MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 143 Soul hole opened

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  Chapter 143 Opening of Spirit Point

  After five days.

  Proximity to the east gate of Dragon City.

  Lin Shen went out of the city gate, and when he came to the agreed meeting place, he found that everyone except him had already arrived.

   "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting!"

  Xie Jingsheng came up to meet him, smiled and waved his hands.

   "There is still half an hour before the appointed time, and Junior Brother Lin is not late."

   Several heavenly disciples on the side said yes repeatedly.

   "It's because we arrived early."

   "Brother Lin, don't worry about it."

   Several people were all smiling, looking at Lin Shen with a hint of flattery in their eyes.

  After the battle with Yan Jingren, Lin Shen has long been recognized as the second person in the Taoist monastery after Shen Zening.

  Although he is the second person, Lin Shen entered the Dao Academy three years later than Shen Zening.

  Three years later, if there is no accident, Lin Shen's strength and cultivation will definitely surpass the current Shen Zening.

  From this point of view, Lin Shen's future is obviously more ambitious than Shen Zening's.

  For such a character, the disciples of the Lower Court have no time to please and make friends with them, so how could they get angry because of a trivial matter.

  Lin Shen knew what these people were thinking, but he didn't care. After exchanging a few pleasantries, he looked at the others.

  Mu Chuanhua and Fu Weifang met Yan Jingren and others that day, needless to say.

  Among the remaining ten heavenly disciples, most of the faces were unfamiliar.

   This is also because Lin Shen spent most of his time in the Taoist monastery cultivating. Except for Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian, he hardly had much social contact, so he knew very few people.

   But there is one person he has some impression of.

   It was Ai Jingting who met once in Huoheshan.

   I remember that the other party exchanged thirteen Hunyuan Pills for the hair of the mountain charm with him.

   Seeing Lin Shen looking over, Ai Jingting slightly nodded at him: "Long time no see, Brother Lin."

  As soon as these words came out, Ai Jingting felt a little complicated in her heart.

  I still remember when I met Lin Shen a year ago, the other party was only a Xuan-level disciple, so I had to call her senior sister respectfully.

  Who would have thought of meeting again today? He is already a disciple of the upper court, and he is also a hot and peerless genius in the Taoist school. The status and titles of each other have also been reversed, which is really inexplicable.

  Lin Shen didn't have so many thoughts, he nodded in return, and immediately looked away.

  Everyone has arrived, Xie Jingsheng didn't delay anymore, and said loudly: "Everyone, let's set off now."

  While speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved, and everyone suddenly felt that their eyes went dark, and there was an extra flying boat out of thin air in front of them.

  The flying boat is thirty to forty meters long and over ten meters high. There is a ferocious dragon head in the front and two crocodile tails in the rear. In the middle is a three-story attic, which looks quite elegant.

  A group of heavenly disciples were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the flying boat.

   When he came back to his senses, a disciple's eyes lit up, and he said fieryly, "Brother Xie, is this the Dragon Tooth Flying Boat?"

  Xie Jingsheng glanced at him, smiled and nodded: "Exactly."

  Hearing this, all the heavenly disciples showed envy and amazement.

  Dragon Tooth Flying Boat is a flying magic weapon of mysterious quality. Although it is not as good as the famous Tianshu Flying Palace of Nine Yang Sect, it is still a rare treasure.

  In Jiuyangzong, only monks are eligible to hold it.

  Xie Jingsheng obviously borrowed this flying boat from his teacher.

  Mostly, they borrowed it from the head of the department because they considered that the destination of their trip was the depths of the Longyuan Mountains where monsters and beasts were everywhere.

  With this Dragon Tooth Flying Boat, not only can they reach their destination quickly, but it is also extremely safe along the way.

  The restraint on the dragon tooth flying boat is enough to resist the attack of any monster race below the demon cultivator.

   Surprised, everyone boarded the dragon tooth flying boat immediately.

   "Everyone take a break, we will reach our destination in two hours at most." Xie Jingsheng said with a smile.

   Everyone sat down as promised.

  Lin Shen sat next to Xie Jingsheng, and started talking with him in a low voice, asking about Ai Jingting's origin.

It wasn't that Lin Shen was interested in seeing Ai Jingting's beauty, but he had already discovered that among the heavenly disciples who followed him to the spiritual cave this time, almost all of them were cultivated in the Bright Aperture Realm, and only Ai Jingting was still the elder interest environment.

   This had to make Lin Shen wonder if Ai Jingting had some background and took a shortcut.

