MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 53

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What, "sustainable development"?

Yu Wenlan is at a loss, what does this mean?

Just as he was wondering, he saw Yan Shu took a spring pancake and rolled a spoonful of fried squab, and scooped up a bowl of duck soup with meat, and brought them all to him, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty worked hard last night, let's eat some more."

Cough, these two are good products for invigorating the kidney and Qi.

I think he has such a strong momentum from the beginning, but don't use it up all at once, you should make up for it from diet.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Well, he probably understood, that sentence should mean to ask him to keep flowing.

But... that's why she was worrying too much.

—I think he has saved it for so many years, even if it is not "fine water", it will not be used up so easily.

Thinking of this, the scene of last night came to mind again, Yu Wenlan felt happy, picked up the spring pancake she had rolled and ate it.

Well, the fried pigeon meat is spicy and delicious, and it really complements each other when wrapped in spring pancakes.

After eating the spring pancakes, drink a bowl of soup. The stewed duck meat is soft and delicious. The soup is also delicious, which is very satisfying.

Yu Wenlan feels comfortable all over her body.

— All in all, the shadows of the past have been completely gone. His life has also entered a new stage.



The ministers all found that the king is in a very good mood today.

Not only are they clear in thinking and decisive in dealing with things, but they even have a smile in their eyes when talking to them, which is quite flattering.

Seeing this scene, when the important affairs were over, Zou Mozhong, a Hanlin scholar, took the opportunity to ask, "I don't know if your Majesty has heard from Young Master Xiaoyao recently? Could something happen to him?"


Yu Wenlan immediately raised her eyebrows, "Why does Zou Qing ask such a question?"

Zou Mo said, "I'm just wondering, if something happened, why hasn't this young master released a new work for so long? It's been more than a month since the last book."

Um? It's been more than a month?

Yu Wenlan found it strange that she often saw Yan Shu writing.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally remembered—

The last time she wrote a story about the child molestation case, it has indeed been more than a month now.

During this period, she wrote a story about the daughter-in-law of Qin An's mansion messing around with the servants - because he was drunk and the son of Qin An's son broke out early, he didn't succeed;

She also wrote a lingering and tangled love story between a widow and her deceased husband's old friend—because it was related to Mrs. Mu's privacy, she did not publish it...

In the past two days, I have been watching the excitement of Ruyifang, so I probably didn't write any more.

Last night, I finally picked up the pen, and was carried to the couch by him again...

He then said, "Probably she has something more important than writing a storybook, so she didn't take care of it for a while."

Zou Mozhong frowned and said, "For a person who specializes in writing scripts and getting paid for them, is there anything more important than writing scripts?"

The voice fell, but the king frowned and said, "Zou Qing's words may be biased. Apart from writing scripts, there are many other major events in life, such as husband and wife singing together, having children, which one is not important? Is it possible? Ask her to write all day, can't she have some other fun?"

Zou Mo paused.

— This is obviously talking about Young Master Xiaoyao, why is the king suddenly unhappy...

He had no choice but to bow his head and said, "Your Majesty's words are very true. I have made a slip of the tongue. In fact, I was forced to be a little impatient by those booksellers recently, so I just said something indiscriminately. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

As soon as the words came out, the king's face softened a little, and he asked him again, "How did the booksellers force you?"

Zou Mozhong sighed, "In order to grab Young Master Xiaoyao's new book, they blocked the door of the minister's house all day long, and when they saw the minister coming home or going out, they immediately gathered around and asked. There are even booksellers from other places, directly at the door of the minister's house The ground floor was laid... I can hardly enter the house these few days."

Yu Wenlan, "..."

How crazy?

Well, from what it sounds like, it's really not easy for Zou Mozhong.

He had no choice but to say, "I will ask her later, if she is free, she will write."

Xueshi Zou said with an aggrieved face, "I hope that Mr. Xiaoyao won't make me wait too long."

