MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 113

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Yu Wenlan still remembers that four years ago, he led troops to conquer Xiongrong himself. After the great victory, he returned to the capital, and when he was about to arrive in Gyeonggi, he received news from the palace that the late emperor was seriously ill.

He didn't care about rest, and immediately rushed back to the palace overnight, and when he arrived at Qianming Palace, what he saw was exactly that——

The late emperor, who had just vomited blood, still had blood stains on his robe, but he had already lost his breath—

At that time, everyone said that the first emperor died of weakness because of his long-term practice of alchemy and ignorance of food and drink.

Could it be.

No, that possibility just came up, and he immediately denied it.

—This matter has absolutely nothing to do with the Empress Dowager!

It must be that this **** is holding a grudge and wants to deliberately drive a wedge between their mother and son.

That's right, how sinister is this person's intentions? If Xun Lan took out this letter before dying, Xun Lan would have to bear such a heavy burden in his heart, and it would be a sin to say it or not.

I will definitely not be able to live a better life in the future.

Or as it is now, let him see, intending to drive a wedge between their mother and child.

This dog thief!

Yu Wenlan gritted her teeth silently, but said to Doctor Xun with a normal face, "It's okay, go down, the queen mother will finish her treatment in half a month, take good care of her, don't make any trouble."

Doctor Xun, who still didn't know what happened, hurriedly bowed his head in response, and then left the hall with the medicine box again.

Yu Wenlan threw the letter paper just now into the censer, and passed the news to Fu Hai to enter, and ordered, "Decree, Zhang Shengkang committed a heinous crime, whip the corpse for three days, throw it to the mass grave, and don't collect the corpse."

Fu Hai quickly responded, and then went out to make arrangements. As he walked, he pondered in his heart, could it be that he found out what evil deeds Zhang Shengkang had done to make the king give such an order?


Manna Hall.

Yu Wenlan came a little late tonight, when Yan Shu was about to fall asleep, she heard the sound of the door.

Before she got up, he had already gone to bed, and before he could speak, he hugged her into his arms.

Yan Shu's mind was still a little confused, so she said, "The concubine didn't see His Majesty until the key was released, so I thought you weren't coming."

Yu Wenlan's voice was low and deep, "I'm busy and late, so I came here just now."

He paused, then asked her, "How was your day?"

Yan Shu said again half asleep and half awake, "It's pretty good."

Hey, sending that dog thief to the west today is really satisfying. If she didn't have a cub in her belly, she would like to drink three hundred cups to celebrate!

Yu Wenlan finished listening silently, and then said, "Go to sleep."

Yan Shu hummed, moved her body again, found a comfortable position in his arms, finally closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

Yu Wenlan lowered her eyes and reached out to touch the top of her hair.

If there was something abnormal, she would have known about it long ago, wouldn't she?

But just now, he didn't hear anything unusual from Yan Shu's heart.

Therefore, Zhang Shengkang was really slandering.

In the darkness, he also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

She slept very lightly that night, and when Yu Wenlan woke up, it was still dark.

Although there was no court meeting this morning, he didn't want to sleep anymore, so he got up, dressed, and went to Qianming Palace.

The cold wind along the way made people sober, and after going to the imperial study room to read the book for half an hour, the genius outside the window gradually showed his pale belly.

Fu Hai has been waiting on the sidelines, thinking that it is time to pass on the meal to the king, but before he could move, Jin Yiwei came to report, "Your Majesty, the news was just sent from Minyue this morning, saying that he caught a The famous Taoist seems to be the real Baihe."

Yu Wenlan snorted, and immediately asked, "Is it alive?"

But Jin Yiwei said, "People from Minyue said that they chased him into the forest at that time. Seeing that there was no way to escape, the other party simply jumped off the cliff. It is not known whether he is alive or dead."

Jump off a cliff?

Yu Wenlan frowned, thought for a while, and said, "This person is scheming, so don't trust him. Tell them to find the body first, and make sure that it is really the real Baihe. Don't take the Red Lotus Sect lightly."

Jin Yiwei should be, and then withdrew from the hall.

Yu Wenlan thought for a while, and picked up the notebook again.

—There are so many important things to deal with, why bother with a matter that has passed four years?

What's more, he didn't believe it.


Looking at it, a few more days passed, and it was already November in the capital.

The first snow has fallen and the weather is getting colder.

Fortunately, there are earth dragons in the palace, especially the Ci'an Palace. The palace people burned the earth dragons especially warmly for fear that the queen mother would catch cold.

Today is the last day of the Empress Dowager's last course of treatment. Even though Yan Shu's belly is as big as a ball, she still came here specially to accompany the Empress Dowager to ask Xun Taiyi to get her pulse.

