MTL - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 28 Otaku potential

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Song Chengshu soon fell into a coma because of high fever. Su Ruizhe also got a cup of vegetable juice to feed him to drink, so that he could help him suppress the zombie virus.

It was not until six hours later that Song Chengshu woke up.

"Song Big Brother! Are you awake?! How? How? What do you feel?" Zheng, who was always on the sidelines, asked anxiously.

Song Chengshu felt the power in the body, and then raised his hand, a water polo appeared in his palm.

"Wow, it's a water system!"

“Oh?” Zhanyun heard the movement and walked downstairs. “Yes, don’t worry about drinking without water.”

Song Chengshu heard a bit of frustration. Why is it that the cloud is good at controlling gravity and the attacking power is so strong? When it comes to itself, how can it become a water system like waste?

"Maybe you can try to condense the water into an arrow to attack?" Su Ruizhe said as he walked out of the kitchen for lunch, and he had seen the water abilities before.

Song Chengshu’s eyes lit up and quickly tried to condense into a small water arrow with water and then threw it out in the direction of the wall.

However, after the water arrow touched the wall, it immediately shattered, leaving only a small pool of water on the wall...

The effect is no different from the water-dropping ball that people play when they are young. There is no lethality.

"Hahaha, don't be depressed, eat first, I have to be hungry." Zhanyun laughed and walked toward the table.

"Eat and eat! Just know to eat!" Song Chengshu angered a small group of water polo to the exhibition cloud lost.

Anyway, Song Chengshu's ability has no lethality, so the exhibition cloud does not evade, directly blocking the body.

"Oh..." When the water polo exploded on the body of Zhanyun, everyone thought that the exhibition cloud was only poured by water, but did not expect to hear a cloud of screams.

"What's wrong?" Su Ruizhe hurriedly looked at the situation of Zhanyun. After pulling his collar, he found that his skin was a little red. He touched the water left on the clothes and accidentally discovered that the water turned out to be hot?

"What happened?" Song Chengshu himself was also a face.

“Can you control the water temperature?” But Zheng Jiahe found the key point at the fastest.

Song Chengshu quickly tried again, but the water polo that was condensed was still cold.


"Or else, do you try to think back to the mood just now? It seems a bit angry?"

After Zheng Jiahe’s reminder, Song Chengshu found out that it was such a thing. He quickly thought about a person he hated very much, and then gathered a water polo.

This time, you don't need to touch it. Everyone knows that the water temperature is not low. Have you been smoking white smoke without looking at it? !

"Ha ha ha ha! Heaven helps me too!" Song Chengshu is very happy, his abilities are finally a little useful!

"Well, it's quite good. We don't need to burn the water in the future, there is heat directly." Zhanyun will play the role of a loss-making friend.

"Hey! Look at this again!" Song Chengshu glanced at him.

"Okay, let's eat soon, and the food will be cold in a while." Today, Su Ruizhe made a large pot of bacon and braised ribs. Now everyone is a power, of course, some can eat. Full of things.

Although Su Ruizhe’s craftsmanship is not comparable to that of the outside restaurants, it is very good to eat as a home-cooked dish. The four people don’t raise their heads. They eat a pot full of rice and a large bowl of braised pork ribs. net.

After dinner, Song Chengshu studied his abilities there. Zheng Jiahe was idle all the time, and he helped out his ideas.

"Since the temperature of the water will rise when you are angry, you may be able to lower the water temperature when you are sad. When the water becomes ice, the hardness will increase and the lethality should be improved. ”

Song Chengshu tried it according to the words, but he did not expect it to be really successful.

"Home and! You are so great!" Song Chengshu excitedly wants to hold Zheng Jiahe and kiss two.

"Song brother won the prize." Zheng Jiahe swayed his face with a red face, and then went on to say, "In fact, I think the water system is quite strong. I have seen the science fiction movie. There are also people who can control the water. Dungeon, water shield, water gun or something, Song Ge can also adjust the temperature of the water, change the shape of the water, may later become more powerful?"

