MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 102

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Entering August, the Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner.

This year, Daliang is generally said to have good weather and good weather. By this time of year, many places have enjoyed a bumper harvest. Seeing that the festival is approaching, all kinds of seasonal fresh goods have been transported to the palace one after another. Therefore, the Internal Affairs Bureau has been very busy for several days.

One day, Yan Shu was drinking tea with the Empress Dowager in the Ci'an Palace, when the head of the Internal Affairs Bureau came in to report, "I would like to report to the Empress Dowager, the Empress Yifei, the blue crab and whitebait presented by the Suzhou government have just arrived. Quite a lot, I guess the masters won't be able to finish it in a while, I don't know how to deal with it?"

After the words fell, Yan Shu saw regret on her face.

A pregnant woman can't eat too many crabs, and she is pregnant this year, this young

Crab harvest?

Didn't this mean to be greedy for her? Woohoo!

She could only say, "This kind of lake freshness is the most important thing. I'd like to ask Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager to eat it quickly. I'll ask the Imperial Dining Room to make some at noon."

The Empress Dowager shook her head and said, "The Ai family is getting old, if they eat too much, they may suffer from cold in the stomach, keep some for the palace, and distribute the rest to the court ministers as before."

The head of the Internal Affairs Bureau should be, so he will resign.

Yan Shu suddenly had an idea, and hastily added, "If there are more, why not give some to the teachers and students of the Imperial College and its affiliated academies? Although there are three days of rest for the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are still some teachers and students whose homes are far away. Go home and reunite with your relatives, why don't you share some of these blue crabs with them, or make a tooth offering."

—Hey, the most important thing is, in this way, can her idol Qi Shan grow up to taste it too?

Anyway, this year's blue crab harvest is bumper, and the market price must be cheap, and those ministers are not short of money to eat crabs. Instead of giving them all, it's better to ask her upright idol Qi Shan, who has a clean sleeve and integrity, to beat his teeth.

As soon as the words came out, the Queen Mother said in her heart, 【This idea is not bad, but it’s just a little blue crab, I’m afraid it’s a little hard to get it out. 】

Huh? Can't get it out?

Yan Shu thought for a while, then hurriedly added, "By the way, if it's just blue crabs, I'm afraid it's a bit monotonous. You might as well make some mooncakes and share them, so that everyone can relieve their nostalgia."

After the words fell, the queen mother finally nodded in satisfaction, "It's a good idea. The imperial kitchens on the left and right are not busy, and it's time to make mooncakes. Let them make more. I think the students will like it."

As he spoke, he sighed in his heart, 【Hey, that man has been alone for so many years, I don’t know if anyone has made moon cakes for him? This time I hope to make him eat it in his mouth. 】

Yan Shu nodded hurriedly, "This is the care of the royal family, they will definitely like it."

Cough cough, when the moon cakes are ready, she must tell the person who is going to do the work to let Xueshi Qi eat the moon cakes, after all, this is all the Queen Mother's concern.

Hearing this, the head of the Internal Affairs Bureau hurriedly agreed, and went down to do business.

It's still early, but the system is very discerning and said, [Speaking of which, the Queen Mother is actually very good at making dim sum, especially lotus paste mooncakes, which are very good. 】

Is that so?

Yan Shu had an idea again, and said, "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I learned to make some dim sum at my mother's place last time. Today I might as well learn to make some moon cakes. It's just in time. If I do well, I can help I will contribute to the Imperial Dining Room."

The voice fell, but the Queen Mother nodded, but said in her heart, 【Speaking of which, maybe I haven't done it for a long time...】

Yan Shu was certain in her heart, and hurriedly said, "By the way, the lotus seeds harvested in the Taiye Pond were all dried a while ago. I heard His Majesty mentioned before that the empress's lotus paste mooncakes are very good. I don't know if I have the honor to get Madam advice?"

Hearing this, the Empress Dowager couldn't help raising her eyebrows and said, "Aijia has only done so a few times, does your Majesty still remember?"

