MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 158 Courtesy before soldiers

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  Chapter 158

  Lin Shen was a little surprised, but suddenly became interested.

   "Xuandu order can be traded?"

  Lian Xi was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Lin Shen to ask such a question.

  But he was overjoyed immediately. The young man in front of him seemed not very familiar with the Xuandu Conference, and it was probably his first time participating. It just so happened that it would be much easier to handle it this way.

  Suppressing the joy in his heart, Lian Xi smiled and said:

"Of course, the Xuandu Conference only recognizes tokens but not people, and the Xuanlingzong did not explicitly prohibit participants from trading privately. Prevent."

  Lin Shen suddenly realized.

   When chatting with Qu Ke and Shen Zening before, neither of them mentioned this point.

   I don’t know whether they are also unclear, or they feel that this point is unnecessary to mention.

   "Brother, how about it, can you give us the Xuandu order?" Lian Xi asked again with a little urgency.

  Lin Shen didn't answer, but asked in a calm and unhurried manner: "How do you know that I have Xuandu Ling?"

  Lian Xi felt a little impatient, but for the sake of Xuan Du Ling, she answered patiently.

"The practitioners who hold the Xuandu Token are all led by the disciples of the Xuanlingzong. I just happened to see two disciples of the Xuanlingzong bringing you and your companions here, so I know that you must have Xuandu on you." make."

  After explaining a sentence, Lian Xi couldn't wait to ask about Lin Shen's transaction.

   "What are you going to exchange with me for Xuandu Token?"

   Seeing Lin Shen let go, Lian Xi was overjoyed, rolled his eyes, and raised a finger.

   "How about ten low-grade spirit stones?"

  Lin Shen rolled his eyes and made a gesture to close the door.

  He actually didn't intend to tease the two people in front of him.

  If the other party can really afford the price, he doesn't mind giving up Xuanduling.

  For example, if you can get 20 or 30 drops of Xuanhua Liquid in exchange, it doesn’t matter if you don’t participate in the Xuandu Conference, and you can save another month.

  But the two people in front of them were obviously not sincere.

  Ten low-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for two drops of Xuanhua liquid, breaking the sky.

  By exchanging these for Xuandu order, it is clear that he is being taken for a fool!

  Seeing that Lin Shen was about to close the door, Lian Xi quickly reached out to stop him, and said repeatedly: "Wait a minute, brother, don't worry, if you think the price is too low, you can counter the price, how about fifteen low-grade spirit stones?"

  Lin Shen shook his head.

  He is not a monk yet, and spirit stones are of little use to him.

  The most important thing right now is to let the avatar condense the spiritual veins, and then break through the bottleneck and become a monk.

  So unless it is Xuanhua liquid, even if dozens of low-grade spirit stones are placed in front of him, his eyes will not squint.

  Seeing that Lin Shen was unmoved, Lian Xi gritted his teeth and said, "Make an offer!"

  Lin Shen glanced at him, and calmly said: "Thirty drops of Xuanhua Liquid."

   "Thirty drops"

  Lian Xi's complexion changed, and he almost couldn't help yelling.

  If he could get thirty drops of Xuanhua liquid, would he still be coveting Xuandu Ling with all his heart?

  Lian Xi understood now that the kid in front of him clearly did not want to give up the Xuandu order.

   With a swipe, the smile on Lianxi's face disappeared, and his expression became a little more gloomy.

  He glanced at Lin Shen, smiled on the skin and said:

   "Brother, judging by your age, it seems that you have just condensed your spiritual veins not long ago?"

"You have to know that there are dragons and snakes mixed up around Xuandu Mountain. I don't know how many people are secretly coveting the Xuandu order. Every day, people are murdered. Not to mention the Xuandu order was robbed, and they were seriously injured. It's terrible! "

   "With your strength, it may not be easy to keep the Xuandu Token. In my opinion, you should give up the Xuandu Token to us and exchange some spirit stones. At least it will be a good result, lest you end up with nothing!"

   At the end, Lian Xi's tone was tinged with coldness.

  Rowden beside him also snorted coldly, showing unfriendly eyes.

  Lin Shen laughed dumbfounded, he dared to say that this is the ceremony before the soldiers.

  He smiled and asked: "If I don't give up the Xuandu Order to you, are you planning to grab it later?"

  As soon as these words came out, Lianxi and Luo Deng were stunned.

  They originally thought that Lin Shen would either cower in fear or fly into a rage when the words were spoken before. Who would have thought that the other party would not speak out in the slightest of fear or annoyance, and would point out the dark plans in their hearts with a smile on his face.

  Why didn't this person play his cards according to the routine?

