MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 9

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It was Wang Zhaoyi who came.

Apart from herself, there were two maids and three eunuchs behind her, and the battle was really not small.

Liandong led Lianxin Xiaodongzi out to check, feeling a little confused.

But they remembered Yan Shu's instructions and tried to talk to each other, "Miss Zhaoyi, our master has already rested, it's so late, can we talk about it tomorrow?"

But Wang Zhaoyi laughed strangely, "Sleeping? No way, someone heard a man's voice in her room just now."

What? man?

Liandong said anxiously, "How can Zhaoyi slander our master's innocence? Where are there men in this harem?"

Wang Zhaoyi laughed again, "Well said, where is there a man in this harem? Then why is there a man's voice in Li Meiren's room?"

Liandong was so angry that he forgot to bear it for a moment, "You're just making **** up for someone."

Wang Zhaoyi looked at the person next to him, "I didn't say this out of thin air, you people in Yongning Palace heard it with your own ears."

Lian Dong followed and saw that it was Xiao Chunzi from Yongning Palace, she lowered her head and muttered, "I just heard someone sneezing in the beauty's room, it's clearly a man's voice."

Liandong scolded angrily, "My master treats you well, but you actually slander my master so much!"

Wang Zhaoyi snorted, "Whether it's slander or not, how about asking Meiren Li to come out and prove herself? Or open the door and let's go in?"

As he spoke, he raised his voice again, "Li Meiren, it's already this time, and there is no place to hide, why don't you come out soon?"

At the same time, Concubine An and Concubine Zhou were rushing to Yongning Palace.

"Hurry up!" Concubine Zhou kept urging the palace servants who carried the sedan chair.

Going one step late, if Wang Zhaoyi can't control the scene, wouldn't this great opportunity be wasted? As the saying goes, catch the **** and catch the double, she must completely get rid of that little **** tonight.

Seeing that the group of people finally arrived at Yongning Palace, Wang Zhaoyi immediately greeted them, "Your concubine, you are here."

The voice is called a loud and clear.

In the room, Yan Shu looked at Yu Wenlan in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine is here, can you still go?"

Now if he left and left her alone here, Concubine Zhou Gui might make a fuss.

But if he didn't leave, the other party would really kick the door, wouldn't the scene be even bigger?

This is really a person sitting at home and throwing pots from the sky. Who is she provoking?

Why did it come to the Shura field without warning?

Yu Wenlan looked down at her with a strong sense of disgust.

Before he could speak, he heard Concubine Zhou pretending to ask outside, "What's going on?"

Wang Zhaoyi raised her voice again, "Ma'am, in the middle of the night, a man's voice came from Beauty Li's room."

Concubine Zhou pretended to be surprised, "There is such a thing? Where is Li Meiren?"

Wang Zhaoyi gloated, "Li Meiren hid in the house and refused to come out. I wonder if she has a guilty conscience."

Concubine Zhou was arrogant, "If you don't want to come out, then kick the door open."

With these words, the two eunuchs who followed Wang Zhaoyi immediately stepped forward, pushed away the Lonicera Lianxin Xiaodongzi who were blocking the door, and were about to kick the door.

At the critical moment, the door suddenly opened from the inside.

A tall figure stepped forward calmly, looked around the crowd, and said, "I'm here, what's the problem?"

The surroundings were instantly quiet.

Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had been struck by lightning.

[My God, this, this, isn't this Your Majesty? ? ? 】

[Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it turned out to be Your Majesty! ! 】

【what? ? ? Your Majesty is actually here, in the master's house? ? ? 】

I don't know who started it, and everyone knelt together and said, "See Your Majesty."

Concubine Zhou Gui also saluted dully, and said with an incredulous expression, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, why are you here?"

With a condensed expression, Yu Wenlan asked her back, "In my palace, where can I be?"

Concubine Zhou Guifei choked, then stammered, "But, haven't you already released the key?"

[He actually spent the night here? ? ? Li Yanshu, this little bitch! ! Why no one told her! ! 】

Yu Wenlan looked around at the crowd and said with a sneer, "Yes, the key has already been released, how did you get here?"

Concubine Zhou Gui was completely choked.

Concubine An rolled her eyes and said, "Your Majesty, it was Wang Zhaoyi who came to report to the imperial concubine that there was a man's voice in Li Mei's room. The matter is of great importance, and the imperial concubine came here."

Concubine Zhou hurriedly echoed, "Yes, yes, yes, it's because the concubine came here wholeheartedly to uphold the rules in the palace."

Then he reprimanded Wang Zhaoyi, "Are you playing me like a monkey?"

Wang Zhaoyi hurriedly said in fright, "Your Majesty, forgive me, the concubine also listened to what others said."

As he spoke, he pointed at Xiao Chunzi again, "It was him, he came to tell my concubine that there was a man's voice in Li Meiren's room, and my concubine was also worried about Li Meiren's safety..."

Yu Wenlan didn't want to listen to her, so she said, "Since you like staying up late at night and caring about others so much, I will help you. From now until the beginning of next spring, you will be in charge of night patrol in the harem, and you will not be allowed to take leave due to wind, frost, rain and snow."


Wang Zhaoyi collapsed on the ground.

