MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 34

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After all this, it's getting late.

The crowd watching the lights dispersed one after another, and the road became much smoother. It didn't take long for the carriage to enter the palace gate.

Yan Shu had a great time eating melons tonight, and when she was about to get off the car, she tried to ask Yu Wenlan, "Your Majesty, do you want to tell the eldest princess about this?"

Tsk tsk, if this is said, there will be a big battle!

She has to prepare in advance to eat melons, hehe.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

I just know how to watch the fun.

But he has more to think about.

So I just said, "Tell them to find out first, the eldest princess has an impulsive personality, if you let her know rashly, I'm afraid it will kill someone."

Yan Shu nodded, "Alright."

——She also knew that although the eldest princess and the emperor were sisters and brothers, they actually had a normal relationship. The eldest princess only regarded him as a younger brother as a tool to maintain her glory and wealth.

Otherwise, before the ice play banquet, how could the eldest princess unite with a group of ministers to force the emperor to punish her?

So that's fine, anyway, it was the two of them who first knew about it, and they held the initiative.

Yu Wenlan, who was listening quietly, felt his heart skip a beat.

— Did she use "both of them"?

This was the first time in his life that someone called him that, and there was a special feeling in his heart.

At this moment, the Ganlu Hall arrived, and the carriage stopped.

Yan Shu said to him, "The concubine is going back first."

I want to get off.

Yu Wenlan subconsciously pulled her back.

Yan Shu asked strangely, "Your Majesty, do you have anything else to order?"

Yu Wenlan thought about it, and thought there was something else to say, but couldn't think of it for a while.

After a while, he had no choice but to say, "It's getting late, go back and rest early."

Cough cough, in short, just stop thinking about those messy things.

What kind of rookie...

Yan Shu didn't know why, so she just said yes.

But he laughed in his heart, 【Tonight is so exciting, I have to think about it and write a storybook. After thinking about the topic, it is called "Double-Faced Talented Scholar Under Flower". 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

Before she could say anything, she had already got off the carriage and entered the Ganlu Palace.


After the Lantern Festival, the year is over.

Early the next morning, Concubine An took up the post and assisted in all matters of the Internal Affairs Bureau.

After finally gaining favor from the Queen Mother, Concubine An did not dare to neglect, and spent the whole morning checking the warehouse files and entry and exit ledgers.

It was almost noon, Zhang Laifu, the director of the Internal Affairs Bureau, came to Lanlin Hall to report to her, "I would like to tell you, my lord, seeing that the weather is getting warmer, the silk and satin cloth purchased by the Weaving Bureau from Jinling will probably arrive in half a month. On the third day of the second lunar month, I will tailor the clothes for all the masters, I wonder what the empress would like?"

Concubine An nodded and said, "It's similar to previous years, it's suitable. Please remember to measure for the Empress Dowager first, and send the clothes and materials to Ci'an Palace for the Empress Dowager to have a look at first."

Zhang Laifu hurriedly responded, "Your Majesty is thoughtful, I will definitely remember."

Concubine An handed over the few notebooks she had just finished reading, and said with a smile, "Since Director Zhang took over the Internal Affairs Bureau, everything is in order. Your Majesty and the Queen Mother should worry less."

Everyone likes a kind master, Zhang Laifu hurriedly said with a smile, "Your Majesty, it's what young people should do."

An Pin smiled and nodded, but suddenly asked, "By the way, I saw just now that there are more paper and ink in the womb than usual?"

"That's what happened."

Zhang Laifu hurriedly explained, "Actually, the masters next to me are the same as before. Recently, it is mainly because of the concubine Yi of Ganlu Palace that she needs a lot of paper. I heard that the concubine Yi likes to practice calligraphy recently, but this is all approved by your majesty. The money is also specially allocated by His Majesty."

"I see."

Concubine An nodded, didn't ask any more questions, just smiled, "I don't have anything to do here, Manager Zhang should go and rest soon."

Zhang Laifu hurriedly said yes, and left.

There are no outsiders in the room, so there is no need to worry so much, the maid Liu Di said, "Your Majesty goes to the Ganlu Palace all day, and I have time to practice calligraphy?"

An Bin said, "All she wants is paper, which is not like practicing calligraphy."

—Anyone who has read the book knows that the paper is suitable for writing lower case, and is usually used to write letters or documents, but most of them practice calligraphy using rice paper.

Concubine An thought about it carefully. Concubine Yi used paper to communicate with others?