Yan Shu nodded vigorously without changing her expression, "How dare the concubine talk nonsense? Naturally, I only know about it after hearing His Majesty mention it."

The queen mother nodded, and finally said, "Forget it, there is nothing to do left and right, Aijia will teach you personally today, and when you learn it, you can cook it for your majesty in the future."

Yan Shu hurriedly smiled and said hello, "The concubine is blessed today!"

After saying that, the two of them went to the dim sum room to get busy. By noon, they had already made about 30 puff pastry mooncakes.

The two tasted a few pieces on the spot, the taste was good, the queen mother was afraid of being too sweet, so she asked the palace servants to accompany Yanshu to send the rest to the Ganlu Palace, and let her handle it.

After returning to Ganlu Hall, Yan Shu saved a plate for the emperor, and asked someone to wrap the rest in oiled paper, sent them to the Internal Affairs Bureau, and put them in the pile sent to Songhe Academy.

Hehe, the lotus paste filling in this mooncake is made by the Queen Mother herself, so her idol can eat the handicraft made by her sweetheart.

Wuwu, as a hard-working CP fan, I have to learn to change from passive to active, and eat candy from the cracks in the rocks!

Of course, she didn't forget to leave a copy for her mother's family, and sent someone to send a message, asking her mother to come into the palace to speak tomorrow.

In this way, on the second day, Niang Zhu arrived as promised.

Yanshu first asked about the situation at home, but seeing that everything was fine, she asked Liandong to take out the mooncakes, and said, "I learned how to make these from the Queen Mother yesterday, and I specially kept them for the family. Go back and give everyone a taste."

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Zhu was naturally very pleasantly surprised, "Your Majesty knows how to make dim sum?"

Yan Shu was a little embarrassed and said, "Being your daughter for so many years, this is the first time I cook for you. Just don't blame me."

——Seeing the cubs in my stomach grow up day by day, I also understand more and more the difficulties of parents.

And hearing what she said, Mrs. Zhu also had mixed feelings, and she couldn't help but say with red eyes, "They are all from our own family, why are you being polite to us? Now we don't expect anything else, just hope that both the empress and the emperor's heir are safe and sound." .”

Seeing her mother like this, Yan Shu couldn't help but feel her eyes warm up.

But it's so good, what would it look like if the two of you hugged each other and cried?

She immediately changed the subject and said, "By the way, have you all tasted the blue crabs distributed in the palace yesterday? Are they yellow and fat?"

Mrs. Zhu nodded hurriedly, "Eat, it's all over. Thank you so much for your majesty and empress dowager's concern."

Yan Shu laughed again, "It's good to eat. This year, the Bureau of Internal Affairs will distribute it to the academy. It is estimated that each family will not get much. If you like to eat, just ask someone to buy it at the south of the city. Hu Xian is the freshest and cheapest, so don’t be reluctant.”

Unexpectedly, my mother shook her head and said, "You don't need to buy it. My mother doesn't know that there is no shortage of blue crabs at home this year. Someone sent a few large baskets a few days ago. We don't want them, and they insisted on leaving a basket. We ate crabs every day for a few days, and we were scared when we saw this crab."

Um? How many baskets of crabs did someone send?

Yan Shu hurriedly asked, "What's going on? Who sent it?"

Mrs. Zhu then said, "A while ago, Duke Qi was celebrating his birthday, and he posted a message to our mansion. My wife didn't plan to go, but I didn't know that Mrs. Qi Guogong's son came to invite me, so my wife had to accompany your father. Many people talked to me, and there was Mrs. Xie, a judge from Suzhou Prefecture, who said that she asked your father for help..."

At this point, Yan Shu immediately said nervously, "You didn't answer, did you?"

Why does this scene sound like a pit?

Fortunately, I heard my mother say, "Of course not, and I don't know her, and I still beg your father, so my wife said that I don't understand, so I got confused."

Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

—The capital city is no more simple than their An De, these noble ladies all wish to grow eight hundred hearts, she is worried that the mother is not their opponent.

Unexpectedly, after that, I heard my mother say, "But for some reason, within two days after we came back from the birthday banquet, Mrs. Xie took the initiative to come to deliver crabs, and several large baskets were carried directly outside the door. I couldn't push it any further, so I had to ask for a bucket, and gave her back a few boxes of persimmon cakes that your uncle had sent over a few days ago."

Yan Shu nodded when she heard the words, "That's good, our persimmon cakes in Qingzhou are also worth a lot of money, so I didn't take her things in vain."

— Tsk, after all, her natal family is now in the noble circle of the capital, and it is impossible not to interact with others. I can only tell my parents to be careful, and don't let others have time to take advantage of it.

Unexpectedly, just as she was thinking like this, she saw her mother said to her again, "By the way, there is one more thing, I thought I should tell my mother."

Yan Shu hurriedly said, "What's the matter?"

Although there were no other people in the room at this time, Zhu Shi still lowered his voice and said, "That day when Mrs. Tong San came to deliver the crabs, she told the minister's wife that she was an old acquaintance of Concubine Hui."

Concubine Hui?

Yan Shu was taken aback, "Is that His Majesty's biological mother?"

But I saw my mother nodded, "It's that empress."

This made Yan Shu a little surprised. After thinking for a while, she said, "What's going on? Why is Mrs. Tongju and Concubine Hui an old acquaintance?"

Zhu Shi lowered her voice again, "She said that she and Concubine Hui's younger sister are handkerchiefs, and she also knew Concubine Hui back then."

Concubine Hui's younger sister?

Yan Shu was stunned again. Only now did she know that Concubine Hui had a younger sister?

Isn't that the emperor's own aunt?

But speaking of it, it seems that you haven't heard about this little sister of Concubine Hui?

Then she asked again, "Then where is this Concubine Hui's younger sister?"

But I heard my mother lower her voice again, "I heard that Concubine Hui's natal family has been in the area of ​​Songjiang Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River. From Mrs. Xie's words, it seems that someone in Beijing is deliberately suppressing them and not telling them to leave Songjiang. It is said that Concubine Hui's nephew was originally eligible to enter the Imperial College in Beijing a few years ago, but was replaced by someone else."

How could this happen?

Yan Shu couldn't help frowning.

I have to say, thinking about it carefully, this is quite interesting—

Will someone in Beijing deliberately suppress the emperor's biological mother's natal family and not tell them to leave Jiangnan?

Tsk, after all, they are close relatives who are related to the emperor by blood. Who has the right to do this?

So Mrs. Xie, isn't she talking about the Queen Mother?

Hmph, that's her leader in the rankings, and her character is absolutely trustworthy.

She won't believe it easily!

Moreover, this person suddenly found her natal family and said such things on his own initiative. Could it be that he wanted her to bring the words to the emperor?

So as to achieve the purpose of using her as a spear to drive a wedge between the emperor and the empress dowager?

But the system said, [That's right, that's what this person planned. 】

Yan Shu immediately asked again, 【But what is going on? Does Concubine Hui really have a younger sister in Songjiang? Why haven't I heard the news all these years? 】

The system explained to her, 【That sister is not fake, but Concubine Hui's half-brother. In addition, Concubine Hui also has a half-brother who is also in Songjiang. The reason why you haven't heard of them is not because the queen mother suppressed them, but because Concubine Hui had a bad relationship with her younger siblings when she was alive and didn't want to talk to them. 】

[And why the relationship is not good, because Concubine Hui was the decent eldest daughter in the family back then, but her father favored the concubine's room, making her mother so angry that she died of depression early on, and then helped the concubine's room to take the position, and then After giving birth to these two younger siblings, Concubine Hui had already remembered at that time, so she always hated this family very much. 】

[In addition, Concubine Hui was not very favored back then. Concubine Feng was born to the emperor, and the queen mother helped her win it in order to elevate the emperor's status. And she died not long after giving birth to the emperor, and before she died, she specially asked the queen mother not to let her natal family be spoiled. In addition, the emperor became the queen mother's child after being carried to the queen mother's side, so naturally it was no one else's business, so the family stayed in Songjiang mansion all the time, and did not have the opportunity to enter Beijing. 】

Yan Shu suddenly realized.

