MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 51

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It was almost dusk, half a day had passed since the birthday banquet at noon, the emperor had already left for the Qianming Palace, and many people had already left the palace.

At this time, those who are still accompanying the Queen Mother to watch the theater are all close relatives of the royal family like the eldest princess, or guests like Mrs. Mu who have won the trust of the Queen Mother and have a very good relationship with the Queen Mother.

Except for Yan Shu who was waiting wholeheartedly to watch the excitement of the eldest princess, Concubine Zhou and Wang Zhaoyi had already left and returned to their own palace.

It was the person who came to report the letter before and wanted to report it to the eldest princess quietly, but seeing that there were not many people left at the scene, under such a situation, it might be disrespectful to whisper to the eldest princess in front of the queen mother, so I had to do this generally said it.

At this time, the voice fell, and everyone was taken aback.


Ankang county head's husband beat people in the street?

He just had lunch at noon, how could he go to Yanglou Street to beat people up?

The eldest princess hurriedly asked, "Quickly explain clearly, what is going on?"

However, when such a question was asked, the messenger faltered, "Yes... er, yes..."

I didn't say why for a long time.

The queen mother also said, "Why don't you tell me quickly? Could it be that you are going to die of anxiety!"

The visitor finally said, "I don't dare, it's just that the magistrate of the county has a rare rest today. I just heard that the magistrate was not feeling well and went out to see a doctor. I wanted to accompany him, but ended up at a place called Ruyifang on Yanglou Street. In the place, I found that someone inside was molesting the county owner, the county horse was furious for a while, and couldn't help going up to teach him a lesson..."

Hearing this, Yan Shu couldn't help but tsk tsk in her heart, this Yao County horse was born in martial arts, and there are only two people in the whole country who can beat him, of course that duck is not an opponent, and the broken legs of the duck are probably merciful Understand.

But having said that, why is Ankang County Lord so anxious?

Hasn't she broken the bottom line yet, why is she in such a hurry to go to Ruyifang?

However, when they first heard this, the rest of the people who didn't know the truth were very surprised.

The Empress Dowager immediately said, "What? Where did this madman come from, and dare to insult the county magistrate? How dare you eat a leopard!"

The eldest princess also looked surprised, "That is to say! Then there are such disciples in the medical hall? What about the people who serve beside the county lord?"

—The person who reported it just said that the Ankang County Lord had gone to see a doctor, so everyone thought that this place called Ruyifang was a medical clinic.

However, after hearing what the Eldest Princess said, the visitor had no choice but to explain, "Your Highness, then, that Ruyifang is not a medical center."

What, isn't it a medical center?

The eldest princess asked again, "What is that?"

But he heard the other party say, "Yes, it's a restaurant."


When people heard that you look at me and I look at you, they became more and more confused.

—Didn't the Ankang County Lord feel unwell? Instead of seeing a doctor, why did you go to a restaurant instead?

Moreover, I just went out from the palace after drinking at noon...

What are you doing in the restaurant again?

When everyone was at a loss, they saw a communication sound outside Ci'an Palace, "Your Majesty is here..."

But the emperor came.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, and when Yu Wenlan stepped into the hall, the queen mother hurriedly asked, "Just now someone came to report that Ankang's county horse beat someone in Yanglou Street, did your majesty hear about it?"

Yu Wenlan nodded and said, "I just received a report from the Jingzhao Mansion that someone sued Yao Junliang for beating people in the street."

What, the petition has been reported to the king?

The Eldest Princess immediately said in a hurry, "They molested them first, but now they actually beat them back? Your Majesty knows that Junliang is definitely not an impulsive person. Could it be that he fell into a trap?"

Yu Wenlan nodded, and said again, "Don't worry, Auntie."

Then he asked the messenger, "Where is the county horse now?"

The reporter hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, the county matriarch is still in Ruyi Square on Yanglou Street."

Yu Wenlan said, "Bring the magistrate of County Ma here, and I'll ask you in person."

The person who reported the letter responded quickly, and immediately went to call someone.

Yan Shu immediately became excited—

Sure enough, I waited here for a long time today, and I actually ate melons on the spot! !

Cough, although it's not the eldest princess's, the county horse beating ducks is also very exciting!

And the emperor even asked them to come here to say that they really understand her better and better! !

She glanced at Yu Wenlan quietly, and suddenly felt that the other party has become more and more cute recently.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

In fact, he just wanted to solve the problem of Ruyifang in front of the Queen Mother, the eldest princess and others.

Tsk, I thought she had already left, but I didn't expect to stay here for a long time just to watch the fun?

