MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 153 Xuanhua liquid, fusion of spiritual veins

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  Chapter 153 Xuanhua Liquid, Spirit Meridian Fusion

  【Blockbuster: Use your body to nourish your energy, use your meaning to store your energy, and store your energy and energy for the next attack. The longer you store it, the greater the power of your attack】

  Since the blockbuster avatar condensed, it has never been summoned by Lin Shen to fight.

   During the nearly six months, apart from practicing, it was to cultivate energy and spirit, which Lin Shen placed high hopes on as his trump card.

   Now, this hole card finally has a time to play!

  As the avatar stabbed out with a sword, the massive energy and energy that had been accumulated for nearly half a year gushed out in an instant, turning into a round of scorching sun that was dazzling to the extreme, crushing towards Wu Ji with a domineering aura that burned everything!

  At this moment, Wu Ji felt as if he was about to suffocate!

   This sword is even more terrifying than the previous blow that Lin Shen and his clone teamed up to kill Blood Soul!

   At this time, it was too late to recall Jinze's aura to resist it. In horror, Wu Ji let out a snarl, and a thick blood appeared on his face.

  The six **** souls who were fighting against the clone disappeared in place at the same time in an instant.

  When he reappeared, he had already returned to Wu Ji.

  The next moment, the crushing scorching sun slammed into the six **** souls!

   Facing this masculine and powerful blow, the six-headed blood seemed to meet the nemesis, and it was melted away in an instant like ice and snow meeting heat!

   Fortunately, taking advantage of this moment of blockage, Wu Ji pulled back in time and retreated far away to avoid the blow!


  As soon as he stopped, Wu Ji immediately spurted out a big mouthful of blood, his face pale.

  The six blood heads died at the same time, which directly caused him a serious injury.

   After recovering his breath, Wu Ji felt great hatred in his heart, staring fixedly at Lin Shen, his eyes were red.

   just a little bit

  If he hadn't used the secret method to recall the blood to resist in time, he would almost have capsized in the gutter and died at the hands of a junior in the Mingqiao Realm!

  Even if he dodged in time, he was seriously injured right now, what a shame!

  Wu Ji almost exploded with anger.

  As a cultivator of the Immortal Dao, he has a high status and is a winner on the road to longevity. When was he forced to this point by a junior?

  Thinking of this, Wu Ji couldn't help killing intent, and made up his mind to kill this junior today!

   Facing Wu Ji's murderous gaze, Lin Shen was not afraid, but instead showed a faint smile.

Because from his position, he could already see the basin where the hole is located, the gray mist had dissipated at some point, and a huge vortex-like halo was floating above the cave, and layers of blue light flowed from it like rain and fog spilled.

   At the same time, a forceful and powerful air mechanism is also emerging from the vortex!

  The spiritual acupoint has been opened!

  Wu Ji soon noticed the strange shape of the hole, his complexion changed immediately, and all the killing intent in his heart dissipated, and he couldn't care about anything else, turning into blood and fleeing into the distance.

   "Fellow Daoist Wu, I haven't seen you for a long time, why did you leave in a hurry when you saw your old friend?"

   A burst of deep laughter came suddenly.

  A ray of light broke through the vortex above the basin, chased towards Wu Jiji, and disappeared at the end of the sky in the blink of an eye.

   "A monk from the sect?"

  Lin Shen looked at the direction where Liu Guang disappeared, and heaved a sigh of relief.

  The overall situation has been decided, he is now truly out of danger!

   "It's all thanks to the blockbuster talent!"

  As early as when he noticed the abnormality of the acupoint, Lin Shen had already retracted the avatar in advance.

  At this moment, sensing the blockbuster avatar in his mind, he couldn't help sighing secretly.

   This talent really did not disappoint him, it is extremely powerful!

   Under one blow, even the monks were severely injured!

   Much more powerful than Lin Shen had expected!

   "It's only been cultivated for less than half a year. If it takes a few more months, the blow just now is probably enough to kill that blood sea sect monk!"

  Lin Shen was filled with amazement.

