MTL - My C.E.O Wife-Chapter 1063 Prajna Cave

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1o63 Prajna Cave

It is estimated that the Demon Dragon King did not expect to encounter a sinner so difficult to deal with. ? Hunting? W? W? W ?. liewen. cc In this Shura Tian, ​​he is the famous five emperors! But at the moment, it was suppressed by a sinner, which made him a little embarrassed.

"It's not a problem for you."

Qin Chuan said, reaching out two hands, the will of the protoss and the will of the demon became two different long knives, one is black and the other is silver-white. The positions of the handles are printed with the devil and the protoss respectively. Skull.

Qin Chuan kept waving two long knives, and brought out a reddish sword-knife, ejecting one after another towards the Dragon King in the air.

"Sculpture of carving insects, how to hang your teeth!"

The Devil Dragon spit out a black fireball, but Qin Chuan's swordhead even broke through his fireball and landed on him.

"Bang, bang!"

These knives exploded one after another. Even if the scales of the Demon Dragon King were very hard, they were still torn by Huoyun's knives.

Bena was foolish to watch beside her. This kind of battle she had seen while she was alive. But at Shuratian, all of them were weakened! This Chinese man can fight the almost invincible Five Emperors. How strong should he be in the human world? Or is it just how powerful he is to receive the soul of Supreme Sword Sovereign?

The Five Emperors were irreversible. Although the Supreme Sword dies, restoring part of their ability to be plundered, but it is only the ability, but the strength will not be improved. Only the one who killed Supreme Supreme with his own hands will he absorb this part of the power. However, it seems that the Dragon King hasn't come up with real strength yet. Can this Chinese person really succeed in the crusade?

I don't know why, Bena looked up a little.

Qin Chuan fought the Dragon Column in his body all the year round, and had rich experience in fighting the Dragons. Therefore, there is no pressure to deal with such a so-called mixed dragon dragon. In particular, the other party does not have the power of the hybrid, just some hidden energy. It's a bad name, oh.

"Human, you angered the deity."

Suddenly, the dragon king flapped his wings and flew out far away, floating in the air, roaring at Qinchuan.

"I've irritated you for more than half a day, can you take it seriously?"

"Humans, you have a lot of courage. In this case, the deity will use five points of strength to play with you."

"Is it only five?"

"Five points is enough!"

While talking, the black light shone in the sky, and suddenly the Demon Dragon King's body began to shrink. After a while, he turned into a half-meter-long man standing three meters tall and stood in front of Qin Chuan. The shape of this half-dragon is basically the appearance of Qin Chuan's thunder body!

"Fuck ..."

Qin Chuan could not help cursing, wasn't this plagiarism? No, it should be said to be a cottage!

"Have fun with me, don't you?"

Qin Chuan asked with gritted teeth.

"Oh, yeah, your ability is really good. This form is still very convenient for fighting."

With that said, the Devil Dragon King was no longer spitting fireballs, and a sudden bounce occurred at his feet, and the entire person instantly came to Qin Chuan and patted it on Qin Chuan's chest.


Qin Chuan's body flew backwards. He flew out dozens of meters away in a row, and the Dragon King extended **** toward Qin Chuan in the distance.


A black thunderbolt flew out, just hitting Qin Chuan's body.

Qin Chuan's body immediately turned into coke, fell to the ground, and slowly dispersed into fly ash.

"Hahaha! Sinners, dare to be right with the deity! This is the end!"

The Dragon King laughed, and Bena was shocked. Could this Chinese person be so dead? And the Dragon King with five points of strength is so strong, no wonder the five emperors ... so terrible.

Can these scholars themselves use his power?

"Hey, where are you looking?"

Qin Chuan's voice suddenly came from behind the Dragon King. He was startled and turned his head, while Qin Chuan's foot was sweeping over his neck.


This time it was the turn of the Demon Dragon King's body, and he fell to the ground, broke the ground, smashed a lot of stalactites, and made a gully.

"Well? Are you still alive?"

Bena looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief. He was killed clearly just now!

"That's just the clone I made with the power of the apocalyptic god."

Qin Chuan didn't have the slightest expression on his face. He had already caught up with the Demon Dragon King, and the two of them clashed in the air. Bena couldn't help but cover her mouth, and she was really the same as the Dragon King! This sinner is really amazing!

"Abominable sinner! With the power of Supreme Sword Supreme, do you want to be on an equal footing with this Supreme!"

The Dragon King is getting more and more angry, even a mortal can't deal with it, it makes him feel very ashamed!

"Eighteen consecutive months!"

