MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 62

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Of course, Yu Wenlan hadn't considered Yan Shu's concerns at this time.

But at this point he has no choice.

—In the past, he was concerned about the queen mother, so he never asked Zhang Shengkang to come close to him. Although he is already recovering now, Zhang Shengkang has a bad mind.

So he would rather choose Jiang Nianqi.

Anyway, he was just outspoken, even if he recognized him, he wouldn't do anything evil.

The most important thing is that he is already healed, so what are you afraid of?

Is it possible to guarantee that he will never get sick in the future and never call the imperial physician?

So since he was looking for him, of course he chose Jiang Nianqi.

At this time, Yan Shu asked him through the door, "Your Majesty, are you sure you want to see Doctor Jiang?"

Yu Wenlan sighed, "It's okay, just look for him."

And even faster...

The girl outside the door answered yes again, and finally went to call someone.

After a while, Jiang Yuyi hurried to Qianming Palace.

Yan Shu knew that someone was suffering, so she hurriedly said, "Your Majesty is not feeling well, so Dr. Jiang should hurry up and show you to Your Majesty."

Doctor Jiang should have done so, hurriedly came to the king, stretched out his hand to diagnose the pulse carefully.

After a while, Yu Wenlan heard a burst of exclamation—

[This, this, isn't this... the official who didn't raise it? ? ? I said why the temperament is extraordinary, it is His Majesty? ? ? It's His Majesty! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Sure enough, he was recognized.

Fearing that the other party would forget the business, he could only open his mouth and say, "I haven't been able to drink goat's milk since I was a child, and the snack I ate just now probably contained goat's milk, so, so..."

Fortunately, Dr. Jiang is also a smart person. Before he finished speaking, he had already reacted and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is not much goat milk in my heart, and the dragon's body is fine. I will prescribe medicine for Your Majesty."

Yu Wenlan nodded, and saw that he had written the prescription hastily with a pen, and asked Fu Hai to go to the imperial pharmacy to get the medicine.


In Ci'an Palace, seeing that it was already dusk outside, the Empress Dowager was still waiting for news.

Not long after, seeing Zhang Shengkang hastily entered the hall, the Queen Mother hurriedly asked, "How?"

Zhang Shengkang bowed his head and said, "I have been waiting in the Imperial Hospital, but Your Majesty has not summoned me."

"Your Majesty didn't tell you?"

The queen mother was taken aback.

—Could it be that the emperor is still on guard against her?

this kid...

So she simply ordered the palace servants, "Prepare the sedan chair."

Then he said to Zhang Shengkang, "The Ai family will take you there personally."


After a lot of work by Dr. Jiang, the symptoms finally disappeared after the king drank the medicine.

Seeing this scene, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Shu couldn't help but sigh in her heart, in order to help the emperor heal the disease, the queen mother really had a very clear idea.

Tonight was really ups and downs, very dramatic.

The mother was worried that her son would have no heirs, so she racked her brains to force her son to get medical treatment;

However, the son has actually been quiet for a long time, but he doesn't want to tell her?

Tsk tsk tsk, this has to be compiled into the story book, and it is designated to attract people.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

At this time, you still want to compile it into the script?

Of course, he also knew that she was just talking.

But at this time, he himself was really inexplicable.

—He didn't intend to hide from the queen mother, but he couldn't just take the initiative to tell the queen mother that he was fine.

Originally thought that as long as Yan Shu was pregnant, the Queen Mother would naturally understand, but never expected that the Queen Mother would be so impatient...

Forget it, from now on, it seems that the things from Ci'an Palace can no longer be eaten.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw that Dr. Jiang suddenly had a serious face, kneeling down and said, "I have something to report to Your Majesty."

After speaking, he glanced around and said anxiously, 【This is a very important matter, I hope Your Majesty can understand what I mean! 】

Yu Wenlan understood, raised her hand and waved back and forth.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Nianqi still didn't speak, and still glanced at him with some concerns.

Yan Shu was standing there, looking around and fiddling with her fingers pretending not to understand.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

But she also heard anxiously saying in her heart, 【Don't drive me away, hey! I'm here to report to you tonight! Is there any secret that I must listen to! Anyway, if you have already chosen to die, do you still care about me alone! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

He could only say to Jiang Nianqi, "Concubine Yi is not an outsider, so just say what's important."

Doctor Jiang should be right now, and said, "I have the courage to report that I have noticed that there is something wrong with the smell in this bedroom. If Your Majesty has ever felt unwell, I am afraid that the cause of the disaster is still here now."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Shu's heart skipped a beat.

