MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 5 Master of Breathing Technique

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  Chapter 5 Great Completion of Breathing Technique

  After announcing the sparring match, Kong Hong waved the students away.

   Zheng Hongsheng turned to greet Xu Yuan and Lin Shen.

   "Let's go, let's go to dinner, today I treat you!"

  Lin Shen shook his head and said, "You two go, I still have something to ask the teacher."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, they strode towards Kong Hong not far away, leaving Zheng Hongsheng and Xu Yuan with puzzled faces.


  Hearing the voice, Kong Hong turned his head and saw that it was Lin Shen, with a gentle smile on his face.

"What's up?"

   "Teacher, I would like to ask you, is there any part-time job suitable for students?"

  Kong Hong was startled for a moment, but soon understood.

  There are many examples of students from poor families like Lin Shen working part-time outside in order to earn money for purchasing cultivation resources. He has encountered many cases before.

  For this kind of students, Kong Hong has always been willing to help within the scope of his ability.

  He used to introduce part-time jobs to the students a lot. Lin Shen probably heard about this, so he came to find him.

   "If you came to ask me yesterday, then I guess there is nothing I can do to help, but now that you have broken through to the fourth floor of pneumatics, it is much easier. I happen to have a part-time job here that I can introduce to you."

   "What part-time job?" Lin Shen asked hastily.

   "A sparring partner of Taiyang Wuguan."

  Lin Shen was startled.

   Isn’t the Taiyang Martial Art Museum the same martial arts school that distributed flyers on the main road yesterday?

   "Although the sparring in the martial arts school is a bit hard, the relative rewards are also very considerable." Kong Hong glanced at Lin Shen, "But if you don't think it's suitable, I can also introduce you to other easier part-time jobs."

   As soon as the words fell, Lin Shen said without hesitation: "No need, teacher, just practice with the martial arts hall!"

  Easy means low pay. Now is the time when he needs a lot of money. Of course, he has to choose a part-time job with high pay.

   As for hard work, can it be more difficult than continuous practice day after day?

   Seeing Lin Shen's expression was firm, Kong Hong didn't say any more, and nodded, "Okay, I'll tell my acquaintances in Taiyang Martial Arts, and you can just go there later."

"Thank you, teacher!"

   Coming out of the gymnasium, Zheng Hongsheng and Xu Yuan had already left.

  Lin Shen went to the locker room to change, and then walked out of the academy.

  But he didn't rush to Taiyang Martial Arts immediately, but went home first.

  In the living room, Lin Shen focused on checking the progress of the two avatars.

  【Clone No. 1】

  【Talent: Perseverance】

  【Boundary: Pneumatic Level 4 1%+0%】

  【Current practice: Zhengyuan Breathing Technique (96%+2% proficient), Blazing Sun Palm (57%+1% entry level)】

  【Clone No. 2】

  【Talent: Upper-middle posture】

  【Boundary: Pneumatic Level 4 1%+0%】

  【Current practice: Zhengyuan Breathing Technique (96%+2% proficient), Blazing Sun Palm (57%+1% entry level)】

   Not surprisingly, the cultivation progress of the two avatars has not changed at all.

   "Sure enough, after breaking through to the fourth level of aerodynamics, the efficiency of practicing Zhengyuan Breathing Technique, which is proficient in the realm, has dropped a lot."

   Lin Shen muttered to himself.

  Before the change, the progress of the two avatars has increased by at least 1%.

   "Fortunately, the last 4% progress of Zhengyuan breathing technique has been completed!"

  Without hesitation, Lin Shen moved his mind slightly and directly merged with the clone.

  In an instant, countless memories and insights about Zhengyuan Breathing Technique emerged out of thin air in the depths of his mind, and his understanding of Zhengyuan Breathing Technique jumped to a higher level in an instant.

  【Name: Lin Shen】

  【Talent: Upper-middle posture】

  【Boundary: Pneumatic Level 4 1%】

  【Cultivation method: Zhengyuan Breathing Technique (0% success), Blazing Yang Palm (59% entry level)】

  【Number of clones 2 (48%)】

  Lin Shen let out a long sigh of relief, with joy in his eyes.

  Finally, he has broken through this breathing technique to the level of Dacheng!

   In this way, the speed of cultivation should be able to return to the same level as before, maybe even faster.

  Suppressing the joy in his heart, Lin Shen had a thought to check the talent of Clone No. 1.

  【Perseverance: Resistance to blows +50%, Physical recovery speed +30%, Injury recovery speed +30%】

   This is the reason why Lin Shen did not hesitate to accept the part-time job as a sparring partner in the martial arts gym.

  Martial arts sparring, to put it bluntly, is to be a sandbag, so naturally you have to resist beatings!

   And perseverance is undoubtedly very suitable for this part-time job.

   With a slight movement of the mind, the talent on the panel has switched from the upper-middle posture to the perseverance.

  In an instant, Lin Shen vaguely felt that some kind of change had taken place in his body. The skin, flesh and bones all over his body seemed to become tighter and stronger.

   "Is this the effect of perseverance?"

  A smile flashed across Lin Shen's face, he picked up the backpack on the coffee table, put it on his shoulder, and walked towards the door without saying a word.

  As one of the top ten martial arts schools in Linlong City, Taiyang Martial Arts Hall occupies an entire floor in a commercial building in the golden area of ​​the central area, with luxurious decoration.

  Walking into the bright lobby, a smiling girl in business attire greets you.

   "Welcome to Taiyang Wuguan, how can I help you?"

  Lin Shen went straight to the point: "I am applying for a sparring partner. Teacher Kong Hong from Huailiu College introduced me."

  The girl in business attire smiled slightly, she didn't become indifferent just because Lin Shen came to apply for a training partner, and said softly:

   "Okay, just a moment, please."

  After the words fell, he turned and walked to the depths of the martial arts hall.

  In less than two minutes, a bald man came out and looked Lin Shen up and down.

   "Are you Lin Shen?"


"My name is Gao Jun, and I'm the supervisor here. You can call me Senior Supervisor. Kong Hong has already told me about the part-time job. I have no objections, but you need to pass the trial first. The ugly words come first, Wu It's hard work being a sparring partner, and injuries are commonplace, if you can't stand it, I advise you to change to another part-time job as soon as possible!"

   "I understand." Lin Shen said calmly.

  Gao Jun nodded, said no more, turned around and walked inside.

   "Come with me, find a place to test your strength now!"

  Lin Shen followed immediately.

  The two walked through the lobby one after the other and came to a long passage.

  On both sides of the passage are spacious fighting rooms, and the walls facing the corridor are replaced by large transparent glass.

  Through the glass, you can see that most of the fighting rooms are already practicing in pairs.

  More often than not, one person wears thick protective gear, while the other only wears light exercise clothes.

   "Those people are sparring partners." Gao Jun pointed to those wearing protective gear.

  Under the opponent's rapid attack, most of the sparring partners looked clumsy, struggling to resist. From time to time, they would grin their teeth in pain when they were hit, and they could feel the pain when standing beside them.

  Gao Jun glanced at Lin Shen out of the corner of his eye, and seeing that the latter was still looking calm after seeing this scene, he nodded secretly in his heart.

   "It seems that the students introduced by Kong Hong this time are not bad."

  (end of this chapter)