MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 141 Cast spirit veins

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  Chapter 141 Casting Spirit Vein

   The battle of Jiuyangzong to clean up the sect did not last long.

  In the evening of that day, news came from Baihu Mountain that the entire Yan clan had been executed.

  Including the patriarch Yan Zhongrong, all seventeen monks of the Yan family died in battle.

   None of the tribe below the monk survived.

   So far, the Yan family has been officially removed from the Nine Suns Sect.

  The eighteen aristocratic families have also become seventeen.

  The Yan family was destroyed, but the subsequent influence continued to ferment in Jiuyangzong.

  But all of this has nothing to do with Jiuyang Taoist Temple.

  Compared to the follow-up turmoil brought about by the destruction of the Yan family, Lin Shen's killing of Yan Jingren had a greater impact in the Taoist monastery!

  For several days in a row, the name Lin Shen almost appeared in the topics that everyone must bring up after dinner.

  However, the person involved has no time to care about this kind of thing.

  On the third day after killing Yan Jingren, Lin Shen received an invitation from Xie Jingsheng and entered the Upper Court again.

  As soon as they met, Xie Jingsheng smiled and said, "Junior brother Lin, follow me, the teacher wants to see you."

  Lin Shen's heart skipped a beat.

   He was not impressed with Si Yuanpei.

  Whether it was an exceptional promotion to a Xuan-level disciple, or exposing the Yan family's swallowing of spiritual acupoints, he had either passively or actively interacted with Si Yuanpei.

   It's just an intersection. He has never seen Si Yuanpei with his own eyes so far.

   Now it's finally time to meet again!

  Lin Shen nodded slightly, and walked in side by side with Xie Jingsheng.

  On the way, Lin Shen asked about the spiritual acupoint.

  Yan Jingren's use of the spiritual acupoint's strength soared, which also caused a lot of trouble in the Taoist temple.

  Many disciples are very keen on the spiritual acupoint because of this matter, and they are eager to use the spiritual acupoint to quickly improve their cultivation level like Yan Jingren.

  Lin Shen is no exception.

  Although he has a clone and his cultivation speed is much faster than others, no one would dislike his cultivation speed too fast.

  If the spiritual acupoint allows him to improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds, he will not refuse either.

  As a disciple of Si Yuanpei, Xie Jingsheng knew more information than ordinary disciples. Hearing the words, he did not hide anything, and said with a smile:

"The Zongmen has already found the underground spiritual acupoint, and the acupoint has been fully opened. I guess it won't be long before the Zongmen will release quotas one after another, allowing disciples to enter the spiritual acupoint to practice. At that time, our Taoist academy should also get A batch of places."

  When it was mentioned that the spiritual acupoint had been fully opened, a meaningful light flashed in Xie Jingsheng's eyes.

  Lin Shen immediately understood.

  My previous guess was probably correct.

  The sect's move to postpone the attack did include the intention of using the Yan family to open the spiritual acupoint.

   Poor Yan family paid such a high price, and ended up making wedding dresses for others.

   While talking, the two unknowingly came to a wooden building.

  Xie Jingsheng stopped at the door, smiled at Lin Shen, and said, "Junior Brother, I will send you here."

   "Trouble brother!"

  Watching Xie Jingsheng leave, Lin Shen calmed down, turned around and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

  A deep and deep voice came from behind the door.

  Lin Shen pushed the door and entered, and what greeted his eyes was a quaint tea room.

  There is only one low table and two mats inside.

  On the futon near the inner side sat an old man with frosty temples.

  He is extremely tall, even when sitting, his straight body still gives people a sense of majesty and oppression.

  A pair of eyes are piercing, and the gaze is as sharp as a sharp sword.

   "Director." Lin Shen bowed slightly.

   He still has to have the minimum respect for this dean and monk.

"sit down."

  Si Yuanpei pointed to the futon in front of him, his face looked serious and solemn, but his tone was unexpectedly gentle.

  After Lin Shen sat down according to his words, Si Yuanpei swept his sleeve robe over the short table, and there were a few things on the table that was originally empty.

  Two tokens, a ring, and a jade tube.

   "You have made a lot of contributions to destroying the Yan family this time. The sect never treats those who have meritorious service lightly. From today onwards, you are a disciple of the upper court!"

  Si Yuanpei pointed to the two tokens on the table, and said calmly:

   "This is the identity token of the disciples of the upper court, and the order to enter the upper court."

  Lin Shen nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

   It was a matter of course for him to be promoted to the upper house disciple.