At this time, seeing that Doctor Xun moved away his finger for diagnosing the pulse, she hurriedly asked, "How?"

Imperial Physician Xun hurriedly said, "Please don't worry, Madam, the empress dowager's disease has been eradicated, so there is no need to worry about relapsing old diseases, but when the weather is cold, you still need to pay attention to wind protection to keep warm, so as not to catch wind and cold."

Hearing that Yanshu was finally relieved, she hurriedly said to the queen mother, "Congratulations, empress, you don't have to worry about it in the future."

The Queen Mother nodded, and said to Doctor Xun, "You have made great achievements in healing, and the Ai family should reward you."

Imperial Physician Xun hurriedly knelt down and said, "Healing the sick is the bounden duty of a doctor, not to mention that the nobles have already shown such great kindness to me that I dare not ask for rewards."

The queen mother said, "If you don't invite rewards, that's your business. It's the family's business to reward you. You don't have to be polite."

As he spoke, he ordered the palace man to say, "Give Imperial Physician Xun fifty taels of gold, plus a pair of deerskin gloves and a pair of cloud boots. If it's cold today, you have to keep warm when you walk back and forth."

Hearing this, Imperial Physician Xun had no choice but to kowtow quickly to express his thanks, with a look of panic on his face.

Yan Shu was so excited that she almost got up and clapped her hands—

Hmph, her boss is so generous! If you like someone, you can spend real money, domineering!

At this time, the Queen Mother said to her again, "Next, the Ai family is only waiting for your baby to be born. After all, there is only one month left?"

Before Yan Shu could reply, Imperial Physician Xun hurriedly said, "The Empress Dowager is right, but in half a month, the emperor's heir will be full-term, and it will be normal no matter what day he is born."

The queen mother nodded her head and said, "I want you to bother and worry a lot, and take a good look at Concubine Gu Yi."

Physician Xun hurriedly responded.

At this moment, the cotton curtain of the hall door was lifted, and a tall figure wearing a crane cloak entered.

Everyone in the hall hurriedly saluted, while the Queen Mother said, "Why is Your Majesty here all this time?"

Yu Wenlan said, "I remember that today is the last day of my mother's medical treatment, so I wanted to come over to see how things are going."

Wen Ya Yanshu hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has recovered from her illness."

Yu Wenlan breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "That's good."

But Yan Shu asked him again, "Why are your majesty's shoulders wet?"

Yu Wenlan groaned, "It's snowing outside."

It's snowing again? Yan Shu's eyes lit up.

But the queen mother sighed, "Your Majesty is still the same as when I was a child. I don't like to hold an umbrella when it snows. What if I catch a cold?"

Yu Wenlan said with a smile, "I came here by chariot, but the few steps I got out of the car were covered with snow, mother, don't worry."

The Queen Mother didn't say anything.

But Yan Shu said with a smile, "Snowy weather is the best time to eat pot, how about having mutton pot for dinner?"

Cough, anyway, everyone here knows that she is a foodie, so she stopped pretending. It coincides with the recovery of the boss today, so we should also celebrate it!

Unexpectedly, the Queen Mother smiled and said, "You two go eat, Ai's family is not used to the taste."

Yu Wenlan also said, "The queen really doesn't like mutton very much."

Yan Shu had no choice but to say that if the boss is not used to eating it, it is not good to force it, so she can only eat it with the emperor.

But the Empress Dowager told her again, "It's snowing and cold, and it will freeze tomorrow, so you don't have to come here, just stay in the palace, don't let anything go wrong at this time."

Yan Shu hurriedly responded.

Then he bid farewell with the emperor.

After leaving the gate of the palace, they saw snowflakes floating in the sky. They boarded the imperial chariot and went to the Manna Palace together.

Yan Shu was already hungry, and her mind was full of delicious boiled mutton, so she couldn't help but said, "I'll ask the imperial dining room to prepare six plates of mutton later."

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows, "How much do you want? I only need two sets."

Seeing her startled, she said, "Oh yes, and Your Majesty, so let's have eight dishes."

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Wasn't he included in the six plates of mutton just now?


After eating the pot and taking a bath, the two of them went up to the couch together.

Without the cover of the cotton-padded coat, Yan Shu's stomach became more and more clear, and now it was as round as a watermelon.

Seeing it in his eyes, Yu Wenlan couldn't help asking, "Will it hurt if it's so big?"

Yan Shu murmured, "It doesn't hurt now, but I don't know how much it will hurt when I give birth."

Just as he finished speaking, he saw a bulge on his stomach.

