MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 116

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"Your Majesty, what did Your Majesty say?"

Suddenly hearing what Yu Wenlan said, the usually dignified Queen Mother was so surprised that she stuttered.

Yan Shu also looked at him in shock.

But Yu Wenlan paused and said, "Since my mother is tired of the court, why don't you find a suitable person to spend the rest of your life with me? Mr. Qi taught me before, and since then, I know he has real talents, The few times we got along a few days ago, it became more and more obvious that his character is precious, and among the people I have met, he is the only one who is worthy of you."

After the words fell, the two were still surprised.

I just listened to the Empress Dowager's heartfelt words, 【...does he really think that I am compatible with Qi Shuguang? 】

Yan Shu pondered, 【The Emperor really thinks Mr. Qi is good? But from the past, he seems to be very repulsive to Mr. Qi...]

Yu Wenlan,【…】

Cough, the past was the past, now is the present...

Just at this time, she saw her speak quickly again, "Your Majesty is holy! My concubine also thinks that Mr. Qi is a noble character and has a delicate mind. Besides, the environment of the academy is good. If Mr. Qi can take care of your mother, don't worry, your majesty, my concubine." Don't worry too."

—Hehe, no matter what the emperor thinks, this opportunity is rare in a thousand years. As a loyal CP fan, she must assist the queen mother and idol!

After all, this might be their last chance.

But as soon as these words came out, the Queen Mother gave another pause, and said angrily, "This child..."

But he was already muttering in his heart, 【Could it be... can we really be with him? 】

Yan Shu listened to her heart and nodded vigorously, but then, she saw the Queen Mother sighed again, and said, "How is it possible? Ai's family is the Queen Mother, there are so many pairs of eyes watching..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly paused again, how did she say this?

Unexpectedly, Yan Shu hurriedly said again, "This is not a problem at all, the empress wears a veil every time she goes out of the palace, and none of the students in the academy has seen you at all, so why don't you just change your identity? "

As soon as these words came out, the Queen Mother was taken aback again, "Then... how to change?"

Yu Wenlan said, "As long as you can live happily, I will arrange this matter myself."


On the second day, as the news of the arrest of the White Crane Demon Dao came out, everyone learned that the Demon Dao not only conspired to commit evil and harmed the common people, but also pretended to be a doctor and encouraged Wang Zhaoyi's family to send poison into the palace. And poisoned the Queen Mother.

The king was furious and executed Yao Dao at noon that day, which made the people cheer.

However, it failed to restore the Queen Mother's health.

Seeing the days go by and the Queen Mother's health deteriorating, even Xun Lan, the genius doctor who has rejuvenated her body, is helpless.

On the New Year's Eve of the old year and the Yuanzheng of the new year, the guests who visited the palace could not see the queen mother's holy face, but only smelled the soup and medicine in the palace.

Everyone was worried, they only hoped that Concubine Yi would soon give birth to a prince, and would be happy for the Queen Mother.


Ci'an Palace.

Today is the third day of the Lunar New Year, after dealing with the guests entering the palace to celebrate the New Year during the day, Yan Shu and Yu Wenlan came to Ci'an Palace at night.

After dismissing the idlers, there were only three people in the hall at this time.

The two saw that after a period of time of bone pinching, the Empress Dowager's face had changed somewhat.

People who are in close contact with her every day may not be able to see it, but those who visit it only once in a few days will be able to find that the bridge of the nose, cheekbones, and eye shape of the Empress Dowager are different from before.

I believe that before long, former acquaintances will no longer recognize the Queen Mother.

But the queen mother saw Yan Shu's pregnant belly, but worried, "Why are you still out and about when it's time? What if you suddenly have to give birth?"

Yan Shu rubbed her stomach and laughed, "The imperial doctor said that moving around at this time can also be used for childbirth. Anyway, they are all in the palace, and the mother-in-law and nurse have already been found. If they give birth, they will give birth."

The queen mother was teased by her and said, "It's rare to see such a big-hearted person like you, but that's okay, people with a big-hearted heart are always blessed."

Yan Shu thanked the Queen Mother with a smile, but Yu Wenlan asked again, "How is the Queen Mother these days? Can this bone pinching technique be tolerated?"

The Empress Dowager said, "Everything is fine in Ai's family, Your Majesty need not worry, Concubine Yi is the most important thing right now, so don't be negligent."

Yu Wenlan replied, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, I will definitely protect their mother and children."

The Queen Mother nodded, and said, "It's getting late, you should go back to rest earlier, it's cold outside, so be careful on the road."

The two should be, and they left Ci'an Palace.

