MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 171 Don't take revenge, be a father in vain

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  Chapter 171 If you don’t take revenge, you will be a father in vain

   After a while, Lin Shen calmed down.

  Golden Wheel Thunder Code needs two auras of metal and water to practice.

   In other words, only people with second-rank and above spiritual veins and who have practiced the two attributes of gold and water can practice, but there is no rush right now.

   "Thanks to the harsh training conditions, Lu Wansong couldn't satisfy them. Otherwise, if he has cultivated the Golden Wheel Thunder Code, if I want to kill him again, I have to use my avatar!"

  Lin Shen thought secretly, then suddenly asked:

   "What about this dark and heavy water?"

"Yin heavy water is a water-based skill. It takes thirty-six sips of water and spiritual energy to condense one drop. One drop has a thousand-ton force and is unstoppable. If it is ten drops of heavy water, there are few rivals among the same generation. If it is A hundred drops can make a thousand troops change, and if there are a thousand drops, it can reverse the flow of the waterfall and divert the course of the river!"

  Miao You's tone was full of longing, and he obviously admired this dark and heavy water very much.

  However, it is understandable, if what she said is not watery, then the Yin Heavy Water is probably much stronger than the Golden Wheel Thunder Code!

  It's a pity that it takes thirty-six mouthfuls of spiritual energy to condense a drop of dark and heavy water. In other words, at least a second-grade spiritual vein is required to practice, and Miao You only has a third-grade spiritual vein, but it is unnecessary to think about it.

   "Besides that, Nether Yin Heavy Water is still one of the techniques inherited in the same strain. When you reach the Xuanguang period, you can switch to Xuanze Zhenshui, and when you reach the alchemy period, you can switch to Beiming Zhenshui!" Miao You continued.

  Lin Shen became more and more moved. In this way, this dark and heavy water is indeed a good skill.

  The only problem is that you need water spiritual energy to practice.

   You have to wait until you return to the sect and decide what kind of formula to practice before you can decide whether to practice Nether Yin Heavy Water or not.

  Lin Shen then asked a lot of questions about monks, until Miao You looked tired, and then asked her to heal her wounds.

   Waiting for Miao You to go further away and start to meditate, Lin Shen had a thought and called out the panel to look at it.

  When he killed Lu Wansong, he specially switched to the talent of proving the way by killing. As a result, he was lucky to trigger the effect of the talent, and his cultivation base directly increased by 5%.

  '【Realm: 5% of the first level of Yunling】'

  After being promoted to a monk, the Nine Yang Heart Sutra can no longer continue to improve his cultivation, so Lin Shen has no plans to meditate.

  Looking at the skills and spells, he looked at the talents of the avatars.

  After the realm breakthrough, the effects of the pure yang body and the talent effects of proving the way by killing have changed.

  【Pure Yang body: Yang attribute skills training speed +300%, Yang attribute skills power +100%】

[Proving the Tao by killing: +50% attacking skills training speed, +100% combat skill comprehension speed. bigger)]

   All the 'martial arts/techniques' at the beginning have become 'kung fu'.

   "Based on my current strength and cultivation base, the probability of triggering the talent effect is estimated to be pitifully small if I kill a creature below the Yunling stage."

   "On the way back to Linlong City, hunt and kill some monsters to test."

  Lin Shen continued to look at other talents

   Except for the body of pure yang and proving the way by killing, the other talents have not changed in any way.

  【Huiji will hurt: practice speed +200%, life span -80%】

  【Blockbuster: Use your body to nourish your energy, use your meaning to store your energy, and store your energy and energy for the next attack. The longer you store it, the greater the power of your attack】

  【Bypassing by analogy: For each martial skill and technique in the Perfect Realm, the martial skill/skill training speed +10% (maximum 200%), martial skill/skill power +5% (maximum 100%)]

  【Comprehension: After the same type of martial arts has been cultivated to perfection, they can be integrated with each other to break through to a higher level】

  【Superior Martial Arts: Martial Skill Training Speed ​​+100%, Martial Skill Power +50%, Combat Skill +50%】

  Besides that Hui Ji Huan and Blockbuster can still play a good role, the other three talents are not very useful to Lin Shen today.

  After all, what he is going to practice next is the supernatural powers of Jinlun Leidian and Youyin Chongshui.

  Martial arts and techniques are of little use to him.

   "Do you want to change your talent?"

  Lin Shen didn't hesitate for too long, and soon decided to refresh his talents.

   Now he can bless two talents at the same time. If he can get a good talent, he can match it with a new powerful combination.

  A good combination of talents is self-evident for the improvement of strength!

   Taking advantage of the time before returning to Linlong City, Lin Shen planned to develop three good talents.

  Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

   Soon it will be the end of the Xuandu Conference.

  Lin Shen and Miao You had left for the entrance of Xuandu Mountain a day earlier, and they were less than twenty miles away from their destination.