  Even Xi didn't know how to react for a while.

  Even if he had this idea in his heart, he couldn't say these things clearly. How could he say that he was going to be a thief in front of his target?

   "Brother!" Seeing that Lianxi was in a daze, Luo Deng couldn't help pushing his shoulder.

  Lian Xi woke up like a dream, coughed quickly, and forced a smile on his face.

   "Brother was joking, we are decent people, how could we do such things that hurt people behind the scenes, I just kindly remind you."

  Lin Shen took a deep look at him, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, what else can you do? Go back if you have nothing to do, I'm going to rest."

  Lian Xi's smile froze, unable to speak.

   Seeing this, Lin Shen closed the door without saying a word.

  Lian Xi and the two froze in place.

   "Big brother."

   Luo Deng opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by Lian Xi's eyes.

  The two left the house and walked far away to a secluded place. Lian Xi smashed a rock next to him with his palm, his face full of annoyance.

   "Damn boy, how dare you tease me!"

  Roden came over and whispered fiercely: "Brother, do you want to be that kid?"

  Lian Xi hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "That kid has two companions. If there are three of us together, we won't be able to make a move."

   "Let's get someone to keep an eye on that kid first. If he's alone, we'll kill him immediately, so that the kid will know what will happen if he offends me!"

  Lianxi sneered again and again.

  What he said to Lin Shen just now, he did not exaggerate.

  The surrounding area of ​​Xuandu Mountain is indeed undercurrent.

  Those who hold the Xuandu Token, those who want the Xuandu Token, and those with other intentions, all kinds of people gathered in this area.

  There are already a lot of conflicts that happen on the bright side every day.

   There will only be more in the dark.

   But Xuan Lingzong ignored it and let the practitioners fight with each other.

   These days, I don’t know how many people died in struggles or sneak attacks.

  Even if you are a disciple of a great sect, you are no different from casual cultivators here.

  Killed someone and threw the body deep into the forest, who knows how he died?

  Back in the house, Lin Shen continued to rest.

  As for Lian Xi and Luo Deng, they were just clowns, and he didn't take them to heart at all.

  It's fine if the two of them didn't make a move on him, if they did, then it's just time to clean up, and it's right to relieve the boredom.

  In the next few days, Lin Shen stayed inside the house most of the time, and occasionally went out with Qu Ke and Shen Zening to go out to the mountains to see the scenery, which was quite leisurely.

  As the date of the Xuandu General Assembly approached, more and more practitioners came to Xuandu Mountain.

  When there are more people, the friction also increases.

  After a few days, Lin Shen witnessed no fewer than ten conflicts.

   On several occasions, he even discovered that when the two sides in the big fight were injured and left, many sneaky people followed them secretly.

   It is foreseeable that those few injured people will definitely not end well.

   Fortunately, small conflicts continued, but major conflicts did not happen.

   Until the day when the Xuandu General Assembly was held, the people who held the Xuandu order gathered at the foot of Xuandu Mountain, waiting for the opening of the guarding array.

  Lin Shen stood on a gentle slope, looked around, the mountains and plains were full of vigorous practitioners, no fewer than two thousand people could be seen.

  The auras of many practitioners gathered together and condensed into an invisible column of air that shot straight into the sky, sweeping away the clouds, and the sky within a few miles was clear and clear.

   Qu Ke and Shen Zening stood beside Lin Shen, and they couldn't help but look at this scene with emotion.

   "Xuan Lingzong is worthy of being one of the most famous sects in the East China Sea. There are so many practitioners from the ninth level of Mingqiao gathered in just one Xuandu conference!" Qu Ke sighed.

Shen Zening smiled and said: "In the final analysis, the attraction of Xuanhua Liquid is too great, not to mention casual cultivators, even if you are a big disciple like you and me, as long as you want to gather three or four grades of spiritual veins, who would not want to come to Xuanhuaye?" Everyone will give it a go!"

  Cook nodded approvingly.

  Although the spirit casting pill can also condense the spiritual veins, the previous spiritual veins are okay.

  Wait until the number of spiritual veins exceeds nine later, if you want to condense the spiritual veins, you will need dozens of casting spirit pills!

  Even if it is a big disciple, it is difficult to afford it.

   It’s better to come to the Xuandu Conference to have a try. Once you are lucky enough to get three or four drops of Xuanhua liquid, it’s hard to say that the third-rank spiritual veins are more than enough to cast fourth-rank spiritual veins!

   That's why there are so many practitioners flocking to the Xuandu Conference.

   Even some cultivators want to get a Xuandu Token even if they do dirty things.

