MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 176 The beautiful master and the "informal" senior sister

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  Chapter 176 The beauty master and the "informal" senior sister

   What came into view was a majestic palace hanging in the air.

  It looks like a conical tower, extremely magnificent, with a total of nine layers up and down, climbing up and down like steps, surrounded by ups and downs of clouds and mists, ethereal and misty, like entering a fairyland.

   "This is Duzhen Tiangong, the foundation of this sect. Not only is it the place where the head of the sect secretly cultivates, but also many elders with profound Taoism in the past have lived in seclusion here!"

  Si Yuanpei pointed to the palace and said, then turned around and flew into the distance.

   "Come with me, Master Yu's Falling Sword Peak is not here."

  Lin Shen looked around, only to find that there are countless mountain peaks and floating islands hidden in the surrounding clouds and mist, spreading layer upon layer for an unknown distance, with almost no end in sight.

  Calm down, he quickly followed his boss Yuanpei.

  The two of them came to a spiritual peak not long after, one in front of the other.

  Looking from a distance, Lingfeng looks like a sword blade half inserted into the clouds, pointing straight to the sky. It is obviously a dead thing, but it gives people an incomparably sharp and high-spirited momentum!

  The name of Luojian Peak may be derived from this!

   "This is the place where Yuanzhu Yu secretly cultivated." Si Yuanpei said.

   To show their respect for Courtyard Master Yu, the two of them did not fly up to Luojian Peak, but landed at the foot of the mountain, and then walked up immediately.

  Lingfeng has a wide area, with Weique high platforms on both sides of the mountain road, white jade steps ten feet wide from the bottom of the mountain to the peak, and rare birds pecking and feathering can be seen everywhere on the eaves of the corridors.

   All the way to the top of the mountain, Si Yuanpei didn't stop until he came to a big hall.

  Lin Shen looked up, and saw the three-character plaque of "Loulan Pavilion" hanging across the front of the hall, the handwriting was flying and jumping, and he felt a sense of flying in his heart just by looking at it.

  The two of them just stopped, and soon a Taoist nun with a straight face and a bit of beauty came up to her, Jishou said: "You two are very polite, I wonder what is the purpose of visiting Luojian Peak?"

   "Si Yuanpei, the master of the lower court of Jiuyang Daoist Academy, and Lin Shen, a disciple of the true biography, begged to see the master of Yuyuan together!"

  Although Si Yuanpei was not resident in the mountain gate, his reputation was quite resounding, and the nun was slightly surprised when he heard that.

  But when she heard the name Lin Shen later, the surprise in her eyes grew stronger, and she couldn't help but give Lin Shen a curious look.

  The fact that there was a first-grade spirit vein cultivator in Jiuyang Taoist Academy has long been known to everyone in the entire sect, even the name Lin Shen is widely known.

  The Taoist nun had heard long ago that the principal of the school had accepted Lin Shen as an apprentice, and knew that the young man in front of her was different from ordinary disciples, so she didn't dare to neglect her, so she immediately led them into the hall.

   "You two please wait here, I will report to the master right away!"

  The Taoist nun was about to leave after speaking, but just as she turned around, a calm and pleasant voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

   "Let them in."

  Lin Shen and Si Yuanpei also heard it.

  The two looked at each other, stood up, and walked deep into the pavilion under the guidance of the Taoist nun.

   Tossed and walked for a while, not long after, the sound of gurgling water came from nowhere in the surroundings, like cocoon peeling off, dense and continuous.

  Lin Shen looked up, and found that he was already in a large hall. Countless clear springs were hanging down from the roof of the hall, and gathered in one place three feet above the ground.

The water is like the pattering rain in spring, and it is also like a small stream hitting rocks, jingling for joy, and soon it converges into a water mirror with a radius of 100 meters. Opened, a slender Taoist nun with willow brows and cherry lips appeared.

  She has picturesque eyebrows and eyes, and a jade-like nose, but her eyes are cold and stern, with awe-inspiring power, making people afraid to get close to her just by looking at her.

  Seeing this, Si Yuanpei took a step forward, and the chief inspector saluted him.

   "I have seen Courtyard Master Yu."

  Yu Siyu moved his lotus feet lightly, and slapped Si Yuanpei, and opened his mouth lightly, saying: "Master Si, you don't need to be polite."

  At the end, the slender points downward, and the lotus under the feet turns into a lotus platform.

  After sitting down, she looked at Lin Shen, stared at him for a while, then nodded her head.

   "There is a lot of inspiration, it is worthy of being a first-class spiritual vein."

   "Thank you, Director Yu, for your compliment." Lin Shen said calmly.

  Seeing him meeting her gaze indifferently, neither fierce nor timid, Yu Siyu's eyes flashed with admiration.

   "You came here today, you must have made a decision and are willing to worship me as a teacher."

  Lin Shen nodded calmly: "Yes."