  Xie Jingsheng laughed and shook his head when he heard the words, and explained: "This junior sister Ai really has a background if she wants to talk about it, but this time she got the quota to enter the spiritual acupoint, but it depends on her own ability."

   "How to say?" Lin Shen suddenly became interested.

"Junior brother Lin usually concentrates on cultivation, so he doesn't care much about the affairs of the Taoist school." Xie Jingsheng smiled, "This junior sister Ai is quite famous in the Taoist school. She is very talented in alchemy, and she is the best alchemist in the Taoist school." genius!"

"Although she only has a long-breathing cultivation base, she was able to refine the Yanling Pill by herself half a year ago and became an official alchemist. This is the only one in the Taoist Academy. The skills of many alchemists in the Dan Pavilion are not even as good as hers. !"

  Lin Shen glanced at Ai Jingting in surprise, never expecting that this gentle girl is actually a genius in alchemy.

   "Then why did she enter the spiritual cave?" Lin Shen immediately asked again.

  Alchemists don’t pay much attention to their cultivation. Even if they want to improve their cultivation, they would not go to places like spiritual acupoints where ghosts haunt and are dangerous. Wouldn’t it be better to honestly use pills to improve their cultivation?

Xie Jingsheng said with a smile: "It's the first time for us to enter the spiritual acupoint, and we are blind to the situation inside. It is best to find someone who is familiar with the spiritual acupoint to go with us, and Ai Shimei's teacher has entered the spiritual acupoint many times. , I know a lot about spiritual acupoints, so I asked Junior Sister Ai to ask her teacher for advice."

   "Junior Sister Ai happened to be going to the spiritual acupoint to find a rare material, so she agreed to go with us."

   "I see." Lin Shen nodded clearly.

   After chatting for a few more words, the two began to close their eyes and rest their minds, recharging their energy for the next trip to the spiritual acupoint.

   Facts have proved that Xie Jingsheng is not exaggerating. The dragon tooth flying boat is really fast, almost no less than the legendary Yujian Feidun. In less than two hours, a bare mountain peak appeared in the field of vision.

  There were disciples riding flying cranes patrolling the sky above the mountain peak. When they saw the flying boat coming, they immediately rushed up to meet it.

   "Excuse me, which brother and sister in the door?"

  Xie Jingsheng flew out of the airship and handed out his identity token.

   "We are disciples of Jiuyang Taoist Academy."

  The disciple was just an outer disciple. Hearing that the person coming was Jiuyang Taoist Academy, and seeing that the identity token was a disciple of the upper courtyard, he didn't dare to neglect. He quickly checked the token and then let the flying boat pass.

  After landing on the mountainside, everyone got off the flying boat. Xie Jingsheng put the flying boat away, and immediately led the people inside.

   Not long after, a passage full of pearls appeared in front of us.

  Passing through the long passage, not long after, it suddenly became clear that everyone had come to a brightly lit burrow.

  As soon as he entered the crypt, Lin Shen could clearly feel that the concentration of aura here was much higher than that outside, almost reaching the cave level of the Jingshe level.

   And the source is a crypt in the middle of the crypt.

  The mouth of the crypt is about 20 to 30 meters long, and the inside is unusually deep, and there are faint howling sounds like gusts of wind, which is quite creepy to watch.

   Around the cave, a layer of fences like well fences was built with white jade.

  At this moment, there are more than ten people standing beside the fence, all dressed in the same clothes, with a strong and powerful momentum.

  Lin Shen vaguely felt that the costumes of these people looked familiar, and while he was wondering, he heard the conversations of other disciples of the Upper Court.

   "Hey, those are the clothes of inner disciples!"

   "These people are inner disciples? They also want to enter the spiritual cave?"

  Mu Chuanhua, who heard the voice, turned back and smiled and said, "That's right, there are a total of 30 quotas for entering the spiritual acupoint. In addition to the 15 people from our Taoist academy, there are also 15 inner disciples."

  All the lower court disciples felt relieved, and couldn't help casting curious glances at the group of inner disciples.

  As heaven-level disciples, it is almost certain that they will become inner disciples after graduating from the Taoist academy.

   In terms of true status, there is actually not much difference from the group of inner disciples in front of him.

   But having said that, they are not official disciples after all, and they are still a little cautious when they meet real inner disciples.

   Among other things, the group of inner sect disciples in front of them are all vigorous, and at least they all have the cultivation base of the fifth or sixth level of Mingqiao.

  Placed in Jiuyang Daoyuan, it is the disciple level of the upper courtyard, which is much more powerful than them.

  Lin Shen glanced at the group of inner disciples, but was not surprised.

