MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 84

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Although it is common for sisters-in-law to disagree, Yan Shu really did not expect that at the royal banquet in this palace, Princess Shou'an and Princess Ruyang, two such noble ladies, could be so straightforward. Bai choked up.

All of a sudden, she wasn't the only one in the hall, and everyone couldn't care less about eating and drinking, and all looked at the two aunts and sisters-in-law together.

However, as soon as Princess Ruyang said this, Princess Shouan immediately stared at Princess Ruyang and said, "What? I sent her back to her mother's house in anger? Why don't you tell me how she hurt me? Didn’t she drug my Ajie’s nanny at that time to kill my poor child? Such vicious behavior, I didn’t kill her on the spot, I gave her husband and her natal family enough face!”

"She wants to go back to her mother's house. That's why she was ashamed to stay in the palace after her incident was revealed! What does it have to do with me! You know what you are here to pour dirty water on me!"

After the words fell, both the mother and daughter of the Queen Mother Yanshu and the eldest princess were silently tsk tsk in their hearts—

It turns out that such a thing actually happened in the Mu Palace?

Tsk, I heard that the Nanzhao Kingdom is monogamous, and men never take concubines. I thought that this way, there would be fewer things in the inner house, but I didn't expect that there were a lot of things between the sisters-in-law.

Having said that, Princess Mu and her own husband inherited the throne from her elder brother, so I don't know how to be grateful, but she still wants to poison her little nephew who just lost his father. It seems that this kind of thinking is really vicious.

But he was probably too angry, but seeing Princess Shouan finished speaking, he hummed to his sister-in-law Princess Ruyang, "I said sister-in-law, instead of caring about me thousands of miles away, you should take care of your own natal family! Your natal family knew that your niece was domineering and would be punished by her mother-in-law if she married into a high family, so she chose to marry someone with a low family background. What evil did the Xu family do? Wouldn’t it be good to marry a virtuous daughter-in-law? They just married your niece! She If you don’t pay respects to your parents-in-law after you get married, control the family’s money, eat and dress yourself, everyone else has to be inferior to her!”

"My sister-in-law finally got engaged to Ning'an Hou Shizi. She was worried that my sister-in-law would turn around and deal with her when she arrived at the high gate, so she ran to tell the people in Ning'an Hou's mansion that my sister-in-law had withdrawn from two marriages! After the matter was revealed, she was so angry The Xu family is determined to reconcile with her! Just such a poisonous woman, still want to marry Mr. Qi? Dreaming!"

After the words fell, everyone in the hall couldn't help but tsk tsk in their hearts—

What? How could he even fabricate rumors about his sister-in-law?

It sounds like Princess Ruyang, the niece, is really vicious.

However, before a few people had finished their clicks, Princess Ruyang was furious again, and snorted again, "Hello! Back then, I didn't know Mr. Pingzhou Wang's son well, and I didn't marry him, so I hurt her. A well-known local talented person has become foolish; the only son of the governor of Jin'an Sun, who studied hard for ten years, finally got into Tanhualang, and many good girls in the capital have fallen in love with him. You are good, the man is dead. It's been less than a year, don't be a widow, and run to entangle with others!"

"If you don't marry after pestering, you will ruin the family's reputation, and the family will marry a daughter-in-law at twenty-five, and the Sun Governor and his wife will die of anger! It's just because you are the princess, you don't dare to scold me. That's all for you! You still call others a poisonous woman? In my opinion, you are that rat **** of Yuwen's family, and you have ruined the royal family's good reputation!"


As soon as these words came out, the others widened their eyes again—

There is such a thing? !

However, without waiting to investigate, Princess Shou'an became angry again, saying, "I am a single widow, and Sun Jialiang is also an unmarried bachelor, why can't we love each other? Do you think I didn't want to marry him? It's not that his pedantic parents thought I was a widow!"

