MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 168 i came just in time

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   Just as Luo Wei was feeling emotional, the young man next to him suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Luo, what should we do with the spirit worms in our bodies?"

  The other person also showed panic when he heard the words.

  They didn't do a good job, and they almost died. When Lu Wansong came back, they might not know how to punish them.

  Luo Wei hesitated to speak.

  He originally wanted to say that Lin Shen would probably fight Lu Wansong when he left, and that as soon as Lu Wansong died, the spirit worms would die out naturally.

   But after thinking about it, why Lu Wansong is so proficient, it is not certain whether Lin Shen, a newly promoted monk, and another injured female cultivator can defeat Lu Wansong.

  Thinking of this, Luo Wei suddenly became worried.

at the same time.

   A few miles away, Lin Shen soared into the air, and his spiritual consciousness centered on himself, quickly spreading in all directions.

  According to Luo Wei's description, the spirit-eating insects planted in their bodies would wake up as long as they were more than twenty miles away from Lu Wansong.

  If this is true, Lu Wansong should be between fifteen and twenty miles away from the cave.

as expected.

  A moment later, Lin Shen's spiritual perception suddenly burst into two groups of extremely strong aura.

  Compared to the small and gravel living auras around, those two groups of auras are as conspicuous as the sun.

   Moreover, the two groups of air machines touched each other at different times, and it seemed that they were fighting.

   If there are no accidents, it should be Miao You and Lu Wansong!

   Seeing this, Lin Shen's figure accelerated sharply, and flew towards the perceived position like a meteor.


  After being ground by the dark red mist for many times, the white silk in Miao You's hand finally couldn't hold it anymore, and it burst into pieces all over the sky!

  The dark red mist followed closely, and even the fragments were not spared, and it was swallowed up in an instant!

  Miao You's complexion changed slightly upon seeing this.

Lu Wansong laughed loudly, and said: "You Kanyu Nine Ling is a good treasure, but now that Nine Ling is completely destroyed, there is no way to recover it without a few months of cultivation, I see what you have to resist now My iron death aura!"

   As soon as the words fell, Lu Wansong opened his mouth and spit out another ball of iron death aura, and rolled towards Miao You with the sonorous golden iron Geming.

  Miao You's expression became more and more serious.

Her original cultivation was not as good as that of Lu Wansong, and her injuries had not yet fully recovered. The little aura she managed to recover these days was exhausted in the fierce battle just now. deal with.

  However, the iron perishing aura has the ability to wear down magic weapons. In the battle more than ten days ago, Kanyu Jiuling was forcibly worn away by the iron perishing aura, and the remaining four are now following in the footsteps.

  With the loss of Kanyu Jiuling, her already precarious situation has become even more dangerous now!

   "I didn't expect that I still couldn't escape this catastrophe!"

   Miao You is full of bitterness

  The reason why Lu Wansong was distracted was because he didn't want Lin Shen to die and implicate him.

   As a result, I still have to take my life now.

   "Forget it, at worst, I will die here in battle, but it's a pity that I couldn't get my revenge!"

   Taking a deep breath, Miao You's gaze became firm again, and she rushed towards Lu Wansong expressionlessly.

  Even if you can't kill Lu Wansong today, you have to bite off a piece of flesh from him.

   Seemingly aware of Miao You's thoughts, Lu Wansong sneered again and again.

   "If you want to fight me hard, it depends on whether you have the strength!"

  Both are third-rank spiritual veins, he is two levels higher than Miao You, and it is easy to defeat the latter.

   Not to mention that Miao You is still injured and has lost his magic weapon, and his strength has dropped to the lowest point.

  If it weren't for thinking about capturing Miao You alive, the battle would have been decided by now!

   "Be good and let him go. If you go back with me, you will have less trouble!" Lu Wansong snorted coldly.

  Miao You was unmoved at all, but approached Lu Wansong while gritting her teeth to resist the aura of Iron Death.

  Looking at this scene, Lu Wansong finally lost his patience. He opened his mouth and spit out eighteen mouthfuls of iron perishing spiritual energy, which were intertwined and entangled together, and quickly condensed into a giant ax about ten feet long.

  As soon as the giant ax came out, a sharp aura of gold and iron enveloped the surroundings in an instant.

  The place where Lu Wansong stood was covered with a layer of rust-like luster, and the vegetation around him withered.

   This trick is called Tyrant Meteor Axe, and it is a method for using the iron death aura, and it needs eighteen spiritual veins to practice.

  Eighteen mouthfuls of iron perishing aura are also required to cast it.

  Since Lu Wansong practiced so far, he has killed countless monks with this tyrant meteor ax, including both human cultivators and demon cultivators.

  Ordinary spiritual monks of the fourth and fifth ranks, even at the same level as him, would not dare to take this move head-on.


  Amidst the roaring sound like thunder, the dark red giant ax smashed down with a domineering momentum that crushed everything!

  Miao You was well aware of the power of the Tyrannical Axe, so he couldn't help but change his face when he saw it, and hurriedly mobilized the remaining spiritual energy in his body, and suddenly the wind blew around him, turning into a whistling wind to face the dark red giant axe.