Well, as expected of her.

Then let's watch together.


Knowing that the royal family had important matters to deal with, before the Ankang County Lord and his wife entered the palace, Mrs. Mu consciously resigned from the Queen Mother, left the main hall of Ci'an Palace, and took Xiao Lanyun away by the way.

Yan Shu stayed cheeky and hid beside Yu Wenlan, pretending to be dead.

Queen Mother, "..."

That's all, he's also a spectator.

Not long after, the son-in-law of the eldest princess who heard the news also arrived.

Immediately afterwards, the Ankang county lord and her husband Yao Junliang finally arrived at the palace.

Yan Shu suppressed her excitement and hurriedly cast her eyes, but saw that the county horse still had residual anger on his face, and she didn't see any injuries.

It's like thinking about it, after all, the martial arts Tanhualang, Yaya from Ruyifang is no match.

But Ankang county master's face was red and white, and the corners of his eyes were still red, as if he had cried a lot.

After the two bowed to everyone, Yu Wenlan asked Yao Xianma, "Just now I received a report from Jingzhao Mansion that someone accused you of beating someone in the street. Is there such a thing?"

Yao Junliang bowed his head without hesitation, and said, "Report to Your Majesty, I did beat someone in Yanglou Street just now, I know that I have discredited the court, and I am willing to be punished."

Yan Shu couldn't help raising her eyebrows and yelling, this county matriarch is a man! Be brave!

But the emperor asked him again, "Then why did you beat someone?"

However, as soon as these words came out, the magistrate, who was still upright just now, gave a meal.

He looked at the county magistrate before hesitating, "Minister, I'm just angry for a while..."

Obviously don't want to say it.

This is very anxious to the queen mother and eldest princess couple.

Fortunately, the king said directly, "I called you here today to ask the question clearly, don't hesitate, and tell the truth."

Yao Junliang had no choice but to agree.

Then he said again, "Your Majesty doesn't know, that Ruyifang is not a serious place. Inside... there is a man seducing the county magistrate! Chen... Chen is a normal man, how can he bear this matter, so he beat up that man in a fit of anger people."


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was stunned.

The eldest princess asked incredulously, "What did you say? Where is Ruyifang?"

Yao Junliang said with a tense expression, "My son-in-law can't say it, so I'd better ask my mother to ask the county magistrate."

The eldest princess looked at her daughter again, and said anxiously, "Hurry up and say it!"

The head of Ankang County was already crying, sobbing, "It was originally a place to drink tea and have fun, but some men can play the piano, play music... chat with you..."

She couldn't say the rest herself.

However, everyone in the hall already understood, and all of them showed complicated expressions for a while.

Queen Mother, [what? There is such a place in the capital? ? ? The Ai family actually only found out now! ! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Hearing the Queen Mother's tone, do you plan to... go? ? ?

Princess Dachang: 【Is there such a place in the capital? ? ? What is this girl doing in such a place? ? ? And even asked my husband to catch it! ! 】

The eldest son-in-law: [This, this, does this mean that there are... male prostitutes there? ? ? Tsk tsk tsk, this is really a downturn in the world! Ridiculous! ! 】

Yan Shu silently tsk-tsk for Ankang county magistrate, this is really Taishe's death...

Before she could finish her tut, she saw the Eldest Princess and asked her daughter heartbrokenly, "Since you know that kind of place is there, what are you going to do there?"

The head of Ankang County continued to cry, "Daughter didn't know it at first, but I only found out after I went there... I really didn't do anything, I just drank a few cups of tea in the past, I really didn't do anything..."

Yan Shu couldn't help but tsk-tsk again - it's like a man entering a brothel, once he enters, he can't wash it off, even if he really didn't do anything, no one will believe it.

But I heard the Eldest Princess say to her son-in-law Yao Junhao, "Since she didn't do anything but drank a few cups of tea, this matter is a misunderstanding, so you don't have to be so angry."

Yanshu, "..."

——Sure enough, regardless of mother-in-law or mother-in-law, this is not my own mother, she only thinks about her baby...

Even if the county lord of Ankang really didn't do anything, but he was thinking about it, can the county horse not be angry?

Of course Yao Junliang was angry, and he couldn't hold back when he heard the words, and immediately retorted, "Mother didn't see it. If my son-in-law is a little late, the county magistrate will not only drink tea... I don't know what my son-in-law did wrong. Will you ask the county master to go to that kind of place for entertainment? And all the men there know that she is the county master! Where can I put my son-in-law's face?"

