MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 110

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As it was related to the Empress Dowager's condition, Yu Wenlan couldn't neglect it, so she sent someone to Zhang's Mansion that night.

Cough, after all, I have the exact location, and it is accurate to the number of bookshelves. In addition, due to the discomfort of the queen mother, Zhang Shengkang needs to be on duty in the palace, and no one enters or exits the Zhang family's study room. "Xinglin Supplements" was in my hand.

So early in the morning of the second day, when Tai Physician Jiang came to the palace to take up duty, he immediately saw his father's painstaking work with his own eyes.

Excitement and sighs are inevitable, but the most urgent thing is to diagnose and treat the queen mother. Therefore, after checking his father's records, doctor Jiang immediately made a plan for the queen mother and began to diagnose and treat her.

Yan Shu had already been waiting in the Ci'an Palace, and Yu Wenlan also rushed over immediately after the morning court, and hurriedly asked the doctor Jiang who was treating the Queen Mother, "How is it? When will the Queen Mother recover?"

However, Doctor Jiang said seriously, "Your Majesty, the empress dowager's head wind is an old disease, and the current treatment should be soothing the liver and relieving depression, nourishing the liver and kidney, nourishing qi and blood, dispelling wind and relieving pain. Everything should be done step by step, slowly, at present, the minister will take half a month as a course of treatment and last for three courses, which can probably eradicate the disease for the Empress Dowager."

Three courses?

Hearing this, Yu Wenlan frowned again and said, "So, it will take at least one and a half months for the Queen Mother to fully recover?"

Physician Jiang bowed his head and agreed.

Seeing this situation, Yan Shu hurriedly comforted her, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, it is better to have a solution than to have no solution, not to mention that the Empress Dowager has been plagued by this disease for many years, it would be good if the hidden danger can be completely eliminated within a month and a half. of."

That's right, Yu Wenlan nodded, and saw that Dr. Jiang took out a pack of silver needles and stuck them on the acupuncture points on the Queen Mother's head one by one.

This scene gave him a hard time, and he only saw Yan Shu terrified, God, how painful it is to have so many needles stuck in his head!

Then he looked at the Queen Mother, but there was no reaction.

So it can be seen that the headache attack is actually more uncomfortable than the needle prick.

Yan Shu almost burst into tears.

Why didn't Yu Wenlan understand this truth, and her heart felt a little heavy. After a pause, she asked Doctor Jiang, "Aside from taking medicine and acupuncture, what else should I pay attention to?"

Physician Jiang hurriedly replied, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager's illness has both internal and external causes. Externally, she should pay attention to wind protection and keep warm, so as not to catch the cold again. Internally, she should try her best to keep the empress in a comfortable mood, soothe the liver and relieve depression."

These words are easy to understand, upon hearing this, Yan Shu couldn't help sighing silently—

[To put it bluntly, isn't the Queen Mother all the victims of the late emperor? Just like the Queen Mother, the husband is always in a hurry, and the child dies prematurely. How much painstaking effort have you put in these years to support the adopted son? But the natal family is still not up to date, and the moths come out again and again, and they can't be together after finally getting acquainted... Which woman can not be depressed when these things fall on her head? Can you not get sick? Wuwuwu, this half life of the queen mother is not easy! 】

Yu Wenlan listened silently, and after a pause, she said to the queen mother on the bed, "The queen mother has worked hard all these years."

— What Yan Shu said makes sense.

This imperial palace really did not allow the Queen Mother to live a comfortable life.

But when the voice fell, the Queen Mother gradually opened her eyes and said weakly, "Now is the time when you are busy, Your Majesty does not need to worry too much about Aijia, go back."

Yan Shu heard the words and hurriedly said, "It's good for the concubine to stay with the empress, Your Majesty will go back first."

Indeed, it was morning, and there must be a lot of important things waiting for him in the imperial study, so Yu Wenlan had no choice but to agree, bid farewell to the Queen Mother, and returned to Qianming Palace.

The rest of Imperial Physician Jiang continued to diagnose and treat the Empress Dowager, and Yan Shu also stayed by her side.

After the acupuncture and moxibustion were completed, he personally served the queen mother and drank the soup, and did not go back to rest until the queen mother fell asleep.


I have to say that the doctor Jiang's method is really more effective than Zhang Shengkang's. After two or three days like this, the Queen Mother's symptoms have been relieved a little, and she is no longer groggy and headache all day long. Yan Shu chatted.

Now it is mid-September, and the weather is getting colder and colder. Although the hall is warm, you can see through the window that the trees in the courtyard have lost all their leaves.