Song Chengshu really did not expect that the water system has so many powerful usages, the water dung can be controlled, the water shield can be defended, the water gun can attack, and if it is replaced by ice and boiling water, the effect will be better!

"Good boy! You can use this brain!" Song Chengshu patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Hey, I don't have any other hobbies, I just like to watch movies and play games, so Lenovo has more aspects."

In fact, this kind of person, in other words, is called a otaku...

I did not expect that the otaku also has the use of otaku.

"Hey, what do you want to say about the abilities of Azhan?" Song Chengshu slammed his way toward Zhanyun.

Zheng Jiahe and some awkward Chaozhanyun glanced at each other and saw each other also interested in looking at their side, suddenly more nervous.

When he was in the supermarket warehouse, Zhanyun saved him, and he also took care of him. Zheng Jiahe was very grateful to him. I don't know why, Zheng Jiahe always feels that there is an inexplicable momentum in Zhanyun, so that every time he sees each other, he wants to shrink his neck.

However, regarding gravity, Zheng Jiahe really knows that he is reading aerodynamics in S.

"I... I think..." Zheng Jiahe said after organizing the language. "I think gravity power has a lot of room for development, like anti-gravity, no gravity, pressure, repulsive force, and gravity." As long as it is used well, it should be a very useful ability."

Zhanyun slightly narrowed his eyes and began to think about the feasibility of Zheng Jiahe's discourse.

"Enhance the effect of gravity, form a gravity area, so that the enemy can not move freely in the area. For example, anti-gravity, reverse the weight of its own, maybe you can vacate. You can also let the object lose gravity and float in the air. In addition, you can also use the repulsion to bounce off your opponent's attack.” Talking about his profession, Zheng Jiahe said more and more excited, and came up with a series of attacks and defenses using gravity.

I have to say that Zheng Jiahe’s words are really the door to opening a new world for Song Chengshu and Zhanyun.

"What about the corrosion ability?"

"The attacking method of corrosion ability may be relatively simple, but you are a double power, you can completely hide this ability and use it as a killer."

Zhan Yun nodded with deep thought.

Su Ruizhe was also interested in listening to it. When he remembered his own abilities, he couldn’t help but sneak out the cloud. He also wanted to know what kind of application he had.

Zhanyun saw the small idea in Su Ruizhe's heart at a glance and smiled and nodded.

"Then my wood abilities? Is there any more powerful trick that can change?" Su Ruizhe quickly asked.

"Ah?" This time Zheng Jiahe was stunned. "Do you have power?"

"Yeah, he is the first of us to awaken the power." Zhan Yun smiled and patted Su Ruizhe's shoulder, "Xiao Zhe, let him see your ability."

Su Ruizhe stretched out his left hand and had a small green pea in his palm. Under Zheng Jiahe’s confused look, he held his left hand and spread it again in a few seconds. The original round green peas had turned into green bullets. .

“Is this a wood abilities?” Zheng Jiahe felt that Su Ruizhe’s wood abilities were not quite the same as he imagined. “Can bullets show me?”

"of course."

Zheng Jiahe took the emerald green pea bullet from the hands of Su Ruizhe. If you ignore the strange appearance of this bullet, the light will be thought to be a real bullet from the feel and hardness.

"Is this really usable?"

"Did you have already seen the effect?" Zhanyun took out the gun that was not on his back, took out the magazine and showed it to Zheng Jiahe, and surely there was a row of green bullets neatly placed inside. .

Zheng Jiahe’s expression of “squatting” looked at Su Ruizhe and suddenly asked, “Xiaozhe, have you ever played a game of plant and zombie battle...”

Su Ruizhe's little face was red, and some embarrassed nodded. When I was at school, there was a small game that was very popular among students. Su Ruizhe once played with the mobile phone at the same table several times. This is probably the only game he has ever played in his life.

"What are the plants in the game? What are you here?"

Su Ruizhe thought about it and took out a few cherries.

Seeing Su Ruizhe took out the fresh red cherries out of thin air, which made Zheng Jiahe once again shocked. Isn't that what he thinks?