  Lin Shen was listening to the conversation between Qu Ke and Ke, when suddenly the conversation of several other people came from his ears.

   "This year's Xuandu Conference, there are many more people participating than in previous years!"

   "Too bad, with so many people, even if the Xuanhua wood spirit is found, it probably won't be my turn to take it!"

   "The Xuandu Conference hasn't even started yet, why are you getting discouraged, you're here, you have to work hard!"

   "I think what Xiao Cai said is right. There are quite a few masters among the participants this year. To compete with these people for the Xuanhua Wood Spirit, we are probably far from being opponents!"

  Lin Shen followed the prestige, and found that it was one old, two young and three people who spoke.

  The two younger men were about 27 or 28 years old. Judging from their clothes, they seemed to be casual cultivators.

  The other old man has frosty hair at the temples, but his complexion is ruddy, his skin is firm, and he looks like a fairy.

  After hearing the old man's words, Lin Shen's expression changed, and he walked over.

  After seeing Lin Shen approaching, the two young men immediately showed alert expressions, subconsciously tightening their bodies.

  The old man was not flustered, he winked at the two men to calm down, and then looked at Lin Shen with a gentle smile.

  Lin Shen didn't care, he went straight to the old man, cupped his hands and said with a smile:

   "The old man is polite. In Xialin Shen, I just overheard the three chatting by accident. Hearing what the old man said, it seems that he is quite familiar with the people here?"

   "It's not familiar, but the old man has been traveling back and forth in several big cities nearby. He has seen a lot, and naturally knows more than others." The old man said with a smile.

   "Dare to ask the old man what to call?"

   "The old man's surname is Luo, and his name is Wei."

  After Luo Wei finished speaking, without waiting for him to speak, he took the initiative to say:

   "If Fellow Daoist Lin is interested in the people here, why don't you introduce them to me?"

  Lin Shen was a little surprised that Luo Wei was so proactive, but that was why he came to talk to him, so he nodded happily.

   "Please trouble the old man."

  Luo Wei smiled slightly, his eyes lingered in the crowd for a while, and suddenly pointed in a direction.

   "Friend Daoist Lin, look over there."

  Lin Shen couldn't help looking in the direction he pointed, but saw three young monks standing on a high slope.

  The three of them were all dressed in black robes, their eyes were sunken, their faces were so pale that there was no trace of blood, and they exuded a cold aura from top to bottom.

  The monks passing by the three of them all showed fear in their eyes, and subconsciously pulled away from each other, as if the three of them were some kind of vicious and terrifying monsters.

  Luo Wei said in a low voice: "Friend Daoist Lin, you can see, those three are disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect!"

   Corpse Yin Sect!

  Lin Shen frowned.

  He naturally knows about this sect.

   In other words, as long as there are practitioners who have been in the Tungkaido for a few years, there is no one who does not know the corpse Yin sect.

  The Corpse Yin Sect, like the Blood Sea Sect, is the evil sect of the evil sect of the Eastern Kaido, which rules the White Phosphorus City and is famous for the evil method of refining corpses.

  It can be said that in the East Kaido, the Flying Yasha and Buhuagu of White Phosphorus City can be said to be the existence that stops children from crying at night!

   I don’t know how many Xuanmen monks died at the hands of the evil corpses of the corpse Yin sect!

  At this moment, among the many gazes looking at the three Zombie Yin Sect members, there are quite a few resentful gazes.

  If sight could kill, the three of them would have died long ago.

  However, in the face of many unkind gazes, the three Zombie Yin sect members always acted as if they hadn't seen them. They were calm and calm, obviously very confident in their own strength and confident.

  Turning his eyes away from the Corpse Yin Sect, Luo Wei pointed to another place and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin look over there again, that is the disciple of Feiyun Sect."

  Lin Shen turned his gaze away again.

  Compared to the deserted treatment of members of Corpse Yin Sect, Feiyun Sect disciples are much more lively around them.

  Twenty or thirty rogue practitioners gathered together, surrounded by three extremely well-dressed Feiyun Sect disciples like stars, all smiling and fawning.

   From far away, one could hear the constant sound of flattery.

  The three Feiyunzong disciples only showed faint smiles from beginning to end, with a kind of reserved arrogance.

  Yuanling City, where Feiyunzong is located, can only be regarded as a second-rate top-tier city in the East China Sea, far inferior to the big cities such as Linlong City, Guanhai City, and White Phosphorus City.

  However, there is only one Feiyunzong in the entire Yuanling City.

   Gathering the strength of a city, the overall strength of Feiyunzong is not inferior to any of Jiuyangzong, Qingshuangzong and Jingtaozong.