But not quite.

With her background, who would correspond with her except her natal family in the backcountry?

Besides, her family members are already on the road recently, and they are going to the capital soon, so it is impossible for her to write so many letters, right?

Could it be... is she writing some manuscript?

Concubine An felt that it was impossible—as for Li Yanshu, who came from a small family, she could read and write well, so how could she write any manuscripts?

Really can't guess, An Pin thought for a while, and simply summoned the young **** Shuangxi in the palace.

At the same time, Yan Shu, who was enthusiastically writing a new storybook, suddenly received a message from the system, [Attention, someone is going to pick up your trash. 】

Yan Shu had question marks all over her head, 【What does this mean? What is picking up my trash? 】

System, [Because someone found out that you use a lot of paper recently, so try to find out what you use paper for. 】

Yanshu, "..."

Although the words were confusing, she thought about it and understood.

Who would spend all day thinking about her movements?

That must be someone from the harem.

Who would have noticed that she used too much paper?

That must be the easiest for the newly appointed Assistant Director of the Internal Affairs Bureau, An Bin.

And with regard to the IQs of Concubine Zhou and Concubine Ning, even if she finds out that she uses a lot of paper, I'm afraid they can't think of picking up trash to spy on her.

So it could only be An Bin.

Tsk, Yan Shu sighed, this one is really smart, but why do you have to make trouble with her?

Of course, no matter how smart she is, this trick is actually useless.

—In order to avoid others discovering that she wrote the script, Yan Shu always threw waste manuscripts and papers into the charcoal cage and burned them directly, never throwing them out at all.


For the sake of the other party's hard work, it's okay for her to give some material.

Yan Shu raised her eyebrows and gave a smirk, she moved the "Double-Faced Talented Scholar to Die Under the Flower" she was writing first, and started writing on a new piece of paper...


Shuangxi squatted and guarded for three full days before finally getting the paper that Ganlu Hall had thrown away.

When the people from Ganlu Hall left, he immediately ran back to Lanlin Hall with the things they had thrown away.

"Niang Niang, these are all thrown out by Ganlu Hall, please have a look."

Immediately, An Pin looked and saw that the bag was full of waste paper, some crumpled into balls, and some torn into pieces.

She immediately called the maid who was close to her to help.

A group of people either unfolded or pieced together, and it took a full half a day of work.

Only then did Anpin discover that most of the waste paper was just scribbles, and nothing could be recognized at all.

Fortunately, there was some writing on one sheet, although it was messy, it was barely legible.

An Bin hurriedly read it by herself, and saw that it seemed to be a story.

Probably, there was a dignified official of the imperial court who was full of courtesy, righteousness and shame on the surface, but in reality he was lewd and vulgar, and even when he was old, he even got involved with the servant girls in the mansion. Later, when someone found out about his hobby, he gave him many beautiful young women to please him...

Seeing this, An Bin was suddenly taken aback.

Give a young concubine...

Are you talking about her grandfather?

What a Li Yanshu! How dare she arrange her family like this!

Concubine An was so angry that she looked down, but saw that she wrote again, in fact, the old man still has the biggest secret, that is, he hooked up with his daughter-in-law many years ago when his son was not in good health...

Anpin paused.

This, this, what is this? ? ?

Her second uncle is indeed in poor health. Could it be that Li Yanshu is alluding to her grandfather and second aunt...

Li Yanshu is a bitch! !

How dare she slander her family like this!

However, the story was not over yet, so she tried to read it again, only to see that it was written again—the old man originally had two sons, and the older son's family was obviously better, but because of his shady relationship with the second daughter-in-law, everything went wrong Helping the second room made the big room very dissatisfied.

Anpin was taken aback again.

Although angry, but I have to say, there is a bit of truth in it.

Since she was young, she discovered that her grandfather always took extra care of Erfang. For example, whenever she got something rare, she would secretly give it to Erfang's cousin first, but neither she nor her younger brother could get it...

If any unhappiness happened between her mother and her second aunt and sister-in-law, the grandfather always told her mother to be patient, saying that she was a sister-in-law and should be open-minded...

Thinking of this, Anpin is still brooding.

Ke Keke, but how did Li Yanshu know about the situation in her family?

She is a girl from the countryside, it is impossible for her to know these high-ranking officials in the capital so that she can inquire about the affairs of her Minister of Rites!

An Pin thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Liu Di and said, "Have you ever gossiped about me with outsiders?"

