MTL - My C.E.O Wife-Chapter 1016 Lease route

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1016 Borrow

The **** the left yelled, "Get out! Outsiders!"

Then, the ground at Qin Chuan's feet suddenly cracked, as if to swallow Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan had one leg on one side and stepped on the ground. His legs were forced together, and the sound of a thump made the ground dragged back by him.

"Would you like to stop me by this means? Let's change some useful ones."

Qin Chuan easily closed the ground and said with a smile.

"An outsider! Olympus doesn't welcome you!"

"Don't worry, I will stay there soon, just passing by."

Qin Chuan "explained" a bit, "You don't have to worry too much, after all, I'm a good citizen who obeys the law and discipline."

"An outsider! Olympus is on the thousandth floor. Come here if you can."

After speaking, the two front desks returned to normal appearance, as if nothing had happened just now. The crack in the ground under Qin Chuan's feet did not know when it was restored.

"Two people, how do you get to the thousand floors of this building?"

"Ha? One thousand floors?"

The beauty at the front desk was asked to hold her back. "Sorry, this building is only fifty stories."

Is Olympus playing with me, or is it that ordinary people do not know how to go for a thousand floors? But no matter what the answer is, look into the elevator and talk about it.

Qin Chuan didn't bother with these two girls who looked like ordinary people, and just walked into the elevator. Sure enough, the number of floors above the elevator is only fifty, the so-called thousand floors, but I don't know how to get there.

But this is not difficult for Qin Chuan. He stood in the elevator, closed his eyes slowly, and put his palm on the elevator's CNC board.

The consciousness was opened, and the surrounding world reappeared in Qin Chuan's mind. The CNC board suddenly changed its appearance, and there was a thousand buttons on it.

Hiding with magic, this method is really not new. Huaxia's illusion is much stronger than this.

Qin Chuan pressed the button, and the elevator immediately jumped up like the rocket, soaring upward! If this person has a bad blood pressure, I guess it will be over, it will be more exciting than playing bungee jumping!

But Qin Chuan, holding his arm, stood firmly in the elevator, leaving nothing to go and let the elevator rise madly.

In the end, the elevator broke off the floor directly and fell into the sky in the blink of an eye. Qin Chuan saw through the consciousness that in the sky, there was also a building floating there. The elevator was like the flight cabin, aimed at the high-rise building, and entered the high-rise elevator cabin.

With a bang, the elevator finally stopped on the first floor of the building, and the elevator doors opened.

"This height can indeed be called a thousand floors."

Qin Chuan figured out the meaning of this thousand floors. He stepped down the elevator and found that he seemed to have come to a new world.

In front of it is a huge Greek temple. Standing in front of it is a row of soldiers carrying shields. These soldiers are similar to the magical forces cultivated by Qin Chuan. They are armed with shields and spears, and are dressed as standard Roman soldiers.

These soldiers are also made of stone, but the difference is that they move.

As Qin Chuan stepped into the field, the stone soldiers moved and took a uniform pace to start walking towards Qin Chuan.

"Ignorant outsiders, stepping in here is the beginning of your death!"

A thunderbolt sounded in the sky, and then the stone soldiers attacked Qinchuan in a row, poking their lances at Qinchuan.

This is probably the trick of a Greek deity, but for Qin Chuan, it is not enough to watch.

Qin Chuan stepped on the ground fiercely, and the earth shuddered immediately. The caves that he stepped out directly engulfed some soldiers in stone statues. Then Qin Chuan turned around and kicked for a month and a half, and immediately split several stone soldiers in half!

Funeral moon reincarnation! Qin Chuan never forgets his leg technique.

When he kicked, no stone soldiers could stop him! Every time he kicked, he seemed to appear for a round and a half months, cutting off these stone soldiers. In less than a minute of effort, all the stone soldiers were broken into pieces by Qin Chuan.

"Don't play these little children's tricks, it seems we are all busy."

Qin Chuan shouted.

"You will see a horrible guardian."

Speaking, Qin Chuan seemed to be sounding behind him.

He turned his head and saw nothing, but the voice was still in his ear.

Qin Chuan immediately turned her head to the right, and a huge snake-haired woman appeared in front of her, and the poisonous snakes on her head were vomiting letters to her. This woman is pretty without the hair. And her eyes seemed to carry some strange energy, which made Qin Chuan slowly turn into stones from both feet.