  The two collided fiercely in the air, making a muffled bang!

  After a moment of stalemate, the dark red giant ax tore through the wind like a world, and then hit Miao You hard!

  The latter only had time to grunt before being dropped from the air.

  Finally stabilized his figure and avoided falling to the ground in embarrassment, but as soon as he stood still, Miao You felt blood surging in his chest, and his throat rushed upwards.

  She knew immediately that the injury she had suppressed so hard had recurred again.

  He was hit head-on with the Tyrant Meteor Axe, and his injuries are probably worse now than before taking Xi and Yu.

  Looking at Lu Wansong who was slowly falling from the sky, Miao You's face flashed with sadness.

   It seems that death is really inevitable today!

  Miao You suddenly thought of Lin Shen.

   I don't know if he has successfully promoted to a monk?

  Or the practitioners who were left there broke through the Nine Profound Golden Capital Formation and interrupted the promotion process?

  With this thought, Miao You couldn't help laughing.

  I can't take care of myself now, but I still have the heart to care about others?

  Since she hasn't lost her life yet, it means that Lin Shen's life is not in danger.

  If you have enough time to care about others, why not think about how to bite Lu Wansong back before you die.

   "Don't waste your time!"

  Lu Wansong noticed the change in Miao You's demeanor, and a mocking look appeared on his face.

   "You are not my opponent at all. If you are sensible, you should go back with me honestly. Maybe you will be magnanimous and spare your life!"

  Miao You's complexion changed suddenly, and he took a sip.

   "Your offender, how can you have the face to say such a thing?"

  Lu Wansong was not angry when he heard the words, but just smiled.

   "Since ancient times, the victors have won the kings and defeated the bandits, and you don't even understand this truth. No wonder you have fallen into this situation today!"

  Miao You's face was gloomy, she bit her lip and said nothing, but stared fiercely at Lu Wansong.

  Seeing Miao You's appearance, Lu Wansong lost his interest in playing cat and mouse, and prepared to take Miao You down so that he could go back to work.

   But at this moment, his expression froze suddenly, and he suddenly turned his head to look into the distance.

  According to his spiritual sense perception, a mass of extremely thick air mechanism is approaching here rapidly from a few miles away.

   "Are there other monks on Mount Xuandu?"

   Lu Wansong was in doubt for a while.

  At the same time, Miao You also noticed the aura of the monk who was approaching at a high speed, and his expression couldn't help being stunned.

  Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and surprise appeared in her eyes.

   Could it be Lin Shen?

  He was successfully promoted to a monk?

  Under normal circumstances, monks would not come to participate in the Xuandu Conference at all.

   Miao You was also in a special situation. In order to find a hidden place to recover from his injuries, he snatched a Xuandu Order and sneaked into Xuandu Mountain.

  Lu Wansong also entered Xuandu Mountain to hunt her down.

  So it stands to reason that there should be only her and Lu Wansong as monks in Xuandu Mountain.

  But at this moment, there is a third monk. It is no wonder that Miao You thought of Lin Shen at the first time.

  Facts proved that she guessed correctly, but after a while, the owner of the breath broke into the field of vision of the two present.

   After seeing the figure of the person coming, Miao You was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

   "Lin Shen!"

  Lu Wansong looked at the visitor with a solemn expression.

  Looking at Miao You's appearance, this monk who appeared suddenly is obviously an enemy rather than a friend!

  Through his thoughts, Lu Wansong quickly made a decision and rushed to Miao You decisively, wanting to take Miao You down before the visitor arrived, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

  Miao You noticed Lu Wansong's movements for the first time, and his complexion changed slightly, but he had no strength left to resist, so he could only watch Lu Wansong rush towards him.

  At the very moment, an invisible force descended out of nowhere, covering Lu Wansong's whole body, threatening to imprison him in place!

   "Fixing spell?"

  A sneer flashed in Lu Wansong's eyes.

   It would be too underestimating to restrict his actions with such low-level spells!

  Lu Wansong exerted all his strength, trying to break free from the shackles of the holding spell.

  The physical strength of demon cultivators is inherently far superior to that of human cultivators. A few demon cultivators who practice special spells can even forcibly resist mysterious weapons with their bodies alone.

  Although Lu Wansong has not yet reached that level, his physical body has no problem resisting magic weapons.

  He felt that low-level spells such as the holding spell could be broken through with a physical body.

  But the facts were bigger than he expected.

   This effort failed to break the shackles of the holding spell!

  Lu Wansong was shocked.

   After this delay, when he came back to his senses and mobilized his spiritual energy to break through the restraint of the fixing spell, the monk had already come to Miao You's side.

   "It seems that I came at the right time."

  Lin Shen glanced at Miao You with a smile.

  Hearing the teasing in this sentence, Miao You couldn't help giving him a reproachful look, but heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.

   On the other side, Lu Wansong stared at Lin Shen with a frown, his gaze uncertain.

   You must know that even if you are a monk of the third level of Yunling, it is impossible to restrain him with a low-level spell such as the fixing spell as just now, so that you have to use aura to break him.

