MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 8 Practice family

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  Chapter 8 Practice Family

  In practice class.

  After practicing the Chi Yang Palm palm technique once, Lin Shen stopped feeling refreshed and let out a long breath.

  'Blazing Sun Palm (Entry 60%)'

   "It took only three days to increase by 1%. The speed is too slow. It really depends on the avatar."

   "After breaking through to the fifth level of aerodynamics, let Clone No. 1 concentrate on practicing Blazing Sun Palm."

   Naturally, contests are indispensable in sparring matches. It doesn't mean that you can win if you have a high level of cultivation. Martial skills are also a very important factor.

  A pneumatic fourth-level student who has reached the level of proficiency in Blazing Sun Palm may not be impossible to beat a pneumatic fifth-level student who has just started with Blazing Yang Palm.

  Huailiu College has not many ordinary students who have practiced Chiyang Palm to the level of proficiency, but there are four or five of them.

   If you want to get the ranking in the sparring competition, you'd better practice the Chiyang Palm to the level of proficiency!

   With a calculation in mind, Lin Shen breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and found that Kong Hong was standing a few meters away, looking at himself strangely.


   "I heard what Lao Gao said about it." Kong Hong gave Lin Shen a surprised look, "Originally he said that your ability to resist attacks is very good. I didn't quite believe it, but now it seems to be true!"

   Isn’t it true, which rookie who just became a sparring partner doesn’t feel sore all over the next day, but is still alive and kicking?

  Kong Hong observed for a while, and was convinced that Lin Shen not only had no bruises or scars, but was also full of energy. He didn't look like he had been a sandbag for an hour yesterday.

   It's strange, Lin Shen didn't practice horizontal exercises, where did he get such an excellent ability to resist blows?

   Facing Kong Hong's doubts, Lin Shen could only shrug his shoulders and smile.

   It can’t be said that he has cheats.

  Thinking for a while to no avail, Kong Hong finally could only explain that it was Lin Shen's natural physical advantage, just like some people are born with supernatural power.

   "Since you are so suitable for the part-time job of sparring, then do it well, buy more spirit beast meat to supplement, improve your cultivation, and strive to get a good ranking in the sparring competition."

   After a few words of encouragement to Lin Shen, Kong Hong turned and left.

  After class, Lin Shen had just finished changing and walked out of the gymnasium when Zheng Hongsheng chased him up from behind and put his arms around his shoulders.

   "Lin Shen, what did Teacher Kong tell you just now?"

   "Yes, you went to look for him yesterday." Xu Yuan also came from behind, walking side by side with the two.

   "It's nothing, just ask Teacher Kong to introduce me to a part-time job."

"I see."

   "It seems that Mr. Kong introduces part-time jobs to students every year."

  Zheng Hongsheng and Xu Yuan knew Lin Shen's situation well, so they naturally understood why Lin Shen was looking for a part-time job. In order to avoid hurting their friend's self-esteem, the two decisively exchanged a haha, and changed the topic tacitly.

   "Xu Yuan, I heard that you and Qian Hui from the second class are dating?" Zheng Hongsheng winked at Xu Yuan suddenly, and said with a smile, "You can do it, you got a girlfriend without making any noise."

   "Really?" Lin Shen looked at Xu Yuan in surprise.

   "Don't listen to Zheng Hongsheng's nonsense." Xu Yuan coughed lightly, "The relationship hasn't been officially confirmed yet."

   "Isn't it a matter of time? I don't care. When you get out of the order, you can invite us to dinner."

"no problem."

  Xu Yuan agreed without saying a word, and a smile could not be restrained from the corner of his mouth, obviously happy in his heart.

  At this time, there was a sudden commotion ahead.

  Zheng Hongsheng followed the prestige, and his eyes widened.

   "Fuck, it's those guys, why do they come to the academy at this time?"

  Lin Shen turned his head to look, his expression moved slightly.

  The group of guys that Zheng Hongsheng was talking about were a group of young men and women.

