MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 37

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What, innocent and cute?

Yan Shu immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, 【Then how did the queen mother grow from a simple, innocent and cute girl to a full-scale palace fighting master? 】

System, [I have to start from the beginning. The queen mother came from a famous family, and she was dignified and beautiful since she was a child. The marriage was given to the first emperor. 】

[The family of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl was a blank sheet of paper at that time. Once the marriage decree came down, she would be full of the former emperor, and after getting married, she would wholeheartedly think about her husband. Sew clothes and shoes for him, accompany him to read at night, cook soup and make snacks for him. In the first days, the two loved and supported each other, which can be called tenderness. 】

Hearing this, Yan Shu couldn't help but twitched the corners of her lips, as expected, all scumbags have said such things.

If you believe him, there will be ghosts. If there is really only one woman, the queen mother, how did the emperor get here?

Sure enough, the system said again, [Finally waited for her husband to ascend the throne, and she also became a queen. Unhappy in my heart, coupled with the need to take care of the harem, even though it was difficult to conceive, the child was not able to take care of it, and was born weak and sick. 】

[Later, other concubines gave birth to two daughters and a son one after another. Among them, Concubine Shu was not greedy enough, so she actually used poison to murder her legitimate son, in an attempt to replace her with her own son. However, it was too late when she found out that the frail child contracted tuberculosis and died not long after. From then on, the queen mother finally woke up after being sad, quickly killed her enemy, and began to serve in court. She developed contacts and adopted the emperor, and after the death of the first emperor, she supported the emperor to the throne, and finally became the empress dowager herself. 】

Yan Shu couldn't help but tsk tsk in her heart, [After going through blood and tears, I finally grew into a big boss, the queen mother is really a big heroine! Especially in that environment, it was really not easy for her to train the emperor so well. 】

Yu Wenlan raised his eyebrows while listening quietly, he is indeed very good.

But she sighed again, 【However, this bloodbath is really terrible. I'd better be a salted fish and eat delicious food every day and be rich. 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

So this is the meaning of "salted fish"?

In this way, she is indeed very salty.

But she heard her pondering in her heart again, 【In this way, the first emperor had four children before the emperor, but now there are only two left, he and the eldest princess. Then except for the eldest son of the emperor who died, the remaining two...couldn't be the empress dowager? 】

Yu Wenlan paused.

To be honest, he had been able to think about this question before.

But having been a mother and son with the queen mother for many years, he knew that although the queen mother had a deep mind, she was not like someone who could attack children.

System, 【Thinking too much, the queen mother is only taking revenge on the adults, and has never done anything to the children. The two children were both implicated by that tricky Concubine Shu, and they both contracted tuberculosis. 】

Yan Shu understood, 【So it's not the Empress Dowager. Tsk, Concubine Shu poisoned the eldest son of the emperor, and finally killed her own child, she really deserved it. 】

[However, speaking of it, the emperor is able to live till now, thanks to the empress dowager. Otherwise, if the Queen Mother hadn't adopted him, he would probably be the same as the previous brothers and sisters. 】

When Yu Wenlan heard this, her heart was complicated.

Indeed, the first emperor had more harems than now, and the **** storm was indeed much more intense than it is now.

If the elder brother of the emperor hadn't died early and the queen mother had adopted him, he would most likely have gone with his biological mother.

Therefore, he always remembered the Queen Mother's kindness in nurturing him, and he didn't want to do too much in many things.

At this moment, Yan Shu sighed in her heart again, 【It's a pity that the empress dowager is so intelligent, but she met such a scumbag like the first emperor. If the other party is a man who is unwavering, affectionate, and righteous, she should It will be very happy. 】

Yu Wenlan's eyebrows twitched.

This girl actually called the former emperor's scumbag?


For the queen mother, and even his biological mother, the first emperor was indeed not a good husband.

Especially later, the first emperor was obsessed with cultivating Taoism and alchemy, and he didn't care about his only remaining son, so he didn't seem to be a good father.

He sighed silently.

However, the system is still playing with Yan Shu, 【Actually, it is not that the Empress Dowager did not meet her heartbeat later on. There was a time when the first emperor was obsessed with Taoism and almost ignored the government affairs. A group of ministers helped the Queen Mother take care of the government affairs. Among them, there was a scholar from the Zhongji Temple who had unique insights and wisdom, which was appreciated by the Queen Mother. 】

Hey, there is a situation, this is it!

Yan Shu's eyes lit up immediately, 【Could it be that the Empress Dowager had a spark of love with this Zhongji Palace University scholar? 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Bachelor of Zhongji Temple?