Seeing this scene, the Empress Dowager couldn't bear it, and she tsk-tsk in her heart, 【This girl Ankang is too ostentatious, she didn't go secretly, and let others know that she is the county lord? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Is it okay if you dare to go quietly?

Choked by the son-in-law's words, she didn't know what to say for a while. In a rage, the eldest princess walked up to her daughter a few steps and stretched out her hand, "What do you think you are going there to do? You can't lose your identity by calling those stinky men close." Son!!"

The head of Ankang County cried even harder, "The eldest princess took me there, I thought it was a teahouse when I opened it..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words—

Did the eldest princess take her there?

In other words, the eldest princess has also gone? ? ?

At this moment, Yao Junliang said with a heartbroken voice, "No matter who took the county lord there, but the county lord later found out what it was, but still went!"

Ankang continued to cry, "I don't know why I can't help but want to go... But I really didn't do anything except drinking tea and listening to music! Today that person wanted to touch me, and I even slapped him !"

Yao Junliang snorted, "But if the county master doesn't go to that place, how can such a thing happen?"

Ankang was speechless and had to cry again.

However, Yan Shu pondered in her heart——

The head of Ankang County said that she couldn't help but want to go after going there once...

Tsk, could it be that she also fell for that soft love?

The system, [Yes, Ankang County Lord is also a big target. 】

Yan Shu suddenly realized.

That's right, this Yao County horse is the secretary of the Jingwei, who is in charge of dozens of guards in the capital. This spy must have wanted to obtain the secrets of the capital's defense through the Ankang County Chief, so he poisoned her too!

System, [that's what happened. 】

The matter is of great importance, Yan Shu pondered again, since Ankang county lord has not done anything with those ducks, presumably the other party should not have set up secrets, so the magistrate's beating up today is quite good, if the emperor can use this The matter is an incision, and it is not too late to find out the spies after careful investigation.

On the other hand, hearing what the daughter said, the eldest princess suddenly felt that the matter could be turned around, and immediately helped her son-in-law to speak, "It seems that the people in that shop are indeed too arrogant! Knowing that it is the county owner, you dare to reach out , Junliang played well today!"

The old son-in-law at the side also echoed, "That's right, this kind of shameless man deserves to be cast aside by everyone!"

Yanshu, "..."

It seems that the old couple are very satisfied with the son-in-law Yao Xianma.

System, [Of course, Yaoxian Ma's martial arts test was taken by himself at the beginning, and later the official position of the Jingwei Division was also obtained by himself, and he didn't bother, he was strong, and he was better for children, compared to that Zhao Written soft rice is much better than hard food, which father-in-law and mother-in-law don't like it? 】

Also, tsk.

Yan Shu thought to herself, looking at the reaction of Ankang County Lord, it means that she still has feelings for her husband and has been poisoned... Now it's all up to Yao Xianma, if he can bear it, he can live on.

But the system said, 【Now it's not just a problem between the two of them, it's Ruyifang who brought the duck with a broken leg to sue the officials, and it's making a big fuss, intending to let the whole capital know. "

Yan Shu didn't understand, 【How do you do this kind of business? How dare you make such a big deal happen? 】

System, [Because the law does not prohibit men from being ducks, if there is a big trouble, maybe they can take the opportunity to spread a wave of publicity. Of course, at this time, there are mainly people who are fishing in troubled waters and want to make big things happen. 】

Make a big deal?

Yan Shu understood that it must be those spies again.

They took the opportunity to touch Cixian Ma, deliberately confuse the public, and then incited the masses who did not know the truth.

After all, apart from the Ankang county lord, this matter also involves the eldest princess. It can be said that it is extremely concerned with the face of the royal family.

It has to be said that these spies from the Western Regions played quite well.

Hey, this eldest princess Yu Wenyan, really can't do anything, let her family hold back the first place.

But thinking so, he heard a report from someone outside the palace, "Princess, please see me."

Everyone has a meal.

What is Yu Wenyan doing here at this time?

Only the king said calmly, "Come in."

It should be outside the door.

After a while, the eldest princess Yu Wenyan stepped in.

The eldest princess's family hated her, and they all glared at her at this moment.

The Empress Dowager glanced at her and felt very sad.

Only Yu Wenlan said without revealing her joy and anger, "I am going to ask Elder Sister for a question."

But Yu Wenyan said, "I understand, Your Majesty is probably doing it for the wishful workshop, right?"

After the words fell, everyone was stunned again.

Is she here to take the initiative to explain the situation?

But the king said oh, and said, "Eldest sister already knows?"