   Could it be that this young man, who looked at most in his early twenties, was actually a cultivator at the fourth or fifth level of Yunling?

  With this thought, Lu Wansong's heart skipped a beat.

  Where did Miao You meet such a powerful person Xiu?

   His gaze fluctuated for a moment, and Lu Wansong suddenly snorted coldly, and said, "Miao You, as a monster race, you are actually mixing with the human race!"

   Miao You glanced at Lu Wansong blankly, but did not speak.

  She didn't just meddle, she signed a soul contract with Lin Shen. The relationship between them should not be too deep, it's the kind of life and death.

  Thinking of this, Miao You couldn't help sighing, and cast a resentful look at Lin Shen.

Lin Shen looked at Lu Wansong as if he hadn't seen it, and smiled lightly at Lu Wansong: "Foreigners are not necessarily worse than the same ones. We are both monsters. You are chasing and killing Miao You, but I, a foreigner, is saving her. Which one is better? Is it clear at a glance?"

  Lu Wansong's expression darkened when he heard the words, and he snorted coldly: "Sharp teeth!"

  Lin Shen didn't care, and said with a smile, "I've said so much, but I still want my subordinates to see the truth. It just so happens that I have just been promoted to a monk, and I want to find an opponent to try my hand at. You may as well come!"

  As soon as these words came out, Miao You and Lu Wansong were both stunned.

  The former suddenly reacted.

   That's right, Lin Shen has just become a monk not long ago, and he hasn't even had time to fully transform his aura into the five elements aura. His strength is inferior to ordinary monks, so how can he be the opponent of Lu Wansong, a third-level monk who is Yunling!

   Now that she is seriously injured and loses her combat effectiveness, it would be good if she doesn't become a burden, and she can't help Lin Shen at all!

  The current dangerous situation has not been resolved at all!

  Thinking of this, Miao You's heart sank.

  Lu Wansong was also stunned by Lin Shen's words. After realizing it, he looked at Miao You for the first time. Seeing her face change slightly, Lu Wansong suddenly realized, and his heart was ecstatic.

   "I thought you were powerful, but I didn't expect you to be a junior who just became a monk!"

  Lu Wansong sneered again and again, and the fear in his heart was swept away.

  A mere monk who has just been promoted not long ago is nothing to be afraid of.

   It’s useless for him to be so jealous before, but now that he thinks about it, it’s probably not a fixing spell, it’s more likely to be some kind of magic weapon or talisman.

   Otherwise, how can a newly promoted monk who hasn't even mastered the aura of the five elements imprison him with just the fixing spell?

  After thinking about this point clearly, Lu Wansong looked at Lin Shen with colder eyes.

  He is a dignified third-level monk of Yunling, but he was almost teased by a junior, which is a shame!

   "After I kill you, I will take out your Yuanling and ingest it into the Forbidden Soul Orb. The Yuanling of a human cultivator can be regarded as a treasure of great value!"

  Cultivator Yuanling, especially human cultivator Yuanling, is highly sought after by countless monster races, evil monks and disciples of evil sects.

   It's just that it's hard to kill human cultivators, and it's even more difficult to extract Yuan Ling.

  As it is in front of you, the chance to meet a new monk is extremely rare.

  If I can get its Yuan Ling, although I don’t need it, but I can exchange it with other monks, maybe I can get a mysterious weapon!

  Lu Wansong's thoughts flashed across his mind, his heart became slightly hot, but the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

  He snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and a streak of cold light flew out, piercing towards Lin Shen.

  The sharp and short sword sound burst out suddenly.

  Lin Shen took a closer look, and found that the cold light was actually a flying sword with a cold light.

  Different from ordinary talisman swords, this flying sword is only **** wide, about a foot long, and exudes a sharp and fierce sword intent!

  Even if you are separated by a distance, you can feel the bitter chill coming to your face!

  Flying Sword flew in front of him in an instant.

  Lin Shen didn't change his face, opened his eyes, opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of spiritual energy, facing Feijian.

  Lu Wansong could see clearly that the spirit energy in his breath had no spirit of the five elements, and it was indeed non-attribute spirit energy that had not yet been transformed.

  At first, he was still a little uncertain, but when he saw this situation, he was suddenly determined, and a smile appeared on his face that he was sure of winning.

  There is a huge gap between the non-attribute aura and the five elements aura.

  The non-attribute aura before transformation, the power is at most half of the five elements aura.

  Of course, the non-attribute aura condensed by monks with high spiritual veins may be stronger.

  Like a first-grade spiritual vein, the condensed non-attribute aura is not even inferior to the five-element aura of a fifth-grade spiritual vein.

   But let’s not talk about whether the spirit veins of this junior in front of him are first-rank, even if he is, he is not a fifth-rank spirit vein, but a third-rank spirit vein!

   Not to mention being a third-level monk of Yunling!

  Even if it is the non-attribute aura of the first-grade spiritual vein, it is impossible to match his iron death aura!

  No matter how you look at it, the junior in front of you has no chance of winning!

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