Queen Mother?

Spark of love? ? ?

What does this mean?

System, [It's a pity, before the sparks were wiped out, the first emperor had already become suspicious. In order to protect the empress dowager, the bachelor voluntarily resigned and went home. 】

Yan Shu, [? ? ? ah? 】

This is too regrettable!

Just imagine, if the Empress Dowager can strike a spark of love with this Grand Scholar, then something uncontrollable will happen...

Tsk tsk tsk, what a shocking love affair!

Hmph, anyway, the scumbag is in front, so it doesn't matter if you wear a cuckold.

Yu Wenlan, "???"

What, wearing a cuckold is okay? ? ?

Still in a strange love? ? ?

this girl...

However, who is the Grand Master she is talking about?

At this moment, she heard her pondering in her heart again, [But think about this university scholar who has reached the Zhongji Palace University scholar, that is the chief assistant! To be able to resign and go home for the Queen Mother shows that he really loves the Queen Mother! 】

Bachelor of Zhongji Temple?


Well, Yu Wenlan probably knows who it is.

That person was Qi Shuguang, he was indeed a very talented person, he had taught him back then, he became the chief assistant at a young age, but then he suddenly resigned and went home...

Could it be...

That person is really with the Queen Mother...

He quietly looked at the queen mother, but saw that there was no other expression on the dignified face of the queen mother all the year round.

Apart from being surprised that he asked someone to write a script, there was no other voice in my heart.

Looking at Yanshu again, she saw her downcast eyes and a cute face, but she was still pondering, [I have an inspiration! When I get back later, I will write about an extraordinary romance, and I will help the queen mother in the storybook. 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

These words can't be published in the notebook!

He just told the queen mother that this is a book he asked someone to write!


Yu Wenlan's eating this snack was really complicated.

Fortunately, not long after, the Chief Supervisor of Rituals suddenly came to report that there were officials from Qianming Palace asking to see him.

As if he was pardoned, he hurriedly took Yan Shu and the Queen Mother to leave.

The imperial chariot is already waiting outside the door. Yu Wenlan said to Yan Shu, "Get in the car, I will give you a ride."

Yan Shu said, "The concubine is not in a hurry, please go first, Your Majesty."

After finally passing the first month, the weather is warm and the imperial garden is full of spring, and she plans to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

It's not good to ask the ministers to wait, so Yu Wenlan had no choice but to say, "You don't have to worry about writing the storybook when you go back. If you are tired, just take a rest."


Don't write the first emperor as a scumbag that everyone despises...

Anyway, save him some face.

However, these words could not be uttered.

Yan Shu answered yes without realizing it, and after he boarded the imperial chariot to leave, she took a leisurely walk in the palace.

After wandering outside for half an hour, Yan Shu returned to Ganlu Palace.

After changing her clothes, she was about to start writing a storybook, but she just started to write, but she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

At first, her neck was itchy. She scratched it a few times, but unexpectedly, her eyes also started to itch.

Before she rubbed her eyes again, she suddenly sneezed again, and sneezed five or six times in a row.

Liandong was startled, hurriedly came to touch her forehead, and asked anxiously, "Master, did you catch a cold outside just now?"

Yan Shu shook her head blankly, "No, it was quite warm just now..."

Before he finished speaking, he sneezed two more times.

When the fight was over, the eyes were also swollen.

She finally felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and ask the imperial doctor."

Yu Wenlan was busy in the imperial study until it was time to light the lamp.

Seeing that the ministers finally dispersed, Fu Hai dared to step forward and said, "Your Majesty, it's time for dinner."

Yu Wenlan froze all over, and asked casually, "Has Concubine Yi been available?"

If it's useless, if not, put the nectar hall and eat it with her.

Unexpectedly, Fu Hai frowned, and said, "I heard that Madam Yibi is feeling a little unwell this afternoon, so it shouldn't help..."


Before finishing speaking, Yu Wenlan said immediately, "What's wrong with Concubine Yi?"

Fu Hai was frightened and hurriedly said, "I don't know exactly what it is, but I saw an imperial doctor going to Ganlu Hall in the afternoon, so I asked casually, and the imperial doctor said that it was passed down by Yipin."

Yu Wenlan frowned, "Why didn't you report to me earlier about what happened in the afternoon?"

Fu Hai said with an aggrieved face, "The servant wanted to talk, but you have been busy and have no time..."

Yu Wenlan paused.

That's right, just now when the ministers of the Ministry of Household Affairs came to report on the spring planting and the construction of water conservancy and dredging canals, he himself was so busy that he almost didn't even bother to drink his saliva.