The cause of what Dr. Jiang said... Could it be the reason why the emperor didn't lift up in the first place?

Tsk, this really matters!

But having said that, Dr. Jiang is really not stupid, knowing such a subtle reminder, he didn't directly say that he had recognized the emperor.

And Yu Wenlan frowned, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

— You know, since the first time he went back to the palace to see a doctor and was told that he was poisoned, he had already replaced almost everything in the bedroom, such as bed curtains, flower and tree ornaments, etc. one by one.

It is very likely that the incense that was touched by someone has never been used again.

Now this doctor Jiang is still wrong?

Is it possible...

Is it this imperial couch?

—This is an object handed down by Emperor Gaozu back then, so it is unlikely that it was tampered with.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Dr. Jiang walking towards the Bixiao Sword hanging over the bed, leaning closer to smell it again and again, and then said to him, "Your Majesty, the anomaly is probably in this sword."

Yu Wenlan paused.

——This sword is a relic of the late emperor. Since the late emperor left, he has kept it by his side as a thought.

He was puzzled, "This sword is all made of iron and copper, what's the difference?"

Dr. Jiang pointed to the sword on the gauntlet and said, "I venture to guess that the anomaly is probably in it."

Hearing this, Yan Shu couldn't hold back for a while, and hurriedly took a closer look, but saw that the sword boring was hollowed out, with exquisite auspicious cloud patterns carved on it, showing the color of natural brass.

She shook it in her hand again, but she didn't hear any sound. She leaned in front of her eyes and looked, but she couldn't see anything inside.

Just wondering, Yu Wenlan reached out to pick up the sword body, and after checking it, he suddenly took out a rather strong dagger, operated on the sword boring, and directly pried the sword boring into pieces. two halves.

In this way, it also revealed the true content of the inside.

I saw that there was a layer of golden material on the inner wall of the exquisitely carved sword boring, which seemed to be some kind of paste, but it was already extremely hard at this time.

Dr. Jiang took it under his nose and sniffed it carefully, the frown between his brows became tighter and tighter.

Seeing this scene, others became more and more nervous, Yu Wenlan hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Doctor Jiang answered as he heard it, "Your Majesty, I am afraid that there are dozens of medicines such as tortoise shell, chicken yellow, scutellaria baicalensis, golden cherry seed, etc., as well as nitrate powder and sulfur mixed in it. These are all things to suppress desire. If you contact them every night, over time, it will definitely numb the key points of the man and lose the ability to reproduce."

Yanshu, "!"

Good guy, isn't this chemical drowning? It turned out that this was the culprit!

And looking at Yu Wenlan again, her brows were also furrowed——

That's right, everything was normal for him in the past, but since he became the throne and lived in this Qianming Palace, it has gradually failed.

It was indeed becoming more and more numb there, and gradually lost any desire in my heart, until I met Yan Shu later.

From this point of view, the root cause of the disease is actually this thing?

Yan Shu hurriedly asked him again, "But why is this thing in His Majesty's palace? Who put it in this sword hole?"

But he said in his heart, 【Since this is the sword of the late emperor, it might be aimed at the late emperor, it is not good if you want the late emperor! So... Could it be the queen mother? 】

[The queen mother hated the former emperor for having a concubine in the east and a concubine in the west, so she decided to have her husband cut off? 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

He does know the word "Yancut", but what does it mean to add the first two words?

Before she could figure it out, she heard her reject the idea—

[Impossible, if the queen mother let it go, she must know it herself, so she still needs to use such tricks to urge the emperor to see a doctor? 】

...Yu Wenlan thought so too.

So the first one he vetoed was the Queen Mother.

I heard her ponder again, 【Could it be that the other concubines of the late emperor did it? 】

[It's also unlikely. First of all, even if this concubine can enter Qianming Palace, how can she do this under the eyes of the late emperor? 】

[Besides, concubines must compete for favor, how can they compete for favor if they drowned the first emperor's chemistry? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

After all, it is his father, can you stop using the word "flood"?

But of course, her analysis is also reasonable, the possibility of poisoning the other concubines of the late emperor is almost zero.

So who could it be?

At this moment, a voice was heard from outside the door, "The Empress Dowager has arrived..."

All three people in the hall were startled.

Yan Shu, 【Why is the Queen Mother here? Could it be to test whether the emperor has diarrhea? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Most likely.