Liu Di was startled, and quickly shook her head and said, "Master Mingjian, how is this possible? The slaves follow the master all day, how could they go out and gossip about the master, and who would they tell?"

Of course Anpin also knew about this.

Liu Di grew up with her and has the most honest personality, otherwise she would not have brought her into the palace.

But since it wasn't Liu Di, how did Li Yanshu know about her family?

Is it just a coincidence of arrangement?

Liu Di didn't know what happened, but seeing her master frowning and thinking about it, she was also very nervous, so she asked, "Master, what happened?"

But An Bin suddenly told her, "Tell Shuangxi to keep watching, and if there are any waste papers, pick them up again."

Liu Di had no choice but to respond in a hurry, and went out to find someone.

However, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became.

What happened to Li Yanshu?

What is she planning to do in such a way for her natal Shangshufu?


In the Ganlu Palace at this time, Yan Shu, who only understood the whole process, shrugged her shoulders—

Sorry, little material, she only played it this time, next time it might be a bomb.

But it's still early, let's ask An Bin, the ant, to crawl on the hot pot first.

Yan Shu unconsciously hummed a little tune, planning to continue writing the storybook.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Fuhai came into the palace to report to her, "The servant has come to report a letter to the empress. Uncle Zhongyi and his wife, old lady, and son, they have just arrived in the capital."

Yan Shu froze for a moment before realizing that it seemed to be her parents, grandma and younger brother.

right! On the night of Shangyuan Festival, the emperor sealed her father Zhongyi Bo in front of everyone, wasn't it they?

In other words, have parents and the others arrived in the capital? !

Yan Shu suddenly became happy, "Really? When did they arrive?"

Fu Hai hurriedly replied, "I arrived this morning. His Majesty arranged for people to pick him up. At the moment, Mrs. Uncle and the others are all settling down in the mansion. Your Majesty means to ask everyone to rest for a while, and then arrange for the empress to be with you tomorrow." Madam and Madam, they will meet."

"Okay, okay."

Yan Shu immediately responded happily, and said, "Then I will prepare some silver taels later, I wonder if Manager Fu can find someone to send it to my parents for me?"

—Although we now have a house and a field, the family is new here, so we have to do things everywhere and add something.

She knew the family situation best. Whenever he had spare money, his father liked to help others. It was expected that they didn't have much money.

But Fu Hai said with a smile, "Don't worry, Madam, Your Majesty has already sent someone to deliver it."


Yan Shu was taken aback, the emperor gave her parents money?

Are you so careful?

She hurriedly said yes, "Then please tell the manager to thank His Majesty for me."

As he said that, he asked Liandong to take some broken silver and handed it to Fu Hai, saying, "Mr. Harding, come here to send a message, take it for tea."

Fu Hai also took it happily, "Thank you, Madam, for your kindness."

Then he left.

In this way, Yan Shu can wait to meet her family with peace of mind.

On the morning of the second day, the emperor sent someone to bring Yan Shu's grandma, Mrs. Li, and her mother Zhu to the palace.

I haven't seen my relatives in three years, God knows how excited Yan Shu is, she wakes up early in the morning and asks Liandong to clean the courtyard and tidy up the palace, and prepares snacks and fruits.

After finally waiting for Xiao Dongzi to lead him into the hall, Yan Shu rushed forward when she saw her mother and grandma.

"Grandma, mother!"

The relatives of the flesh and blood were separated for three years, and the grandparents, mothers and daughters couldn't help wiping away their tears.

Liandong was watching from the sidelines, also bursting into tears.

But it was still in the palace. After crying for a while, Mrs. Li said, "This is a good thing. Stop crying, lest people see and say something."

Yan Shu hurriedly wiped away her tears, and asked, "Did your journey go smoothly? Did you have a tough journey?"

Niang Zhu also wiped away her tears and said, "It's not hard work, there is food and drink along the way, and the weather is not bad, everything went well."

As he said that, he looked at her carefully to see if his sweetheart was suffering from hardship, hunger and thinness?

However, after looking at it for a while, Mrs. Zhu found that her daughter was not thin at all, she seemed to be rounder, and her skin was pink and white and shiny.

, the whole person is much more beautiful than when he was at home.

Mrs. Zhu nodded and sighed, "It seems that the palace is still raising people!"

That's okay, the girl didn't suffer, so she, the mother, can feel relieved.