Yu Wenyan said, "Right now, the city is full of wind and rain, and everyone is discussing the matter of people being beaten to death in Madang Street, Yao County. Can I not know?"

Seeing her boastful appearance, the Queen Mother lost her patience, so she simply said, "Now that you know, there is no need to talk nonsense. Ankang's son-in-law has just explained that he beat someone because Ankang was molested by someone. It is said that Ruyifang is still yours." Did you bring Ankang?"

But seeing Yu Wenyan nod very calmly, "Reporting to Empress, that's right."

Seeing this scene, before the Queen Mother could say anything, the Eldest Princess couldn't help but said, "Why did you take Ankang to that kind of place?"

Yu Wenyan said, "I had nothing to do that day, so I took her there to sit. It was a place for entertainment, not to mention that Ankang didn't do anything, so why should my aunt make such a fuss? Since a man can go to a brothel, why should a woman Can’t go to Ruyifang?”


As soon as these words came out, the eldest princess and her family were furious.

However, before she could open her mouth to refute, she heard Yu Wenyan say again, "These things are not important at all at the moment. The important thing is that Yao Junliang's beating incident has become like this, and I'm afraid it will affect the face of the royal family."

Oh, she still knows the royal face?

Everyone was about to laugh angrily.

Yu Wenlan asked her again, "Then according to Eldest Sister, what should I do now?"

Yu Wenyan said, "Of course whoever made the mistake will go out and bear it. Doesn't it mean that the emperor broke the law and the common people are guilty of the same crime? Since the Yao County horse beat someone, let Jingzhao Mansion go and judge it."

A good one is to ask whoever made the mistake to bear it.

It was said that the eldest princess and her family were about to vomit blood.

Yao Junliang was furious, and knelt down with the king again, "Your Majesty, it was the minister who beat someone, and the minister is willing to be dealt with by the law, please allow the minister to reconcile with the county lord, so that the royal face will not be affected! "

As soon as these words came out, the county magistrate of An County immediately shook his head and cried again, saying, "No, no, I don't want to get along with you!"

His mother, the eldest princess, was also impatient, and hurriedly said, "Is there a need to reconcile this matter? Besides, they seduced married women first, which man in the world can bear it? Isn't this human nature! "

The father and son-in-law of Ankang County Lord also said anxiously, "That Ruyifang shouldn't exist at all, how could there be such absurd place?"

However, Yu Wenyan snorted and said with a smile, "Uncle, what you said is biased. There are brothels everywhere in the world. Men have places to play, why can't women have them?"

The old son-in-law choked and almost rolled his eyes at her.

The Queen Mother finally couldn't bear it and said, "Although this is what I said, no matter men or women in the world, they should be virtuous. You just don't have a husband right now. The Ankang couple live a good life. You pull her away." What to do?"

Yu Wenyan still looked like nothing to do with her, and said, "Even if Erchen shouldn't take her there, she doesn't have to go later, it's not Erchen who asked her to go this time, right?"

Yan Shu, who was honest and honest, said in her heart, 【That's because she was drugged and didn't know it, so are you! 】

Tsk, this silly elder sister has been betrayed time and time again, but she still hasn't learned a lesson.

Today, she is still fighting with everyone with her neck and tongue, I really don't know whether to admire her or laugh at her.

This looks like being used to it at home!

But having said that, Yao Xianma would indeed be at a disadvantage if the matter of the unrequited love didn't come to the surface.

So now there is only one breakthrough, which is the poisoning of the princess and county lord by Ruyifang.

It's a pity that she has been waiting to eat melons today and forgot to remind the emperor.

Thinking of this, Yan Shu couldn't help blaming herself, and also anxiously thinking in her heart, how should she think of a way to point this out...

— Said that the eldest princess looked bad, and advised her to see a doctor?

But the emperor mentioned it in the morning, and she didn't take it seriously at all!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Eldest Princess swayed, rolled her eyes, and was about to fall to the ground suddenly.

The old son-in-law, the head of Ankang County, and Yao Junliang were taken aback, and hurriedly helped her up, and hurriedly called out, "Your Highness, what's wrong..."

The queen mother frowned and said, "Is this out of anger?"

Yu Wenlan immediately ordered, "Why don't you go to the imperial doctor to check the eldest princess' pulse?"

While speaking, he winked at Fu Hai.

Fu Hai understood in seconds, and hurried to the Tai Hospital.

Not long after, I saw him rushing over with an imperial doctor, it was Jiang Nianqi who was none other than Jiang Nianqi.

