MTL - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 106 frenzied

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When Cao Qishen was thrown to the ground, the whole person was still embarrassed. After seeing Zhan Yun and others who surrounded him, he immediately changed his face.

He immediately wrapped the whole body in metal, still thinking about continuing to run away, but his legs suddenly fell into the dirt, and a thunderous thunder hit him.

Cao Qishen was instantly paralyzed by the whole body, and ‘thumping’ fell to the ground and could not move.

When Zheng Jiahe went up, he tied him up and brought it to the prison.

At this time, all the living people in the entire prison were brought here. Zhanyun let Cheng Qi and Cheng Jiao clear it. There are more than 300 people, including Cao Qishen, Ph.D. and Lin Xi.

Lin Xi was only wearing underwear, wrapped in a bed sheet, and fell to the ground. She was brought directly from Cao Qishen’s bed. At this moment, her beautiful face was full of tears.

As soon as she saw Su Ruizhe coming in from the door, she immediately rushed over and hugged his calf and cried. "Xiaozhe, I am forced, they want to do things for you, I am nothing." You know... I am your watch! You see that we are **** and close to you, let me go?! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

Su Ruizhe stretched a small face and looked down at his former nephew. He asked faintly, "Where is my cousin? Where is the uncle? Where is my little nephew?"

"He...they..." Lin Xi stammered and couldn't speak.

"They are all dead." Su Ruizhe is like a water. "They are relatives who are related to me. Without them, you are nothing."

Lin Xi couldn't say anything with her mouth open. She knew that Su Ruizhe was right. Don't say that they had no blood relationship at all. They said that family is also thin. She never looked down on this poor boy. She never gave him. Looking at her face, even if she had said something to his house for the relocation of the house, she did not expect anything to say to him in a low voice, but she did not expect that she would have a day to waver to him...

"Go away!" Zhanyun unrelentingly used the gravity power to sway the unsightly woman. This kind of woman who did not know the checkpoint also dared to hold the legs of his family Xiaozhe? !

He did not forget that when they first arrived at the base, the woman sought to perform in the face of Cao Qishen, and he would not believe a word for her sympathetic words.

The next thing to do is to interrogate, too **** things, so that the children can not see well, so Zhanyun let Wu Jing take Yu Dongdong to rest in the room.

Just when Wu Jing took Yu Dongdong’s hand and walked toward the room, he happened to pass by Cao Qishen, who was tied to the ground by a rope. Just as the two passed by him, Cao Qishen suddenly violently rushed toward Wu Jing and Yu Dongdong.

Cao Qishen’s body was covered with a layer of metal at the same time. At the same time, the metal surface grew a serrated surface. The rope was completely cut off, and then two metal spikes were formed on the back of his hand, and the mercy was ruthless. The key to Wu Jing.

"Be careful!" Zhang Yuliang saw almost cracked.

Just between the electric light and the flint, Wu Jing’s body suddenly dispersed, leaving Cao Qishen empty. Cao Qishen sneaked and immediately grabbed the direction of Yu Dongdong.

"Hey!" Xiao He jumped from Yu Dongdong's arms, and his sharp claws popped out of the meat pad, and he grabbed Cao Qishen.

Because Cao Qishen's body surface is covered with metal, the harsh sound of the black claws when they catch the metal makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Cao Qishen’s movements were not slow, and there were many spikes growing around him, trying to kill the black cat.

However, a white mist suddenly wrapped his hands and restricted his movements.

Xiao Hei found that his claws could not scratch the human being in front of him. He suddenly became furious. When the human being suddenly could not move, the two front paws opened the bow and began to beat the human face.

I don’t know if it’s because Xiaohe once exchanged a body with Zheng Jiahe. Its power seems to be very strong. Under such unrelenting brutality, Rao is a metal guard and is also being beaten. Venus.

"Let me come!" Cheng Qi's thunder and lightning came to an instant, and directly sent Cao Qishen a power of seven.

"Rao, forgiveness..." Cao Qishen could no longer maintain the metal coat, revealing the face that was swollen after a small black storm.

The exhibition cloud slowly came to him, and he raised the pistol in his hand and pointed it at his head.

"Wait, wait... I have food, I have a woman... I have weapons... I can give you, I can... ah..." Seeing the killing of Zhanyun, Cao Qishen’s eyes are full of panic, immediately Take out all the chips and want to change your life.

However, Zhanyun is obviously not willing to give him this opportunity. When he first caught him, he should solve the beast on the spot, instead of bringing it back to ask questions!

Cao Qishen screamed and fell to the sky, leaving a **** hole in his head.

Zhanyun put away the gun and let Wu Jing, who had recovered his human form, take Yu Dongdong back to the room to rest.

This time, Zhanyun went to Linxi and Dr., and said coldly, "When you ask, what do you answer, dare to play with your eyes, that is your end."

Even the most powerful bosses in the Lincheng base said that killing would kill. Lin Xi and Ph.D., who are ordinary people, have room for bargaining. Naturally, the bamboo tube usually says things they know.

It was originally because the treatment of the Lincheng base was not good. The people who repaired the city wall cut corners and the materials were cut, which led to the base being easily attacked by the zombies. Cao Qishen took the rest of the people to abandon the city and fled to the Lincheng prison.