  If it is cultivated for more than ten or twenty years, how strong should it be?

  Just thinking about it, Lin Shen felt a surge of emotion.

   This talent is not so cool to use it to leapfrog the enemy!

  Just as he was feeling emotional, there were bursts of piercing sounds in his ears. Lin Shen turned his head to look, and saw a group of figures flying in the distance, but it was Xie Jingsheng and the others.

   Of the dozen or so people who scattered and fled not long ago, there are only seven or eight who have returned.

   Fortunately, Xie Jingsheng, Ai Jingting and Mu Chuanhua are all safe and sound.

   "Junior Brother Lin, as long as you are fine!"

   Seeing that Lin Shen was safe and sound, Xie Jingsheng showed a relieved expression.

  Ai Jingting on the side was also relieved for a while.

  Before they saw Wu Ji rushing towards Lin Shen, they were still worried about whether Lin Shen would be able to hold out until the Zongmen reinforcements arrived.

   Fortunately, Lin Shen was fine.

  During the conversation, Lin Shen realized that several people had fled halfway, and suddenly found that the blood that was chasing after him suddenly stopped for some reason, and then turned and left.

   Thanks to this, they escaped unharmed.

   "Where's Peng Junqin?" Lin Shen asked suddenly.

  As soon as these words came out, Xie Jingsheng and the others showed strange expressions.

   After a pause, Xie Jingsheng said: "On the way back, we found Peng Junqin's body. Judging from the death form, he should have been killed by Wu Ji's blood, and the storage ring was also taken away."

   Speaking of this incident, everyone present was not at all sentimental.

  The death of such a selfish guy, if they are not happy, they are already thinking of their fellowship, so how can they be sad?

   Instead, I remembered that my group came in full of ambitions, but almost died in the spiritual cave. There were less than ten people left in the team of thirty, and everyone felt depressed and depressed for a while.

  Lin Shen was about to say a few words of comfort, but suddenly his expression changed, and he turned his head to look, and found that there was a man beside him at some point.

  The man has a rough face and a hulking back, but he doesn't look fierce, but gives people a sense of boldness and heartiness.

   Seeing the face of the person coming, Xie Jingsheng immediately exclaimed.

   "Elder Ji!"

  The two surviving inner disciples also recognized the man, bowed quickly, and said respectfully: "I have met Elder Ji!"

  Elder Ji hummed, didn’t even look at them, but stared at Lin Shen, looked him up and down a few times, and said with a weird expression:

   "I can't see it, you kid can do it, even Wu Ji was seriously injured in your hands!"

  As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly fell silent!

  Xie Jingsheng and the others looked at Lin Shen in astonishment, and they froze in place.

  Lin Shen seriously injured Wu Ji?

  How is this possible? !

  But immediately after everyone realized, it was Elder Ji who said this.

   How can a dignified monk talk nonsense?

   So it is true!

  Everyone felt shocked for a moment, and their heads were buzzing.

  Before today, if someone told them that a cultivator in the Ming Aperture Realm could seriously injure a monk, they would definitely scoff.

  But now, such a bizarre thing happened!

   At this moment, Elder Ji's voice sounded again.

"If Wu Ji hadn't been injured, I wouldn't be able to kill him yet. I got his storage ring. Speaking of which, you also have a share of credit for it. I won't take advantage of you. I'll give you this bottle of Xuanhua liquid." It's a reward!"

   After the words fell, Elder Ji threw a porcelain vase.

  Lin Shen reached out to take it, looked at the porcelain vase curiously, and was about to ask, when out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xie Jingsheng's surprised and envious face, paused, and swallowed the words again.

   After giving the things, Elder Ji didn't stay any longer, turned around and flew towards the hole.

  Watching Elder Ji away, Lin Shen asked Xie Jingsheng: "Brother Xie, what is the use of this Xuanhua liquid?"

  Xie Jingsheng looked enviously at the Xuanhua liquid in Lin Shen's hand, and explained:

   "Xuanhua liquid is very useful, this thing is the same as the spirit casting pill, it is used to forge spiritual veins!"