  Yu Siyu smiled slightly, this smile was like a flower blooming, as if the world suddenly lost its color, and then her smile faded away, and she touched her head lightly.

   "I don't like complicated cultural and custom festivals, so the apprenticeship ceremony will be waived. From now on, you will be my third direct disciple."

  Lin Shen knelt down and saluted without saying a word.

   "Meet Master!"

  Si Yuanpei stood aside without saying a word, until then he smiled.

   "Congratulations to Master Yu for accepting a good student!"

  A disciple of a first-grade spirit vein, if this is not a good disciple, then what is a good disciple?

  Knowing that the master and apprentice still had a lot to say, Si Yuanpei left knowingly after congratulating him, leaving space for the two of them.

   "I won't say anything superfluous, since you worship me as your teacher, then I, as a respected teacher, can't treat you badly."

  Yu Siyusu waved his hand, and a bottle of elixir fell in front of Lin Shen.

   "This is the Jiuding Pill, which is most suitable for new monks to take. It has the effect of stabilizing the realm and improving the cultivation level."

   "In addition, you haven't transformed your aura yet, have you thought about which five-element attribute formula to practice?"

  Lin Shen already had a draft in mind, so he answered without thinking:

   "The disciple wants to practice the formula that combines the attributes of the five elements!"

  He was as indifferent as Yu Siyu, and couldn't help but startled when he heard this.

  Over the years, she has never heard of anyone who has practiced a formula that combines the attributes of the five elements.

   After all, the more attributes involved in the formula, the more difficult it is to practice.

   Few people have successfully practiced the three-attribute formula, let alone the five-attribute formula.

  If other disciples made this kind of request, they would have to be judged with ignorance.

  However, Lin Shen is the first first-grade spirit vein disciple in the history of Jiuyang Sect, with great potential, and Yu Siyu dare not say that he will definitely not be able to practice the five-attribute formula.

  Thus thinking for a moment, she pondered and said: "It is extremely difficult to practice the five-attribute formula. Just getting started is a great difficulty. Are you sure you really want to practice this formula?"

  Lin Shen's eyes lit up.

   Listening to this, is there really a magic formula with all five elements?

  He immediately said without hesitation: "The disciple has already awakened!"

  Seeing Lin Shen's determined expression, Yu Siyu nodded and didn't say much.

  Anyway, if the cultivation fails, it will waste a few months at most, and then switch to other exercises.

  Yu Siyu then waved his hand, and a little green light shot out, and landed in Lin Shen's palm, but it turned out to be a jade slip.

"It records a practice method called Taixuan Miyao. It is a practice method that I obtained in an ancient ruins when I was traveling many years ago. After successful cultivation, it can arbitrarily evolve the five-element aura. It is very powerful. It is also a great way to return pills, with endless mysteries."

   "The only flaw is that it is extremely difficult to cultivate, not only difficult to get started, but even more difficult to advance!"

  Yu Siyu glanced at Lin Shen, and his tone became a little more serious.

   "If Taixuan Mi is the Five Elements Attribute Jue, practicing this Jue means that when you break through the Mysterious Light Stage in the future, you need to condense a total of five Mysterious Light Seeds. The difficulty is at least five times that of ordinary monks."

  Lin Shen was unmoved when he heard the words.

  He may be worried about other things, but he is not worried about the difficulty of practicing the exercises.

  With the avatars around, no matter how difficult a bone is, it can be gnawed down!

   Besides, the power of exercises has always been linked to the difficulty of cultivation.

  The more difficult the exercise, the more powerful it will be after successful practice!

   Compared with the difficulty of cultivation, he cares more about whether the power of the exercises is powerful enough!

  Seeing the change in Lin Shen's expression, Yu Siyu nodded secretly.

  My new disciple, among other things, has a top-notch Dao Xin tenacity, and is not afraid of difficulties at all, very good!

   "During this period of time, you should first practice Taixuan Miyao with peace of mind. When you succeed in getting started and transform all the aura into five-element aura, I will teach you new exercises and supernatural powers."

   "In addition, your senior sister is already waiting outside the door, and she will take you to the Gongdeyuan to choose a cultivation cave later."

  After the last word fell, Yu Siyu's figure had slowly disappeared into the lotus platform below and disappeared.

  Lin Shen bowed towards the lotus platform before turning around and leaving.

  On the way, he was still a little dazed.

  Suddenly, he worshiped a master and got the desired cultivation method. Everything happened so quickly that he was still a little dazed.

   Fortunately, this beautiful master seems to be quite gentle and treats his disciples well.

   While thinking, Lin Shen had already returned to the outside of the hall, and saw a bright and attractive girl head-on.

  The girl looks about twenty-seven or eight years old, with gentle eyebrows, beautiful and moving, wearing a white dress with fluttering long skirt, snow gown with high bun, narrow waist and long legs, anyone who looks at it will secretly praise the peerless beauty.