So he didn't pursue further, just said, "Prepare the chariot, I'll go over and have a look."

Then he got up and went out the door.

As the imperial chariot rolled, Yu Wenlan was also thinking all the way, since Yanshu felt uncomfortable after returning from Ci'an Palace, could it be that the queen mother's snacks are poisonous?

-Not too possible.

Don't talk about Yan Shu's supernatural powers, he was also with the queen mother at that time, and he didn't realize that the queen mother had any intention of harming her.

So what's the matter?

Seeing the place, he immediately got out of the car and went straight to the palace, but saw that Yan Shu's nose was red, her eyes were watery, and her eyes were a little swollen.

Seeing him coming, she hurriedly wanted to salute, "My concubine sees Your Majesty..."

Before he finished speaking, he sneezed three times in a row.

He hurriedly said, "You don't need to be too polite, just sit down."

Speaking of seeing the imperial doctor in the palace, he asked the imperial doctor again, "What's the matter, Concubine Yi?"

But the imperial doctor frowned and said, "Your Majesty, Madam Yi's symptoms seem to be wind-cold, but her pulse is not like wind-cold."

Yan Shu snorted and said aside, "The concubine didn't catch a cold, but suddenly started to sneeze for some reason... It's a bit like the peach blossoms are dissatisfied."

But the imperial doctor said, "The peach blossoms haven't bloomed yet."

That's right, although it's spring now, there are still some days before the peach blossoms bloom.

In addition, Yan Shu also asked the system just now to make sure that no one harmed her, so she is also puzzled now.

Originally hoped to ask the imperial doctor to take a look, but who knew that the imperial doctor had given her the Tianmai for a long time, and did not see what was going on.

After the words fell, Fu Hai said, "I heard that there are two peach blossoms blooming on the side of Taiye Pond today. Could it be that the wind blows over here?"

Yan Shu was stunned for a moment, "Are there peach blossoms in Taiye Pond?"

Fu Hai hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, I only listened to what they said this morning."

Yan Shu paused for a moment before suddenly realizing.

Isn't that right, the weather is warm and the east wind is blowing these few days, and the Taiye Pond is just to the east of the Imperial Garden, so she must have come into contact with the peach pollen blown by the wind when she was strolling in the Imperial Garden in the afternoon.

And the imperial doctor said after hearing the words, "This minister will prescribe a prescription for your empress."

But she muttered in her heart, Liu Xu has seen many people who are dissatisfied, and this is the first time I have seen someone who is dissatisfied with peach blossoms.

Yu Wenlan's eyebrows twitched.

First time seeing you?

How can such medical skills make him prescribe medicine?

He thought for a while, and asked Fu Haidao, "The one who treated Cheng Engong at the ceremony last time...what's his name?"

Fu Hai thought for a while, then hurriedly said, "It's called Jiang Nianqi."

"It's him."

Yu Wenlan said, "Call him here to show Yipin."

Fu Hai responded in a hurry, and immediately went outside the hall to order a young **** with fast legs and feet, and went to the imperial medicine department to find someone.

Fortunately, the Imperial Medicine Department hadn't been on duty at this time, and after a while, Dr. Jiang arrived in a hurry.

Oh, by the way, since the last time he dared to speak out at the ceremony, the emperor promoted him two ranks, and now he is a medical officer.

"My humble servant greets His Majesty."

Doctor Jiang saluted, and before he could stand up, he listened to the king's order, "Go and show Concubine Yi to see what's wrong with her."

Doctor Jiang should be, and immediately went to Yan Shu's side,

He first asked about her symptoms, then checked her eyes and nose, and finally checked her pulse. He quickly made a judgment and said, "Your Majesty, this is a disease of dissatisfaction. What are you dissatisfied with? Peach blossoms? Catkins? Or apricot blossoms?"

It was obvious right away.

Yu Wenlan also got the bottom line, and answered for Yanshu, "Is Yibi not satisfied with Taohua, can you find a way to ease it?"

Jiang Nianqi immediately said, "Yes, I will prescribe a prescription for your empress."

As he spoke, he picked up the pen and began to write on the paper.

After the prescription was written, Liandong immediately asked Xiaodongzi to fetch the medicine and boil it.

The medical officer Jiang gave Lonicera a pack of medicinal materials separately, and said, "Use this boiled water to bathe the empress, it can relieve the symptoms."

Lonicera immediately took it and did as it was.

After the bath water was ready, Yan Shu also went to take a bath.

Not to mention, when she came out a quarter of an hour later, her eyes were no longer swollen or itchy, and her nose was ventilated.