   There were about a dozen of them, all of them were well dressed, and their manners and speeches carried a vague reserve and arrogance.

  Children of aristocratic families!

   This word immediately popped up in Lin Shen's mind.

  In Huailiu College, these people who come from a family of practicers are actually a very special group.

  They have very little contact with ordinary students, and even rarely come to the academy. They appear in the academy occasionally, more like a symbolic fulfillment of the obligation to go to school.

  However, it is also understandable. After all, the cultivation family has a profound background, and it is entirely possible to invite practitioners of Mingqiao Realm, or even real monks, to guide their children in cultivation. There is no need to come to the academy to listen to a group of long-breathing realm teachers.

   Therefore, in Huailiu College, or any college, the children of the family and ordinary students are two very divided groups.

  Most of the children of aristocratic families look down on ordinary students, even if ordinary students often take the initiative to get close, they don't bother to pay attention.

   At this time, more than ten descendants of aristocratic families appeared in the academy at the same time, which immediately attracted the attention of many students, who gathered around and pointed at them.

   "The leader is Yan Xing, right?"

   "And Zhao Xueying!"

   "What are they doing in the academy at this time?"

   "Who knows."

  Lin Shen looked at the group of aristocratic children without any trace.

  Among the children of more than a dozen aristocratic families, a man and a woman are the most conspicuous, surrounded by the rest of them like stars.

  The two are Yan Xing and Zhao Xueying, who are known by everyone.

  Yan Xing is tall and tall, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. His body is aggressive, with a detached temperament, as if everyone here is not considered in his eyes.

  Zhao Xueying is relatively not so sharp, but her back is straight when she walks, her steps are light and smooth, and she also exudes a temperament that cannot be ignored.

  The eyes of most of the male students were on Zhao Xueying.

   After all, besides strength, Zhao Xueying is also a good-looking beauty with fair skin, and her chest bears a weight that she should not bear at this age.

   Walking tremblingly, it caused all the male students to shake their eyes up and down.

  Lin Shen suddenly remembered something, patted Zheng Hongsheng, whose eyeballs were almost protruding, and asked in a low voice:

   "Do you know Yang Zhongyi?"

  Zheng Hongsheng came back to his senses, and said without thinking: "Of course I know, the young master of the Yang family, one of the five famous families, who in the academy doesn't know?"

  Lin Shen: "I don't know."

  Xu Yuan: "I don't know either."

   "." Zheng Hongsheng was so choked that he almost didn't come up.

  It wasn't until Lin Shen signaled him to continue with his eyes that he explained resentfully.

  Linlong City has many aristocratic families. According to the profound background, from high to low, they are three surnames, five famous families and ten famous families, collectively called eighteen families.

  The three major sects that ruled Linlong City, many high-ranking members came from these 18 aristocratic families.

   It can be said that if any one of these eighteen aristocratic families is taken out, it is undoubtedly a colossus to ordinary people!

  The Yang family from which Yang Zhongyi was born, and the Yan family from which Yan Xing was born, are two of the five famous families.

  The Zhao family where Zhao Xueying was born is one of the three surnames.

  In addition to these eighteen families of practice, there are many families of practice who were once prosperous, but are now in decline.

   They are called Han Pu.

  In terms of background and strength, it is only slightly better than some practice families that have risen for two or three generations.

  After listening to Zheng Hongsheng's narration, Lin Shen couldn't help being amazed.

   I didn't expect that there are so many ways in the family of practice.

   What's more important is Yang Zhongyi, whose background is much bigger than he thought.

  Looking at it now, Yang Zhongyi's equal attitude when talking with him is really rare.

  Compared to the dozen or so students not far away who went their own way, the children of aristocratic families who looked at the surrounding students with a hint of arrogance and contempt were much more pleasing to the eye.

   Shaking his head, Lin Shen looked away and patted Zheng Hongsheng and Xu Yuan.

   "Let's go."

  The two came back to their senses and left the academy with Lin Shen.

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  (end of this chapter)