Before Cao Qishen had been suffering from the inability to find a way to upgrade the ability, it was stuck in the bottleneck period of the first peak for a long time. Later, Dr. unexpectedly discovered the magical use of the power core. The power core of the power is not like the zombie crystal nucleus. That contains the virus, but full of energy, Cao Qishen relied on this power core, and broke through to the second level.

Cao Qishen’s poetry knows that when he was in the base, he also secretly killed several abilities and seized their abilities to promote the upgrade of the abilities. However, he did not dare to be too blatant and did not eat. Human flesh comes.

However, they fled this time, the losses were heavy, and the materials were in short supply, so they strictly restricted their food supply. The survivors living in the prison were almost hungry every day.

At that time, an actor was seriously injured when he fled. Without Lin Jia’s healing ability, he could not succumb.

Before his death, the doctor dug his power core and gave it to Cao Qishen, and the body was thrown into the back yard.

The survivors who had been hungry for a long time in the prison were really unable to stop. They secretly cut the meat from the body and went back to cook. They found that the meat was delicious and not worse than the smell of the mutant animal. When the patrolling person discovered it, the corpse had only the skeleton left, but the inside of the prison was full of meat.

After the patrolling person reported the incident, Cao Qishen let people go to the prison and grab the broth they cooked. In his opinion, they can eat, then he can.

After a taste, he found that the meat contained energy as well, and it was good for his abilities. He no longer contradicted it. He let go of his stomach and gave it to his brothers.

Others were still somewhat resistant to eating human flesh. They found that the meat was good for their abilities, and they accepted it.

Before they came over, they had quietly killed four abilities, not only swallowing their power nucleus, but also giving their bodies a share.

Later, Lin Xi and Ph.D. also began to bite each other and wanted to make their guilt even lighter.

After they listened to the show, they were all horrified. How could they not think that there was such a mad person in the world? What is even more unexpected is that more than 300 people in the entire Lincheng prison have eaten human flesh. And peace of mind.

When they thought of the sinister eyes of the survivors before they entered the prison, they felt chilling. Didn't those people regard them as prey, not the same kind?

Zhan Yun originally thought that after removing the cancers of the Eight King Kong, he would use the radio to contact the South Base and ask them to send people to bring the remaining survivors back to settle down, but now it seems to be no good. These people have eaten human flesh, they have completely lost the moral bottom line, and if they are brought back, it will become a very unstable factor in the base.

But killing is not appropriate, after all, it is more than 300 human lives...

In the end, the exhibition cloud let Han Lei use the radio to contact the base and report what happened here. Jiang Xuzhou is not the leader of the base. He quickly made a decision. He will send people to pick up these people back to the base. In any case, there are more than 300 people. If they let go, who knows whether there will be a vicious incident of fratricidalism. Waiting to pick up the base, give them a red identity card, the treatment is equivalent to the prisoner, send a special person to look after, no freedom, can only rely on labor to support themselves, if there is a violation of the rules of the base, it must be severely punished.

Zhanyun recognized this solution, and then let Lin Xi find out the next eight King Kong's hands in the survivors. After the collective shooting, the body will be cremated on the spot. According to the doctor's account, Lin Xi is a woman of Cao Qishen. She knows the dark side of many things very well. When Cao Qishen decided to kill Zhanyun and others, she also made a plan, so she could not escape.

Although the doctor is seeking for mercy, he actively cooperates with the interrogation and clarifies what he said should not be said. However, Zhanyun will not let him have a chance to survive. After all, he is the chief culprit in torture and killing Su Ruizhe. Although he has not had time to do this in his life, it is only because there is no condition. Once he is given this opportunity, he will only make things more horrible than his last life. He arranged a room and let Su Ruizhe stay with him for two hours. After Su Ruizhe left, he personally went in and dealt with the doctor's body.

Zhanyun carefully counted the remaining number, distributed the food hidden by Cao Qishen to the survivors, and warned them to wait here for the people in the southern base. If they dare to have any bad thoughts, the hands of the Southern Base Army The gun is not a vegetarian.

After intimidating these people, they left the prison after dawn. The seven women on the off-road vehicle, they did not leave them, because they can not trust the survivors, these women have already suffered enough, can not let them out of the tiger hole, and into the wolf nest?

Jiang Xuzhou said that the garrison and Lu family members of the Yucheng base have already gone south. It is very likely that they will meet them on the road. At that time, the seven women in the car can be handed over to the soldiers in the city, and they will be taken to the southern base. .

The author has something to say: Xiao Hei: Hey? There are always people who are daring and want to move my shovel!

There are too many orange-light ceo scenes. It’s just like the whole big original, the courage is courageous, and the heartache is so cold. Details can be found on Weibo or Forum.

[Little theater on the street]

Theatre Jun: I haven't read it wrong. The last chapter wrote winter and winter, "Is it like a little mouse?"

Su Xiaozhe: Little mouse? Isn't normal a small hamster? Or is it the description of the popular little mouse now?

Zheng Jiahe: Got it, the stupid song is not as good as the pig. It is already very good.

Su Xiaozhe: It seems a bit reasonable?

Zhan Xiaoyun: Rest assured, my wife, you are in my heart, even the pig is the most cute pig!

Su Xiaozhe: Hey! Who is the pig? !