Tsk, going out every day is like being dun for debts, who can bear it.

Hearing the king cough again, he said, "It's really not possible, ask someone to set up a bed for you in the Hanlin Academy and stay there for a few days, and when she comes out with the script, I will give it to you immediately."

Zou Mozhong, "..."

Give him a bed in the Imperial Academy?

Your Majesty is really a good idea.

He could only smile wryly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern."


At this time, Yan Shu, who was unaware of what happened, was lying in the hall.

For most of the day, except for eating at the table, she spent the rest of the time lying on the couch.

Tsk, it's not that she doesn't want to write a storybook, it's that her legs are weak and her waist is sore, and it's tiring to walk two steps, let alone sit.

...In a word, men who are just starting out are scary.

Seeing that it was almost noon, just as he was about to deliver lunch, he saw Fu Hai coming, holding a wooden box in his hand, followed by two young eunuchs, carrying a basket of things.

Yan Shu asked Liandong to help her to sit outside, and asked, "Why did Fu Gonggong come here?"

But Fu Hai said cheerfully, "My Majesty, it's almost the Dragon Boat Festival, Your Majesty asked your servants to bring you this box of South Sea pearls for weaving colorful ropes; there are also big cherries that arrived today, Your Majesty said you like them, Taking advantage of the freshness, I specially sent the servants to send you a basket."

A basket of cherries?

Yan Shu was taken aback.

—Cherries are a rare commodity these days, especially if they have to be brought into the capital from other places, and there are not many in the palace.

In addition to presenting to the emperor, the empress dowager also left some for the imperial dining room to make desserts, and also rewarded the court ministers, so in previous years, she could only eat a dozen at most.

Now there is a big basket of cherries in front of her!

Besides this big basket of cherries, there is also a box of South Sea pearls that the emperor asked her to weave rope for?

Could this be... the preferential treatment after bedtime?

Tsk tsk tsk, the emperor not only gave her the first time without reservation, but also sent so many things to make her happy, it is still very innocent.

She quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Ron."

Then he asked, "I wonder if the cherries can be sent to the Queen Mother?"

—Although the emperor treated her favorably, she couldn't forget her last name.

The empress dowager is the most important thing in this palace, no matter what happens, the empress dowager must not be suppressed.

Fu Hai nodded hurriedly, "Don't worry, your majesty, before His Majesty sent his servants, he had already sent someone to Ci'an Palace."

Yan Shu was relieved now, and couldn't help stretching her neck to look at the basket of cherries, but saw that they were all plump and bright red, with green stems, and they were delivered overnight.

She couldn't help drooling, and couldn't help sighing, "Although our hometown also produces cherries, we can't buy such good ones."

— There used to be a cherry tree in the yard of her hometown in Ande County. Every year, she waited early to eat cherries under the tree, but the variety of her cherry tree seemed not very good, it was rather sour.

Speaking of which, now that my parents, grandma, and younger brothers have all come to the capital, I can't eat my own cherries anymore.

I don't know if they are reluctant to buy it to try it out...

Tsk, even though she has a big basket now, it is all gifts from the imperial court and cannot be given away casually.

Fu Hai seemed to guess what she was thinking, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, your majesty, just now His Majesty distributed a few baskets to the adults in the court, and there is one from the Zhongyi uncle's mansion."

Huh? And parents?

Yan Shu was taken aback.

The emperor was so careful?

...It's like a roundworm in her stomach.

She was so happy now, she hurriedly smiled again, "Then I will thank His Majesty Long En for my parents first, and please convey it to Your Majesty for me when I see you, father-in-law."

Fu Hai was busy, so he said goodbye and left.

Yan Shu hurriedly asked Liandong to wash a large plate of cherries and start eating.

Well, it's rare that the cherries are ripe enough, sweet and sour and juicy in one bite, it's really delicious!