The Empress Dowager was still thinking about the miscellaneous affairs in the palace. Now that she was recovering from her illness, she couldn't help worrying again, and asked Yan Shu, "I don't know if the Knitting Bureau has finished all the winter clothes for the palace?"

Yan Shu hurriedly said, "The winter clothes have already been handed out, so you don't have to worry about it."

The Queen Mother nodded, and sighed, "You are getting more and more agile now, but it's just a pity that you still have one in your stomach, so don't work too hard."

Yan Shu nodded hurriedly and said, "The courtiers and concubines are all well, please rest assured, Madam."

Then he asked, "It's almost noon, what do you want to eat?"

But the queen mother shook her head and sighed, "Drinking the medicine these days has made my mouth bitter, and I don't want to eat anything."

This is a problem for Yanshu, people are like iron and rice is steel, how can the boss get better if he doesn't want to eat?

Unexpectedly, at this time, I saw a palace official saying outside the door, "Report to the Empress Dowager, Father Fuhai is here."

Fu Hai must have come here under the order of the king. Hearing this, the Empress Dowager nodded and said, "Come in."

The people outside the door should be, and immediately after, Fu Hai came to the hall carrying a food box, bowed to the two of them, "Your Majesty ordered your servant to bring some persimmon cakes to the Queen Mother."


Yan Shu was taken aback, the queen mother just said that her mouth was bitter, and the emperor's persimmon cake arrived, could it be that mother and child bonded?

Seeing that the Queen Mother was also a little surprised, she groaned and asked, "Why did Your Majesty think of sending these to Ai's family?"

Unexpectedly, I heard Fu Hai said, "It was Your Majesty who asked the doctor Jiang about your condition. I know that your appetite has not been very good these days. It happened that there was a persimmon cake sent to the palace by the head of Songhe Academy, Qi Shan. Your Majesty knows that your mother likes it." mouth, and asked the servant to bring it for you to taste."

Then he added, "Your Majesty has asked Imperial Physician Jiang specifically, it doesn't matter if you eat less."

After the words fell, the Queen Mother and Yan Shu were both taken aback.

Especially Yan Shu, who almost couldn't control the expression on her face—

Just now Fu Hai said, is this the persimmon cake sent by Chief Qi Shan? ? ?

Why did Chief Qi Shan suddenly send persimmon cakes to the palace? ! Is it for the Queen Mother? !

At the critical moment, the system has to jump out to solve the confusion, [Yes, I have heard that the queen mother is not feeling well these few days, and Qi Shanchang is naturally more worried, but it is a pity that the news is not smooth outside the palace. He mustered up the courage to send in the persimmon cakes he made himself. Of course, people didn't dare to say that it was given to the Queen Mother. They only said that it was the persimmon cake produced by Songhe Academy. In order to thank His Majesty for his concern, he specially gave it to His Majesty for a taste. 】

Yan Shu was very excited, and hurriedly asked, 【That, that, why did the emperor think of sending it to the queen mother? 】

System, [Because the Queen Mother really likes eating persimmons! How can a mother and son not know about this for more than twenty years? 】

Yan Shu was still very excited, 【So Bachelor Qi also knows that the Queen Mother likes to eat persimmons? Even learned how to make persimmons? After waiting for so many years, can the Queen Mother finally taste it? 】

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who has the scene of Xueshi Qi finally unable to bear the concern for the queen mother after a fierce battle between reason and emotion, so he plucked up the courage to send the persimmons into the palace with his own hands!

Wuwuwu Although he didn't say a word, this persimmon is his heart!

And looking at the Empress Dowager again, she was also full of surprise, and said in her heart, 【What is this person... Could it be that he wanted to give it to me on purpose? 】

Yan Shu heard it in her ears, she didn't know how much she wanted to nod and say yes to the Queen Mother—

Boss, don't doubt anymore, Bachelor Qi is indeed all for you! ! He really cares about you! !

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

Of course, although this can't be said, she can do something else.

So he hurriedly replied, "Your Majesty, the persimmon cakes came just in time. Just now, the empress said that her mouth was bitter. You can eat some persimmon cakes, just to take it easy."

After speaking, he took the food box over and took out the persimmons, and handed it to the maid Danshuang to write it into small pieces, and then brought it to the Queen Mother.

Seeing this, the queen mother really took a few pieces and tasted them.

Well, it's the natural sweetness of persimmons. When chewing slowly, it seems that you can see the appearance of that person.

Perhaps he sent this persimmon cake specially for her?

After all, with his personality, he would not take the initiative to please others.

Thinking of this, the sweetness in his mouth gradually spread to his heart, making the smell of medicine in the room seem to fade a lot.

