MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 105

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Following the Queen Mother's speech, Guo Zhenghai, the son of the Duke of Qi, had no choice but to sit back in his seat.

The storyteller continued, "There are already more than ten concubines in this person's backyard, and many of them are women from good families like this girl, all of whom were occupied by this old man. And most importantly, the other The mistress of the mansion, that is, the old man's wife, has a very vicious heart. All the women who enter the mansion are given sterilizing drugs by her to avoid giving birth to concubines and concubines. Naturally, this girl cannot escape. Jie, within half a month after entering the mansion, he was drugged by the mistress, and almost died. All in all, this day is very miserable."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Princess Ruyang couldn't help asking, "Wait, why does this mistress sound so much like the evil woman in the previous story?"

But the storyteller nodded and said, "This nobleman is right. This is actually one person. These two stories are actually about a family."

As soon as these words came out, Ruyang Princess looked stunned, nodded and said, "It turns out that we are a family, and the strange ways are so bad!"

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement.

During this time, someone scolded, "One is a pervert and the other is a vicious woman. This couple is quite a good match."

Yan Shu's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she wished she could clap her hands and shout! This sums it up brilliantly!

At the same time, she looked in the direction of the Duke of Qi's son Guo Zhenghai and the Wei family, but saw that the faces of the two were green and pale, and their expressions were already very distorted. They seemed to be panicked and angry, but they couldn't speak. Looks aggrieved.

Heh, where is this? After doing bad things for so many years, what is it to be scolded a few times?

But at this moment, the storyteller continued, "Everyone who read the story is right, let me listen to the little one who continues to tell you the next story, but said that this girl died miserably in the Gaomen mansion in the capital. It was hard to survive, but he didn't know that the old beast was still thinking about her younger sister. After two years, it was estimated that the younger sister had grown up, and the old man used hunting as an excuse to visit her again. My natal family is trying to repeat the old tricks and occupy the younger sister again."

As soon as these words came out, the spectators became anxious again.

The eldest princess couldn't help but said again, "These two girls must never fall into the jaws of a tiger again! This father and mother must quickly find a way!"

Everyone also echoed.

But I heard the book said, "What Your Highness said is very true! Fortunately, the couple also sensed the danger, and it happened that someone came to propose marriage to the second girl, so the two quickly made a marriage agreement for the second girl."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the family had finally escaped.

Unexpectedly, I heard the scholar said, "I didn't expect this old man to be so angry that he used his power to accuse this father and sent him to prison."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became angry again, and said one after another, "Doesn't this old man have no king's law in his eyes?"

"Yes, yes! How can you bully people like this!"

The Eldest Princess also said angrily to the storyteller, "I have lived for so many years, this is the first time I have heard of such a bully. Such a person, you can't give him a good end!"

The storyteller hurriedly said, "Your Highness, don't be in a hurry, let me continue to tell you, how can this plain-headed commoner withstand the oppression of the power in Beijing? So even though he is full of grievances, this father is still in prison. Fortunately, the local officials also knew that he had been wronged, and couldn't bear the heavy sentence. After two years, they released him. However, they thought that the family would be able to reunite and live a good life, but the news spread to In the middle of the capital, the old man was actually dissatisfied and wanted to repeat his old tricks, not only to send the father to prison again, but also to frame the presiding officer in order to vent his anger."

When the story heard this, the audience exploded again, and they all said angrily, "My God! There are such villains in this world?"

"That's right, is he in charge of the world? How dare he act so recklessly!!"

The eldest princess also said again, "This man is still alive and well? God didn't strike him with lightning? Oh no, did he kill their family?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Shu couldn't help raising her eyebrows, but she saw her big boss, the Queen Mother, looking at her sister-in-law and nodding her head in support.

Yan Shu sighed in her heart, no wonder the sister-in-law and sister-in-law have always been in harmony, and the three views are great!

And look at Guo Zhenghai and his wife, their faces are ashen, and they wish they could get under the chairs.

Someone hurriedly asked the storyteller, "What's going on in the future? Such a good family, you won't be framed by this old man again, right?"

The storyteller hurriedly said, "Of course not, please rest assured, the so-called heavenly principles will not let off evildoers easily, and it is also said that if you want others to know you have to do nothing, one day, someone in the court will discover this person's intentions." , out of anger, immediately reported to the king, and the king was naturally furious, and immediately ordered someone to investigate the matter thoroughly."

"I didn't expect that if I didn't check, this person would have done many other evil things, all of which were using the power rewarded by the heavenly family to wantonly oppress the common people, tarnish the reputation of the imperial court, and even involve human life, and there are more than one of them. How could the king tolerate such a wicked person? Immediately sentenced him to beheaded! He was pushed out of the Meridian Gate and beheaded on the same day to vent the hatred of the people."

As the voice fell, there was applause in the hall, and the audience all cheered, "Happy! The law of heaven is clear, evil will be rewarded with evil!"

"Happy, happy! Fortunately, the Tian family upholds justice! Fortunately, there is Mingjun!!"