"However, the effect of Xuanhua liquid is much stronger than that of casting spirit pills. One drop of Xuanhua liquid is worth hundreds of spirit casting pills. This thing is extremely sought-after in the sect. Many disciples are staring at it. It can be obtained from the hands of elder Ji. Get the Xuanhua Liquid, Junior Brother Lin."

Xie Jingsheng originally wanted to say that Lin Shen's good luck is enviable, but after thinking about it, this Xuanhua liquid is the reward for Lin Shenzhong to create a dignified Blood Sea Sect monk, and he obtained it by virtue of his real strength, so he was halfway through the conversation. He closed his mouth again.

  Lin Shen didn't care about Xie Jingsheng's abnormality, and his eyes lit up when he heard that one drop of Xuanhua liquid was worth hundreds of casting pills.

  He immediately uncorked the bottle and took a closer look. There were at least seven or eight drops of Xuanhua Liquid in the bottle, and he was ecstatic in his heart.

   Only this bottle of Xuanhua liquid is probably enough for Huiji to injure his avatar and forge his spiritual veins to the limit!

   "It seems that Elder Ji has benefited a lot from Wu Ji, otherwise, how could he be willing to give a bottle of Xuanhua Liquid." Lin Shen secretly guessed.

   Having said that, he has no problem with it.

  Even if Wu Ji was hit hard with a blockbuster, it was impossible for him to kill him.

  In comparison, Wu Ji died under the hands of Elder Ji, and he got a bottle of incomparably precious Xuanhua liquid, which is undoubtedly a happy ending for everyone.

  Recovering his senses, Lin Shen put away the Xuanhua Liquid, and asked Xie Jingsheng again: "Senior Brother Xie, what is the origin of this Elder Ji?"

  Xie Jingsheng said with a smile: "Elder Ji Zhiyuan Ji is one of the three vice-heads of the Zongmen Bingfa Academy, a monk in the late stage of Yunling, and he is extremely powerful!"

  Yunling Late Stage Cultivator!

   No wonder Wu Ji can be killed so quickly!

  Lin Shen understood.

   While they were talking, more and more figures had entered from the holes above the basin.

  Seeing this, Xie Jing let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:

   "Everyone, let's go back!"

  Come out of the hole, return to the cave in the mountainside, and look at the surrounding environment, everyone can't help but have the illusion of being a world away.

  Obviously only stayed in the spiritual cave for a little over a month, but everyone felt like it had been a long time.

  At this time, a deacon came over, first cupped his hands at Lin Shen and the others, and then said:

   "Everyone is polite, according to the order of Elder Ji, there are many things that I need to ask you about what happened in the spiritual cave recently!"

   It was the right thing to ask about what happened. Lin Shen and the others didn't care, and told what happened in the past month or so.

  The deacon listened attentively and signaled the disciples around him to record.

  After the recording was completed, he confessed to Lin Shen and others, and immediately ordered people to send Feihe to send everyone back to the Mountain Gate and Jiuyang Taoist Temple respectively.

  There was a Dragon Tooth Flying Boat when I came here, but Xie Jingsheng was still injured and consumed a lot of energy. She couldn't control the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat, so she could only make do with flying cranes.

  On the way back, Lin Shen suddenly remembered something, and asked Ai Jingting, "I heard from Senior Brother Xie that Junior Sister Ai is extremely skilled in alchemy."

  Ai Jingting was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Brother Xie has won the prize. Alchemy is a broad and profound art, and my skill level is far from the word superb."

   After a pause, Ai Jingting seemed to think of something, and asked, "Senior Brother Lin, do you need my help in refining the elixir?"

  Since he was guessed, Lin Shen stopped deviating and simply nodded.

   "That's right, I don't know if Ai Shimei has ever refined casting pills?"

  Although this trip to the spiritual acupoint was thrilling, the rewards were also extremely rich.

  Not to mention the improvement in strength, the key is the spirit dust needed to refine the spirit casting pill, and Lin Shen collected a lot.

   More than a dozen porcelain bottles were used to store spiritual dust alone!

