MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 180 This guy was beaten stupid

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   Time flies, and soon the agreed day will arrive.

  Early in the morning, hundreds of flying boats gathered around Jinchuan Island.

  The upper deck of each flying boat was full of people, all of them were disciples who came to watch the battle.

  Among them, there are many true disciples of the monk realm, and there are even a few monks wearing deacon uniforms.

   At a glance, the crowds are buzzing.

   The high attention of this gambling competition can be seen from this!

   "When will the gambling fight start?"

   "What's the hurry, Shan Wenqi hasn't come yet."

   "I don't know who can win this gambling battle? I heard that the bet is a cultivation cave!"

   "Who doesn't know this? Tsk tsk, both Jinchuan Island and Liefeng Island are rare and good caves. It's a good thing they are willing to take them as a bet. If you lose, you can't feel so bad!"

  The crowd on the boat talked a lot, and most of them were excited with envy.

  Even true disciples are no exception.

   You must know that many of them have not been able to own a cave so far, and the few who have a cave have aura concentration far inferior to Liefeng Island, let alone Jinchuan Island.

  However, Lin Shen and Shan Wenqi used their dream cave as a bet. How could they not be envious?

   Just then, there was a sudden movement in the distance.

  Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a majestic giant flying boat soaring several miles away.

   There were more than a dozen people standing on the deck, and the leader was Shan Wenqi.

  He is neatly dressed in cassock and jade pendant, with clouds fluttering in his sleeves, and he is in high spirits. Looking from a distance, he has the demeanor of a fairy.

   Watching this scene, the crowd suddenly became commotion.

   "People from Hundred Islands are here!"

   "Is that the one at the bow of the boat Shan Wenqi? What a powerful aura!"

   "That's for sure. Brother Shan is a fourth-level monk of Yunling, and his golden killing sword has already reached the realm of perfection. It is said that it is almost comparable to flying swordsmanship!"

   "Then Lin Shen is in trouble?"

   "Hey, unless Lin Shen has also practiced martial arts and supernatural powers, the hope of defeating Senior Brother Shan is very slim!"

  Listening to the discussions around him, a subtle smile flashed across Shan Wenqi's face.

  He is determined to win this time, determined to defeat Lin Shen and take back Jinchuan Island.

  In order to be sure of everything, he specially asked the elders in the sect for a magic weapon of the high-grade profound weapon level.

  Combined with his original medium-grade mysterious weapon vest, and with two profound weapons in hand, his confidence in defeating Lin Shen became more and more abundant.

"When I get back to Jinchuan Island, with the help of the abundant metal spiritual energy on the island, I will be able to break through to the ninth level of Yunling in at most five or six years, and start to gather the seeds of Xuanguang. As long as I can advance to the Xuanguang stage before the age of forty, the future Patriarch The position must be in my pocket!"

  Thinking of the great future ahead, Shan Wenqi couldn't help feeling hot, and his eyes on Jinchuan Island not far away became even hotter.

  Behind him, Li Mengfei and Tang Ming looked at the many flying boats around them, and couldn't help being speechless.

  Although they ordered people to secretly spread the news of the gambling fight in order to damage Lin Shen's reputation as much as possible, they didn't expect so many people to come all at once.

   "The name of this grade of spiritual veins is really scary." Duan Ziping couldn't help but sigh.

  The rest of the people didn't say anything, but they thought the same thing in their hearts.

  Among the people who came to watch the battle, obviously most of them came for Lin Shen.

   "That's fine, when Lin Shen loses to Wen Qi, the blow to his reputation will be even heavier!" Li Mengfei laughed.

  Everyone thought about it, and they all smiled and nodded.

  During the conversation, the flying boat had arrived above Jinchuan Island. Shan Wenqi took a deep breath and said loudly:

   "Lin Shen, I have arrived as promised, hurry up and fight!"

  The voice was as loud as thunder, rolling and spreading, spreading for several miles in an instant.

   With a swish, all eyes around were cast on Jinchuan Island.

  Under the eyes of everyone, the restriction on Jinchuan Island was quickly lifted, and a slender figure rose into the sky and stopped at a distance of five or six hundred meters from the flying boat.

  Lin Shen glanced around, and then landed on Shan Wenqi, calmly said:

   "Let's get started, quick fix."


  Shan Wenqi sneered, turned around and cupped his hands at everyone, and said, "Brothers, wait for me here for a while, after I defeat Lin Shen, I will come back and have a drink with everyone!"

   Li Mengfei and others returned the salute one after another, with a relaxed expression, obviously believing that Shan Wenqi would definitely win.

   Not far away, Lin Shen looked at this scene with a calm expression, without any sign of the solemnity of the imminent battle.

   Not long after, Shan Wenqi jumped off the flying boat, came to the sky above the center of Jinchuan Island, and stood face to face with Lin Shen.