But amidst the applause, there was a bang, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look, only to find that it was Guo Zhenghai, the son of the Duke of Qi who said he was not feeling well just now, who fell down and sat on the ground.

Moreover, his complexion was pale and his head was covered with cold sweat, and he seemed very uncomfortable.

Everyone was puzzled.

But the king said, "If Guo Qing's family is not feeling well, ask the imperial doctor to take a look for you."

Although it was Guan Wen's words, the tone was very cold.

Guo Zhenghai was guilty of being a thief, so he got up from the ground, sat back on his seat, and said, "I dare not, thank you for your majesty's concern, I am fine."

But everyone was still thinking about the story, so someone hurriedly asked the storyteller, "Although this man is dead, what about those girls who were taken by him, and what about that wicked woman in his family?"

But I heard that the book humanely said, "As her family member, and she knows her crimes well, she can't escape the punishment of the law. In the end, she was sentenced to exile and wandered in the bitter cold of the border all her life, not allowed to return to Beijing. The court thought that they were all victims, so they gave them back all their freedom, so far, the poor girl was finally able to return to the arms of her parents, and the family was reunited."

As the voice fell, some in the audience nodded and some sighed.

The Ankang County Lord's eyes were already red, and he wiped his tears and sighed, "Such a good daughter's family, what did I do wrong, was so ruined by the wicked couple, and was poisoned, so I can't be a mother in the future. I'm afraid I won't be able to get married even if I want to."

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded and once again scolded the wicked couple for treating them as human beings.

But I heard the queen mother say, "No matter what, it is always good to be free. Such a family that values ​​love and righteousness will always raise girls with good character. If you can meet a good man, maybe you will have a good one." Even if we never meet again, it is still better to stay with parents by our parents' side than to be ruined by that villain."

After the voice fell, everyone nodded again.

And at this point, the story was finished, the storyteller got the reward, and withdrew after saluting.

Guo Zhenghai and Wei's couple just thought this incident was over, and were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but they listened to the king, "What do you think about the evil things this person has committed?"

Everyone's righteousness was still unfinished, and they immediately expressed their emotions after hearing the words.

Yan Shu's No. 1 fan, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Lu, first said, "Your Majesty, from the story, this person bullied others with power and insulted the majesty of the court. It is enough to punish severely."

Everyone nodded.

The Minister of Criminal Affairs also said, "Judging from the story of framing an imperial court official, this person is quite skilled. If there is such a thing in reality, this person should have done more than one such evil thing. It is to prevent other innocent people from being wronged. In any case, those who tarnish the reputation of the court and act as minions must not be lightly forgiven."

Everyone echoed again, "That's right! We must not be lighthearted."

But seeing the king nodding his head, he suddenly looked at Qi Guogong and said, "What does Qi Guogong think about this matter?"

The Duke of Qi paused, and immediately got up and said, "Your Majesty, I think this story is well written, but I'm afraid it's just a story. Your Majesty is wise and powerful, and the current country is safe and the people live and work in peace. This kind of thing should not happen in reality. among."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Shu couldn't help raising her eyebrows secretly—

This old man can really talk. According to this, if this is true, the emperor would not be wise and powerful?

Fortunately, Yu Wenlan didn't fall into the trap, but continued to ask, "I want to know, if this matter is true, how should we deal with it according to Duke Qi's opinion?"

But the other party said again, "Your Majesty, if it is true at this time, this perpetrator should indeed be severely punished."

Yu Wenlan groaned, and asked again, "If this villain comes from a rich family, in the view of Duke Qi, should the law favor him and let him go?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Shu couldn't help applauding in her heart.

The emperor asked a good question!

Everyone in the world knows that princes and princes are guilty of the same crime as the common people. If the Duke of Qi said he was partial, a group of ministers would definitely refute him, so he must have no choice but to say no.

And in this way, once the emperor wanted to convict his son, he would have nothing to say!

And sure enough, when the king's voice fell, the old man said, "Your Majesty, there is a saying that a prince breaks the law and the common people are the same crime. The old minister believes that no matter what his status is, he should not be favored by the law. However, the matter is It's important, but we must find out the truth, and don't be deceived by those who want to."

As soon as the words came out, everyone raised their eyebrows, thinking that this Duke of Qi is probably old and has not cared about current affairs for a long time, so he didn't know that Mr. Xiaoyao's words have prototypes?

And, which one has been wronged?

But having said that, who is the **** old pervert in this story?

Unexpectedly, at this time, the king said, "A few days ago, I received a report that Guo Zhenghai, the son of the Duke of Qi, bullied others, took a woman from a good family as his concubine, and maliciously framed Lin Chengxian, a hundred right guard in Luzhou, for stealing grain and grass, causing him to be wronged twice." year."

As soon as these words came out, Qi Guogong was taken aback.

Everyone was also taken aback.

They all looked at Guo Zhenghai, the son of the Duke of Qi.

— No wonder just now when the story was told, the man claimed to be unwell and fell to the ground. It turned out that the villain was him! !