Then he retorted, "My sister-in-law said that I would ruin the reputation of Yuwen's family, so it's better to take care of yourself! As the daughter-in-law of Yuwen's family, have you ever fulfilled your responsibilities? You are also the children of the house, you just Ask a good teacher to teach your own sons, and the sons will not be able to attend! You are reluctant to touch your sons, how many times have you beaten them? That year, the eldest brother’s side concubine and Ruren stabbed each other and both had miscarriages. Who is sitting behind the scenes to reap the benefits? Do you dare to say that this has nothing to do with you?"

After the words fell, Yan Shu paused again—

What? Back then, King Ruyang's side concubine and Ruren both had miscarriages?

Could it be that Princess Ruyang is behind the scenes?

However, not far away, the Eldest Princess seemed to have remembered this past, and hurriedly exchanged glances with the Queen Mother.

However, soon after, Princess Ruyang became angry again, and she slapped the table and said, "They are stupid, what does it have to do with me? As the matriarch of the majestic palace, I can't handle the children in the palace? This matter is my turn." Can you tell me what to do?"

He said with a laugh, "No matter what I do, I'm better than some people. I have left my son in the care of my uncle all these years, but I have been traveling all day. As a mother, I have never fulfilled half my responsibilities. People, still have the face to criticize others!"

Probably because they both drank a little wine just now, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law were extremely excited at this time, and they even stood up respectively while talking.

Seeing that if you continue to swear, I'm afraid I'm going to get started.

Seeing this scene, the queen mother finally said, "Okay, okay, what's the family arguing about?"

— Tsk, seeing that the palace attendants forgot to pour tea and wine, it would be a real joke to ask these two to continue talking.

After finishing the words, the Eldest Princess hurriedly echoed, "That's right, you two are still kissing sister-in-law and sister-in-law, what's the point of exposing each other here? Stop talking."

In comparison, Ankang County Mistress and Yan Shu were considered juniors, so they could only nod along and did not dare to speak casually.

However, Yan Shu said in her heart, 【Explode more! When I am eating hi! 】

However, under such a situation, Princess Shou'an had no choice but to slow down, and said to the Queen Mother and the eldest princess, "I made my mother laugh at my sister. Today I am very grateful to the Queen Mother for accepting the wind, but there are people who want to eat swans Meat, come out and make people laugh."

As soon as the words fell, Princess Ruyang stared again and said, "Who do you call a toad!"

Princess Shou'an raised her neck and snorted, "Isn't it whoever promised?"


However, before Princess Ruyang finished speaking, she hurriedly said to the Empress Dowager, "Today, I also drank too much, and my empress laughed at me. I will take my leave first and go back to sober up."

What could the Queen Mother say, she nodded and said, "Be careful on the road."

Princess Shou'an should have done so, saluted Princess Dachang and Yan Shu again, and then left the banquet and left the palace gate.

However, Princess Ruyang was still full of anger, and complained to everyone, "Everyone, look at how crazy she is? I just want to find a good family for my niece, is it wrong? But she ridiculed her like this , It’s so annoying!”

After finishing speaking, Yan Shu said silently in her heart, it's right to worry about her niece, but don't harm honest people.

Also, no one can take away her idol, Bachelor Qi, hum!

At this moment, the Eldest Princess said, "You are right, but your niece sounds young, and that Elder Qi Shan seems to be in her forties, and that seat is not a rich person, but a rich man. I'm afraid it's not suitable for your niece, why not find her a younger one with a better family background?"

— Tsk, after all, this woman sounds really good at acting, who can hold back from ordinary people...

It's not that Princess Ruyang can't understand the meaning of the words, but she also has no face for a while, she wants to speak, but she doesn't know what to say.

But the Queen Mother said to her again, "Let me tell you the truth, the Ai family can't help with this matter. His Majesty just sent a special message at the gate of Songhe Academy yesterday, so that no one should disturb him, and the Ai family will not be able to see it easily." That mountain chief."

As soon as the words came out, Yan Shu hurriedly testified, "I was there yesterday, and His Majesty did indeed say so."