Tsk, I didn't expect that Concubine Hui would not forget to tell the Queen Mother not to spoil her family before she died?

It can be seen that I really hate them.

Now how does this younger sister have the face to spread the news that the Queen Mother is suppressing them!

No wonder people hate it!

But listened to the system, [The so-called people are greedy for money and birds for food. People have a greedy heart. In the past, the emperor said it differently when he was not the emperor. Now they see their sister's flesh and blood enthroned, and the country is stable, they must not be reconciled in their hearts! Didn't you think of all kinds of ways secretly, and finally found out that you were favored, and after planning for a long time, you took the opportunity of Qi Guogong's birthday to talk to your mother, now I'm counting on you to mention it to the emperor , if there is a chance to get them to the capital to seal a title and lie down to eat and drink. 】

Yan Shu, [hehe. 】

Go live his sweet dreams! She actually wanted to slander her reputation as a big queen dowager!

【But having said that, what about the nephew's entrance exam to the Imperial College? Was it really replaced? 】

System, [That's definitely not the case. It's because the kid didn't study hard. He wanted to enter the Imperial College because he was afraid he wouldn't pass the exam, so he found someone to take the Imperial College selection exam for him. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the local academic officials and stopped him. However, people still think that her mother is related to the emperor, so she didn't report it. 】

Yan Shu, [hehe. 】

Sure enough, this dishonest person was thinking about such perverted thoughts all day long.

In this case, she would not care about it.

So he asked his mother again, "This must be a nonsense. Both your majesty and the empress dowager are generous people. How could you treat them poorly for no reason? Even if there is such a thing, it must be their own mistakes that ended up in the end." It will end like this. Just listen to this matter, and don't tell others about it. If Mrs. Xie comes again in the future, don't see her again."

Mrs. Zhu nodded again and again, "That's right, I thought the same way, so I only told the empress, and no one else will mention it again. If she comes again in the future, I will say that I am sick."

Yan Shu nodded, "That's good. I think the Duke of Qi should be on guard. How could the wife of the Shizi introduce Mrs. Xie to you for no reason? Maybe she colluded with them and dug a hole for you and me!" "

Mrs. Zhu nodded again and again, "That's right. Duke Qi is Emperor Gaozu's brother-in-law, the late emperor's brother-in-law. With such a family status, he must have a ghost for posting to us so well."

Yan Shu also nodded.

Fortunately, her parents are kind and not stupid, so people can rest assured.

But having said that, just as Niang said, how could Duke Qi's mansion be so high-ranked, colluding with Concubine Hui's younger siblings for nothing?


After seeing off her mother, Yan Shu got the answer to this question.

System, 【Latest news, just now, Qi Guogong united five or six ministers to ask the emperor to play, the way is that a country cannot live without a queen, please the emperor to draft a queen quickly, so as to reassure the people. 】

Yanshu, "..."

Well, although it took a bit of thinking, she sort of understood.

— Mrs. Qi Guogong Shizi and Mrs. Xie dug a hole for her mother, and wanted her to tell the emperor the news about Concubine Hui's family. No matter whether it was possible to separate the emperor and the queen mother, the queen mother would definitely hate her for being troublesome.

In this way, if the ministers force the emperor to choose a queen, the queen mother will naturally not speak for her.

After thinking about the ins and outs of this, Yan Shu just thought of haha.

Is it a bit unkind to persuade the emperor to persuade her after the draft is established, digging a hole for her?

She immediately called the system, [Everything, is there anything dirty about Duke Qi's mansion? 】

System, [That's a whole family! Say, who do you want to hear from? 】

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