  Outer sect disciples are not eligible to enter the spiritual acupoint, while true disciples are all monks. The spiritual acupoint is of little use to them, and naturally they will not come.

  Therefore, only inner disciples can enter the spiritual acupoint in the sect.

  Before taking Jinsui Pill, Lin Shen might still wonder why the spiritual acupoint is not very useful for monks.

   But after truly realizing the power of the monk realm, he already understood it in his heart.

  The reason why spiritual acupoints can greatly improve the efficiency of practitioners is that the spiritual energy is highly active and can be actively absorbed by practitioners.

   Unlike ordinary caves, practitioners below monks can only passively accept spiritual infiltration, and the efficiency is naturally slow.

  However, monks have already differentiated spiritual consciousness, even in the cave, they can actively absorb the surrounding spiritual energy.

  Under the condition that the concentration of aura is equal, the spiritual acupoint is no different from the cave to them.

   Even when it comes to truth, the cave is better than the spiritual cave.

   After all, there are no ghosts in the cave, so you can concentrate on cultivation.

  At this time, the group of inner disciples beside the fence also noticed the arrival of Lin Shen and others.

   The first tall man with a handsome face turned his head and looked at Xie Jingsheng, his expression suddenly turned cold.

   When Xie Jingsheng came up to him, he greeted him with a smile on his face.

   "Long time no see, thank you junior brother, don't you come here okay?"

  Xie Jingsheng said with a smile: "Thanks to Brother Toppen, everything is fine."

   "Why are you leading the team this time, where is Junior Brother Shen Zening?"

   "Brother Shen has retreated not long ago and is preparing to create a spiritual vein."

  As soon as these words came out, all the disciples in the field were stunned, and when they came back to their senses, they immediately showed expressions of envy or jealousy.

  Only that Senior Brother Peng quickly regained his composure after being surprised, snorted, and said lightly:

   "Junior Brother Shen is worthy of being the chief disciple of the upper court, and his talent is astonishing and decisive. This time, he has created a spiritual vein, at least he can become a third-rank spiritual vein."

   "Auspicious words from brother Cheng!" Xie Jingsheng laughed.

   This will make even the dullest person see that the relationship between the two seems not very friendly.

  The disciples of the Lower Court could not help but look at each other, a little at a loss.

  Lin Shen was also a little curious, approached Mu Chuanhua, and asked in a low voice, "Senior Brother Mu, who is this?"

  Seeing that it was Lin Shen who asked, Mu Chuanhua hurriedly said in a low voice, "That is Senior Brother Peng Junqin, from one of the top ten famous families of the Peng family."

  Lin Shen's eyes flashed, as if realizing something.

  He vaguely remembered that the Peng family and the Yan family seemed to be on good terms, and it could even be said that they were attached to each other.

  Peng Xinyuan, who made things difficult for him in the freshmen coaching battle, is said to have followed Yan Jingren's lead.

  The Yan family is now destroyed, which is a big blow to the Peng family.

  Considering that this time the sect took action to wipe out the Yan family, on the surface it seemed that Si Yuanpei was in charge. Except for the high-level sect, few people knew that it was him who had exposed the news.

  So most of the Peng family blamed Si Yuanpei on this matter.

   Naturally, Xie Jingsheng, who is a disciple of Si Yuanpei, will not have a good face.

   "There are many spirits and monsters in the spiritual acupoint, and it is extremely dangerous. Brother Xie, you should be careful when you go in." Peng Junqin squinted his eyes.

   "Senior brother Lau Peng is worried." Xie Jingsheng was unmoved, still smiling slightly.

   Seeing Xie Jingsheng's reticent appearance, Peng Junqin finally gave up the verbal confrontation, snorted and stopped talking.

  Xie Jingsheng smiled slightly, led everyone to the side, and whispered:

   "After entering the spiritual acupoint, all of us will be scattered to different places. I have some talismans, which have absorbed a trace of everyone's energy. With the talismans, I can roughly sense the positions of other people so that we can gather."

  While speaking, Xie Jingsheng handed each of them a talisman and a sheepskin scroll.

   "There is no shortage of dangers in the spiritual acupoint. After entering the spiritual acupoint, it is best to find other people to meet up quickly."

   "In addition, this is the map drawn by the monks of the sect when they explored the spiritual cave. There are some particularly dangerous places marked on it. When you are exploring the spiritual cave, try to avoid these places as much as possible."

  Everyone nodded.

   There are many spirits and monsters in the spiritual cave. If you want to absorb spiritual energy and cultivate with peace of mind, you must either be lucky enough to find a secluded place without spirits, or you must have a companion guarding you.