   Even if there is no reward from the sect, it will be a matter of time before one becomes a disciple of the Upper Court.

  The Zongmen must know this too, and they will not take the status as a disciple of the Upper Court as a reward. This is just incidental, and the real reward should be something else.

   Sure enough, Si Yuanpei then pointed to the ring.

   "The things stored in this storage ring are the Zongmen's reward for your contribution this time."

  Lin Shen's eyes fell on the storage ring.

  Si Yuanpei can personally deliver the storage ring to him, and the contents inside will definitely not be bad.

  But now is not the time to check, Lin Shen nodded slightly, and his eyes immediately fell on the last jade tube.

  Noticing his gaze, Si Yuanpei looked slightly solemn, and said in a deep voice:

   "Cultivating the Dao of Immortals, becoming a monk is the first and most important starting point. This pass is extremely important. Now that you have advanced to the sixth level of Mingqiao, you are not far from that pass. It is time to know something about becoming a monk."

   "This jade tube records a little bit of my experience about becoming a monk. Take it back and read it carefully."

  Lin Shen was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood that this was a personal gift from Si Yuanpei to him.

   After realizing it, Lin Shen couldn't help but be overjoyed.

  He can be said to have a blind eye on how to become a monk, and he is not sure whether it will be a matter of course after the ninth level of Mingqiao. He was thinking about how to collect information about the achievement of a monk, but he did not expect to send a pillow when he fell asleep.

  Si Yuanpei's assist came in time!

   "Thank you, Head of the Department!" Lin Shen said his thanks sincerely.

  The director of the department glanced at him, and suddenly showed a faint smile.

   "When you first entered the Taoist monastery, I promoted you to a Xuan-level disciple. Although it was to promote your faster growth, it caused you a lot of trouble after all. This jade tube should be regarded as compensation for you."

  Lin Shen was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

   It turned out to be because of this stubble.

   Laughing for a moment, Lin Shen suddenly remembered something and asked, "Master Si, I don't know about the Haoshan fox family."

Si Yuanpei was silent for a while, and said slowly: "This time, the Haoshan Fox Clan also contributed to the timely discovery of the Yan family's intentions. The Zongmen accepted their favor and secretly arrested the Yan family after they wiped out the Yan family. All the Haoshan foxes have been released."

  Hearing this, Lin Shen was a little surprised.

  In his prediction, the Zongmen should not let Haoshanhu go back to freedom so easily.

  After all, the third of the five demon tribes has gone, leaving the most secretive fox tribe and eagle tribe.

  Such an opportunity to weaken the fox department, is the sect willing to let it go?

  Even if Haoshanhu has the credit for exposing the Yan family, at most they will not be killed, and their freedom will be restricted by soul deeds, and they will be driven by the sect in the future. Wouldn’t it be better?

As if seeing Lin Shen's doubts, Si Yuanpei said indifferently: "When the Zongmen rushed to the mountain where the spiritual cave is located, there were no more than ten Haoshan foxes imprisoned there, and most of them were taken by the Yan family as blood sacrifices. Sacrifice."

  Lin Shen was stunned, and then sighed.

  Dare to love because the Haoshan Fox Clan has suffered so many casualties that the Zongmen couldn’t stand it anymore, so they let them go.

  After this incident, the Haoshan Fox Clan probably won’t be able to regain their vitality for hundreds of years, and they are no longer afraid.

  Just as he was feeling emotional, he suddenly heard Si Yuanpei say, "You must have the means to contact that fox demon named Qiu Li."

  There is nothing to hide about this, Lin Shen admitted frankly.

   "Be careful of that fox demon." Si Yuanpei said

  Lin Shen suddenly showed doubts: "Can the head of the department make it clear?"

  Si Yuanpei glanced at him and said, "She is a demon cultivator."

   After being stunned for several seconds, Lin Shen suddenly realized the meaning of Si Yuanpei's words, and immediately widened his eyes in astonishment.

  Qiu Li is a demon clan in the monk realm?

  But he obviously didn't feel the powerful aura from Qiu Li that day.

  Furthermore, if Qiu Li was a demon cultivator, how could he not be able to deal with even an incarnation of Wuluo?

   Fortunately, Si Yuanpei quickly resolved his confusion.

   "Qiu Li is the daughter of the contemporary patriarch of the Haoshan fox clan. She was seriously injured in the fight with Yan Zhongrong."

I see.

  Lin Shen was a little dazed.

   I didn't expect that I would come into contact with a demon cultivator unknowingly, and also had the experience of "living together and dying together".

  The world is really wonderful!