"Hey, Xiaozhe is actually a double power. He is a wood and space system. Everything we collect is in his space."

"Oh my God!" If you are not worried that you will be killed by Zhanyun, Zheng Jiahe really wants to rush to hug Su Ruizhe's thigh. With such a person, he will never have to worry about going hungry again!

Zheng Jiahe felt that he was just a dog, and when he was dead for the first time, he was rescued by Zhanyun. He also unexpectedly gained the ability. When he asked to join Zhanyun’s team, except for their character. Recognition, there is also the meaning of wanting to repay. Now he is very grateful for the original decision, these three people are just the same existence! ! !

Zhan Yun took a shot of Zheng Jiahe's shoulder. "Don't be too excited. You can talk about how Xiaozhe's ability can be used."

Before the upgrade of the former Su Ruizhe, the wood abilities can be used to plant the land. The space abilities are only used as porters and temporary warehouses. Both abilities have no attack power.

Later, his ability was upgraded to the level. He had just discovered the ability to turn peas into bullets and was sold to the institute by Chen Huizhen. The Institute also focused its research on the space that Su Ruizhe was able to plant, and did not care much about his ability to weaponize plants with woody abilities.

After Su Ruizhe's rebirth, he also wanted to try to weapon more plants, but I don't know why, it can only become a bullet, it seems only peas.

If it wasn’t for Zheng Jiahe, he really didn’t think about this possibility related to the game...

"Xiao Zhe, try to turn the cherry into a weapon."

Su Ruizhe grabbed the cherry with her left hand and wanted to turn the cherry into a bomb like that in the game, but the cherry did not respond.

He put down the cherries with some frustration and began to doubt his ability.

What did Zhanyun think of? He ran into his room and took a book down. It was a book about weapons, with many pictures on it. The page where Zhanyun turned to a photo of some kind of bomb was placed in front of Su Ruizhe.

"You try again."

This time, Su Ruizhe succeeded! Originally only the egg-sized cherries, in the hands of Su Ruizhe, became a bowling-sized red bomb.

"Successful!!! Hahahaha!! Xiaozhe, you are so great!" Song Chengshu rushed up and turned the book to the page of the grenade. "Quickly, try the pepper!"

Su Ruizhe took the pepper out of the space and turned it into a big red grenades.

Lying in the trough, where is Su Ruizhe's space? It is the arsenal at all!

Let’s not say that the state is quite strict with weapons management. It is foreign, and there is no way to easily get explosives such as bombs and grenades. Zheng Jiahe already has the urge to sing and conquer.

However, the next moment, Su Ruizhe made another thing that shocked him. I saw that he held the bomb with his right hand and turned it back into a red cherry.

"I think the bomb is a bit dangerous. If you accidentally explode, it's not good. When it's needed, I can't get it now." He said, he ate the cherry on his hand.

eat! Now! under! go with!

This cherry was just a bomb!

Zhanyun is also helpless to help the forehead, this little guy is really big heart. However, he also agreed with Su Ruizhe's thoughts. The bombs are indeed not too safe, or they are well collected.

With the help of Zheng Jiahe, Zhan Yun, Su Ruizhe and Song Chengshu all have a general direction for the development of their abilities.

"Then your abilities..." Song Chengshu looked at Zheng Jiahe again and again. Now, it seems that Zheng Jiahe's power abilities are the most common.

"Haha, strength is very good." Zheng Jiahe smiled heartily. "Have you seen the movie called the Hulk? It’s just a blast! After that, my power will become stronger and I will be able to become more powerful. Will you be afraid of these little zombies? If you encounter materials that you can’t open in the future, you don’t have to worry about it! And I see those movies and novels in the last days, the hearts of the people are particularly difficult to measure, you see my physique. I definitely can't think of me as a power-type abilities!"

The three people couldn't help but laugh. The more they got along with Zheng Jia, the more comfortable they were. His straightforward personality was particularly flattering. The key is that his brain is quite easy to use.