After drinking the boiled soup and waiting for another quarter of an hour, the symptoms just now really subsided.

Everyone was convinced, Yu Wenlan also nodded, and said to Jiang Nianqi, "Sure enough, your medical skills are excellent. I just want you to be a medical officer, Qu Cai. From now on, I will promote you to be an imperial doctor, and I will serve the Ganlu Palace exclusively in the future."

Jiang Nianqi hurriedly knelt down and said, "I obey your orders and thank you."

He has been promoted to four levels in a short period of time, and everyone casts envious eyes on him.

However, he still had a calm look on his face.

Yan Shu thought to herself that this is a talent.

But Fu Hai asked Yu Wenlan, "It's getting late, and seeing that Yipin is getting better, what would your Majesty want to eat? You haven't had dinner yet."

Yan Shu looked at him in surprise and said, "Your Majesty hasn't had dinner yet? This concubine is fine now, you can go back and eat first."

Yu Wenlan sat without moving, and only asked her, "Have you eaten?"

Yan Shu shook her head, "No, my concubine felt unwell in the afternoon, and didn't care about eating at all."

But he said, "Then let the dining room make something casually, and I will eat with you."

Hey, it's good to be brave.

Yan Shu felt better these days, and also felt a little hungry, so she nodded her head in response.

Not long after, the dining room brought the supper.

There are four dishes of vinegared cabbage, diced eight-treasure lotus root, potted tofu, and pouch tenderloin, as well as two bowls of porridge,

—It's getting late, it's not suitable for big fish and meat, and Yan Shu has just taken medicine, so she can't eat too much meat, so this dish is mainly vegetarian.

However, the royal chef is superb, and the vegetarian dishes are also cooked with gusto.

After eating, Yu Wenlan ordered again, "Prepare water, I want to take a bath."

Yan Shu looked at him in surprise, "Your Majesty wants to rest here tonight?"

But seeing him nodding his head, "That's right."

Yan Shu was dumbfounded, "But my concubine is sick."

Yu Wenlan smiled, "Don't worry, I won't disturb you."

He paused for a while, then raised his eyebrows at her and said, "Unless you slip into my arms yourself."

What? She drilled into his arms?

Yan Shu was speechless, "Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that your concubine will make you sick?"

He didn't take it seriously at all, "You won't pass this disease on to others."

Yanshu, "..."

She accepted it, why does this person like to sleep with others so much?

Yu Wenlan said yes in her heart.

That's right, he is very reluctant to go back to Qianming Palace to sleep by himself now.

Because once I go back to sleep by myself, it won’t work there.

The bedroom of Qianming Palace seemed to be a curse, and he was a little afraid of the evil.

So no matter how she slanders her, he doesn't care.

Anyway, he just likes to squeeze this bed with her.


The night passed, but nothing happened.

When Yan Shu woke up, Yu Wenlan had already gone to court.

The medicine last night was very useful. She slept peacefully all night, but she didn't feel any more uncomfortable.

But she still didn't dare to take it lightly, and didn't dare to go out for a while.

— You must know that the east wind is still blowing outside. If you go out, you will definitely get peach pollen and get sick again.

Hey, the tough days have begun again.

The dining room simply brought a sumptuous breakfast, which gave her some comfort.

Well, the delicious and juicy Xiaolongbao is a perfect match with the sweet pumpkin porridge, and the pearl glutinous rice meat **** are her favorite.

While eating relish, Lian Xin came running to her and said, "Master, Your Majesty just ordered someone to plan the two peach trees by the Taiye Pond."


Yan Shu was taken aback, "Why did Your Majesty dig those two trees?"

Lian Xin smiled and said, "Isn't it because His Majesty ordered someone to remove them because he was afraid that the empress would feel uncomfortable again. It is said that those two trees are decades old peach trees."

When Yan Shu heard the words, she was unable to speak for a moment.

Tsk, the last man who treated her so well was her father.

When she was a child, the first time she was dissatisfied with the peach blossoms, her father cut down the old peach trees in the yard, and discussed with the neighbors to replace the peach trees with apricot and pear trees.

It was the first time that Dad didn't bother others easily.

And now, the man who planed the peach tree for her turned out to be the emperor.

I feel a little warm in my heart.

She took a bite of the lotus seed cake.

Well, the sweetness spread from the mouth to the heart.

Lian Dong smiled and said, "Your Majesty is really caring for the master, but now only two peach trees are in bloom. In a few days, the peach trees in other places will also be in bloom. What should I do?"

Yan Shu was taken aback.