Did the icy and snowy man ask her to watch the night to freeze her to death?

Everyone was also terrified, knelt face to face and did not dare to show their breath, for fear of being seen by the emperor and committing crimes.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Wenlan looked at Concubine An and Concubine Zhou, "Whoever you want to accompany her, I can do it too."

The two of them were so frightened that they kowtowed non-stop, almost crying, "The concubine dare not."

This incident happened in the middle of the night, everyone who should have come has already arrived, even Fu Hai got the news, and hurried over from Qianming Palace. While waiting, he murmured in his heart, wondering that His Majesty always went out at night these two days, so it turned out that he was here This is Li Meiren.

These people, aren't they just trying to catch bad luck!

At this moment, the king walked around the crowd again and called out a name, "Pan Luhai."

As soon as the words fell, a fat **** with a round collar and robes stepped forward and knelt down, stammering, "Slave, the slave is here."

Yu Wenlan said coldly, "Do you still remember who your master is? If you don't want to be an errand, just change someone else."

Pan Luhai's face was pale, and he could only kowtow, "The slave is guilty, the slave is guilty."

God, how did he know that Li Meiren has this support!

Everyone was terrified, and they became more and more angry and did not dare to speak out.

They all trembled in their hearts, Director Pan had been the head of the internal affairs department for many years, but today he fell into the hands of this little beauty.

Little beauty?

Yu Wenlan frowned slightly, and said again, "Fu Hai,"

Fu Hai hurried out, "The servant is here."

"deliver an imperial order,"

Yu Wenlan looked at Yanshu, her words were clear, "Li Yanshu, the beauty, is very suitable for me, Jin Guiyi, and bestowed on the Palace of Ganlu."


Everyone was stunned.

Yan Shu herself was also stupid.

Jin, Jin Guiyi?

Is it also given to live in the Manna Palace?

It was Lonicera Lianxin Xiaodongzi who reacted first, and Qi Qi congratulated her, "Congratulations, Empress Guiyi!"

Everyone could only follow suit, "Congratulations Li Guiyi."

Yu Wenlan looked at Yan Shu.

Seems like she's the only one who forgot Shane.

But she heard her click her tongue in her heart, 【Finish the ball, now I have really become the public enemy of the entire harem. 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"


After a thrilling and bewildered night, Yan Shu moved to Ganlu Hall early the next morning.

Compared with Yongning Temple, it can be said that there is one underground and one heaven.

Ganlu Hall is the closest hall to Qianming Palace in the harem. Not to mention spacious and bright, there is also an earth dragon, which can be said to be as warm as spring.

Liandong and the others were overjoyed, and said excitedly, "The master has finally come to the end of all hardships. As expected, good people are rewarded with good things, and heaven pays off those who have a heart!"

Yan Shu sighed in her heart, how can this be that Heaven pays off? This is what God wants to do against her!

Originally, she just wanted to be a salty fish with no sense of existence, but now it's over, everyone in the harem will hate her so much.

If the emperor is a normal man, it's another matter. However, it is not.

She even had some doubts, did the emperor want to use her as a cover to cover up the fact that she was incompetent?

But who can he choose? Why do you have to pick her, a poor little girl with no background and a low family background!

Of course, since the matter could not be reversed, she could only face it bravely.

In fact, think about it, now that the living environment has been greatly improved, and the monthly salary of the promotion has also increased accordingly, the natal family in Ande County may also be able to enjoy the glory, so she is not a target for nothing.

I didn't expect that there would be something surprising. After being promoted, the meal was more satisfying.

There are six kinds of dim sum for breakfast, soup, porridge and side dishes are not the same, and there are several more dishes for lunch than before.

Especially for this dinner, the cherry meat is crispy and sweet, the roasted chicken is spicy and tender, the duck in the oven has a lingering fragrance, and the stuffed dace is delicious.

Yan Shu felt that her mouth was not enough, and it was a pleasure to eat.

Well, for the sake of so many delicious foods, she reluctantly forgave the dog emperor who called her a target.

After Meimei had a sumptuous dinner, it was getting late, and Lonicera and the others had prepared hot water, so she moved into the bathroom and took another beautiful hot bath.

Well, the bathroom was already warm, and Lian Dong put two charcoal basins for her beside the bathtub, not to mention how comfortable it was.

After washing and coming out, Lian Dong will put on makeup for her.

Yan Shu asked strangely, "Why don't you just get under the covers, why don't you put on makeup?"

Several new mattresses were laid on the spacious Babu bed, which was soft and warm at first glance, so it must be comfortable to sleep on.

But Lian Dong blushed and said, "Just now someone from Ming Palace sent a message saying that His Majesty is coming tonight, the lighting in this room is good, you put on makeup, His Majesty will be pleasing to the eye."

As he spoke, he complained to her, "Master, it's true, you and Your Majesty have reached that point, yet you still hide it from your servants."

Yanshu, "..."

Where did she go with the emperor?

Isn't it because the emperor peeked at her, and she bit the emperor again?

However, he is still coming tonight?

Just as he was in shock, he heard a communication from outside, "Your Majesty is here..."

The author has something to say:

A certain emperor: Come on, let's sleep together.

Yanshu:? ? ?

Read The Duke's Passion