Qin Chuan didn't talk much, but only devoted himself to fighting. The battle with the Demon Dragon King is endangered. This guy is too strong, and if he is not careful, he will kill his life.

He stunned an empty roar of the Devil Dragon King and kicked out his stunt.

Eighteen feet in a row, the afterimages kept flying out and smashed onto the dragon king. This powerful creature flew up in the air, and its blood vomited a liter!

After the eighteen feet were kicked, the Demon Dragon King had been flew far away and his body had sunken footprints.

"Damn! The deity has all his power ..."

When the Demon Dragon roared and was about to adjust his body and take out all his strength, Qin Chuan suddenly reached out and turned a black sword into a shooting star, passing by in a flash from the Demon Dragon's head.


The black sword flew out with red and white objects and stuck it on the ground. The head of the Demon Dragon King was punctured, leaving only one eye, blinking unwillingly, and then fell to the ground, turning into black dust And slowly dissipate.

A black light poured into Qin Chuan's body, he took a deep breath, and then his body shook.


The black thunderbolt rolled around, and Qinchuan entered the state of the thunder body. Although only the first stage of the thunder can be used, but the power is enough to dominate in Shura Tian! To open the thunder body of the third stage, it is estimated that the remaining three emperors must be killed!

Qin Chuan turned his head and glanced at Bena sitting on the broom. Bena also woke up at this time, jumped off the broom directly, and woke up to worship Qin Chuan.

"My witch, Bena, is willing to look at you!"

"You know the current affairs."

Qin Chuan couldn't help but smile, "I said that I was scary before, but now I want to recognize me as the master?"

"I am not afraid that you will kill me. After all, here in Shura Tian, ​​even if you kill me, I will rise again."

Bena explained, "But I see an unprecedented strength in you! It is definitely more interesting to study your words than to study the Five Emperors!"

Qin Chuan's Qingjin jumped a bit, really relying on it, was this woman co-authored to study herself?

"You need a guide in Shura, too, and a little helper! I am willing to serve you warmly!"

The corners of Qin Chuan's mouth were convulsing. This woman is a bit troublesome.

"So, I promise I won't disturb you! If you're afraid I will hurt you! I'll give this to you."

Bena said, took out a small portrait and gave it to Qinchuan.

"what is this?"

"This is a portrait made with my soul."

Bena said, "If I were killed, I could be resurrected in situ with the portrait. But by the same token, if you crush the portrait, then I will also die."

"So amazing?"

Qin Chuan took the portrait in his hands, and looked at it. It was so lifelike, it really looked like that. He caressed his finger over the portrait's chest, and Bena trembled suddenly, then blushed.

"You, don't mess around ..."

I go, this thing has this ability! Hurry up and put it away!

Qin Chuan was unwilling to think about the private affairs of these children. He simply took the portrait into his arms. "Since this is the case, follow me."


Bena immediately became happy, and stepped forward and grabbed Qin Chuan's arm, "Then let me stay with you!"

"keep distance."

Qin Chuan pushed Bena away. "One meter away!"

"How can I make me like the Plague God!"

Bina pursed her lips, looking very unhappy. Qin Chuan was too lazy to deal with her. The reason why he asked Bena to follow him was that he really needed such a person who knew Shura Tian to be a little assistant.

"Next I'm going to Prajna Buddha Caves. Is there a short way to pass?"

Otherwise, he will return to Sun City, and Qin Chuan hopes that this newly recruited assistant will give him some help.


Bena nodded immediately, "Every place in Shura Tian is the same, and you can go directly to Prajna Buddha Cave from here."

"Then take the way."

"Okay, master, please."

Bena gave out her broom playfully, but Qin Chuan ignored her and re-summoned her steed.

"Then can I ride with you?"

Bena asked expectantly.

"Ride your broom ~ ~ This man is so ruthless! Does he really like men! I'm furious!

"lead the way."

"Got it!"

Bena was a little downcast, sitting on her broom and leading Qin Chuan in front. However, if she wanted to go out, she would fly into the air. Bena seemed to have the same anger and ignored Qin Chuan and kept going up into the air.

Qin Chuan didn't care. He turned the will of the Protoss into an eagle, sitting on it and following Beina behind him. Thinking of Tiandao's side has been following such an eagle, he feels a bit like him now.

At this point, the two were heading to Prajna Buddha Caves, and Shura Tian had already blown up the temple!

All three forces were shocked. The people of the Black Empire were in a mess. The King of the Black Emperor was wearing a royal armor and looked serious.

"Are you all waste?"