MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 190 tip of the iceberg

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  Chapter 190 The tip of the iceberg

  In the cave, Zeng Chengde frowned slightly as he sensed the people outside.

"only one person?"

  He looked at Pan Youcheng who was on the side, and the latter immediately understood, flipped his wrist, and a palm-sized mirror appeared in his palm.

  With the infusion of aura, the mirror surface rippled and rippled like a stone-throwing lake. When it calmed down, there was already a red spot the size of a grain of rice on it.

  Pan Youcheng lightly touched the mirror surface with his fingers and moved left and right.

   After a while, he looked up at Zeng Chengde, and said in a deep voice: "It's true that there is only that guy outside, whose cultivation level does not exceed the fifth level of Yunling!"

  A look of surprise flashed in Zeng Chengde's eyes.

  Pan Youcheng's celestial eye mirror is enough to detect all situations within a radius of ten miles. No matter what kind of concealment methods he uses, monks below the Xuanguang stage cannot hide.

   It can even roughly detect the strength and cultivation of the opponent.

   Zeng Chengde had no doubts about Pan Youcheng's judgment, but that's why he was so surprised.

  What is the intention of Jiuyang Sect to send only one Yunling monk?

   Could it be that a Yunling cultivator can take this place?

   What a joke!

  If it is a monk who has condensed the seeds of Xuanguang, it is almost the same. Isn’t it wishful thinking for a monk who has the most five levels of spiritual energy to seize the formation point?

   All the monks in the cave looked at each other in dismay, and no one could understand what the Nine Yang Sect was planning.

   After pondering for a moment, Zeng Chengde spoke in a deep voice, and called the names of three people.

   "You go out to meet that person, it's best to capture him alive and interrogate Jiuyangzong's plan!"

  The three Blood Sea Sect cultivators who were named looked at each other and answered in unison.

  The three of them all have Yunling medium-term cultivation, and the weakest one has reached the fourth level of Yunling.

  The three of them joined forces, and it was easy to deal with a monk who had the most cultivation of the fifth level of Yunling.

  In fact, Zeng Chengde would have wanted everyone to take action together if he hadn't been worried about the conspiracy of Jiuyangzong, fearing that he would be caught in a scheme such as diverting the tiger away from the mountain, so that the man outside could not escape.

  However, for the sake of safety, he decided to try it out first.

  The three blood sea sect monks quickly left the cave and flew towards Lin Shen.

  Looking at the three monks approaching, a half-smile appeared on Lin Shen's face.

   There are no less than ten Blood Sea Sect monks stationed at the third position of Cing, and even he will have to spend a lot of effort to solve it.

  So Lin Shen thought about it, and decided to show up aboveboard.

  He bet that not all the monks of the Blood Sea Sect in the formation will be dispatched, and most of them will send some people to test first, so that he can defeat them one by one.

   And it turns out he was right.

  After getting closer, the three Blood Sea Sect monks quickly saw Lin Shen's face clearly, and they were all startled, as if they didn't expect the monk who dared to come here alone to be so young.

  You must know that Brother Yunling can't increase or decrease his age at will like Brother Xuanguang.

  The person in front of him looks to be in his twenties at most, so his real age will not be too far behind.

   When they came back to their senses, the three Blood Sea Sect monks felt contempt in their hearts.

  Although there is no necessary connection between age and cultivation, the strength and cultivation of young people are usually not much higher.

   It would be better to say that the young man in front of him has become a monk at this age, and his talent is already considered extraordinary. To have a second or third level cultivation base of Yunling can surpass the sky.

   I have to say that they guessed right, Lin Shen is indeed at the third level of Yunling cultivation.

   It is a big mistake to measure him with the common sense of ordinary monks.

  Lin Shen was not interested in talking nonsense with the enemy. As soon as the three Blood Sea Sect monks approached within 200 meters, he made a decisive move.

  Ten drops of dark and heavy water jumped out of his top door in an instant, and spun and slammed into the leading monk of the Blood Sea Sect.

  The cultivator saw that Lin Shen dared to strike first with one against three, his expression sank, and he immediately threw a flying sword. Under the urging of spiritual energy, the flying sword instantly turned into a biting cold light to meet the dark and heavy water.

  He didn't know that the seemingly tiny dark and heavy water was actually powerful.

  This misjudgment directly led to his downfall.

  Youyin Heavy Water smashed into the flying sword effortlessly, and with overwhelming force, under the horrified eyes of the blood sea sect monk, it slammed into him fiercely.

  In an instant, there was a bang, and the monk didn't even have time to hum, and was instantly blasted into blood mist by the terrifying force!

   This scene made the two blood sea sect cultivators in the rear look desperate!

   The same sect who was killed had Yunling level 5 cultivation base, but he couldn't even hold a face-to-face meeting, so he was killed directly!