As I just said to the Empress Dowager, walking more at this time is conducive to childbirth, so Yan Shu didn't want to take the chariot, and planned to walk back to the Manna Palace.

Yu Wenlan also accompanied her.

The air is a bit damp tonight, Yan Shu looked up at the sky, and saw heavy clouds, unable to see the starry sky, her eyes lit up, and she said, "It looks like it's going to snow again? Hey, then tomorrow night can Let's eat boiled mutton!"

Yu Wenlan thought it was funny, and said, "Isn't it possible to eat every day if you want to eat? Why do you have to wait until it snows?"

Yan Shu giggled, "It's because of the snow that there is an atmosphere of eating hot pot..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped short.

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows and said, "What's the matter? Why didn't you speak suddenly?"

Seeing her standing there blankly for a while, Fang looked at him in disbelief and said, "Chenqie, it seems that Chenqie is about to give birth..."

That's right, a sudden warm current overflowed from her stomach just now, and she couldn't stop it even if she wanted to. This symptom seems to be exactly the legendary water breaking...

And hearing what she said, Yu Wenlan was also shocked, and hurriedly greeted, "Come on, prepare the chariot!"

Unexpectedly, Yan Shu stopped her and said, "No, the concubine can't move anymore, the amniotic fluid will flow even more, and the cub will be in danger..."


Yu Wenlan paused, didn't think about it for a while, and directly hugged her by the waist, and strode towards the Ganlu Hall.


Although she had done enough homework before, when the labor pains really came, Yan Shu realized how painful it is to give birth to a baby.

Damn, that hurt so much, if the system hadn't always reminded her not to yell in her head to avoid losing her strength and causing dystocia, and also cited many cases to make her terrified, she would have almost yelled out.

Fortunately, I ate enough for dinner today, and there are three stable women around to give her guidance. She did a good job in the prenatal training before. After going through the labor pains for almost the middle of the night, she finally gave birth to the cub. come out.

It's a boy, pink and white, crying loudly, when weighed on the scale, it weighs six catties and six taels, which is an auspicious number.

But Yu Wenlan was very happy to see that the mother and child were safe. When the mother-in-law wrapped the little one in swaddling clothes and sent him to his arms, he hardly dared to move.

This is his cub, his child, the new life created by him and his beloved.

His life finally had a continuation.

He leaned over and kissed Yan Shu's sweaty forehead, and said in a warm voice, "Thank you."

Yan Shu opened her eyes wearily, and asked, "What time is it?"

Yu Wenlan said softly again, "It's almost dawn, get a good night's sleep. Zai Zaizhen will take care of you."

Yan Shu said hello and closed her eyes in peace.

In a daze, she suddenly remembered something—

It seems that since the labor pain just now, she hasn't heard other people's voices anymore?

Hey, what's going on?

Could it be that mind reading has disappeared?

Or was it because she was just too tired?

But after all, she hadn't slept all night. She was tired and sleepy right now, and she didn't have the energy to think about it for a while, so she finally fell asleep.


Taking advantage of Yan Shu's spare time to recuperate, Yu Wenlan personally carried Zai Zai to Ci'an Palace.

The queen mother was also worried all night when she heard that Yan Shu was giving birth, but now she was surprised and happy to see her son coming with her grandson in her arms.

Carefully hugging the little guy into her arms, the Queen Mother almost couldn't bear to look away, and sighed as she looked at it carefully, "Bao'er is very similar to His Majesty when he was a child. Just look at the slits in the eyes and you'll know it's big eyes. Look at the earlobes. Follow along." Her mother is a blessed person."

Yu Wenlan also came over to watch together, nodding while listening.

As soon as the words fell, the little guy who was sleeping soundly opened his eyes.

The mother and son were taken aback for a moment, thinking that the little guy was about to cry.

Unexpectedly, the little guy just looked at them quietly, without crying.

Tired of reading, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The queen mother carefully handed the little guy back to Yu Wenlan's arms, and said softly, "The Ai family is relieved after seeing it. Your Majesty will take him back earlier, so as not to wake up hungry later."

Yu Wenlan nodded, and responded in a low voice, for fear of disturbing the little baby.

Who knows, but the Queen Mother said again, "Concubine Yi has made great contributions to His Majesty many times, and His Majesty should reward her well. According to Ai's family, she has a heart of benevolence, broad-mindedness and discernment of right from wrong, and now she gave birth to Her Majesty. The eldest son is worthy of a great position in the middle palace."

Yu Wenlan smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother, I will make an order tomorrow, and the canonization ceremony will not be performed until their mother and child are full moon."

The queen mother nodded, "In this way, the Ai family can also feel relieved."

The emperor she raised with her own hands will definitely not treat the one she loves well like the previous one.