Yan Shu was taken aback, isn't this her exclusive imperial physician who is capable and straight-talking?

...Why is Fu Hai so good at finding someone?

Before Jiang Yuyi could salute, Yu Wenlan had already ordered, "Go and see the eldest princess."

Doctor Jiang immediately responded, hurriedly came to the Eldest Princess, rolled her eyelids, felt her pulse, and asked the people around her, "Your Highness is just emotional?"

The old son-in-law immediately said, "Isn't it? I'm so angry that I can't speak."

Doctor Jiang said to the crowd, "Your Highness is in a hurry, and fainted for a while. Wait for me to give you a few injections, and then take a good rest. Don't get angry again these few days."

The Queen Mother said, "Then give the needle quickly."

As he spoke, he scolded Yu Wenyan again, "How can you be so indifferent? Look, you're mad at your aunt."

Yu Wenyan didn't take it seriously in her heart, but obediently bowed her head and said, "Yes, please forgive me, my mother. My son was just a little bit wronged just now..."

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, she herself swayed suddenly, almost unable to stand up.

Seeing this scene, Yan Shu was taken aback.

【what's going on? Could it be that the softness has spread? 】

The system said, 【That's not true, it's because there is a kind of Baizhuoxiang in the temple at this time, which just coincides with Ruanqingsan. 】


Yan Shu was taken aback.

— She remembered that the queen mother used Wu Chenxiang.

Once upon a time, she thought it smelled good, so she asked for it.

However, at the side, the emperor was asking the eldest princess, "Is elder sister not feeling well?"

Yu Wenyan still wanted to hold on, "Thank you for your concern, sir, I probably didn't sleep enough yesterday..."

Before he finished speaking, he shook again.

Everyone was so frightened that they rushed forward to help.

In this way, Yu Wenlan said, "Eldest sister, don't hold on."

As he said that, he ordered Doctor Jiang, "After I finish the consultation with the Eldest Princess, I will also show it to the Eldest Princess."

Yan Shu, "!!"

This is not it! !

When Imperial Doctor Jiang showed the eldest princess a look, he would probably be able to see that the tenderness broke up.


How could it be such a coincidence? ? ?

Why did Baizhuoxiang, which is incompatible with Ruanqing San, suddenly change in this hall?

Just thinking of this, I saw Jiang Yuyi had come to Yu Wenyan's side.

Stretching out his hand to feel Yu Wenyan's pulse, Doctor Jiang's eyebrows became tighter and tighter.

The queen mother hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? Could it be that Princess Chang is seriously ill?"

Jiang Nianqi said, "Report to the Empress Dowager, Your Highness the Eldest Princess...I'm afraid it's not a disease, it must be poisoning."


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

However, immediately afterwards, the Ankang County Lord, who was guarding the eldest princess, also swayed and almost fell.

Yao County Ma hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with the county lord?"

Yanshu. "..."

Is this...

She was also poisoned, so smelling the Baizhuoxiang in this temple is something wrong?

But Yu Wenlan ordered again, "The county master is not feeling well? Then go and show the county master."

Doctor Jiang should be, so he came to Ankang County Lord to feel his pulse again.

After a while, he came to a conclusion, "Your Majesty, the empress dowager, the eldest princess and the county master have all been poisoned, and the poison may be of the same kind."


Everyone in the hall was shocked.

After being shocked, it was the queen mother who was the first to react, and said, "Didn't both of them have been to that...Ruyifang? Your Majesty, there is something wrong!"

Yu Wenlan nodded, "The queen mother is right, it seems that the store is the most suspicious."

As he spoke, he ordered, "Come here, thoroughly investigate Ruyi Square on Yanglou Street immediately, and don't let go of any corners."

Immediately someone answered outside the gate of the hall, and immediately mobilized Jinyiwei to kill Ruyifang.

Seeing this scene, Yan Shu was relieved, but also a little suspicious—

She always felt that what happened today was a bit too coincidental.

——The eldest princess and the head of Ankang County both fell for the Ruanqing San, but this palace happened to be replaced by Baizhuoxiang?

The county lord of Ankang just arrived at Ruyifang, and the county magistrate followed him...

Having said that, who wrote the letter to the Yao County Horse News?

Could it be... the emperor?

She raised her eyes to look at the man, but saw that he was seriously asking Doctor Jiang, "How is the eldest princess and the county master? Can the poison of the two be cured?"

...nothing unusual at all.

However, Yan Shu remembered one more thing.

Otherwise, if everyone is there, ask Jiang Yuyi to give the county horse master a look.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

I have a lot to worry about.

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