Yan Shu is not a stingy person, not only eats by herself, but also gives honeysuckle and lotus heart to eat with her.

The two were overwhelmed by flattery, and couldn't help but sigh while eating, "The servants and servants are really in the honor of the master, Your Majesty is getting better and better towards the empress."

Yan Shu silently nodded.

Yes, after the coming-of-age ceremony last night, the emperor really stepped up to a new level.

Sure enough, men also need to grow up.


In addition to cherries, silk and satin from the south of the Yangtze River arrived at the palace today, preparing to make summer clothes for the empress dowager and concubine, so the Internal Affairs Bureau was extremely busy.

Concubine Zhou came out of the imperial garden, and was just seeing the busy scene outside the gate of the Internal Affairs Bureau.

The little eunuchs were busy carrying silk and satin, and packing cherries.

She stood in the distance and looked at it for a while, then suddenly sighed, "In previous years, there was a big basket of cherries sent to Duke Cheng's mansion, but this year there may be none."

As soon as these words came out, the maid Xiuyun beside her did not dare to answer.

—Since the end of last winter, something happened to Cheng Engong at the ceremony, and all kinds of banquets and rewards in the palace have long been lost to Cheng Engong's mansion.

Even for the Empress Dowager's birthday two days ago, Cheng Engong only sent congratulatory gifts to the palace in advance, and did not dare to show his face at the birthday banquet.

So this matter of cherries... is really hanging in the air.

But at this moment, a few young eunuchs were seen walking out with several baskets of cherries, one of which was specially placed with ice cubes around it.

Concubine Zhou saw it, and couldn't help but stepped forward to stop him and asked, "Where are these going to be sent?"

The little **** at the head hurriedly replied, "I want to report to you, Your Majesty has just ordered these to be distributed to all the adults."

Concubine Zhou asked again, "What about the basket with ice?"

The little **** hurriedly said, "It's going to be sent to Uncle Zhongyi's mansion. Uncle Zhongyi's mansion is far away, and it's hot today. I'm afraid it will break after sending it, so I put ice on it."

This is true, among all the ministers, only Uncle Zhongyi's mansion is the farthest from the imperial palace, if it takes half an hour to send it to other people's house, it will take an hour to send it to their mansion, fully double the distance.

The Bureau of Internal Affairs also knew that the concubine Yi was in favor now, so naturally they wanted to do their best to send good things to Mr. Zhongyi's mansion, so as to please the concubine Yi.

After the words fell, Concubine Zhou snorted, "You are really careful, there are several bad ones that were sent to the palace just now, but a loyal uncle knows to put ice in."

The little **** paused, and had no choice but to say, "I beg your forgiveness, it must be that the person who just divided the clothes just now has no eyesight and didn't choose them carefully for you. This slave will report it to the manager, and I will deliver it to you later."

But Concubine Zhou said, "Who knows what leftovers you will send, and others will pick up the leftovers to fool me? You gang of slaves are finally taking advantage of the wind and taking advantage of the situation to bully others."

The little eunuchs knelt together and said, "I dare not."

Concubine Zhou wanted to reprimand her a few more words. But Xiuyun persuaded, "Your Majesty, don't want to be as knowledgeable as them, the sun is too big, please go back to the palace quickly, Your Majesty."

—The Internal Affairs Bureau is so busy today, the Queen Mother must be paying attention to it, if the news of the trouble is heard by the Queen Mother, the master will be even more unpopular with the Queen Mother.

Fortunately, Concubine Zhou still remembered this, she just let out a cold snort, turned around and left.

But he kept gnashing his teeth in his heart, bitterly saying the words Li Yanshu silently.


For two days in a row, the king was enthusiastic.

Fortunately, Yan Shu is young after all, after the first two days, her muscles are no longer sore and she can move around freely again.

She had already eaten half of the cherries, and this time she was really addicted, and there were still some that she couldn't eat, so she asked someone to make candied cherries, and kept them in a jar to eat slowly.