   "What are your plans after leaving Xuandu Mountain?" Lin Shen asked

  Miao You hesitated for a while, then said in a low voice, "I'm going back to Longyuan Mountain Range."

   "Isn't the people from the Eagle Department searching for your whereabouts? If you go back this time, don't you think you've been caught by a sheep?"

   "The Longyuan Mountain Range is vast and boundless. I just need to pay attention to hiding my tracks. Those people will not be able to find me in a short time. Besides, I still have subordinates in the Longyuan Mountain Range. I can't leave them behind!"

   There is still one thing Miao You didn't say, that is, staying in the Longyuan Mountains, she can also find opportunities to contact some subordinates of the Eagle Department who are loyal to her father, strengthen her own strength, and prepare for revenge.

  Thinking of this, Miao You couldn't help but glance at Lin Shen.

  After seeing the scene where Lin Shen easily killed Lu Wansong, she was already amazed at Lin Shen's aptitude from the bottom of her heart.

   It may not take seven or eight years for Lin Shen to break through to the Xuanguang stage.

   At that time, if Lin Shen can help her deal with her enemies, the hope of revenge will be greatly increased!

  Lin Shen didn't know what Miao You was thinking, seeing that she had already made up her mind, she didn't say much.

   At the beginning, signing the soul contract with Miao You was just to take advantage of the trend, and more to get the Millennium Xuanhua Wood Spirit. As for Miao You himself, Lin Shen didn't have much idea.

  After all, Nine Yang Sect would not allow him to bring a demon cultivator into Linlong City.

   "I heard that some powerful monks can open their own mansions and take in the monster race for their own use. I wonder if the Nine Suns Sect can do the same?"

  The two fell into deep thought, silent all the way.

   not long.

  Lin Shen and Miao You came to the entrance of Xuandu Mountain that day.

  Many people have gathered here.

  However, compared to the crowds when entering Xuandu Mountain that day, the flow of people was significantly reduced.

  When entering Xuandu Mountain a month ago, there were more than two thousand practitioners present.

  But there are only about a thousand people who can walk out of Xuandu Mountain alive today.

  There are no ferocious beasts in Xuandu Mountain, but there are also less threatening monster races such as grass and tree elves.

  Then how the thousands of people who disappeared died is self-evident.

   Right at this moment, the void hummed suddenly.

  Lin Shen looked up, and saw a gap in the fog covering thousands of miles around Xuandu Mountain.

  A group of practitioners flew out of it one after another.

  Lin Shen and Miao You are no exception.

  But the two separated tacitly and did not stay together anymore. Lin Shen didn't want to bother explaining Miao You's existence to Qu Ke and Shen Zening.

   "Junior Brother Lin!"

  As soon as he returned to the foot of Xuandu Mountain, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear. Lin Shen turned his head and saw that it was Qu Ke and Shen Zening.

  The two walked towards Lin Shen, looked him up and down, and were relieved to see that he was safe and sound.

  Although he has confidence in Lin Shen's strength, anything can happen in Xuandu Mountain.

  Especially seeing that the number of people coming out has decreased so much, they are even more heartbroken.

   "More than two thousand people went in, but less than half of them came out. This Xuandu Conference is really dangerous!" Qu Ke sighed lightly.

  After some scattered cultivators in Xuandu Mountain formed a group, they went around to attack and kill the single practitioners, even the disciples of the sect.

   Qu Ke and Shen Zening met many practitioners who wanted to **** the Xuanhua Liquid in Xuandu Mountain, and fought several dangerous battles.

   Thanks to the fact that both of them are not bad in strength and have mysterious weapons on their bodies, most of the attackers were killed by them.

  The few who were invincible also broke through with the help of mysterious weapons, without any danger.

   After one month, Qu Ke and Shen Zening got six drops of Xuanhua liquid, divided evenly, each got three drops.

   This is already a very good harvest.

  Most of the casual cultivators acted in groups, even if they finally found the Xuanhua wood spirit, the Xuanhua liquid was divided equally and each person didn't even have a drop.

   In this case, they either have enough elixir to split, or they are infighting.

  Recovering from the joy, Qu Ke and Shen Zening glanced at Lin Shen.

  In their minds, even they have gained a lot, so Lin Shen must have gained more in Xuandu Mountain, at least a dozen drops of Xuanhua liquid.

  Breaking their heads, he didn't expect that Lin Shen not only acquired the thousand-year-old Xuanhua wood spirit, but also broke through the cage to be promoted to a monk, and even killed one of the monks.

  If you know this, your eyes might pop out.

   At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd, but many people noticed that the disciples of Corpse Yin Sect, Blood Sea Sect and Feiyun Sect were all gone.

   "Will those people die in Xuandu Mountain?"

   "No way, who can kill them? And the disciples of the three sects are all gone!"

   "Hey, Yin Xianbin, Yi Sufeng and Guan Zhou didn't come out either!"