Yan Shu watched quietly from the side, seeing that the Empress Dowager's eyes gradually brightened, she was also very happy, and took the opportunity to say, "Taking advantage of the sweetness of the persimmon cakes, the empress might as well eat something, and ask the dining room to cook some porridge. How about some side dishes?"

But the queen mother nodded and said with a smile, "After what you said, Ai's family is actually a little hungry, well, let them pass it on."

Yanshu should be, and hurriedly asked Danshuang to pass on the meal.

Not long after, when lunch was delivered, the queen mother drank a bowl of porridge and ate two side dishes.

After that, he drank all the soup and medicine in one gulp, which is enough to see the joy in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Yan Shu was also relieved.

With the encouragement of her idol, the leader of the list will definitely recover soon.


And Yu Wenlan has always been concerned about the Queen Mother, but it is a pity that she is busy with business, and when she returns to Ganlu Hall in the evening, she asks Yan Shu, "How is the Queen Mother today?"

Yan Shu hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is much better today, especially after eating the persimmon cake that you asked Fu Hai to send, her mood improved a lot, and she also ate a lot of lunch and dinner."

Hehe in my heart while talking, [Speaking of it, you still know how to do things! He actually knew to send Bachelor Qi's persimmon cakes to the Queen Mother, not bad, not bad, a child can be taught! 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Well, since Doctor Jiang said that the queen mother needs to keep her mood at ease, he can only try his best to do so.

The voice fell, but Yan Shu said to him, "Your Majesty, this concubine is thinking today. Seeing that the Queen Mother's condition has improved, I might as well try to tell her about Zhang Shengkang's past. Didn't this concubine happen to write about Zhang Shengkang before?" Is it a book about bullying teachers and destroying ancestors and being ungrateful? It is just right to take it out and read it to the Empress Dowager, so as to pave the way first, let the empress know the evil things he did in the past. After the empress recovers in two days, I will publish "Xinglin Shiyi" If the incident is revealed, the Empress Dowager will fully understand Zhang Shengkang's true colors."

Yu Wenlan nodded and said, "Yes."

Speaking of it, Zhang Shengkang saw that the Queen Mother had asked Mrs. Jiang to treat her illness these days, and he was probably already very anxious, and he would do despicable things again if he didn't keep it all.

But it doesn't matter, he has already ordered the secret guards to follow this person, and if this person does any more evil deeds, he will be caught immediately.

But Yan Shu's arrangement is also very good, first make a psychological preparation for the Queen Mother, so that when Zhang Shengkang is dealt with in the future, the Queen Mother can also avoid being too surprised and disappointed.

After all, people who are ill are not easy to be stimulated too much.

But at this time the words fell, but seeing Yan Shu's reply, she hurriedly ran to the bookcase to search for it.

He wondered, "What is this for?"

It's getting late, shouldn't she still have to write a script?

But Yan Shu said, "I don't know where the concubine put the manuscript about Zhang Shengkang. The concubine should find it first, so that I can read it to the queen mother tomorrow."

But Yu Wenlan stepped forward to pull her, and said, "It's already very late, and it's the same if I look for it tomorrow. You also stayed with Ci'an Palace for a day, so you should rest early."

After the words fell, Yan Shu yawned in response to the situation, and then realized that she was indeed a little tired, so she had no choice but to agree, and followed him to the couch to rest.


On the second day, Yu Wenlan woke up early as usual, ready to go to Qianming Palace for the court meeting.

The sound of getting out of bed woke Yan Shu up, she sat up lazily, lifted the bed curtain and asked, "Is Your Majesty leaving?"

While speaking, he yawned again, his eyes still not fully opened.

Yu Wenlan was funny and gentle in her heart, leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, and said, "Don't get up, it's cold outside, let's sleep a little longer."

Yan Shu was so spoiled, she murmured, and planned to lie back down again.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Fu Hai said, "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has something to report."

Yu Wenlan murmured, then put on her robe and went outside, asking, "What's the matter?"

At the same time, Yan Shu, who was still lying on the quilt, was also thinking about who Jin Yiwei had caught and reported so early.

Could it be that Taoist Baihe was caught?

No, according to the time, the people sent out may have just arrived in Minyue, not to mention arresting people, even if they come back, it will be too late...

Who could it be?

Tsk, let alone, driven by curiosity, she was not so sleepy, so she also got out of bed, put on her robe, and listened at the door.

But I heard Jin Yiwei from outside said, "Your Majesty, I sneaked into Zhang's mansion last night and found that Zhang Shengkang was hanging out with a woman after returning to the mansion. Not long after that, the woman went to her son's room again. Hang out with my son until midnight..."

Yan Shu, "???"

Yu Wenlan, "???"

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