The five-color rope has also been braided, and it is decorated with South Sea pearls given by the emperor, not to mention how high-grade it is.

Of course, the draft did not forget the well digger, and Yan Shu did not forget to make a note for Yu Wenlan.

— After all, he is her man now, so it hurts as much as it should.

If she doesn't make it up, who will make it up?

In the morning, I finished weaving the colorful rope, but I saw Fu Hai came to the palace to report again, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty invites you to go to Qianming Palace to taste lychees."

Yan Shu was a little surprised, "Didn't the lychee be delivered a few days ago?"

That's right, at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, she just ate lychee sweet rice made with this year's lychee, which was really memorable.

But Fu Hai said with a smile, "Your Majesty, I don't know. There are different types of lychees. They come to Beijing in batches every year. This time, the most delicious batch is here. It's called Nuomi, but there are not many of them. Your Majesty only calls people I gave some to the Empress Dowager, and the rest are in Qianming Palace."

I see.

Yan Shu's eyes lit up immediately.

Speaking of which, she has only heard the name of this glutinous rice cake, but has not really tasted it.

So he immediately replied, "Then I'll go right away."

After speaking, he changed his clothes and made up, and took the colorful rope that had just been braided to Qianming Palace.

At this time, Yu Wenlan was reading a book in the Nuan Pavilion, and there was a plate full of fresh lychees on the kang table at hand, all of them were bright red and plump, very attractive.

Yan Shu stepped into the hall, saw this scene at first glance, and immediately wowed in her heart.

[This is the famous glutinous rice cake! ! Sure enough, it is different, one is as big as the other two! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

He is so big, isn't he more conspicuous than this plate of lychees?

However, after sighing in her heart, Yan Shu saluted him, "The concubine sees Your Majesty."

Yu Wenlan looked up at her, and said, "I remembered that you liked to eat lychee sweet rice that day when the Queen Mother, it just happened that there is something here that just arrived today, try it quickly."

The voice just fell, but she saw her giggling and said yes, "Then the concubine should be respectful and obey her orders."

As he spoke, he leaned over to his side, took one and peeled it off.

Wow, this is the best lychee ever.

The skin was soft and thin, but after two strokes, the big and white flesh appeared in front of my eyes.

One bite, the mouth is full of sweet juice, without a trace of sourness, it is so sweet that people can't speak.

The most astonishing thing is that the core inside is actually very small, only half the size of an ordinary lychee, and the rest is white and moist pulp.

It can be called the most conscientious fruit!

Yan Shu nodded while eating, "Well, this is really delicious."

After finishing speaking, he saw that the emperor was watching her silently, and did not eat with her.

She couldn't help being taken aback.

What does it mean?

Could it be that she was angry because she thought she ate first?

Tsk tsk, no matter what, this is the emperor, how could she forget about this?

So she hurriedly peeled a new one and brought it to him, and said with a smile, "Try it quickly, Your Majesty, it's really delicious."

However, when the words fell, he didn't answer, but looked at her deeply, and said, "I don't want to eat lychees."

【I just want to eat you...】

However, before the rest of the words could be said, she groaned, and directly stuffed the peeled lychee into her mouth again, puffing out her cheeks, and said as she ate, "The concubine will eat it by herself..."

"It's really sweet, it's a shame Your Majesty doesn't eat it."

Yu Wenlan, "???"

No, can't she hear what he's going to say next?

—Yes, Yan Shu did not hear it.

At this time, her mind was all on the lychees, and she yelled in her heart while eating, 【It's better to be the emperor! ! Such a good fruit can be eaten! ! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

What is eating now is whether she is good or not.

In the blink of an eye, she had already eaten four or five of them, until her little lips were so red.

Yu Wenlan couldn't bear it anymore, pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Well, how can Lychee compare to her?

Time seemed to stand still.

Yan Shu was surprised at first, but soon became engrossed in it.