After the words fell, Princess Ruyang had no choice but to answer.

But in my heart, I couldn't help scolding my sister-in-law, Princess Shou'an—

Hmph, if you marry, you will marry, and you will come back every few years to make people feel bad!

What bad luck!


After watching the excitement in Rouyi Hall, Yan Shu returned to Ganlu Hall.

Recalling the exciting scene just now, she was very excited, she didn't care about taking a nap for a while, and decided to sort out the melon that the sister-in-law and the sister-in-law had exploded with each other just now.

Cough cough, maybe one day it will be used as material and written in a drawing book.

Of course, the rhythm of the two people just now was too fast, and it was impossible for people to understand them in detail, so she hurriedly called the system at this time.

【Quickly tell me, what happened to the melons today? Is Princess Ruyang's niece really what Princess Shou'an said? 】

System, [almost. Concubine Ruyang's natal family is also a famous family, and with the support of her, the concubine, she has always acted very domineeringly, and what the niece did was basically true. Later, the Xu family couldn't bear to reconcile with her. Now this woman's reputation It's broken, and most people don't dare to ask. 】

Yan Shu, [I see. 】

Tsk tsk, fortunately, Princess Ruyang blocked her back today. Such a person dares to think about her idol. It seems that Princess Shouan's last comment is quite pertinent!

As she spoke, she asked again, 【What about Princess Shouan's melon? Then is it true that the son of the Pingzhou Wang family and the grandson of the Jinan governor's family are both real? 】

The system said, 【It's almost the same. The Wang family is a big family in Pingzhou, and the son of the Wang family is also the leading son of the local family, and he is very noble. The Lord Shou'an County passed by Pingzhou for a year and lived in his house. Seeing that the prince was good-looking, he teased him and left after teasing him. However, the son of the Wang family, Qing Dou Chukai, was very infatuated. After that, he couldn't let her go for several years, and was dazed for a long time. 】

Yanshu, […]

Tsk tsk, isn't this a crime!

Then I heard the system continue, [The case of Mr. Sun, the governor of Jin’an, is a bit similar to the day before yesterday. At that time, the new imperial examination son was riding a horse through the streets. The Princess of Shou’an threw flowers at him just like yesterday. Sun Gongzi is also a simple and unflinching person. Seeing how beautiful she is, he fell in love with her. However, at that time, Princess Shou'an really moved his mind and wanted to discuss marriage with the other party, but unfortunately, his Sun's parents were firmly against it, which resulted in the matter being lost. 】

Yanshu, […]

It turns out that this is still a habitual offender, no wonder he threw flowers so accurately that day, tsk.

But in this way, since Princess Shou'an was attracted to the young master of the Sun family back then, and even flirted with her idol, it is obviously not true love!

Then she continued to ask, 【What happened to Princess Mu, the sister-in-law of Princess Shouan? Why do you want to drug the nanny to harm her son? 】

But the system said, [Speaking of this matter, Princess Mu is bad on the one hand, and the other is mainly because Princess Shouan's younger uncle, who is also the current Lord Mu, Mu Zhengping, has always had a crush on Princess Shouan. As soon as Princess Shou'an married to Nanzhao, Mu Zhengping was amazed by her, but because of his sister-in-law, he kept it silently in his heart. One day his daughter-in-law, Princess Mu, found out about this matter, so she naturally became jealous and held a grudge for many years. At that time, trying to poison Princess Shou'an's son was just one of them. Before that, this woman had used various means to Princess Shou'an, such as drugging her meal, slandering her for having an affair, and so on. 】

Yanshu, […]

It seems that the Prince Mu's Mansion is quite chaotic.

But speaking of it, Princess Shou'an is not like Baozi. Since his brother-in-law hurt her so many times, didn't she fight back?

But the system said, [Of course. After being accused of having an affair, Princess Shouan simply put her brother-in-law to sleep in a fit of rage. 】

Yan Shu, "???"

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