   "Lin Shen, don't think that you can be defiant if you forge a first-grade spiritual vein. Most of the true disciples are stronger than you. Today, I will let you see what it means to be someone beyond others!"

  Lin Shen didn't intend to talk to Shan Wenqi, so he just said lightly after hearing the words:

   "Then I will wait and see."

Sensing the contempt in Lin Shen's words, Shan Wenqi's face sank slightly, he snorted coldly, took out a golden compass from his sleeve, threw it forward, and then tapped it with his finger, the compass immediately started to spin .

  In an instant, there was a sharp and short sword cry in the void, and streaks of golden sword energy instantly flew out from the compass, slashing towards Lin Shen like overwhelming heaven and earth!

  On the deck of the flying boat, when Li Mengfei saw Shan Wenqi take out the golden compass, his eyes suddenly lit up.

   "Golden Killing Compass! Wen Qi actually brought such a powerful magic weapon, haha, Lin Shen is doomed!"

  Everyone around heard this and asked curiously.

  Li Mengfei explained with a smile: "You should all know that Wen Qi practiced the Golden Killing Sword Art, right?"

  Everyone nodded, no one knew that the Golden Killing Sword Art is a well-known metal skill in the sect.

  Although it is not as good as the eight great supernatural powers of the sect, it is still a first-class martial arts supernatural power!

"The golden killing compass is said to be a special magic weapon specially refined by a senior master in order to cooperate with the golden killing sword art. It absorbs gold energy and stores it in it on weekdays. , the sharpness is unstoppable!"

   "With the golden killing compass, the power of Wen Qi's golden killing sword formula can be increased by at least half!"

  As soon as these words came out, there was a sound of breathing all around.

  Many people showed shock.

  The Golden Killing Sword Art is already extremely powerful, if it increases its power by half, how terrifying would it be?

   A cassock below a mysterious weapon might not even be able to block it for a moment, right?

  For a moment, many disciples looked at Lin Shen with sympathy.

  In the beginning, they were not very optimistic about Lin Shen's victory, but now that they learned that Shan Wenqi had such a powerful weapon as the golden killing compass, they suddenly felt that Lin Shen's hope was slim.

  However, just as they were thinking this way, what happened next surprised everyone.

  I saw the golden sword energy from all over the sky sweeping towards Lin Shen like a torrential rain, crashing on Lin Shen, and there was a dense clanging sound immediately, sparks flashed on Lin Shen, but he was not injured at all!

   This scene left Shan Wenqi dumbfounded.

"How can it be?!"

You must know that the Metal Sword Jue is good at attacking, and the Golden Killing Sword Jue is the best of this kind of kung fu. Combined with the Golden Killing Compass, even if it is against a demon cultivator of the same level who is physically tyrannical, Shan Wenqi will not be able to attack. Confident that one face-to-face will cut the opponent to pieces.

  But Lin Shen took him head-on and hit him with all his strength without losing a single bit!

   This physical body is almost as strong as a mysterious weapon!

  Shan Wenqi was full of disbelief, only feeling unbelievable.

  The people around were even more dumbfounded, they didn't expect that the hundreds of golden sword qi with astonishing momentum couldn't even hurt Lin Shen.

  Li Mengfei, who was still raving about Jinsha Compass before, his face turned red when he realized it, and his cheeks were burning hot from embarrassment.

  Everyone over there was shocked beyond words, but Lin Shen here was secretly satisfied.

  Golden Wheel Lei Dian's strong defense did not disappoint, it increased his physical strength to a level that ordinary monks could hardly match.

  Shan Wenqi’s compass is of course extremely powerful, it is not a high-grade profound weapon but also a middle-grade mysterious weapon, but the amount of sword energy released is too much. It looks mighty and dazzling, but in fact its power is dispersed, and it is just restrained by the Golden Wheel Thunder Code!

   Not to mention hundreds of sword qi, even if there are thousands of sword qi, don't even think about hurting a single hair of him!

  After recovering from the shock, Shan Wenqi secretly gritted his teeth, startled and angry.

  He never imagined that Lin Shen, who had been promoted to a monk for only two or three months, had already cultivated a body-training technique and supernatural powers.

   "Is it the Tyrannical Whale Art? Or the Nine Lotus Golden Body?"

  Shan Wenqi searched for the body training methods in the sect in his mind, but none of them were similar to the one shown by Lin Shen in front of him.

   "Could it be the exercises obtained from the outside?"

  Seeing that Shan Wenqi's expression was changing, and he stood still without making a move, Lin Shen smiled.

   "Are you backing down now? Since you don't make a move, let me do it instead."

  The moment the voice fell, a drop of water as black as lacquer ink came out of the top door, and slammed into Shan Wenqi.

  Shan Wenqi sneered when he saw this.

   "Do you think that if you block my blow, you will win? You don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

  He is not one of those fledgling rookies, he has a lot of experience in fighting, and after a little thought, he understands that it is because he has dispersed the power of the sword energy.