But under the eyes of everyone, Guo Zhenghai immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, please be clear, this matter is purely false! This Lin Chengxian is actually a greedy person. When I went to Luzhou a few years ago, I insisted on killing him. The eldest daughter married the minister as a concubine, and then took advantage of this time to ask the minister for money. The grain and grass were indeed sold by him. After her crime was exposed, she asked the minister to cover her and acquit her. False accusation and minister..."

Hearing such words, everyone raised their eyebrows.


When it came to him, it turned out that a small hundred household threatened him as the grand duke's son?

At this time, the queen mother said, "That's right, a good girl, maybe even younger than your son, insists on being your concubine? And you want it too? Why, could it be their family?" Is the son drunk you? Is it okay to force you?"


When the voice fell, everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud despite their anger.

The empress dowager said it well!

Yan Shu also murmured secretly that the boss is beautiful, and then said, "I heard that there are as many as fifteen or six concubines in the mansion. Could it be that they forced the prince to enter the mansion? If so, the prince It was a great grievance.”

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the words, and they all looked at Guo Zhenghai, but saw that he was already sweating profusely, but couldn't make up any more words, so they could only stammer, "Minister, I am ashamed..."

At this moment, Guo Zhaorong's heartfelt voice came from Yan Shu's ear, 【Hmph! How dare this woman insult my father like that! In the future, I will make her look good! 】

How dare you threaten her?

Yan Shu immediately said again, "By the way, speaking of it, there are so many concubines and concubines in the house, but why haven't you heard of concubines and concubines?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone naturally looked at Wei Shi again.

Cough, since the old hooligan is Guo Zhenghai, needless to say, the villain is naturally this woman.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really couldn't see it before, this woman is so vicious! Really, according to the story book, there must be more than ten souls who died under her hands, big or small, right? After all, there were five or six fetuses aborted by her alone.

However, the Ankang county head who was pregnant couldn't help but said, "How can I do it?"

Everyone also nodded, and whispered quietly, "With such a mother, how can I raise a good girl? And there is a letter on her face that she wants to be a queen?"

"That's right, if she is really going to be the one, wouldn't the Tian Family be in trouble?"

But at this time, Wei suddenly knelt down and cried, "I am wronged! Please, Your Majesty, the empress dowager, this is the wife who framed the minister who wrote the storybook! The wife has never done anything wrong. If so, it would have been struck by lightning a long time ago..."

After the words fell, Mr. Lu, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, who is the number one fan of Mr. Xiaoyao, couldn't help but said, "Since the words of Mr. Xiaoyao were published, I have never wronged anyone!"

Everyone nodded.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another plop was heard.

Everyone hurriedly looked, but they saw that the son of the two, Guo Jianguang, suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and convulsing.

This startled everyone, and Yan Shu hurriedly asked the system in a low voice, 【What's going on? 】

But the system said, 【The concubine will seduce in vain? Of course he was drugged! Now this man drank and felt nervous, so he couldn't hold back the poison. 】

Yan Shu, [! ! 】

The concubine is really courageous and knowledgeable!

Co-authoring today's most exciting program is this family.

And sure enough, seeing this scene, everyone in the Guo family exclaimed, and Yu Wenlan ordered the accompanying imperial doctor tonight, "Show him what's going on?"

The imperial doctor should be, immediately stepped forward to check it, and then came to a conclusion, "My Majesty, Mr. Guo is seriously short of health, it seems to be caused by too many sexual intercourse."


Everyone heard the words, you look at me and I look at you, whispering in their hearts again——

This young man has lost money like this, what kind of rotten family is this?

But I heard the Queen Mother say, "Come here, take him to the side hall, and wake him up first."

The palace man should be, and quickly moved the man out of the palace.

And there are still important things to deal with.

But he heard the king say, "The Ministry of Criminal Justice has already gone to Luzhou to bring witnesses back to Beijing. Someone will come and take down Guo Zhenghai, the son of the Duke of Qi. He will start the trial of the case immediately and give the people an explanation as soon as possible."

As soon as the words fell, the guards responded in unison and escorted Guo Zhenghai out.

Of course, as his family members, the Wei family and his daughter Guo Zhaorong were also "invited" out and put under custody.

Seeing this scene, the Duke of Qi was about to speak, "Your Majesty..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the king, "It's rare that the Duke of Qi understands righteousness. As you said just now, once the crime is found out, I will definitely punish him severely."

After the words fell, before Qi Guogong could say anything, everyone praised, "Your Majesty is holy!"


After clearing out the Guo family, the palace was restored to clarity.

Everyone was still not satisfied, so the ceremonial officer simply called the storyteller up again, and said a few words again.

Everyone listened to the book while eating moon cakes, just with relish.

But in the garden, you can see the bright moon rising high in the Mid-Autumn Festival, which contrasts with the reflection in Jinbo Lake.

Although this Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is different, it is also very interesting.

It's a pity that those girls who were dressed up and wanted to perform on the show never found the chance again.

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