As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Li hurriedly urged her daughter-in-law, "Take out the things quickly, so as not to forget them in a while."

Mrs. Zhu responded hurriedly, took out a few cloth pockets from the baggage she carried with her, and uncovered them layer by layer, finally revealing the true colors of the treasures inside.

It turned out to be white and fat buns and golden pancakes.

Yan Shu's eyes lit up, but her mother smiled and said, "I just made this this morning, it's still hot, let's taste it."

As soon as the words fell, she had already stuffed a bun into her mouth.

Well, the big buns stuffed with leek vermicelli, the finishing touch is the lard residue mixed in the middle, the bun skin is soft yet chewy, it really tastes like a mother.

After eating the fist-sized buns in a few bites, she took another pancake. One bite was full of scallion-flavored noodles and the unique mellow aroma of peanut oil. It was so satisfying!

The mother smiled and said, "It's all the empress, and it's still the same as before."

Yan Shu also laughed, "No matter what happens, it's still your daughter."

Then he asked, "How is the new house? How do you live?

"it is good,"

Mrs. Li immediately nodded, "The big yard in Wujin has a garden, it's spacious and beautiful, it's so beautiful! We each live in a yard and there's still plenty to spare. Your Majesty is really a great grace!"

Yan Shu also smiled and said, "Then save it and marry Tianrui a wife in the future."

Then he asked, "How is Dad's errand? How is Tianrui?"

Mrs. Zhu hurriedly said, "We entered the palace together this morning. Your father led Tianrui to meet His Majesty. I don't know what the errand will be. Qingzhou Academy wrote a letter of recommendation to Tianrui and plans to report to Songhe Academy in the capital tomorrow. Woolen cloth."

Yan Shu's eyes lit up, and she said, "Then you have to hurry up. If you have time, you can still catch up with this year's annual exam. If you do well in the annual exam, you may be able to enter the Imperial College."

She still remembered that the emperor had said that this year, the number of places recruited by the first batch of Guozijian had been reduced, and it had been filled in the second and third batches.

Her family is not considered noble, but her younger brother can study well, and it is entirely possible to pass the exam and enter the Imperial College.

But Zhu said, "I dare not think about anything else, as long as he can study hard."


Yan Shu smiled and said, "Even if you can't get into the Imperial College, my brother is talented and intelligent, and he will definitely be able to get into the exam in the future."

Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Li both smiled and said yes.

The rules in the palace are strict, although we can see each other today, Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Li can't stay for too long. After talking with Yan Shu for a while, they leave the palace.

But when they left the palace and got into the carriage, another carriage had just arrived at the gate of the palace.

When the car came to a complete stop, a person got off, it was Anpin's mother, Tian Shi.

Ever since she saw the "waste paper" thrown out of Ganlu Hall, Concubine An was so anxious that she endured it for several days, and finally waited until the time when Li Yanshu's family entered the palace. The opportunity to meet in the palace.

Time was limited, at this time Tian entered the palace gate and went straight to his daughter's Lanlin Hall.

When the two met, Concubine An immediately dismissed the idlers and asked Tian, ​​"Mother, how is your family doing these days?"

—She was actually trying to find out from her mother to see if there was really anything about the waste paper.

However, after pondering for a long time, I really couldn't open my mouth, so I could only ask this question.

But I heard Tian said, "Don't mention it, the second wife has been uneasy these two days."

An Bin was startled, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Tian sighed, "Isn't this the Imperial College to recruit new students? Your second aunt plans to send her Achang in. Who knows that this year's first batch of places will be reduced, and the exam will be stricter. Achang is used to her. Where is that?" That’s why the first round was rejected. Your second aunt just wanted to ask your grandfather to come forward to clear up the relationship and ask Achang to enter the Imperial College.”

When she heard her grandfather and second aunt, An Pin felt a thorn in her heart, and hurriedly asked, "Grandfather agreed?"

Tian sneered, "Your grandfather can't even go to court these days, so why can't he control her? I didn't expect that she would go to your father again and ask your father for help."

Concubine An immediately frowned, "I issued an edict a while ago, the imperial court doesn't know how strict it is now, if my father really helped her do this kind of thing, it will be a disaster if it is found out later!"

Tian nodded hurriedly, "That is to say, your father naturally didn't dare to agree, but she didn't expect that she would still want to come to you. I just found out that I am going to enter the palace, so I must come together."

An Pin said angrily, "Don't ask her to come here! I managed to gain the trust of the Queen Mother, how can I let her make trouble?"

