several layers. It is very laborious to move them up.

Fortunately, they worked together and finally moved things away.

After a simple inquiry, they realized that on the day of the end of the last days, most of the students in Changyang Middle School were doing self-study in the classroom. Several chefs and cooks were packing things at the time and had not got off work. After finding something wrong, they rushed with a kitchen knife. Out of it, the combat power should not be underestimated. Many teachers have sacrificed in order to protect the students. Fortunately, the safety of most students is guaranteed. The food in the school cafeteria is one-time for a week. With the reserve of the canteen, these talents barely support the present, but basically it has already been the case of the full-fledged food. Fortunately, it finally waited for the rescue.

It’s just that there are too many survivors. Although they are carrying heavy military cards, they still can’t sit on so many people. Li Ming can only use the radio to ask for help from other teams. Please come and pick up the team nearby.

However, another team has already sent out a signal for help. They found a small stronghold in a police station. However, the nearby zombies also seem to be attracted by the flesh and blood of the living people. They are surrounded by police stations and it is estimated that there should be at least four or five hundred zombies. It will cause the siege of such a large number of zombies, and the survivors will certainly not be less.

The rescue team tried to pull the zombies away, but they did not expect that there were not only evolutionary zombies but also two zombie dogs in the zombies, and now the rescue team was trapped.

Li Ming looked at the map and found that the police station was not far from here. If they drove from Changyang Middle School, they would arrive in ten minutes.

The problem is, this group of students, they can not leave the students here, have they rescued in the past? Take the students back and leave those comrades who are at a critical juncture, they can't do it!

Li Ming suddenly fell into a dilemma.

"We can divide some people and find a few cars to go to the police station." Zhanyun suddenly said, "The road has been cleaned up. It should not be too much trouble to go back. If it can’t be dealt with, You can ask for help from the team on the other side of the stadium."

Now there are a lot of cars on the road, just look for an old-fashioned old-fashioned car, just like the one on the TV, you can start by pulling out two wires and one dozen.

Li Mingshen took it for granted and immediately ordered to find a car.

I don't know if these soldiers have received any training. Soon they found two pickups, a pickup truck and three vans. In this case, they can divide nearly 30 people to support the police station.

"Let's go, give us a van." After all, there are so many lives, so that they can pretend to turn a blind eye when they are clearly capable of helping, they can't do it.

"Okay, thank you!" Li Ming did not have nonsense, directly agreed and thanked.

He also heard about the team of Zhanyun. There are three abilities in their ranks. The most important thing is that one of them has a special ability to use plants to create weapons that have special lethal effects on zombies.

In the case of known zombies and zombies, they are still willing to help, and this situation, Li Ming wrote down.

Li Ming divided the team into two halves. Half of the people were responsible for escorting the students and teachers of Changyang Middle School back to the stadium, and the other half drove to the police station.

The car drove down the road in the direction of the police station. On the road, Su Ruizhe had already sent the pea bullets to everyone in the exhibition cloud team. It was not that he did not want to give them to Li Ming, but he really did not Too good to explain the source of so many peas. Anyway, they have their cover, and they will never let Li Ming be in danger.

They soon came near the police station and then heard a fierce gunshot.

The gunshots came from the roof of a shop on the side of the road. There was a row of shops across the police station. There was only one floor. The soldiers fought back and finally retreated to the top of the store.

The top of the building is about three meters high. These zombies have not yet mastered the skills of climbing. They can only gather in the downstairs and stretch their hands to the top of the building.

This is actually nothing terrible. Although the number is large, the soldiers occupy a geographical advantage. Taking a little time, they can always kill these zombies.

However, these zombies are still mixed with two zombie dogs, and they are desperately jumping towards the top of the building. The jumping power of the dogs is very good. On several occasions, their front paws have reached the edge of the roof, and the situation is very critical.

One of the black zombie dogs is very large, its abdomen side is open, and the intestines and some internal organs are falling on the ground as it bounces, giving off an unpleasant smell of corruption.

The other zombie is a Bordeaux bulldog. Although it is not as big as the one next to it, its body is stronger and stronger than the other. Its claws leave a deep scar on the wall. What kind of consequences will happen to people?

The soldiers on the roof continually attacked the two zombie dogs, and the bullets hit their heads, but their skulls were so hard that ordinary bullets could not cause any harm to them.

Is this an evolved zombie? !

The fighting power of animals is inherently stronger than humans, and the rate of evolution is faster. At the beginning of the last days, Su Ruizhe has obtained a crystal nucleus from the brain of a zombie.

Seeing that the zombie bulldog jumped again, the front paws were on the edge of the roof, and when it seemed to be able to rush upwards, Zhanyun braked and pulled out most of the body out of the window, aiming at the zombie dog. The head, the trigger was pulled down.

The emerald green pea bullets hit the head of the zombie dog precisely.

The zombie dog sighed and there was an obvious big hole in his head, and the body fell directly from the air.

Li Ming’s heart was shocked. The head of the zombie dog, which was previously unable to be penetrated by concentrated shooting, was actually easily shot by the exhibition cloud. The head of the team said that it was true. These people are indeed very powerful.

When the companion fell, the other zombie dog twitched twice, and the **** looked at the body of the companion and then bit the head of the zombie.

Everyone saw it and looked at it. I didn't expect the zombie to eat his own kind. The zombie dog made a crisp squeak when chewing the zombie skull, which made the scalp numb.

Su Ruizhe knows that things are not good. In the late period of the last days, the zombies have swallowed each other. The zombies can use the energy in the same crystal nucleus to evolve again. Seeing the appearance of these two zombie dogs has reached the stage of primary evolution. Let this zombie dog swallow the nucleus of another zombie, and after evolution again, he is not sure whether his pea bullets can still pose a threat to it.

Su Ruizhe took the opportunity to raise the gun and aimed at the zombie dog to fire three shots in succession. His shooting method was not as accurate as that of the exhibition cloud. He could only aim at its body and use the pea bullets to kill the other side with the lethality of the zombies.

When the zombie was hit, the body slammed, and the bullet that was fired from the top of the building hit the head and finally fell to the ground.

The author has something to say: What? Oh, my big darlings~~~Chengjia brothers and sisters are in the police station~~~ Finally have to meet~~Wow

[Little theater on the street]

Zhan Xiaoyun: Xiaozhe, what kind of instant noodles you just used?

Su Xiaozhe: Alcohol lamp, what happened?

Zheng Jiahe: I have a better, more convenient and more cost-effective method!

Su Xiaozhe:? ? ?

Zheng Jiahe: Look at me! Give me the pot. Song mixed, you spicy chicken!

Song Chengshu: Zheng Jiahe! See if I don't burn your hulk into a little red guy!

Zheng Jiahe is agile and avoids hot water with a pot: look! Hot water! Quick noodles!

Su Xiaozhe: I am very good at my otaku!

[The small theater with wooden hibiscus]

Woman: You killed him!

Zheng Jiahe: At this time, is there a woman who climbs to the base to avenge her husband?

Song Chengshu: People are starving to death. . . How to climb the base. . . By wisdom?

Zheng Jiahe: . . rational

Wu Jing: You can't pity her, so let's eat it first, so much stunned.