After listening to Lin Shen's words, before Ai Jingting opened her mouth, Xie Jingsheng laughed and said, "Junior Brother Lin has found the right person, not to mention other pills, but when it comes to refining casting spirit pills, Junior Ai's level is up to you." Even in the Dan Pavilion of the Taoist Academy, it is enough to rank among the top three!"

   "Junior Brother Lin probably didn't know it, right? Junior Sister Ai's master is the vice-principal of the Zongmen Pill Artifact Institute. She is a well-known master of alchemy, and most of the Zongmen's casting pills come from her old man!"

  Lin Shen looked at Ai Jingting in surprise.

  As soon as this Alchemy Institute heard its name, it knew that it was related to alchemy.

   But any place like this is the top priority in any sect.

  Although the vice-principal of the Alchemy Institute and the vice-principal of Elder Ji's Bingfa Academy sound similar, the former's status in the sect is probably higher than the latter.

   Unexpectedly, Ai Jingting is extremely low-key on weekdays, but her background is so amazing.

  With such a master, it must be true that no one dares to provoke you, let alone walking sideways in the Taoist monastery.

   "Brother Xie, don't flatter me."

  Ai Jingting pursed her lips and smiled, then looked at Lin Shen, and said softly:

   "Senior Brother Lin has saved my life. I am grateful in my heart, and I am thinking about how to repay it. If it is just refining the casting pill, I will take advantage of it!"

  Lin Shen laughed and said, "That's not necessarily true."

   While speaking, he stretched out his hand to brush the back of the crane, and in an instant, there were more than ten porcelain vases in front of everyone.

   "These are..." Xie Jingsheng reacted the fastest, as if thinking of something, her eyes widened.

   "That's right." Lin Shen nodded calmly, "These are all spiritual dust."

  Ai Jingting and the others were also taken aback by this time, staring dumbfounded at the many porcelain vases in front of them.

  If these porcelain vases are all filled with spirit dust, how many dipos can be killed to make them all together?

  Everyone present couldn't help taking a breath, and looked at Lin Shen with shock.

   Could it be that during the period when Lin Shen was silent, he actually ran to the places marked on the map where the ghosts are scattered?

   It took a long time for Ai Jingting to come back to her senses, but without any hesitation on her face, she nodded solemnly.

   "Brother Lin, don't worry, leave the matter of refining the spirit casting pill to me!"

  As soon as Ai Jingting finished speaking, Xie Jingsheng suddenly laughed and said:

   "I also received the life-saving grace of Junior Brother Lin, but I can't let Junior Sister Ai focus on her beauty. In addition to spirit dust, refining the casting pill requires a lot of auxiliary medicinal materials. Let me do it!"

  As soon as these words came out, Mu Chuanhua and Fu Weifang also spoke out.

"Count me in!"

"Me too!"

  Even a few lower court disciples got involved.

  Cultivators value cause and effect the most. Lin Shen has saved their lives. If they don't repay this kindness, they will not be able to pass their own test first.

  Lin Shen naturally understood this, so he politely refused.

   After all, in this way, he can also save time and effort in collecting materials, so why not do it?

  When the time for taking the pill was agreed, Linlong City was already approaching.

  Back to Jiuyang Taoist Temple, everyone bid farewell.

  Lin Shen went straight back to the upper courtyard. After unlocking the restriction, he came to the practice room, sat down cross-legged, took out a pile of storage rings and placed them in front of him.

  These storage rings were all obtained from the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect, and there were twelve in total.

  Lin Shen first picked up Min Shun's storage ring, opened it and looked at it.

  First of all, it is naturally the casting spirit pill that is most concerned about.

  After counting it again, Lin Shen had thirty-five more casting pills in his hand.

   "That's right, enough clones to form four or five spiritual veins!"

  Lin Shen smiled happily.

  As for the remaining treasures of heaven and earth, talismans, and magic tools, he quickly scanned them and found nothing of great value, so Lin Shen casually put them aside.

  Continue to count the rest of the storage rings, but unfortunately the net worth of these Blood Sea Sect disciples is far inferior to Min Shun, and there are only more than 50 Spirit Casting Pills in total.