He first put the sword in his hand aside, and then saw the Queen Mother stepping into the hall, followed by Zhang Shengkang.

Seeing this person, Jiang Yuyi, who was still nervous just now, calmed down and followed Yan Shu to salute the Queen Mother.

Yu Wenlan also didn't show any strangeness, just asked, "Why is the queen mother here?"

But the queen mother said anxiously, "The Ai family is confused. I just found out that the taro cakes I just sent to Your Majesty are not suitable. Your Majesty can't eat goat's milk since he was a child. Ai's family just forgot to tell them not to put goat's milk. I finished it and sent it directly to His Majesty...Is Your Majesty all right for a while?"


Yan Shu sighed silently in her heart, let alone that the Queen Mother is amazing, there is no trace of deliberation in this acting.

But the emperor was not bad, he just said, "I did feel a little uncomfortable just now, so I called Doctor Jiang Yu, and I just took the medicine, and I'm already fine."

The Queen Mother was a little surprised, "Okay?"

As he said that, he looked him over again, but seeing that his face was indeed not bad, he couldn't help muttering, looks really good?

In this way, the Queen Mother could only sigh and blame herself, "It's all bad for the family, how can you be so careless? I didn't realize it until just now. I was afraid that His Majesty would have something to do, so I specially called Zhang Shengkang to come with me."

Yan Shu watched silently from the side, thinking that it was rare for the Queen Mother to speak like this.

— This is really afraid that the emperor will be angry.

But I have to say that the queen mother has a big brain, who else can come up with such a method, and dare to use it on the emperor?

If the emperor is cruel, he can use this to make trouble with her.

But Yu Wenlan said, "It's just a trivial matter, the queen mother doesn't have to blame herself so much."

Yan Shu understood that the emperor wanted to save face for the queen mother.

After all, he is a filial child, and he is still very affectionate.

But the queen mother nodded her head, "That's good, but it's better for Dr. Zhang to show His Majesty, so that nothing goes wrong."

Yanshu, "..."

That's right, it's been a waste of time to plan a show without asking Zhang Shengkang to show it to the emperor?

However, the emperor only said, "No need, I'm really fine. Doctor Jiang's medical queen has seen it with her own eyes. Can't you still believe it? He has solved a lot of worries for me these days."

Yan Shu paused again, the emperor was sending a signal to the queen mother!

Hearing what he said, the queen mother was really taken aback, and tried to ask Jiang Yuyi again, "How is your majesty's dragon body?"

Doctor Jiang hurriedly said, "I would like to report to the Empress Dowager, Your Majesty is now in good health. Except for the diarrhea caused by some goat's milk disobedience just now, there is no problem at all."

Hearing this, the Empress Dowager thought about it—

[Could it be that the emperor has seen this doctor Jiang? Does this mean that the disease is already cured? This is a good thing! 】

However, when the future was happy, the emperor suddenly asked her again, "I have something I want to ask my mother about."

The queen mother came back to her senses, and hurriedly said, "What's the matter?"

Yu Wenlan took out the treasured sword that had just been put down, and presented it to the Empress Dowager together with the sword and the contents inside.

"Just now, I found a foreign object in this sword boring."

"foreign body?"

Seeing that the queen mother and Zhang Shengkang were both taken aback, they hurriedly cast their gazes at Jian Bozhong.

Yu Wenlan continued, "The queen mother also knows that this sword originally belonged to the emperor. Since I inherited the great rule, I have kept it in this palace. It is unlikely that anyone will do it in it. So I doubt whether it will It was put in when the first emperor was still alive."

As he said that, he stared at the expressions of the two of them, and then said word by word, "Just now Doctor Jiang checked it, it might be poisonous."


The queen mother was obviously taken aback, and hurriedly ordered Zhang Shengkang, "You also come and see."

[There is such a thing in this sword boring, what kind of moth is it? 】

Yu Wenlan thought to himself, it seems that the Queen Mother didn't know about it either.

Seeing that Zhang Shengkang should be, he hurriedly took the sword and bored to examine it carefully.

He touched it again, and put it under his nose to smell it, and at the same time he thought to himself, [That's right, this is the Sanqing Pill, which is hidden so secretly! 】

Sanqing Dan?

Yu Wenlan paused secretly, it seems that Zhang Shengkang already knew about this thing?