   This is also one of the reasons why they formed a team to enter the spiritual cave. Then they can take turns guarding and practicing.

   Seeing that everyone already understood, Xie Jingsheng stopped talking and turned to look at the cave in the enclosure, waiting for the spiritual acupoint to open.

  The eyes of the spiritual point are only opened once a month, and each time only lasts for an hour, and then they will be closed.

   If you want to open it again, you will have to wait until a month later.

  A moment later, a muffled thunder sounded in the crypt, and everyone's eyes unconsciously turned to the hole.

  Seeing that dark hole, I don't know when a large number of dots of silver light have appeared, intertwined to form a swirl-shaped light cluster, which is slowly sunken downward.

  A deacon next to the fence was refreshed when he saw this, and said in a loud voice: "The time has come, the spiritual acupoint has been opened, everyone, please hurry up and enter!"

  Peng Junqin and his team reacted the fastest. As soon as the deacon finished speaking, they jumped into the hole without any scruples, and disappeared almost as soon as they entered it.

  Seeing this, Xie Jingsheng said, "Let's go in too."

  While speaking, the cassock on his body had already glowed with a faint white light, protecting his surroundings, and immediately jumped into the hole.

  The rest of the people either aroused their cassocks, or wrapped their bodies with true energy, and with a "bang" they dived into the whirlpool, and disappeared in an instant.

   Not long after, there was no one else in the cave except the deacon.

  Lin Shen didn't delay when he saw this, his thoughts moved slightly, and the sky star robe on his body suddenly flashed with light. Looking at the rapidly rotating whirlpool, he took a deep breath and jumped down.

The moment he entered the hole, Lin Shendou felt his body sluggish slightly, as if his whole body was caught in an ocean current, and he was involuntarily engulfed by some invisible force and fell down. Protect yourself with the star robe.

   I don't know how long the feeling of ups and downs lasted.

  At a certain moment, Lin Shendou felt the invisible force around him suddenly intensify, enveloping him and rushing down.

  The next moment, he felt as if a layer of barrier had been broken, his body suddenly lightened, the original squeezing force faded away, and the whole person fell down without any force.

  Lin Shen quickly cast the Wind Control Technique, stabilized his body in mid-air, and then glanced around.

  He is currently in a cave, about three or four hundred meters up and down, and the space is extremely wide.

  The mammary column is hung upside down on the top, like a pointed pile.

   There are densely packed caves and deep ditches in all directions, and I don't know where they lead.

   "Is this the inside of the spiritual cave? It looks very wide."

  Lin Shen looked around for a moment, concentrating on feeling the aura around him.

   "What a rich aura, even better than my courtyard in the Upper Court!" Lin Shen secretly marveled.

  His courtyard in the Upper Court is the Xuanlu-level Dongfu, and the higher level is the Qifu, which is on the same level as Jiuyang Daoyuan.

  However, Jiuyang Taoist Temple has been transformed by the monk Da Neng, and most of the aura is concentrated in the wooden buildings of various abbots, Xuanlu courtyards, or the place where the master is in charge of living.

   Except for these few places, the aura density in other places is only slightly better than outside.

  So when Lin Shen usually stayed in Jiuyang Daoyuan, he didn't feel deeply.

   Until then, I really realized how full the aura of the Qi Palace is.

  Lin Shen tried to operate the Nine Yang Heart Sutra, and instantly felt that the dense aura around him was almost scrambling to penetrate into the pores.

  In just a short while, he felt that his soul had grown a little stronger.

  Lin Shen couldn't help but be overjoyed. With such ample aura, if he could find a secluded place, summon all his avatars, and calm down to practice, he would have no problem entering the ninth level of Mingqiao within a month.

  Thinking about it this way, Lin Shen was not in a hurry to join Xie Jingsheng and the others.

  He has an avatar, and he is not afraid that no one will guard him when he is practicing, and he does not need to form a team with other people at all.

  In comparison, being alone is more free.

  The only problem is that without Ai Jingting, who is familiar with spiritual acupoints, once encountering an unexpected situation, she is likely to be caught blind.

   "However, it won't be too late to join them when we really encounter that situation."

  Lin Shen felt that with his current strength, as long as he didn't encounter monsters at the monk level, he didn't have to worry at all.

  Even if there are spirit monsters of this level in the spiritual cave, they have already been dealt with by the sect monks who investigated before, so there is no need to worry about it.

  Calm down, Lin Shen took out the map given by Xie Jingsheng and looked at it carefully.

  (end of this chapter)

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