The sun outside during the day was too sinister, and even the zombies knew to hide in the dark corners instead of swaying in the streets.

When the air-conditioning wind is turned to the maximum, a few people simply go to sleep, raise their spirits, and go out at night.

They are not able to hide in the villa so safely, relying on the materials in the Su Ruizhe space, enough to let them eat spicy and spicy for a long time.

But now is the end of the world, whether it is zombies or humans will become stronger and stronger, if they do not go out to fight, do not collect crystal nuclei, their strength will soon fall behind people, what will happen at that time, but I am not sure.

It is not unreasonable to be born with sorrow and death.

However, several of them did not sleep until the evening, but were awakened by heat.

They checked the air conditioner and other electrical equipment and found that there was a power outage.

Such a high temperature will definitely cause a concentrated use of electricity. Now, in this case, it is absolutely impossible for the power company to continue to work normally. There is no maintenance of the equipment by the workers. It is only a matter of time before the power supply to the city is difficult.

I believe that it will not take long, even the water supply will stop, and human life will become more difficult.

Fortunately, they have Song Chengshu, a water abilities who can make ice cubes, and have not been tortured for too long.

Song Chengshu exhausted his abilities and created four large basins of ice. He placed a basin of ice in each room to lower the temperature of the room. But the whole person was tired and was about to collapse. He lay back on the bed and went to sleep.

When a few people get up again, it is already nine o'clock in the evening. The whole city is in a darkness. It can only rely on the moonlight. It can barely see the zombies walking on the streets outside.

"When you go out, be careful." Zhanyun gave the flashlight to everyone and sighed at the same time.

After the power outage, the survivors will soon begin to worry about not knowing when it is time to stop water, and the lack of food. In the face of the crisis of survival, they will have to force themselves to face the zombies who eat.

The number of people who come out to collect materials this evening will surely become more, and when there are more people, various problems will occur.

For example, there will be more zombies being attracted by the flesh and blood, and there may be conflicts between people...

In short, it must be too quiet tonight.

A few people still drove the BMW out of the door, ready to go to a nearby commercial street, and the road would pass through a grocery store. They were going to go to the grocery store to collect some spices such as oil, salt, vinegar and so on. No candles or batteries or anything.

Although many things were purchased at the beginning, they were mainly based on food and clothing. Things like this kind of groceries were really not carefully collected. When I went to the supermarket the day before yesterday, I took some, but after all, there are not many, and it should not be supported for a long time. I have to collect some more.

Sure enough, not long after the four people set off, they found that there were many people on the street, all of them in groups, holding various weapons in their hands.

When Zhanyun came to the grocery store, they found that they were also stared at by others. It was a family of three, a middle-aged man was slamming, another middle-aged woman holding a kitchen knife in his left hand, a child in his right hand, and being on the sidelines.

The middle-aged woman noticed them after Zhanyun stopped their car.

"It's our first come!" The woman fiercely waved the wooden stick in her hand.

Zhanyun waved her hand and immediately stepped on the gas pedal and drove the car away.

In the last days, it was not easy to bring a child. Zhanyun saw the desperation of the woman's eyes and the scared expression on the child's face, so she left very simply. There are so many shops, they don’t have to choose this one.

"Ah, that Internet cafe..." When the car drove past a certain intersection, Zheng Jiahe suddenly pointed to an Internet cafe on the side of the road.

"What happened to the Internet cafe?" Song Chengshu asked strangely.

"That Internet cafe I used to play, there is a community supermarket in the back door of the Internet cafe, there are quite a lot of things inside, there must be oil and salt sauce vinegar and the like... We might as well go see?"

"But, Internet cafes..." There are many people who go to Internet cafes at night. Who knows how many people in this Internet cafe were on the night of the end of the last days? What if they are past and full of Dangdang’s zombies?

"Do not worry, we can go around from behind, the back door of the Internet cafe is always locked, even if there are zombies will not come out for a while."

"A show, what do you think?"

"Let's go check it out." Zhanyun made a decision very simply.

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