"In a short time, the sect will open the spiritual acupoints to the disciples in the sect. At that time, the disciples of the Taoist academy will also be in the ranks. In view of the credit this time, I will fight for a spot for you. I hope you will make good use of this opportunity." Si Yuan Pei said suddenly.

   I don't know if it was Lin Shen's illusion, but he felt that Si Yuanpei's words seemed to have a lot of meaning.

  But before he could figure it out, Si Yuanpei waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

  Lin Shen had no choice but to get up and leave.

  Walking out of the wooden building, Xie Jingsheng was still waiting outside, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

   "Congratulations, Junior Brother Lin, from now on you and I will be disciples of the upper court together!"

  Lin Shen thanked him, and asked about the treatment of the disciples of the Upper Court.

  Xie Jingsheng naturally answered everything.

  After listening to his narration, Lin Shen gradually understood.

   Compared with the disciples of the lower court, the treatment of the disciples of the upper court is more than a few chips.

  First of all, you can get the fixed meritorious service of the five middle schools every month.

  Secondly, you can have a courtyard equivalent to the level of a house in the upper courtyard.

  In addition, when the disciples of the upper court encounter difficulties in cultivation, they can also spend meritorious service to ask the master for advice.

  Don’t underestimate this point. There are many obstacles on the road of practice. If you have a famous teacher to guide you, you can avoid many detours, which will be of great help to your practice.

   This point may not be useful to the children of top aristocratic families, but it is of great benefit to the disciples of Hanpu or common people.

  Finally, the disciples of the upper court can still receive resources such as elixirs and magic weapons rewarded by the sect every once in a while.

  Of course, how to distribute depends on the game between the disciples of the Upper Court.

  After listening to Xie Jingsheng's words, Lin Shen nodded secretly.

  Although it is not very useful for him to ask the master about the difficulties of cultivation, the courtyard with fixed merit and house level every month is very good.

  The two talked while walking, and they came to a simple and elegant courtyard in a short time.

   Obviously, this is Lin Shen's residence in the Upper Court.

  After leading the way, Xie Jingsheng didn't stay long, bid farewell to Lin Shen and left.

  Watching him go away, Lin Shen took out the talisman to activate the restriction, and stepped into the courtyard.

  I didn't feel much outside, but after stepping into the courtyard, Lin Shen instantly felt the rich spiritual energy in the air, and its density was more than a notch higher than the abode where the heavenly disciples lived.

   "It's such a strong aura, the efficiency of practicing here is at least half higher than outside!" Lin Shen secretly praised.

  The layout of the courtyard is not luxurious, but it is chic and exquisite everywhere, which suits him very well.

  Walking around and getting acquainted with the environment of the courtyard, Lin Shen came to the practice room, sat cross-legged, and took out the storage ring and jade tube obtained from Si Yuanpei.

   After pondering for a while, Lin Shen first picked up the jade tube, concentrated his soul into it, and read it carefully.

  He was very interested in Si Yuanpei's record about becoming a monk.

  The jade tube recorded a lot of content, Lin Shen settled down to read it quietly, his eyes became brighter and brighter as time passed.

  As Si Yuanpei said, what is recorded in the jade tube is all about how to become a monk.

  After reaching the ninth level of Mingqiao, if a practitioner wants to go further and break through the cage to become a monk, he must first cast a spiritual vein.

   Only by casting spiritual veins can one transform true energy into spiritual energy, differentiate spiritual consciousness, and step into the immortal way reborn.

  The number of spiritual veins cast will also greatly affect the upper limit of the monk's future achievements.

  In the world of practice, the spirit veins are divided into grades one to five according to the number of spirit veins, with nine as the base number, from high to low.

   Among them, for the fifth grade, only nine spiritual veins need to be cast.

   And this is also the minimum requirement for becoming a monk.

  The higher the appearance of the spiritual pulse, the greater the potential of the monk, and vice versa.

  Cultivators who are promoted with fifth-grade spiritual veins are almost doomed to never break through the Yunling stage in their entire lives.

  From the moment he was promoted, he was labeled with a gloomy future.

  Fourth-grade spiritual veins need to forge eighteen spiritual veins, and it is possible to break through the spirit-yun stage in the future.

  Third-grade spiritual veins need to forge twenty-seven spiritual veins.

   If there is no accident, breaking through the Yunling stage is almost a certainty.

   Not to mention the second-grade spiritual veins, although there are as many as thirty-six spiritual veins that need to be forged, but once successful, it will have a bright future and extraordinary achievements!