   It is difficult for casual practitioners to practice, and they don't want to join the Dacheng sect all the time.

  The top sects look down on them, and they also feel that they can't climb high, so sects like Feiyun Sect have become their first choice.

   It just so happens that Feiyun Sect is one of the many orthodox Taoist sects, one of the few sects that are willing to absorb casual cultivators.

  Therefore, wherever Feiyunzong disciples go, they are often highly sought after by casual practitioners.

  Luo Wei then ordered several disciples from the sect to come out.

   Among them are members of the Blood Sea Sect.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, have you seen that this year's Xuandu Conference, there are nearly a hundred disciples from all major sects combined. Whether it is cultivation base, martial arts, or magic treasure talismans, these major sect disciples are more powerful than us small sect disciples and casual cultivators." Much more powerful, what can we use to compete with them for the Xuanhua Wood Spirit?"

   "I can only hope that I will be lucky and catch the fish that slipped through the net!"

  Luo Wei sighed.

  The two young men next to him couldn't hide their frustration.

  If they had a little confidence just now, but as Luo Wei pointed out those big disciples one by one, their confidence had already been blown away.

  Compared with Dazong disciples, Xiaozong disciples and casual cultivators are indeed extremely weak and unable to compete with them.

  Lin Shen pondered and said: "I heard that there are many powerful figures in casual cultivators. Maybe there are such figures among the participants present?"

  Luo Wei glanced at him, and said with a smile: "It is true, as Fellow Daoist Lin said, at least as far as I can recognize, there are three famous and powerful casual cultivators here!"

  After speaking, Luo Wei looked at the surrounding crowd again, tapped his finger, and named three people in turn.

  Lin Shen followed the direction he was pointing with his eyes, and found that the three people were two men and one woman.

  One is a man in a gray Taoist robe, tall and thin, with a white and beardless face, about forty years old, with an expressionless face and an aura of not being close to strangers.

  One is a man with a fat head and big ears. He is also in his thirties. He is obese and looks like a round meat ball from a distance.

   However, his demeanor is quite easy-going, with a smile on his face all the time.

  The last one is a young woman from Huaxin, about 30 years old, with a beautiful face and snow-white skin, wearing a light green palace dress, with a graceful figure.

  Such a beautiful person, logically speaking, should be quite eye-catching and coveted.

   But it is true that this young woman has attracted a lot of attention, but most of them are fear and fear, and only a few are coveted.

  From Luo Wei's introduction, Lin Shen learned that the names of the three were Yin Xianbin, Guan Zhou, and Yi Sufeng.

"It is said that the three of them all have cultivation bases of more than ten pulses, and they are not superior to Dazong disciples, but they are all casual cultivators who have been honed outside for many years, and they have some powerful life-saving means in their hands. When they really fight to the death, many Dazong disciples The disciples are not their opponents!"

  Luo Wei's words were full of fear.

  Lin Shen nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

   Loose cultivation resources are scarce, so the progress of cultivation is far behind that of sect disciples.

  For example, in the Nine Suns Sect, as long as the aptitude is not too bad, the disciples can reach the ninth level of Mingqiao before the age of thirty at most, and start to gather spiritual veins.

   Talented people like Shen Zening can take this step before they are twenty-five years old.

  Even if casual cultivators have excellent aptitude, they rarely start to gather spiritual veins before the age of thirty.

  Just like Yin Xianbin, Guan Zhou, and Yi Sufeng, their aptitudes are considered outstanding in casual cultivation, but so far they have only condensed more than a dozen spiritual veins.

  Of course, when the time for practice is set, it is still unknown who will win the battle against these three disciples from most of the sects present.

  After listening to Luo Wei's introduction, Lin Shen already knew the strength of the practitioners present.

   Thanked Luo Wei sincerely, Lin Shen then went back to Qu Ke and Shen Zening.

   When he walked away, one of the two young men couldn't help but whispered: "Uncle Luo, aren't you too enthusiastic about that kid?"

  Luo Wei glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Selling a small favor to Dazong's disciples is beneficial to us and has no disadvantages, why not?"

  The young man was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, and said in astonishment: "Is that man a disciple of a great sect? Which sect?"

   "Nine Yang Sect." Luo Wei laughed.

  The young man suddenly realized that he didn't question Luo Wei's words.

  Just because he knows that Uncle Luo has practiced a kind of pupil technique, which can distinguish the aura of different exercises, so that he can judge the sect the practitioner belongs to.

   It is precisely because of this point, and the rich knowledge brought by traveling all over the world, that Uncle Luo is able to know the origins of many practitioners.

  (end of this chapter)

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