   "According to me, these people probably met in Xuandu Mountain. They fought hard, and they all died together!"

   "There is some truth in saying that!"

   Many people nodded in agreement.

  After all, it was too much of a coincidence that the three sect disciples and the three powerful casual cultivators disappeared at the same time.

   It can't be that someone took action to kill all these people, right?

  How powerful is the person who did it? I'm afraid he is not a monk?

  Listening to the discussions around them, Qu Ke and Shen Zening looked at each other, feeling a little lucky.

  Even the members of those three sects were all dead. Fortunately, they were not implicated.

  Lin Shen didn't change his face, he didn't seem to notice the surrounding discussions, and said: "Senior brothers, let's go."

   Qu Ke and Shen Zening reacted and responded immediately.

  Out of Xuandu Mountain does not mean to sit back and relax.

  Those who have gained nothing on Mount Xuandu may take the risk and ambush other practitioners who have gained something along the way.

  Even people who have obtained Xuanhua liquid may not be able to do so, no one would dislike too much Xuanhua liquid.

   Without further ado, Qu Ke immediately released the dragon tooth flying boat.

  As soon as the huge monster with a height of more than ten meters and a length of thirty to forty meters appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of many people around it.

  Many people suddenly showed envy.

  At the moment when the three sects of Corpse Yin Sect, Blood Sea Sect and Feiyun Sect are all extinct, only Lin Shen and the others can produce such treasures as flying boats.

  As soon as the flying boat came out, many malicious eyes that had been secretly staring at Lin Shen and the others disappeared immediately.

   This is also the main purpose of Qu Ke's sacrifice of the dragon tooth flying boat on the spot, in order to dispel some people's unruly intentions.

   Now it seems that the effect is obviously good.

  The three of Lin Shen boarded the dragon tooth flying boat, and as Qu Ke activated the command, the flying boat immediately rose into the sky and took off in the direction of Linlong City.

  As the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat disappeared into the sky, the surrounding discussions gradually subsided.

  A strange atmosphere gradually spread.

  Some practitioners left the foot of Xuandu Mountain in a hurry.

  However, as soon as their front feet left, many people sneaked up behind them.

   Pro Dragon City.

  Jiuyang Zongshan Gate.

  In an antique room.

  Kuang Hai was lying on the bed, moaning slightly from time to time.

   After more than a month, the heat poison in his body has not been completely eliminated.

  Although the flesh wounds have healed and there is no abnormality on the outside, but at noon, the heat poison in his body makes him burn unbearably, and he feels like his whole body is going to burn out.

   Kuang Zhuo, who was sitting in front of the bed, looked at Aiko in pain, feeling like a needle was pricking his heart.

   "Has that kid named Lin Shen come back yet?" He asked through gritted teeth.

   Han Liang said: "Uncle, counting the time, the Xuandu Conference has just ended, and Lin Shen should be on his way back!"

   "If that kid comes back, you should tell me immediately!"

Hearing this, Han Liang hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Uncle, Kuang Hai and Lin Shen are gambling, the winner is his own, even if he is injured, he shouldn't trouble Lin Shen, otherwise it will attract criticism, Even"

  If it were other ordinary disciples with no background, it would be possible for Kuang Zhuo to stand up for Kuang Hai.

  But Lin Shen is now famous in the mountain gate, and has attracted the attention of many people. Some elders even expressed their intention to accept disciples. If Kuang Zhuo made a move to Lin Shen at this time, it might lead to high-level intervention.

   Kuang Zhuo said bitterly: "So what? That boy beat Xiao Hai into this look, if I don't take revenge for Xiao Hai, I will be a father in vain!"

  Han Liang felt helpless for a while.

  The two father and son really have the same explosive temper.

  If Kuang Hai had listened to his persuasion and didn't bother Lin Shen, how could he be in this situation today?

   But speaking of it, Lin Shen's strength is really astonishing.

  According to Kuang Hai's description, Lin Shen hit him hard just by meeting him!

   You must know that Kuang Hai has more than 20 pulses!

  Being able to defeat him with one move in seconds, Lin Shen's strength has at least 30 pulses!

   Could it be that the Nine Suns Sect is going to produce another monk with a second-grade spiritual vein?

  Seeing that Han Liang was silent, Kuang Zhuo waved his hand as if he was worried.

   "You just have to wait for Lin Shen to come back, and then tell me. You don't have to worry about the rest. This time, I will be punished by the sect, and I must avenge Xiaohai!"

   "That kid made Xiao Hai suffer from fever and poison, so I will let him feel the same feeling!"

   Speaking of the latter, Kuang Zhuo's face was full of coldness.

  Han Liang hesitated to speak, and finally sighed secretly, without saying anything more.

   Now that the dignified second-level monk Yunling has made up his mind, no matter how much he persuades him, it will be useless.

   A few days ago, I felt that I had good resistance, but now I am taught to be a man by the new crown



  (end of this chapter)

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