He tried to talk to the Empress Dowager again, "I was thinking, could this object be aimed at the late emperor? But I don't know who is going to harm the late emperor?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Shengkang said, "Your Majesty, if I'm not mistaken, this thing is called Sanqing Dan, and it's usually used by practitioners to abstain from lust."


The queen mother was taken aback.

Immediately, he also reacted, and sneered in his heart, 【That man is really willing to give up in order to live forever! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Is this talking about the late emperor?

Could it be that the first emperor himself let it go?

At this moment, the Queen Mother also turned her face back and said, "Qianming Palace is the residence of the emperor. If there is no summons, Ai's family can't come in. At the beginning, the first emperor was devoted to Taoism and didn't care about political affairs, so he only asked that Baihe Daoist to come in and out. From everyone's point of view, if this thing was not done by the late Emperor himself, then Immortal Baihe is the most suspect."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Wenlan also remembered.

——Since he was seven or eight years old, the first emperor got acquainted with a Taoist priest named Baihe Zhenren, and he became obsessed with Taoism. At first, he just read related books and talked with this Baihe Zhenren from time to time. There is an incense burner in the middle, and I just meditate and make alchemy every day, and don't care about other things.

The affairs of state affairs are all handled by the ministers and the Queen Mother, and except for Master Baihe, no one else is allowed to come close.

At that time he led troops to fight against Xiong Rong, and after going there for half a year, he wanted to see his father after he came back, and waited for half a day outside Qianming Palace, but only Master Bai He came out to talk to him, the late emperor was in seclusion at that time, no one could see him, Tell him to go back first.

From this point of view, only the late Emperor himself and that real Baihe were the most likely candidates.

And since him, no emperor's heir was born in the palace, and now it seems that it is also related to this thing.

It is very likely that the first emperor was poisoned by the Sanqing Dan just like him.

Yu Wenlan just wanted to understand, but she heard the queen mother sneer in her heart, [What a man, he almost killed himself and lost his children and grandchildren! Pity that I have worked so hard to clean up the mess for him all my life, and I have been thinking of his son wholeheartedly. Now instead of accepting my favor, I still doubt me? It's chilling! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

It seems that the Queen Mother really doesn't know.

He was silent for a while, and then said, "The empress has been wronged all these years."

The queen mother only said, "The Ai family only wishes for His Majesty's well-being."

The voice has cooled down.

Yu Wenlan could only say again, "It's because I didn't do well enough to make you suffer."

The Queen Mother still said coldly, "It's okay, now His Majesty is fine, and the Ai family is relieved."

As he spoke, he sighed again, "The time to come out is not short. Since His Majesty is in good health, the Ai family will go back first."

Then he turned and walked out of the hall.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shengkang could only hurriedly tell Yu Wenlan, "Since His Majesty is well, I will take my leave."

As he spoke, he followed in the footsteps of the Queen Mother.

Yu Wenlan didn't show any joy or anger on his face, but sneered in his heart.

When the first emperor was critically ill, Zhang Shengkang was guarding the Qianming Palace every day, so he must have discovered the abnormality long ago.

Maybe even earlier.

But he never mentioned it to anyone.

Even the Queen Mother didn't know.

What is he going to do?

Do you want to wait until you find him, and then he finds this thing, so that you can make meritorious service?

Sure enough, at the moment when the other party was about to step out of the palace gate, Yu Wenlan heard him say in his heart, 【Think about it first, this guy named Jiang actually got there first! God is not fair! 】


After the Empress Dowager and Zhang Shengkang left, there were three people left in the palace, Yanshu Yuwenlan and Jiang Yuyi.

—Although the mystery that had troubled him for a long time was solved tonight, Yu Wenlan was not at ease.

In any case, he never thought that this thing was actually related to his father.

Why did his once wise and mighty father become like that?

His heart was heavy, but Yan Shu's voice of eating melons came from his ears—

【How do I think that the old emperor is also a victim! After all, he can practice Taoism by himself, and it is impossible to implicate his son no matter what, let him cut off his children and grandchildren! 】

【And if he knew about it, he should tell his son no matter what before he died! Since he didn't say it, he must not know about it, let alone put it in such a hidden place,]

[Fuck, it seems that the white crane Taoist was very ambitious back then! Where is this man now? 】

But I heard the system say, 【Run away. The late emperor died quite suddenly. He was cultivating and suddenly vomited blood. There was chaos inside and outside the palace. Everyone’s attention was on rescuing the late emperor, and the queen mother was also trying to keep the emperor safe. After succeeding to the throne, and at that time, various families in the clan were also rebelling, and the government was in chaos, so this man ran away. 】

Yanshu, […]

Tsk, the old emperor really... didn't leave anything good for his son.