   Sensing Lin Shen's arrival, the girl turned to look at him, looked him up and down, and nodded in satisfaction.

   "You are Master's new junior brother, you are young and young, and you look a bit manly, much better than my group of eggless waste!"

  As the girl spoke, her gentle and charming temperament was completely destroyed.

  Lin Shen couldn't help but froze.

  Hearing this kind of words from a beautiful woman with a gentle temperament, the sense of disobedience is too serious.

  The girl didn't realize it, she walked up to Lin Shen on her own, patted his shoulder heavily, and said with a hearty smile:

   "Master should have told you, I am your senior sister, Xia Mengran, I will cover you from now on, if anyone dares to bully you, just tell me, I will help you to beat them!"


  Lin Shen was overwhelmed by this senior sister's 'informality', and didn't know how to react for a while.

  Suddenly, he reacted suddenly.

  Why does the name Xia Mengran sound so familiar?

   Soon, Lin Shen remembered something, and asked tentatively: "Senior sister, do you work in the Martial Arts Hall?"

  Xia Mengran let out a low snort, and gave him a surprised look.

"Junior Brother, have you heard my name? That's right, I'm the head of the Martial Hall now, but I'm about to step down soon. If it wasn't for meritorious service, I wouldn't be bothered to take care of that group of trash. I can't do small things well. Heaven will only excuse you and grind your mouth!"

  Lin Shen was surprised at the same time.

   Unexpectedly, this senior sister of mine is still the head of the Martial Arts Hall.

   You must know that the head of the Martial Arts Hall is one of the most sought-after positions in the Sanzong Mansion!

  If you want to become the head of the Martial Arts Hall, the first thing you need is to be strong!

   It is impossible for the younger generation leaders who are not the three major sects to become the master of the martial arts hall!

   No wonder Si Yuanpei said that Master's two disciples are both well-known sword cultivators in the sect. It seems that he really didn't lie to him.

   Complained a few words, Xia Mengran finally remembered the business, stretched out her hand, and the surrounding white clouds suddenly gathered, gathering at her and Lin Shen's feet.

  The two of them were lifted up immediately, and they went straight up to the clouds like spreading their wings.

   Gathering Qi to form clouds, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog, this is the flying method that monks in the Yunling period have transformed into the five elements of aura.

   "Junior brother, let's go to the Gongde Academy first and choose a cultivation cave for you."

  On the way, Xia Mengran told Lin Shen about cultivating the cave.

  According to the regulations of the Nine Suns Sect, each true disciple can obtain a cultivation cave, where he can live in the blessed place of heaven and earth, and absorb the inspiration of the world.

   But having said that, not every true disciple can get the cultivation cave he wants.

  The Danxia Blessed Land where the Nine Yang Sect is located occupies a vast area, and there are countless spiritual peaks and spiritual islands, but most of them have uses, and only some of them have been opened up as cultivation caves.

   And most of them are the hidden places where many elders and deacons live in seclusion.

   There are not many who can really be assigned to the true disciples, at least far less than the number of true disciples.

  Of course, this refers to the Qifu-level Dongfu.

  If you don’t mind the level of the cave, even the Jingshe Xuanlu can enjoy it, and there are many in Danfu.

  But the gap between Jingshe Xuanlu and Qifu is so huge that no true disciple is willing to endure the gap.

   Therefore, when it comes time to choose a cave for cultivation, it is the time for the various true disciples to compare their connections and backgrounds.

  True disciples with enough connections can easily get the cultivation cave they want.

   Those who have no background connections can only wait in line honestly.

   Wait until a certain day when the cave is vacant, and it happens that no one else needs it, then it may fall on me.

  "Unless you have enough power to suppress the entire sect, no matter where you go, you will inevitably rely on your connections."

  Lin Shen secretly made up his mind that one day he will definitely be able to grow to the point where he does not need to rely on any connections and background, and his own strength alone is enough to make others awed and awed!

   Not long after, a large floating island came into view.

  The island is full of pavilions, row upon row, during which people come and go, and many disciples ride monsters back and forth between the buildings, very lively.

   "Gongdeyuan is a place where meritorious deeds are exchanged for resources. It is similar to the meritorious academy in Jiuyang Daoyuan. You will be familiar with it after a few visits."

  Xia Mengran explained while manipulating the clouds to land.

  The disciples who came and went saw it from a distance and respectfully avoided it.

  Flying the clouds and riding the fog is a means of the immortal family that only monks have. These disciples consciously maintain respect for the high-ranking monks.

  Xia Mengran didn't even look at these ordinary disciples, and led Lin Shen straight into a pavilion.

  Seeing a monk coming, the Taoist boy on duty immediately went in to report after walking for a while. After a while, a middle-aged Taoist priest with a clear appearance came out.

  Looking at Xia Mengran, the middle-aged Taoist priest was taken aback, and hurried forward with a flattering smile on his face.

   "Master Xia, what wind brought you here!"

  (end of this chapter)

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