  The situation was far beyond the imagination of the two of them, and they couldn't help but gasped immediately.

   At this point, they didn't know that they had hit the iron plate.

  The young man in front of him is clearly an extremely powerful monk!

   "Damn it! What's the matter with that guy Pan Youcheng? How can this person be at the fifth level of Yunling?"

   When they came back to their senses, the two Blood Sea Sect monks couldn't help scolding Pan Youcheng **** in their hearts, and turned around and rushed towards the cave without saying a word.

  Lin Shen sneered, and pointed, Youyin Heavy Water, who had just killed an enemy, turned around, pierced through the void like lightning, and quickly attacked another Blood Sea Sect cultivator.

  Hearing the sound of breaking through the air behind him, the monk was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he threw out magic weapons frantically, trying to block the dark and heavy water.

  It can be dark and heavy, and the power of water can reach a thousand junctures. What is important is to use force to overcome ingenuity.

  The magic weapons with the most low-grade profound weapons couldn't even block them for an instant, and they were smashed into the air by the dark and heavy water in an instant.

   In less than a breath, the cultivator of the Blood Ocean Sect followed in the footsteps of his companions and exploded into blood mist.

  The last remaining cultivator of the Blood Sea Sect was also stopped by Lin Shen. While resisting Lin Shen's attack, he was brutally killed by the dark heavy water from behind.

  From the outbreak of the battle to the end, it took only two or three breaths for Zeng Chengde in the cave to react, and all three fellow disciples were defeated.

  Looking at the figure of Lin Shen displayed on the celestial eyepiece, the cave was suddenly silent.

   After a long time, someone couldn't help breaking the silence, with disbelief in his tone.

   "Who is this person?"

   No one answered this question.

  The battle between Xuehaizong and Jiuyangzong in the spiritual cave lasted for more than half a year. They fought each other countless times, and they were extremely familiar with each other's combat power.

  Nine Yang Sect's mighty Yunling cultivator was well known to everyone present, but he had no impression of the man outside.

  When did Jiuyangzong produce such a powerful figure?

   Zeng Chengde looked at Lin Shen in the mirror with gloomy eyes.

   No wonder this person dared to come here alone. He thought he was a reckless person who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, but now it seems that he has sufficient confidence and confidence.

   "Brother Zeng!"

  A monk cast a questioning look at Zeng Chengde.

  Among the people present, Shu Zeng Chengde had the highest cultivation level, reaching the seventh level of Yunling, so everyone took him as the leader.

   Zeng Chengde didn't hesitate for too long. Since the enemy is coming, all they can do is to kill the enemy and hold the position.

  Zeng Chengde was about to give an order, but Lin Shen in the mirror suddenly made a movement and rushed straight towards the cave.

  Seeing this, Zeng Chengde was stunned for a moment, then furious.

   "How dare you!"

   This is totally ignoring them!

  Annoyed expressions appeared on the faces of the rest of the Blood Sea Sect monks.

   "Kill him!" Zeng Chengde said with a gloomy face.

  Hearing this, all the monks of the Blood Sea Sect in the cave no longer hesitated, and rushed out of the cave one after another offering their magic weapons.

  The blood sea sect occupies far more points than the Jiuyang sect, and the aura that can be mobilized in battle is far superior to the latter.

   Therefore, when the monks of the two sects are fighting, the monks of the Nine Suns Sect will first suffer a loss in the recovery of spiritual energy.

   Not to mention that it is still near the point at this time, it is easier for the monks of the Blood Sea Sect to mobilize the aura.

  Thus, although Lin Shen's displayed strength was astonishingly strong, they were still full of confidence and fearless.

  The two sides collided near the entrance of the cave, and a fierce fight broke out in an instant!

  After removing the three people who were killed, there were only eight remaining Blood Sea Sect monks stationed at the position.

  Among them, apart from Zeng Chengde, who was at the seventh stage of Yunling, four of the remaining seven were in the middle stage of Yunling, and three were in the early stage of Yunling.

   This lineup is several chips stronger than the information collected by Jiuyangzong!

  But to Lin Shen, there was no difference.

  He made up his mind to make a quick decision, and immediately summoned six clones as soon as they fought.

  The sudden appearance of the avatar startled the blood sea sect monk.

  But the more shocking thing is yet to come.

  After they really fought, they discovered to their horror that the strength of these clones was not much weaker than Lin Shen's main body!

   This is very different from the supernatural powers they recognize!

   Horrified, the Blood Ocean Sect was caught off guard.

  In an instant, three people were blasted to death by the dark water.

   Originally, the Blood Sea Sect had many enemies and few enemies, but in a blink of an eye, Lin Shen surrounded the Blood Sea Sect with seven enemies and five.

   Zeng Chengde's face was pale, and his composure had long since disappeared.