That's right, do you want to cut down all the peach trees in the palace?

Besides, there are also outside the palace, when the wind blows, won't it blow into the palace?

We can't ask the whole city to cut down the peach trees, so they won't eat peaches from now on, right?

How innocent is the peach tree!

No, although she was moved, this is not the solution...

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw that Imperial Doctor Jiang came to the door last night and said, "I'm asking for your pulse."

Her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Please come in quickly, I have a question to ask."

Doctor Jiang should be, so he entered the hall with a medical box.

Yan Shu tried to ask him, "Is there anything the doctor can do to make me stop being dissatisfied with Taohua in the future?"

Originally, I only planned to give it a try, but I didn't expect that the other party would directly nod his head and say, "Yes, it is, but it depends on whether the empress can bear the hardship."

Yan Shu was taken aback, and quickly asked, "How do you endure hardship?"

Doctor Jiang Yu said, "To cure this disease, it is actually necessary for the empress's body to accept the peach pollen without overreacting. I will let the empress contact with an appropriate amount of peach pollen every day, and at the same time take medicine. I will persist like this for a while until Empress's body has adapted, and she won't be dissatisfied in the future."

Yan Shu thought for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "Okay."

It's better to try than not to try, if it's really cured, she won't have to be afraid of peach blossoms in the future, right?

It's a good solution once and for all.

With that said, she began her healing journey.

Every day, Doctor Jiang would prepare a very small amount of peach pollen and ask her to swallow it for a while, and then drink the decoction.

In this way, the amount of decoction is reduced day by day, but the amount of peach pollen is increased.

Sure enough, after seven or eight days, when the peach blossoms began to bloom outside, her reaction was much lighter than in previous years.


However, the family members outside the palace didn't know about this, and seeing that the peach blossoms were in full bloom again, Li's parents and grandma didn't know how much they were worried about her.

On this day, with the permission of the emperor, Mrs. Zhu finally had the opportunity to visit her daughter again in the palace.

As soon as they met, Mrs. Zhu immediately took out a pack of pills and said to Yan Shu, "Mother bought this from a doctor in our hometown earlier. It is said that it is specially used to treat your peach blossom dissatisfaction. Would you like to try it?"

Yan Shu smiled and said, "No need, there is a very powerful imperial doctor in the palace, I used his method to treat it, and now it is almost healed."

As he spoke, he told his mother, "This doctor probably lied to you. The medicine is only effective if it is suitable for the disease. Everyone's body is different. He hasn't checked my pulse before. How can I prescribe medicine? Don't be fooled again."

Mrs. Zhu nodded and said yes, and said with a smile, "I won't be fooled like this again, it's a waste of money."

Yan Shu saw that her mother's smile seemed a little tired.

So he hurriedly asked, "Is everything okay at home? Is something wrong?"

But Mrs. Zhu said, "It's nothing, everything is fine."

Yan Shu didn't believe it, so she quietly asked the system, 【Did something happen to my family? 】

System, [That's right, your younger brother Li Tianrui was bullied at Songhe Academy two days ago. He punched him twice and returned him. Unexpectedly, the head of the mountain over there turned to help and asked your younger brother to apologize to him. 】

Yan Shu, [? ? ? Isn't Songhe Academy known as the premier academy in the capital with an excellent academic style? How could there be such a dark thing? 】

The system snorted, [That was all how many years ago. Songhe Academy was originally founded by two great Confucian scholars, and it has cultivated many outstanding talents, which was indeed second to none back then. But then he became famous, seeing princes and nobles scrambling to send their children here, those unlearned and incompetent officials' children went in and gradually broke the atmosphere, and now it has become the world of powerful and powerful. 】

Yanshu, "..."

If she had known this, she would not have asked her brother to go in. I thought it was a good academy!


She is strange again.

—I am now a concubine, as a family member, how can my younger brother be bullied?

But the system said again, 【You still don't know your father's temper? He didn't want to cause trouble for you, and he didn't reveal his identity when he sent your brother to the hospital, which made everyone think that your brother was just a commoner. 】

Yan Shu understood, but was still angry, 【Even so, they shouldn't bully people for nothing! Do civilian children deserve to be bullied by them and can't fight back? The head of the mountain actually asked Tianrui to apologize? What the hell! 】

The system, [It's really not a thing. The mountain leader is superficially educated, but he is actually mercenary. He has done so many disgusting things for fame and fame in his life. Back then, in order to climb to the position of mountain leader, he even sent his wife to the bed of a court official. 】

Yan Shu, [? ? ? 】

Tsk, interesting, I delivered it to my door!

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