In the early morning of the second day, the imperial court really issued an imperial decree that Concubine Yi had meritorious service in giving birth to a son, and she was canonized as Queen of the Central Palace.

After the three feasts, the king personally proposed a name for the eldest son—Yuwenheng, which means the glory of Yuwen's ancestors will continue.

At the same time, he was registered as a prince.

Seeing the days go by day by day, by the end of the first month, the spring breeze has blown through the branches in the capital, and the weather has become warmer.

Taking advantage of the warm spring breeze and the full moon of the empress and the eldest son of the emperor, a grand ceremony for the establishment of the empress was held in the palace, and a grand ceremony for the establishment of the crown prince was also held.

The courtiers and the people were all excited about it—from then on, there was a queen and a prince, and the court and the field were full of vitality.

However, not long after, the news of the Queen Mother's death came, so the king ordered the whole country to mourn, in order to mourn.


In mid-February, winter jasmine blooms in the sunny mountains.

Qi Shuguang stood under the tree, looking at the figure from far and near, tried his best to conceal the heat in his eyes, and said, "Welcome madam."

The Empress Dowager had already taken off her veil, looked at him with a smile, and said, "They are already family members, so there is no need to be more polite from now on."

Qi Shuguang also smiled and said yes, then took her hand and brought her to the place where the flowers are blooming.

Human life should be like these flowers all over the mountains and plains. As long as you are alive, you should work hard to bloom, right?


But at this time in the palace, Yan Shu, who finished watching the screen with the system, couldn't help but burst into tears.

Woohoo It's not easy for her boss and idol to finally come to this point, it's so easy to cry!

After crying for a while, she was about to wipe her tears with a handkerchief, but when she lowered her head, she saw Zai Zai staring at her blankly, with her mouth curled up, as if she was about to cry.

Yan Shu paused, thinking what's wrong? Could it be that the little guy peed quietly?

However, when I touched the inside of the swaddle, it was very dry.

And the little guy has just finished feeding, so he is not hungry.

She then asked, "My son, why do you look at your mother like this?"

Of course, the little guy couldn't answer her right now, but just looked at her with a pair of black grape-like eyes, as if he was very wronged.

Yanshu, "..."

Alas, it's hard for her to be a mother for the first time, and now that she doesn't have the ability to read minds, she really can't guess the mind of this little baby who can't speak.

Forget it, the little guy didn't cry anyway, so she better hurry up and eat CP.

I just finished crying with emotion, but now I feel relieved again, the queen mother and the idol are finally together, and from now on they can support each other and spend the rest of their lives together.

So the aunt laughed for a while, then lowered her head, only to see her cub grinning at her too.

Yan Shu was pleasantly surprised, "Zai Zai can laugh?"

After the words fell, the little guy froze for a moment, then smiled at her again.

The mother and son laughed at each other for a while, and Yan Shu suddenly realized that maybe the little guy was sensing her emotions?

Just now when her eyes were filled with tears, he curled his lips accordingly. Now that she smiles, he also laughs?

Emma! Realizing this, she was suddenly taken aback. Could it be that her missing mind-reading skills went to her son?

Thinking of this, she opened her eyes happily and said, "This is too great!"

The voice fell, but the little guy grinned again.

Yan Shu was even more sure.

It must be so!

Because Zai Zai is still young, he may not be able to understand people's voices, but he can know people's joy.

In this way, as he gradually becomes sensible and grows up, he will be able to distinguish between good and bad people's hearts, and he will be able to protect himself well!

good things good things!

Yan Shu was very happy, and hurriedly picked up Zai Zai and kissed her fiercely.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Yu Wenlan stepped into the palace.

Seeing her like this, Bu asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

But I heard her say, "It's nothing, it's just that Zai Zai is smart, and the concubine is happy."

Cough cough, it's better not to tell him that Zai Zai has mind reading skills, otherwise, wouldn't it be revealed that she had mind reading skills back then?

Yu Wenlan was pleasantly surprised when he heard it. It turns out that his mind-reading skills can really be inherited?

Then he deliberately asked, "How clever is Zai Zai?"

But Yan Shu said, "Zaizai and my concubine are heart-to-heart, he will be happy if my concubine is happy."

Yu Wenlan nodded, "Surely smart!"

Then he hugged the chubby little guy into his arms and said with a smile, "Zai Zai is so good?"

But the little guy also grinned at him.

Yu Wenlan's heart was soft, and she lowered her head and kissed the little guy's milky and milky face.

But Yan Shu proudly said from the side, "Our cub is amazing!"

Yu Wenlan hummed, kissed her milky milky face, and said, "It's as good as you."

Read The Duke's Passion