Well, the lychees are delicious, and he's not bad either.

Until a certain moment, she felt a bright light, and finally woke up.

So he hurriedly struggled to break free and said, "Your Majesty can't."

But Yu Wenlan was reluctant to let go, and said, "Why not..."

Anyway, there were only the two of them in the Snapper.

But I saw her remind me with righteous words, "It's still daytime..."

Yu Wenlan suddenly felt bad, and wanted to ask, "What about the daytime"...

However, before she could open her mouth, she heard her tsk tsk in her heart, 【Although it is very exciting here, a minister will come at any time, what if there is a sudden interruption in the middle, casting a shadow on him, what should I do if he is gone again? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

So that's what she was thinking? ? ?

He thought she would be shy...

...but why worry that he will fail again?

He has clearly drawn a clean line from the past!

Hearing this, he wanted to prove it to her even more.

Unexpectedly, before waiting for the next step, he heard the report from the palace gate, "Your Majesty, the Censor of Zuodu is asking to see you."

Yu Wenlan, "..."

She really hit the spot.

Immediately afterwards, she stood up straight from his arms and said, "The concubine will leave first."

After speaking, he straightened his hair on the sideburns, as if he was about to go out.

Yu Wenlan wanted to stay, but there was no way, after all, Du Yushi was already waiting outside the door.

He could only hum, full of regret.

But she saw her salute sideways, and before she stepped forward, she took out another colorful rope from her sleeve and handed it to him, "This is just made by my concubine, and it is given to Your Majesty, and I have the right to treat my concubine to eat it." Litchi's reward."

Yu Wenlan took it, and wanted to raise her eyebrows. Didn't he give the beads on the rope?

However, before she could speak, she smiled and exited the hall.

Yu Wenlan had no choice but to put away the multicolored rope, tried her best to straighten her face, and called Zuodu Yushi to come in.


After leaving the Nuan Pavilion, Yan Shu walked to the gate of Qianming Palace, but she heard someone calling her from behind, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty Yipin..."

She froze for a moment, and quickly turned her head to look, only to see the Academician Zou from the Imperial Academy who helped him write out the script.

Xueshi Zou came up to her in a few steps, and asked after saluting, "I don't know if I can spare your mother a little time?"

Yan Shu was surprised. Is Xueshi Zou looking for her specifically?

This is really rare, so she nodded and said, "What's the matter with Xueshi Zou?"

But Xueshi Zou said, "I want to inquire about Young Master Xiaoyao with my empress. I remember, my empress knows him too?"

Happy son?

Yan Shu was taken aback, she was looking for her... vest?

She then said, "That's right, Mr. Zou has something to do with Young Master Xiaoyao?"

Immediately afterwards, Xueshi Zou said with an aggrieved face, "I do have something to do, can I ask your mother to help me to remind this young master? To tell you the truth, he has not brought out the new language book for a long time, and the minister was arrested by those booksellers." Harassment all day, unable to go home, has been living in the Hanlin Academy for a few days..."


Yan Shu was taken aback.

——Because she didn't have the script, Xueshi Zou was harassed by the bookseller and couldn't go home? ? ?

Seeing her surprised face, Xueshi Zou had no choice but to repeat what he said in front of the emperor two days ago.

Yan Shu was deeply shocked after hearing this, only then did she realize that the booksellers and readers were looking forward to her so enthusiastically! !

And because of her laziness, Master Zou has been forced into this situation? ? ?

She was full of regret, and hurriedly said, "I'll ask someone to deliver a letter to him, urging him to write the script quickly."

As he said that, he hurried to his own hall.

While walking, she blamed herself in her heart, how could she be so playful! !

How can you be so addicted to the south and forget your own right path! !

What a sin! !


After walking all the way, when she entered the hall, Yan Shu was already full of thoughts, so she immediately sat down at the table and began to write.