Tian hurriedly said, "I understand, don't worry. Her Ah Chang is ignorant all day long. If she can enter the Imperial College, she will be a ghost. Let's see our Ah Qi next year. If your grandfather helps her this time, If you don’t help A Qi next year, then I’ll make trouble too!”

Since A Qi is An Pin's younger brother, one year younger than his second aunt's cousin A Chang, it seems that he will enter the Imperial Prison next year.

An Bin snorted, her mind was still on that matter—

Will grandfather really help Achang in this situation?

If he really helps, does it mean that he and Second Aunt...

However, at this moment, Tian suddenly lowered his voice, "By the way, I heard that His Majesty gave the golden bowl that Tubo paid tribute to Concubine Yi a few days ago, do you know?"

"Golden bowl?"

Anpin paused.

That golden bowl was given by Tubo to the king in order to seek peace and tribute. It was made of pure red gold and red and blue gemstones, and it was extremely gorgeous.

As soon as he showed up at that time, he attracted the attention of countless people, even Concubine Zhou stared straight at her.

Now it is actually rewarded to Yipin?

She immediately asked, "Why did Your Majesty give it to her?"

Tian shook her head and said, "I just heard about it, I don't know why."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "I don't know if the Queen Mother knows about such a precious thing?"


After seeing off Tian's family, Concubine An went to Ci'an Palace.

Taking the opportunity of going to thank the Queen Mother, she planned to mention the golden bowl.

Mother was right, His Majesty did not even honor the Empress Dowager for such a precious thing, but gave it to Concubine Yi...

Thinking about it, if the queen mother knew, she would not feel comfortable.

At this time, Yan Shu was still leisurely eating buns and pancakes made by her mother in Ganlu Hall.

The rice cooked by my mother is delicious!

In comparison, the imperial meals in this palace have to be compromised by three points.

I wanted to keep a few for the emperor, but I didn't know if he would eat them rare or not.

While hesitating, he saw Yu Wenlan stepping into the hall.

She was taken aback, and hurriedly put down the steamed stuffed bun and got up to salute, "The concubine welcomes His Majesty."

Yu Wenlan hummed, sat down at the table, glanced at the big buns on the table, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

Yan Shu had no choice but to introduce, "This is the steamed stuffed bun made by my concubine's mother today. I brought it to my concubine this morning. Would you like to try it?"

Tsk, just now I thought about not giving it to him, after all, he probably can't get used to such a real delicacy.

Unexpectedly, the voice fell, but he said, "Okay." He picked up one and ate it.

While eating, he commented, "It's delicious, and the dough has a chewy texture."

Yan Shu smiled and said, "Since Your Majesty likes it, eat more."

As he spoke, he offered to pour him a cup of tea, "Drink tea, Your Majesty, be careful not to choke."

But he said in his heart, 【Eat two less, save some for others! ! This is made by my mother, and it took three years to finally eat it! ! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

But the buns were really good, he ate four in a row as if he couldn't hear her cry.

He only eats Yan Shu until his heart is bleeding.

But before she could say anything, she listened to the system and said, 【Don't feel sorry for Baozi, Concubine An has been chewing her tongue in front of the queen mother, talking about the emperor giving you the golden bowl! 】

golden bowl?

Yan Shu raised her eyebrows, did she even know about this?

It's a big deal!

However, since this is the case, she can use her big move with confidence.

She then said to the person in front of her who was eating her steamed stuffed buns with peace of mind, "Your Majesty, my concubine has written a new script, do you want to read it after you finish eating?"

Yu Wenlan just finished eating the fourth steamed stuffed bun, feeling a bit full, so she wiped her hands and said, "Yes, let's take a look."

Yan Shu took a stack of manuscript paper from the table and handed it to him.

Yu Wenlan picked it up and saw that the title was "The Man Stands Up".


He raised his eyebrows, "...this name is very special, what is it about?"

But I heard her say, "The protagonist of this story is a son. This son was born with a congenital deficiency in his mother's womb, so he was young and sick. , thinking that my husband is in poor health and has no future, so he hooked up with my father-in-law."

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Isn't this the matter of the Minister of Rites and his daughter-in-law picking up ashes?

But...he also wanted to know for a long time.

So I hurriedly looked down.

Unexpectedly, after a while, he was surprised to find that this matter was not as simple as picking ashes.

According to her story, the father-in-law and daughter-in-law actually gave birth to a child.


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