Her eyes lit up, she touched her belly with a smile, and said to the little guy inside, "Zaizai wants to tell mother that she will be obedient and won't make mother hurt for a long time, right?"

After the voice fell, I saw the bulge rolling to another direction.

—As the birth approached, the baby's fetal movement became more and more obvious and varied, with bulging and rolling, and even raising his hands and feet, which made people look forward to him more and more.

Yu Wenlan couldn't help but put her hand on it, and said with a smile, "Zai Zai will definitely listen to your mother."

The voice fell, but the little guy bulged again, as if responding.

Yu Wenlan's heart softened, and she said again, "Zai Zai is a good boy, it's late at night, go to bed earlier, so that your mother can sleep well."

Not to mention, the little guy in the stomach seemed to be able to understand the words, but gradually he really didn't move.

Yan Shu's eyes lit up, "It seems that Zai Zai can really recognize His Majesty's voice, and is very obedient."

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows and said, "That's natural, my son will definitely be as smart as me."

As he spoke, he kissed her forehead again, and said, "Go to bed earlier."

Yan Shu hummed, closed her eyes in his arms, and fell asleep.

That night, there was no sound of snow falling outside the window, and Yu Wenlan dreamed about the birth of a child a month later.

He hugged his cub, the little guy raised his hands and kicked his legs, kept smiling at him, and opened his mouth to call daddy.

In the dream, he thought, it really is his own baby, who even speaks earlier than ordinary people, so smart!


On the second day there was a court meeting, Yu Wenlan got up early as usual and went to Qianming Palace.

The snow had stopped last night, and it was really cold.

Above the court, the ministers reported important matters one after another, while Yu Wenlan asked concerned, "Did the snow last night cause any disaster? Did the people suffer from the cold?"

The servant of the Household Department hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured that the snow last night was not considered heavy, so there was no disaster. Jingzhao Mansion has opened three porridge factories and shelters in the city this morning, so it should not be a problem."

Yu Wenlan nodded and said, "Not only in the capital, but also in places where snow falls. If there is a lack of silver, you can apply to the Ministry of Households, but you must strictly control it. Don't let those who are willing to fill their pockets. The court's silver It must fall on the people."

The servant of the household department is busy.

However, Dali Temple Minister came forward and said, "Your Majesty, I received a report from the Jingzhao Mansion this morning. Recently, there have been miscarriages of pregnant women in the capital. Some doctors noticed something wrong and reported the case to the Jingzhao Mansion."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was a little surprised.

Someone asked, "Could it be that the weather was freezing and the pregnant woman accidentally fell down?"

But I saw Dali Temple Qing said, "I'm afraid it's not the main reason. According to the statistics of Jingzhao Mansion, there have only been two snowfalls recently, and they are not too heavy. Therefore, there is no ice on the road, and most of the pregnant women are at home. Avoiding the cold, seldom going out for a walk, but having a small childbirth, this matter is quite strange."

After the words fell, Yu Wenlan frowned and said, "How many times does this happen?"

The minister of Dali Temple hurriedly said, "According to the report from the Jingzhao Mansion, there have been more than ten cases in the past half month."

In half a month, it has already been more than ten?

In other words, there will be together almost every two days?

Yu Wenlan has already thought of someone.

——He still remembers that Yan Shu once mentioned to him that Baihe Daoist used human placenta to make alchemy...

In addition, Tian Jinyiwei said that the real Baihe fell off a cliff a few days ago, and after he ordered an investigation, he has not received any news yet.

He paused and was about to give orders immediately.

Unexpectedly, the minister of Dali Temple said again, "I still remember that such an incident happened in the capital about four years ago. Many pregnant women had miscarriages in a short period of time, but it was in summer at that time, not as it is now. Usually severe winter."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Wenlan was taken aback again.

Summer four years ago...

It's not right, it was almost before the death of the first emperor.

At that time, that Daoist Baihe was still in the palace, accompanying the late emperor to practice Taoism all day long...

Could it be that this person has already started to use this method to make alchemy back then?

So... did the emperor know about it?

As I was thinking about it, I heard the minister of Dali Temple say again, "Your Majesty, I think that there may be someone behind this matter who is doing evil, and we should investigate it carefully to prevent more pregnant women from being victimized."

Yu Wenlan came back to his senses, and immediately said, "That's right, order Jingzhao Mansion, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice to investigate this matter immediately, and the Jingwei Division will immediately send personnel to conduct a thorough investigation in the capital. If there are unknown Taoist priests, they will be arrested immediately. I suspect, That White Crane Taoist has arrived in the capital."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately responded one after another, not daring to neglect.

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