"Medusa, you will also petrochemical ability. Unfortunately, your ability is not complete, you can only petrochemical, can not be unlocked."

Qin Chuan stretched out her right hand and caught Medusa's neck directly, making her unable to breathe.

"So, you're useless."

Qin Chuan twisted Medusa's neck severely, then threw it aside. Then he moved his legs, broke the petrochemical, and asked, "Where is the powerful guardian you say?"


The loud voice seemed a little speechless, and he said, "Aris, my son, it's time for you to contribute to Olympus!"

"give it to me!"

A golden light suddenly fell from the sky, and then a burly man fell in front of himself. Qin Chuan looked up and looked at the burly man who was more than ten meters high. He was dressed as a Roman warrior and his muscles were all strong. The red cape danced behind him, and the golden shield shone in front of him.

He held a spear and slammed it against the shield. Then, his body continued to shrink, blinking into the size of a normal human, but still more than two meters tall.

Ares blows his beard fiercely, looks at the fifteen-year-old Oriental child in front of him, and laughs.

"Speaking of you as a **** of war, it's terribly lacking in intelligence."

Qin Chuan could not help laughing at him, "If I were a mortal, how could I have come here? Did you forget that Hera forgotten IQ when you were born?"

"How dare you insult me!"

Ares roared like a thunder, shaking the ground around him.

"Come on, it's not that louder than fighting."

Qin Chuan dug his ears and said, "It's harder than fists, you know?"

"You try my spear first?"

Ares said, the spear poked hard at Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan stood there, allowing his spear to stick on his chest.


A Mars rubbed out, Qin Chuan's chest was intact, and Ares' spear was broken in two.

"It seems that your spear is not hard."

Qin Chuan smiled.

"Damn! What does your body do!"

Ares was taken aback. He didn't expect that the Oriental's body was so hard!

"Eat more vegetables and exercise more."

Qin Chuan smiled.

"Nonsense, you are teasing me!"

"Yeah, did you see that? You don't seem stupid yet."

Qin Chuan nodded with satisfaction, and Ares was out of breath.

"Damn oriental monkey! You look for death!"

"I think you're looking for death!"

Hearing this title, Qin Chuan's face immediately pulled down.

"What Ares, your mother, Hera, I ca n’t recognize today!"

Speaking, Qin Chuan fisted over, Ares immediately raised his shield and stood in front of him.


The shield was punched with a sunken punch, and Ares was shocked and flew out before falling to the ground more than ten meters later.

"Eat me again!"

She jumped high, flipped around in the air, and kicked him down.


Ares raised the shield again, but this time it was kicked in half by Qin Chuan!

"How is that possible! Who are you!"

"Speaking of which, I also have an older name in Huaxia."

Qin Chuan said, "You might as well call me Chi You."


Ares' eyes tightened. "It turned out to be the demon Chi You! It turned out to be a Chinese god!"

"More than that."

Qin Chuan said, holding Aris's head in one hand, and the fifteen-year-old small body stunned the strong man. Ares's legs were still hanging on the ground, her face twisted.

"Come, change someone, this person is too boring."

Speaking, Qin Chuan punched Ares's face with punch after punch, blood flowed, and his teeth flew across. Qin Chuan had deliberately controlled the strength of his fist, lest he would blow Ares' head, which would be boring.

"Aris, you're so disappointed!"

"Father, leave it to me, I won't let you down."

At this time, a woman in armor came out. This woman is very beautiful and is a beautiful Greek girl with brown hair. She was holding the shield in one hand and the sword in the other, and she knew her identity at a glance.

"Is this the goddess of wisdom Athena?"

Qin Chuan looked at the beauty and said.

"Do you know my name?"

Athena was not in a hurry to attack ~ ~ she asked, "I want to know, what is the purpose of your visit to Olympus, the Eastern deities."

"Ha, I'm here to borrow a way!"

Qin Chuan expressed his intention.


"Yes, I'm going to the underworld and want to borrow a way from Olympus."

"Do you think this sacred place like Olympus is a fork in the road?"

Athena asked angrily, "Oriental deities, you are a bit too disrespectful of our Greek deities! Do you want to break the peace treaty and start a war against our Greek deities?"

"What's wrong?"

Qin Chuan shrugged. "I'm here to borrow a way. I'm really not hostile."

As he said, he gave Ares a punch.

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