However, not long after, the system dinged, [Attention, someone is planning to harm you. 】


Yan Shu was taken aback, 【Is someone trying to harm me again? 】

...Now there are only three people in the harem.

That's true, even though there are only three left, the other two hate her and hate her for dying.

But...Wang Zhaoyi's fight has been going on since winter, and he's playing very honestly.

In comparison, the other one is more likely.

Tsk, this concubine Zhou is really too good to write in a notebook!

Then she said, 【What does she want to do this time? 】

However, before the system could speak, Lian Xin came in and asked, "Master, the empress dowager sent someone to ask, saying that the little Princess Lanyun wants to come and play with you. I wonder if you are free?"

As soon as the voice fell, the system slammed, [Here we come, set the blame on, be careful. 】

Yan Shu was taken aback, framing her?

Could it be...

Concubine Zhou is trying to make a fuss about Lan Yun?

The little girl wants to come to play with her, so if something happens to the little girl in her palace, she will be blamed?


She immediately became furious, how could this vicious woman set her mind on a child!

However, if you are angry, you are angry. What matters now is that the queen mother can't refuse this question...

All of a sudden, she was quick to think, and she hurriedly said to Lian Xin, "But Your Majesty just said that you will go to the Taiye Pond with me to enjoy lotus flowers later! How about this, why don't you ask the little princess if you would like to go together?"

Lian Xin responded hurriedly, and went out to talk to the person who came to ask questions.

At the same time, Yan Shu quickly wrote a few lines on the paper, dried it, folded it, put it in an envelope, handed it to Liandong, and said, "Quickly, send it to His Majesty, just say that I have something urgent!"

Although Liandong didn't know why, but seeing her in such a hurry, she quickly agreed and went to Qianming Palace immediately.


But Yu Wenlan was busy in Qianming Palace for a while, and after several ministers left, she received an "urgent letter" from Yanshu.

Hearing that she was in a hurry, he immediately took it apart to have a look.

But I saw that there were two lines of poems written on it——

"I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and you live at the end of the Yangtze River. I miss you every day without seeing you, and drink the water of the Yangtze River together."

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows—

Um? She actually wrote love poems to him?

This is really the sun coming out from the west.

Looking down, I saw another sentence at the end of the poem——

"I heard that the lotus in Taiye Pond is blooming just right. I wonder if Your Majesty can accompany my concubine to enjoy the flowers?"

Yu Wenlan raised his eyebrows again.

She... invited him to enjoy the flowers?

Didn't we just meet?

But recalling the scene just now, he thought to himself, could it be that he didn't... disappointed her just now, so he wanted to see him again?

Cough, thinking about it this way, he suddenly felt a little ready to move.

I couldn't sit still for a while, so I got up immediately and went to Taiye Pool.

The imperial chariot was so fast, after Yu Wenlan arrived, he waited for a while, only to see that Yan Shu was late.

However, seeing her in a gauze skirt, her hair seemed to have been combed again, and her figure was indistinct and visible in the gauze skirt, which made one's heart flutter.

"The concubine sees His Majesty."

Seeing her smiling and saluting, Yu Wenlan smiled warmly, "But I haven't seen you for a while, and you miss me again?"

As he spoke, he pulled her up and took her directly into his arms.

— But, anyway, everyone around him has been sent far away by him.

However, before taking the next step, a grandma's voice behind him asked, "Uncle Huang, what are you doing?"

Yu Wenlan was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly looked back, only to see her niece Xiao Lanyun tilting her head to look at him.

Looking again, behind Xiao Lanyun, Ni Xiangwan, Mrs. Mu's little daughter, was still standing.

At this time, the little girl turned her head to one side in fright, as if planning to run away.

At the same time, I heard Yan Shu tsk tsk in her heart, 【Fortunately, the emperor arrived first, I'm good at pinching this point! The so-called raising a man for a thousand days and using a man for a while, the emperor, don't rush to your head, and do something serious! 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

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