  He never expected that this young man's strength is so amazing, the strength shown by killing three fellow disciples before, turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg!

  If he had known that this person was so powerful, he would have run away without saying a word, instead of attacking him.

   It's just that it's too late to regret it.

  With this person's strength, they can't even hope to escape.

   Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Zeng Chengde felt ruthless, gritted his teeth and launched a fierce attack on Lin Shen.

  Even if you can't die with this person, at least let him be seriously injured, unable to hold this position.

   That way, when the reinforcements from the sect arrive, they can easily regain the position, and maybe even avenge them for killing this person!

  It's a pity that the idea is good, but the reality makes people despair.

  Back then, Shan Liangshan, who was as high as the eighth level of Yunling and possessed many powerful magic weapons, was no match for Lin Shen. Now that Lin Shen has broken through the realm of Yin and Heavy Water, and his strength has soared, how could he be seriously injured by a mere monk of the seventh level of Yunling.

  After fighting for a while, Zeng Chengde was covered in bruises.

  His meticulously refined blood was wiped out after being hit by the dark and heavy water a few times, so he was not an opponent at all.

  After more than ten breaths, the rest of the Blood Sea Sect monks were killed one after another, leaving only Zeng Chengde.

Under the joint siege of Lin Shen and the six clones, this elite disciple, who was also regarded as the best among the younger generation of Blood Ocean Sect, died unwillingly in a short time. The cloudy water smashed into pieces, and the ashes flew into smoke.

  With a wave of his hand, Lin Shen took all the storage rings into his hands and searched them roughly.

  Unfortunately, I didn't find anything good. The only valuable things were a high-grade mysterious weapon called the Sky Eye Mirror, and two-thirds of a bottle of Jiuding Pill was left.

   "Eight Jiuding Pills should be enough for me to break through to the fourth level of Yunling."

  As the cultivation base grows, the effect of Jiuding Dan gradually decreases.

  Lin Shen reckoned that after reaching the fifth level of Yunling, the Jiuding Pill would have little effect.

   After a battle just now, the talent effect of killing and proving the Tao was triggered three times, and all of them were concentrated on the Yin Yin heavy water, which suddenly increased the progress of the skill by 18%.

   "Sure enough, killing is the fastest way to improve!"

  Lin Shen was delighted.

   This would require him to practice on his own, at least he would have to concentrate on cultivating the main body and two avatars for three or four days before he could gain such a harvest.

   Putting away his things, Lin Shen took out the storage ring Qi Dao gave him, and changed all the flags in the formation according to the key points in the jade slip.

  After the turbulent spiritual energy returned to calm, this point has become a part of the Nine Yang Sect formation.

  Lin Shen summoned the clone without delay.

   Except for the Sword God Wuwo avatar who continued to sacrifice Xingluo Jianwan, the rest of the avatars began to practice Youyin Chongshui.

  The array point is not far from the ground and river, and it has the ability to mobilize aura, and Lin Shen holds the jade card, which can completely control the array point.

  With the help of a point of power, he can easily mobilize the aura within a mile radius, including the cold air of the Earth River, which is easier than gathering by himself.

  As a large amount of yin and cold air poured into his body, Lin Shen's chest orifices soon had a little undetectable gloomy luster.

   That is the embryonic form of Youyin Heavy Water!

   "As expected of the yin and cold qi, this condensation speed is much faster than mine on Jinchuan Island!"

  Lin Shen nodded secretly, restrained his mind, and immersed himself in cultivation.

  Five days are fleeting.

  During this period, apart from taking the Jiuding Pill to break through to the fourth level of Yunling, Lin Shen focused all his attention on condensing the dark water.

  Under the double blessing of the avatar and the yin-cold energy channel, the progress of cohesion can be called rapid progress.

  In just five days, Lin Shen had condensed four drops of Dark Yin Heavy Water, which was several times faster than the previous one drop in ten days!

   "At this rate, after a month, the amount of dark heavy water in my body will exceed 30 drops!"

  A happy smile appeared on Lin Shen's face.

  The power of the Youyin heavy water is unmatched. If he has more than thirty drops of the Youyin heavy water in his hand, even if he doesn't summon a clone, he will be sure to fight against the cultivator who has condensed the seeds of mysterious light.

   To know whether there is a seed of condensed mysterious light, the strength is completely different.

   Not to mention that he is only at the fourth level of Yunling.

  From this point of view, Youyin Heavy Water is indeed a powerful supernatural power that is as famous as the Beiming Sword Classic.

   "It's a pity that this state of concentrating on cultivation can't last for too long."

  Lin Shen's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked in the direction of the cave entrance.

  In his spiritual perception, more than a dozen monks were rushing towards the formation, and they had surrounded the formation in a short time.

   After five days, the Blood Sea Sect's counterattack finally arrived.

  (end of this chapter)

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