MTL - My C.E.O Wife-Chapter 1027 Fight

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1027 contract

Someone once said that once a drought hits, thousands of miles away.

Although Qin Ying's power of drought has been blocked by Qin Chuan's divine power, if she wants to do it, she can still summon this terrible disaster.

The old lady sat on the lotus flower, and the temperature around it rose sharply. The ground and walls of the entire battlefield began to crack, but fortunately, only the surface was cracked. If the interior is also damaged, the 300,000 spectators here may be unlucky.

Nine infants found that their water system spells could not be released at all. The **** of drought, an absolute drought, the appearance of the mother-in-law of the drought seems to turn the surroundings into a world suitable only for Qin Ying. In this world, Qin Ying's ability has been greatly improved, while the strength of others has been weakened! Jiuying's strength is nothing more than that, directly weakened by Qin Ying! He was originally compatible with water and fire, and his power was superimposed, which made his combat power terrible. For the first time, Jiuying felt panic. If she continued to do so, she would be defeated even if she was Jinxian.

"Crime day!"

Jiuying didn't dare to be vague and immediately called for assistance.

Xing Tian jumped directly from the periphery, grabbed a huge axe in his hand, and chopped it towards her aunt.

But Tiandao also stopped in front of him. Xingtian was Qinchuan's body, remembering Qinchuan's moves. He just waved the axe and slammed into the heavenly way. Tiandao said, {Han Jian keeps resisting, and he can't help but smile.

"It's so interesting, even remembering the moves in the body, is this muscle memory?"


Xing Tian suddenly blasted the Han sword of Tian Dao with an axe, and then kicked to the face of Tian Dao with the foot of the moon.

At that moment, Qin Chuan even had the desire to let the mask of Tiandao be kicked off! But after all, it was a desire, and Tiandao raised a palm and patted it.

Qinglin palm!

Tiandao has always used Kirin to confront, and no other efforts have been shown. Qin Chuan remembered that every time he had a fight with Tiandao, he only used Qilin. This guy, after all, is a god-level player. What is his true method?

Unlike Qin Chuan, who can disclose the seven styles of the military body, Tiandao is a man who likes playing mysticism. His secrets make it difficult to understand his details.


The soles of the feet collide, but it is Xing Tian who suffers. He flew upside down and smashed into the auditorium. Huang Di finally couldn't sit still, stood up directly, frowning, staring at Tiandao tightly, as if trying to see through his mask, seeing his true appearance.

Who is this mask man? His strength is obviously Jinxian. Chi You should have no talents in this world, why can you find such a master! And with such a master, how could you not know? No news at all?

"Chi You, who is your foreign aid?"

Huang Di sent a message to Qin Chuan, but Tiandao sent a message to him, "This secret, naturally, I will not tell you."

Huang Di was shocked, how powerful he is, the peak of Jinxian! Great and famous gods! His transfiguration technique was easily cracked?

"Of course it's just foreign aid."

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "You can rest assured that when we fight, he will not interfere."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because he likes to watch lively."

"Hey, why do you assert that we will fight?"

"Because you're losing, stupid."

Qin Chuan stretched out a hand and Jiuying was already kneeling on the ground. The aunt mother-in-law did not know when he sat on his back.

"Extinction Skyfire."

Qin Ying held her hands up. It used to be blue and white, but now the entire sky has turned red, like a red iron, which can't help but be shocking.

And in the sky there were countless falling fireballs, which smashed directly in the direction of Jiuying. If this move spreads, I am afraid it can destroy a city. But now concentrated together, the power is afraid to be even more appalling.


Huang Di finally shot, he reached out, a golden sword appeared in the air, like a little sun.

The fireballs that fell down were immediately dissipated by the power of the sword. This move can be described as a sword!

"Very good, the war is about to escalate."

Qin Chuan was moving his shoulders, but there was no tension in his expression, as if he had a good idea about this battle.

"Endless space!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi deserves to be a master of Jinxian. He releases two groups of power in his hands, one group is black and the other is white. Almost in a blink of an eye, the battlefield was shrouded in another space!

Surrounded by a huge clearing, it is surrounded by rolling mountains. There are ten suns in the sky, and the temperature is a bit high.

In addition to Qinchuan and Huangdi, the servants and soldiers of both sides were also drawn into this space.

"Is this back to the flood season?"