  Otherwise, relying on the high-grade mysterious weapon and gold-killing sword art, no matter how evil Lin Shen is, it is impossible for Lin Shen to carry it down unscathed with only his physical body!

  Since the quantity is not enough, then the quality should be used!

  Shan Wenqi pointed together, and the golden killing compass buzzed, releasing golden sword energy again.

  But this time, there were only five sword qis.

  Although it didn’t have the mighty and astonishing momentum of the previous sword qi, the five sword qi emitted by the split air strike were golden and dazzling, and it was obvious at a glance that the power contained in it was far greater than the previous sword qi!

  In the blink of an eye, the jet-black water droplets and the golden sword energy collided fiercely in the void.

  What shocked Shan Wenqi was that the golden sword energy that had placed his high hopes was crushed and disintegrated one by one by the inconspicuous black water drop in an instant.

  And the black water drop just stopped for a while, and then continued to rush towards him!

  Caught off guard, Shan Wenqi subconsciously raised his arm to block it.

  The next moment, there was a muffled bang, and a huge force came from the arm like overwhelming mountains and seas!

  Shan Wenqi felt a tightness in his chest, and he fell to the ground like a meteor!

   Although this drop of Yin and heavy water seems small, it is actually as heavy as a thousand pounds. It is inevitable that Shan Wenqi will suffer a big loss if he is unprepared.

   If he wasn't wearing a mysterious vestment, this blow alone would have severely injured him!

  Lin Shen took advantage of the victory to pursue, his thoughts moved slightly, and another drop of dark and heavy water flew out of the top door.

   This is the second drop of Yin and heavy water that he condensed from his whole body in ten days!

  On the ground, Shan Wenqi finally recovered his breath, and was frightened out of his wits when he saw this scene.

  One drop of Yin Yin Heavy Water has already hit him with little power to fight back, how about another drop?

   Horrified, Shan Wenqi crazily injected spiritual energy into the golden killing compass.

  The compass lit up with a blinding golden light in the blink of an eye, and a razor-sharp golden sword energy rushed out, facing the Yin Yin Heavy Water with an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air.

   This sword qi condensed more than 20 mouthfuls of metal aura, which can be called the strongest blow that Shan Wenqi can use right now!


  The golden sword energy hit the Yin heavy water, and both of them froze in the void for a moment.

   Immediately afterwards, the golden sword energy burst out loudly, and the color of the Yin heavy water also quickly became lighter and darker, flying back into Lin Shen's body.

  Lin Shen didn't change his face, and pointed out that another drop of Yin and heavy water that had previously crushed the five sword qi had once again attacked Shan Wenqi.

   Before Shan Wenqi had time to be pleasantly surprised that he finally repelled a drop of dark and heavy water, his face suddenly changed again when he saw this scene.

In desperation, he had no choice but to bite the bullet, muster up the little spiritual energy left and inject it into the golden killing compass, once again spurred the sword energy to attack, and threw several flying swords, finally repelling the attacking Yin heavy water.

  Lin Shen took a look inside, and saw two drops of dark heavy water hanging in the chest orifice, the luster was dim, and they all needed to be nourished and restored before they could be used again.

   Having said that, Lin Shen is quite satisfied.

  Although 50% of the power of the natural spirit body is blessed in it, just two drops of Youyin heavy water can beat a monk of the fourth level of Yunling to the left and right, and he is in a mess, which is enough to show the tyranny of Youyin heavy water!

  Wait until ten or even a hundred drops are condensed, there is probably no monk in the Yunling period who is his opponent!

  Thinking of this, Lin Shen nodded secretly.

   But his silence was interpreted by Shan Wenqi into another meaning.

   "You can no longer use the trick just now!"

  Shan Wenqi stared at Lin Shen with a sneer.

  Lin Shen couldn't help but rolled his eyes secretly when he saw this, did this guy get beaten up?

   Without much nonsense, he directly took out a copper hammer magic weapon, and then rushed towards Shan Wenqi with lightning.

  Shan Wenqi hurriedly released a burst of sword energy, but Lin Shen didn't even look at it. He let the sword energy hit his body, sparked a stream of sparks, and swung the copper hammer with his backhand to smash his head and face at Shan Wenqi!

  Until this moment, Shan Wenqi suddenly woke up. What he was facing was a monster who had practiced body training techniques and could block the golden killing sword aura with only his physical body!


  Shan Wenqi was thrown into the air by a hammer. Before he landed, Lin Shen rushed over and smashed down again with the hammer.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The dull beating sound echoed over Jinchuan Island.

  The people around were already stunned, watching with straight eyes that Shan Wenqi was bruised and swollen by Lin Shen with a copper hammer, unable to fight back.

  Li Mengfei, Tang Ming and others seemed to be in a dream, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

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