Why did you come here?

Of course, right now is not the time to complain about the late emperor, she was about to open her mouth to the emperor, but saw that he had already called someone outside the door, "Call Jin Yiwei, and immediately search for the real Baihe from back then."

When the outsider agreed, Yan Shu felt relieved.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yuyi suddenly knelt down and said, "I didn't know Your Majesty before, please forgive me."

—If you had known that the official was the king, how could he not speak so bluntly!

What about "indulgence"...

Yu Wenlan, "..."

He could only pretend not to hear, and said, "You solved the problem for me, and I should reward you."

Then he ordered Fuhai, "Pass the decree, Doctor Jiang has superb medical skills, and he will be promoted to an official level, and he will be promoted to a medical doctor."

Everyone outside the door should be there, and Jiang Yuyi hurriedly kowtowed, "Thank you, Lord Long En."

Cough cough, and, thank you king for not killing me.

Tonight is really... too thrilling!

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, the king said again, "Forget what happened before, and don't mention it to anyone again."

Doctor Jiang was busy and said solemnly, "I obey."


After the goat milk incident, the relationship between the queen mother and the emperor became a little delicate.

Yan Shu understands that the emperor probably cares about the goat milk, while the queen mother is suspicious of the emperor and she has a bitter heart.

— Tsk, this matter is really difficult, the two have their own positions, and each has their own grievances.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the old emperor for not doing anything about personnel, leaving so many historical issues behind after the calamity, let this lady deal with it.

Moreover, the biological mother and child are better, but these two are still a little less blood related, and the relationship can be far away.

A few days later, the queen mother suffered from headaches again.

The emperor got the news and went to visit in person, but was declined by the queen mother.

In desperation, he had no choice but to order Yan Shu to serve him.

Yanshu, "..."

Isn't this a fire at the city gate and the fish in the pond?

...she provoked someone.

However, as a concubine, the Empress Dowager was ill, so she should be there to serve her, so she stayed by the sick bed for several days, not daring to complain.

Fortunately, the Empress Dowager didn't make things difficult for her. When she felt uncomfortable, she just asked Nanny Zhuang and Zhushu to take care of her. When she was no longer uncomfortable, she asked her to pass the time by reading a book.

And read it from the script written by herself.

Yanshu, "..."

Forget it, she could only endure the embarrassment and tried her best to read it to the Queen Mother vividly.

Then the queen mother complained to her, "The words of Mr. Xiaoyao are good-looking, but people are too lazy recently, and it is too late to come out with new stories, making people wait too anxiously."

Yan Shu agreed with a smile on her face, and sighed in her heart.

She really wants to write, but she has been reviewing her old works all day, so where is the time?

Just as he was thinking so, he saw a palace official come in to report, "Madam, Mrs. Pingjinhou has come to visit you."

This Mrs. Pingjinhou is the aunt and cousin of the Empress Dowager, and she is not usually in the capital. Only during the New Year and festivals would he enter the palace to visit the Empress Dowager. This time, he probably entered the capital after hearing the news that the Empress Dowager was ill.

Ever since something happened in Cheng'en Gong's mansion, the empress dowager and her natal family have become increasingly indifferent, but she still has some contacts with her cousins.

Especially this cousin came all the way from Pingjin, the Queen Mother couldn't refuse, so she nodded and said, "Please come in."

Palace people should be.

Not long after, two women, one old and one young, were led into the hall.

It was Mrs. Pingjin Hou and her youngest daughter Huo Yingxia.

—About this family, it can be described as a legend.

Mrs. Huo can be said to be bound by her mother-in-law's life. She gave birth to five sons in a row, and she only got such a young girl when she was forty years old. She was always precious like eyeballs, and she carried them everywhere.

It's just that although the mother and daughter have a good relationship, they just don't look alike.

Mrs. Huo has a round face, piercing eyes, and looks a little heroic.

His daughter has an oval face, a pair of peach blossom eyes that are slightly raised, and looks quite charming.

Yan Shu had seen the mother and daughter before at the New Year's Day and the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, and seeing them again this time, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart—

It is said that daughters follow their fathers. Could it be that Marquis Pingjin looks so charming?

But there was a ding from the system, 【Pingjin Hou is not flattering, he is flattering outside, this girl was actually born by his outside. 】

Yan Shu, "???"

What kind of story is this again?