Qin Chuan looked up at the ten suns above his head. This is the time when Houyi hasn't shot yet.

"Oh, ignorant guy."

Huang Di sneered, "This is your power, endless space. This space is created by you. Here, you are an absolute god!"

Then, as soon as he waved, the mountains and rivers next to him disappeared and turned into a sea of ​​oceans!

Qin Chuan's brow frowned slightly, and even being involved in such ability seemed a bit bad.

"His army has always been here."

Said, in the yellow sand on the side, thousands of armored soldiers came out and surrounded Qinchuan in the middle.

"Chi You, what do you compare with Chi?"

Huang Di looked at Qin Chuan with cold eyes, "No matter what aspect, I am far beyond your capabilities! You are still alive, but I am just to kill some boring time. Now, I am tired of you clown. You have betrayed your daughter, you have betrayed you, and you will let you know what the price of wrong is! "

Qin Ying was still bland, she slowly said, "The friendship between you and me has disappeared in these five thousand years. From the moment you abandoned me like a tool, you should have thought of it all, no ?"

"Your blood is flowing in your body!"

Huang Di said arrogantly, "After all, you are your daughter, and your daughter is naturally used by you!"

Sure enough, only using his own children as tools, this Yellow Emperor is also a bunker.

"In short, this world is rampant and no one can change it."

Emperor Huang opened his arms and put on a golden dragon robe. "The world is scum!"

"The world belongs to the world, how could it be you."

Qin Chuan smiled, "Since you are interested, we might as well try it out. It is useless to say a nonsense car, I'm afraid you won't call it Qin Chuan!"

Said, Qin Chuan raised his fist, "Are the soldiers of the Xingyue clan, are you afraid of him?"

"Not afraid!"

The Divine Power summoned their spears and shields and shouted in unison.

"What should we do to deal with this mental disability?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The mighty gods roared together and raised their spears high. Although there were only a hundred or so people, the sound was like a flood. The warhorses under the Celestial Soldiers were all stunned, and raised their forearms to scream.

"Your Divine Power is really good."

Huang Di pointed at Qin Chuan and said, "If you can bring your divine power and return to Shunzhen, he can also give you a great general. What do you think?"

"You might as well give me to be your emperor. I definitely agree with this."

"What a death!"

Huangdi Lengheng, "I have the meaning of love, has given you a chance. Who knows you are stubborn, then no wonder!"

With that said, he floated in the air and waved his hand, and the Tianjia soldiers behind them roared immediately and rushed towards the gods.

"Divine might, fight!"

As a centurion, Ben Lei directly raised his big shield and raised his spear. Together with his brothers, he stepped forward, step by step, and greeted the cavalry opposite him.

There are at least 30,000 people on the opposite side, and there are only 130 people here. But each and every divine mighty army has undergone thousands of trials and hardships, facing hundreds of times with their enemies, they have no fear at all, but each laughed excitedly.

Talking and laughing, Qianglu flies away! For the mighty gods, there is such a feeling! In addition, Qin Chuan simplified the Ming Dynasty and taught them. Although these miraculous warriors are naked, their bodies are stronger than steel. The opposite was a cavalry, but they were dismounted by the shield of the Divine Power, and then killed by spears on the ground.

The servants of the Yellow Emperor also began to attack, and Victor rushed out. There are also twelve sword slaves, who also joined the battle. Although there are few people on Qin Chuan's side, they are all elites, and they can't compete with Huangdi's army for a while.

"See? You're not qualified for the world."

Qin Chuan said generously, "So rest."

"As long as it defeats you, your legion will naturally be headless."

Huangdi said that ~ ~ can beat you five thousand years ago, and the same after five thousand years. Xingtian, unlock the seal! !! "

Huang Di swipes his finger, and Xing Tian's body shakes, and rows of black chains appear on him, which he breaks. Then, a momentum was vented from him, sweeping through the space.

"You have to say, you are a great person."

Huang Di said, "Even if your head is cut, your physical strength is still improving. As a last resort, I have to seal him. If he has all the power, I ca n’t guarantee 100% control. He. Now, how do you feel about letting you play against yourself? "

"Yes, yes! That's it!"

This is what Tiandao waited for. He sat excitedly on the rock next to him and waited for the show.

"Yellow Emperor, you play with my flesh as wool."

Alas, that sounds awkward, "Someone will fight me!"

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