  The real person in charge of the Jiuyang Sect today was a monk with a second-grade spiritual vein back then!

  As for the first-grade spiritual vein, which is even higher, it is only heard in rumors, and everyone who encounters this kind of situation is a person with great prestige in the Taoist sect.

  There may have been people in the Tokaido who became monks with a first-grade spiritual vein, but such a person has never appeared in the Nine Suns Sect.

   And to achieve a first-grade spiritual vein, you need to forge as many as forty-five spiritual veins!

  The further back the spirit vein is, the more difficult it is to cast, and it requires countless time, energy and resources.

  Those who can forge 20 or 30 spiritual veins, and possess third-grade spiritual veins, are considered to have a bright future.

   To create forty-five spiritual veins, talent, resources, and opportunities are all indispensable. Only those with a deep background and great perseverance can't do it!

   "Is it a first-class spiritual pulse?"

  Lin Shen's eyes flickered, and his heart was burning.

  Ordinary monks are already very satisfied if they can achieve the fourth-grade spiritual vein.

  Even for the children of aristocratic families, the goal is only the third-rank or second-rank spiritual veins.

   Almost no one expects to achieve first-grade spiritual veins.

   After all, it is too far away and ethereal.

  But Lin Shen is different, he has a clone, so he has to challenge the highest spirit vein no matter what.

  Thousands of feet of high-rise buildings are built on the ground. Only by laying a solid foundation can we climb to a higher level in the future!

   After calming down, Lin Shen calmed down and continued to browse.

  Casting the spirit pulse requires a kind of medicine called casting spirit pill.

   Depending on the talent and aptitude of the practitioner, the number of spirit casting pills required to cast the spirit veins also varies.

   Talented people may be able to cast the first spiritual vein with only one spirit casting pill.

  And some people with inferior bones may take four or five spirit casting pills, but they may not be able to cast the first spiritual vein.

  Many monks with insufficient qualifications have invested countless energy resources throughout their lives. After casting seven or eight spiritual veins, they have made no progress.

   Such as Leng Guangting.

   But the only thing in common is that the further back the spiritual veins are, the more spiritual casting pills are needed when casting them.

   "I don't know how many casting pills I need to cast the first spiritual vein?"

  Lin Shen thought to himself.

  Casting panacea is extremely precious.

  Taking a mouthful from the jade tube, the Meritorious Academy now has casting pills available for exchange.

   It's just a price of ten Zhonggong, which is comparable to ten bottles of Yangshen Pill!

   But if you want to cast a spiritual vein, even if it is only a fifth-grade spiritual vein, you need tens or hundreds of spirit casting pills, which ordinary practitioners simply cannot afford.

   "Unless you are a member of an aristocratic family, or someone like Senior Brother Xie who has a teacher behind you, the mere step of collecting and casting spirit pills is enough to stump many people!" Lin Shen secretly sighed.

  Suddenly, his gaze paused, and he saw a description in the jade tube.

  According to the description, the most important and also the most expensive blind material for refining casting spirit pills is called spirit dust, which is the essence left after the body of a spirit monster called Di Po dies.

  Di Po often haunts deep underground places with strong aura.

   Which includes the underground spiritual point!

  Seeing this, Lin Shen finally understood what Si Yuanpei meant by his last words.

   There are a large number of earth souls in the spiritual cave in the Longyuan Mountains. If you can enter the spiritual cave, it will undoubtedly be a great opportunity to collect spiritual dust.

  As long as he has enough spiritual dust, he can find other materials by himself, and then ask alchemists to help refine the casting pill in the alchemy pavilion.

   It is undoubtedly very beneficial for him, a commoner disciple who has no family resources to support him.

   "It seems that I have to go to the spiritual cave!"

  Lin Shen's eyes flickered, and he soon became concerned.

  If you want to forge first-grade spiritual veins, you will need a lot of spiritual casting pills.

   Only relying on the way of earning meritorious service to exchange, I don’t know how much time it will take to gather enough spirit casting pills.

  In comparison, going to the spiritual cave to hunt and kill the earth souls to collect spiritual dust is undoubtedly more efficient.

  Flicked through the contents of the jade tube again, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, Lin Shen put away the jade tube.

  Just as he was about to pick up the storage ring, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a thought flashed in his mind.

  Creating spiritual veins is easy first and then difficult. In this case, can you let the clones cast their own spiritual veins first, and then fuse them into your own body?

   You need to know seven clones, plus him, there are eight people, and each person only needs to forge six spiritual veins, which add up to more than forty-five!

  (end of this chapter)