   After counting the trophies, the number of casting pills in Lin Shen's hand increased to one hundred and eight!

   "There is also Xuanhua Liquid!"

  With a thought in Lin Shen's mind, Xuanhua Liquid appeared in the palm of his hand out of thin air.

  Looking at the spiritual liquid exuding a faint brilliance in the porcelain bottle, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

   "I hope that the effect of this Xuanhua Liquid is really as powerful as Senior Brother Xie said!"

   Without delay, Lin Shen summoned the clone of Huiji must hurt, asked him to drink a drop of Xuanhua liquid, and then began to practice.

   And Lin Shen himself took the Spirit Casting Pill, and also started to forge the Spirit Vein.

   Before several avatars can cast the spiritual veins to the limit, he himself has to forge the spiritual veins to the upper limit, and then he can start to fuse.

   The time immersed in cultivation passed quickly.

   A month passed in the blink of an eye.

  In the practice room, Lin Shen opened his eyes, with a wry smile flashing across his face.

   "Seven spiritual veins."

   After one month, he consumed sixty-four spirit-forging pills and created four new spirit veins, bringing the total number of spirit veins to seven.

   But after that, no matter how much you practice and take more spirit casting pills, you can't cast new spirit veins.

   Obviously seven spiritual veins are already his limit!

   "This qualification is too bad!"

  Lin Shen laughed at himself.

  A practitioner needs at least nine spiritual veins to become a monk, which means that if he doesn't have a clone, he probably won't be able to become a monk in his life!

   Unless you go the wrong way like Leng Guangting!

   Sighing for a moment, Lin Shen restrained himself and looked at Huiji, who was opposite him, would hurt his clone.

  Compared with him, the process of Huiji must hurt his avatar to create a spiritual vein is much smoother.

   I have to admit that the effect of Xuanhua Liquid is indeed much better than that of Casting Spirit Pill.

  With just one drop of Xuanhua liquid, Huiji must hurt the avatar to forge nine spiritual veins, increasing the total number of spiritual veins to fifteen.

  After that, Huiji Bishang's avatar drank another seven drops of Xuanhua liquid one after another, forming twenty-five spiritual veins successively.

   It wasn't until the total number of spiritual veins increased to forty that Huiji's cultivation of the clone encountered a bottleneck.

   "It seems that forty spiritual veins is the limit."

  Lin Shen shook his head slightly.

   With the aptitude that Huiji will hurt the avatar, looking at any place in the practice world is enough to be called a peerless genius.

   But even so, only forty spiritual veins have been cast, and there are still five short of the highest first-grade spiritual veins!

   It can be seen how difficult it is to forge a first-grade spiritual vein!

   It's no wonder that the Nine Suns Sect has not had a cultivator who has cast a first-grade spiritual vein for so many years!

   "Fortunately, I still have a clone!"

  A look of excitement flashed in Lin Shen's eyes.

  Both his and Huiji's avatar's spiritual veins have reached the upper limit, and they won't increase if they continue to practice, so it's time to merge!

  Considering that Huiji must hurt the avatar has already fused with him once, when it is summoned again, there are actually two spiritual veins in the body.

  In other words, there are actually only thirty-eight newly added spiritual veins.

  If the fusion goes well, the existing seven spiritual veins in his body, plus the thirty-eight new ones added by the Huiji must hurt avatar, are enough to increase the total number of spiritual veins to forty-five, meeting the requirements for a first-grade spiritual vein in one fell swoop!

   Taking a deep breath, Lin Shen settled down, and then his thoughts moved slightly, and the Huiji must hurt avatar in front of him suddenly and slowly dissipated.

   Waiting for the moment when the avatar completely disappeared, Lin Shen's body trembled suddenly, and there was an endless sound of mysterious sounds in his body!

   Xuanyin sounded thirty-eight times!

   When the sound stopped, Lin Shen looked inside intently, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were indeed thirty-eight new spiritual veins in his body!

  Forty-five spiritual veins, forged!

  (end of this chapter)

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